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1630 R08.02.

Alcatel 1000 ASAM
Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade
Issue 1, July 2003
1630 R08.02.00
Alcatel USA 2003 -- All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.
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Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Table of Contents
1. Overview 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Upgrade/Migration Prerequisites 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1Verify proper security block configuration 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2Perform an ASAM database backup 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3Import software to the AMS / download software to the ASAM 7 . . . . . .
Procedure 2.3.1 -- Import ASAM software to AMS from the CD 7 . . . . .
Procedure 2.3.2 -- Run the setAsamVersion script 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 2.3.3 -- Delete old software/rollback database from the NT 11
Procedure 2.3.4 -- Download new software to the NT 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Upgrade/Migrate Using The AMS 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1Upgrade/Migration prerequisites for AMS 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1Verify proper software loads 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.2Verify AMS configuration 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.3Verify system is alarm free 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.4Remove loopbacks 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.5Stop AMS performance monitoring logs 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2Upgrade/Migrate the software 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 3.2.1 -- Upgrade the LTs 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 3.2.2 -- Upgrade/Migrate NT software 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3Post upgrade/migration items 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 3.3.1 -- System verification and cleanup 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 3.3.2 -- Delete backup database and old software 22 . . . . . .
3.4Downgrade the ASAM 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 3.4.1 -- Downgrade the LTs 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 3.4.2 -- Downgrade NT software 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5Rollback 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Upgrade/Migrate Using TL1 Commands 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1Upgrade/Migration prerequisites for TL1 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
4.1.1Verify proper software loads 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2Upgrade/Migrate software 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 4.2.1 -- Upgrade the LTs 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 4.2.2 -- Upgrade/Migrate NT software 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3Post upgrade/migration Items 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 4.3.1 -- System verification and cleanup 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 4.3.2 -- Delete old software/rollback database 32 . . . . . . . . . .
4.4Downgrade the ASAM software 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 4.4.1 -- Downgrade the LT software 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 4.4.2 -- Downgrade NT software 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Rollback Procedure 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 4.5.1 -- Rollback NT 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 4.5.2 -- Downgrade the LT software 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure 4.5.3 -- Discover the ASAM on the AMS 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
1. Overview
1.1 This document outlines the software upgrade/migration procedure
for 1000 ASAMs to the new FG8.1.1 (R04.03.20) software. Supported
upgrade and migration paths are listed in Table A.
Table A. Supported Migrations
Type: From: To
Migration FG7.x (R4.2.x) FG8.1.1/R4.3.20
FG8 (R4.02.20)
Upgrade FG8.1 (R4.3)
* See Step 1.8 for definitions of migration and upgrade.
* If subtended ASAMs are being upgraded/migrated, they must be upgraded to the
new software before the host ASAM.
* If migrating from a system with a D1NT--B from a Feature Group prior to FG7.0
migrate to FG7.0.4 first.
* Only D1NT--B units are supported in FG8.1.1.
CAUTION Migration of a D1NT--B from FG7.0 through FG7.0.2 to FG8.1.1:
PCN 03--0121: Call the Alcatel Technical Assistance Center at
888--252--2832 (or 972--5189--4141) and reference PCN03--0121
BEFORE attempting to migrate the D1NT--A/B units to this FG8.1.1
release. Failure to do so may result in file system corruptions on the
D1NT--B units if PCN 03--0121 has not been implemented. If PCN
03--0121 has been implemented no additional steps are required to the
FG8.1.1 Upgrade procedure.
CAUTION Migration of a D1NT--B from FG7.0.3 to FG8.1.1:
Call the Alcatel Technical Assistance Center at 888--252--2832 (or
972--5189--4141) BEFORE attempting to migrate the D1NT--A/B units to
this FG8.1.1 release.
CAUTION Migration of a D1NT--B from FG7.0.4 to FG8.1.1:
Due to the file size restrictions on the D1NT--B the following procedure
must be observed:
1 If migrating from a release prior to FG7.0 migrate to FG7.0.4
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
2 In procedure 2.3.4 download only the FG8.1.1 D1NT--B
software to the ASAM.
NOTE: The only software loads that should be present on the ASAM
during the migration should be FG7.0.4 D1NT--B (JK4HAA42.222),
FG7.0.4 ADLT--E (HH3CAA42.218) and the new FG8.1.1 D1NT--B
(JK4HAH43.206) software load.
3 Skip the Upgrade the LTs, Procedure 3.2.1 for an AMS
migration or Procedure 4.2.1 for a TL1 migration, and proceed
directly to Upgrade/Migrate the NT.
4 After a successful migration of the D1NT--B to FG8.1.1 return
to procedure 2.3.4 and download the FG8.1.1 ADLT--E
software (HH3CAA.205 to the ASAM.
5 Proceed to the Upgrade the LTs section, Procedure 3.2.1 for an
AMS migration or Procedure 4.2.1 for a TL1 migration.
1.2 This procedure is divided into 4 sections.
-- Section 1 (this section) is an overview of this document
and the upgrade/migration process.
-- Section 2 contains Upgrade/Migration Prerequisite
Information applicable to all systems.
-- Section 3 is for Upgrade/Migrating using AMS.
-- Section 4 is for Upgrade/Migrating using TL1
1.3 Sections 1 and 2 are applicable to all systems except as noted in
the text. Choose Section 3 or 4 depending on the management system
(AMS or TL1).
1.4 You can substitute equivalent TL1 commands for the AMS and
vice versa. Some operations can only be accomplished via a specific
interface (AMS or TL1) as indicated in the text.
For example, even when upgrading via TL1, you must use the AMS to
import software and backup the ASAM database.
1.5 The FG8.1.1 (R4. 1000 ASAM is compatible with AMS 4.2.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
1.6 This document is intended to complement the FG8.1.1 Alcatel
1000 ASAM Customer Release Notes (Generic Release Description) 3EC
09911 DEZZA.
Section 3 in the Customer Release Notes Document lists the new ASAM
software loads for FG8.1.1.
1.7 There should be no unexplained system alarms or other problems
in the system prior to performing this migration.
1.8 New software is installed on the ASAM by upgrading or migrating
to the new software version.
NOTE Going from FG8.1 to FG8.1.1 is an upgrade.
The term Upgrade means that the same database is still used after the
upgrade. The database (MIB) is not modified and remains compatible with
the original release. No rollback database is created. An example of an
upgrade is FG8.1 to FG8.1.1. If it becomes necessary the ASAM can be
reconfigured to the original software (downgraded).
NOTE Going from FG7.x and FG8 to FG8.1.1 is a migration.
The term Migration implies that the database on the ASAM is modified
from its original contents to work with the new release. Migration is
typically used to move between major releases (i.e., FG7 to FG8.1). The
original database is stored as the backup (rollback) database while the
modified version becomes the active database. If it becomes necessary to
revert to the original database, use the TL1 RST-MEM command.
WARNING If, after doing a migration, it becomes necessary to revert to the
original software, follow the rollback procedure in this document. Do
not edit the NT software to the original load via TL1 or activate the
original load on the AMS. Data corruption and a service outage can
CAUTION If problems are encountered during this procedure, work should be
suspended and contact Alcatel Technical Support immediately to
investigate the situation.
Alcatel provides technical assistance (24 hours, 7 days per week). Call
1-888-252-2832. For International technical assistance, call
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
2. Upgrade/Migration Prerequisites
2.1 Verify proper security block configuration
From the TL1 command interface, verify that the UAGE parameter in the
user security block is set to 0.
1 From the craft interface, retrieve the SECU data block:
2 Edit the UAGE value to 0 for users where it is not zero:
ED-SECU-USER::<user id>::::UAGE=0;
NOTE Setting the UAGE parameter to zero is recommended to minimize flash
file system updates. This minimizes the possibility of file system
2.2 Perform an ASAM database backup
1 From the Domain window, right-click on the icon for the ASAM
being upgraded.
2 Select the Backup/Restore option to display the Database
Backup/Restore window.
3 In the Targets area of the window, left click on ASAM.
4 Left-click on the Backup tab located in the middle left of the
5 Select Actions > Start and left-click on the Yes button to initiate
the backup.
The state field in the Database Backup Status portion of the
window progresses from Start to Receiving to Inactive.
6 Verify the Completion Status field shows No Error.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
2.3 Import software to the AMS /
download software to the ASAM
When upgrading or migrating an ASAM to a new Feature Group software
load, the normal sequence is to import the file to the AMS, download it to
one or more ASAMs, then activate the files at the ASAM level.
NOTE The operator must be logged on the AMS server (not a client) and have
system provisioner access to import/download software files.
Procedure 2.3.1 -- Import ASAM software to AMS from the CD
It is only necessary to perform this procedure once per AMS.
Step Procedure
1 Insert the FG8.1.1 upgrade CD-ROM into the AMS server CD-ROM drive.
2 From the AMS Access Manager (Launcher) window, left-click on the Software
button to display the Software Management window as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Software Management Window
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
3 Highlight ASAM Software Management (Figure 1).
4 Select Edit > Add Software to display the Import ASAM Software window as
shown in Figure 2.
NOTE: If the Add Software menu option is not available, double-click on ASAM
Software ManagemeNT-Before highlighting it.
Figure 2 Import ASAM Software Window
5 If the File System button is not on, left-click the button.
NOTE: Figure 2 shows the File System button on.
6 In the File Name field enter:
This is case sensitive. See Figure 2.
7 Import the software as a package. Left-click the As Package button.
8 Enter the name and description for the package.
9 Left-click OK.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
10 Verify that the software files are now present in the Software Management
window (Figure 1).
The software appears as individual loads and also as a package containing the
individual loads.
11 From the root directory (cd //) in a terminal window, remove the CD by entering
eject (File Manager also has an eject option).
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Procedure 2.3.2 -- Run the setAsamVersion script
Run the setAsamVersion script to update the AMS so that it
acknowledges the new NT loads. The script needs to be run for each new
NT load.
NOTE If this script isnt run, the AMS will have problems loading the NT-And/or
discovering the ASAM. You will see a System Unreachable: Version
Error message.
Step Procedure
NOTE: It is only necessary to perform this procedure once per AMS.
1 Logged in as Superuser (su) on an AMS terminal window, change the directory
(if necessary) to /opt/ALAams/bin
2 Run the setAsamVersion script:
3 The script asks, What is the new ASAM version?
Enter the new NT software load name (for example KMXXAA43.213) and press
the return key.
NOTE: KMXXAA43.213 may not represent the actual FG8.1.1 load. See Section 3
in the Customer Release Notes for this information.
4 The script asks, What is the ASAM dictionary?
Enter the ASAM dictionary name and hit the return key.
For FG8.1.1, it is Asam.FG8.1.
5 The script responds with Version map is updated and Proxies are re--configured
with the new changes.
6 If there are other new NT loads being added, the script needs to be rerun for
7 Run the setAsamVersion script procedure is complete.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Procedure 2.3.3 -- Delete old software/rollback database from
the NT
This section is used to delete old software files and a rollback data base
(if present) prior to performing this migration and again after the migration
has deemed satisfactory for a sufficient interval of time.
All NT and LT software loads and are stored on the the NT-Board. A
shortage of storage space on the NT will interfere with this procedure and
can negatively impact system performance.
If the system was previously migrated to the current software load a
rollback database was created and is using storage space shared with the
software loads.
It is necessary to delete any software loads not required for the current
configuration. If a rollback database is present (from this migration or a
previous one) it must be deleted.
NOTE If you are using this section after completing the migration deleting the
original software loads and rollback database eliminates the option of
reverting to the previous system configuration. Do not delete these items
until you are certain that rollback will not be required.
NOTE The system administrator should periodically purge unused files to avoid
storage capacity issues. If any old files and outdated rollback databases
have been already cleaned up, parts of this procedure may prove
CAUTION New software cannot be loaded to the NT if there is a shortage of
storage and system performance may be impacted.
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Step Procedure
1 Use the TL1, RTRV-EQPT::ALL; command to obtain a record of the office
configuration. This can be used to determine the current software loads in use.
On the AMS, you can view the NT or LT Equipment Unit windows to determine
the current software loads. This information should be recorded.
2 If there is a rollback database present on NT-A from a previous migration it must
be deleted. This is done in TL1.
Obtain the operational status report for the NE:
The line for COM:MEMMIGR indicates COMPLETE if there is a rollback
database present.
3 If present delete the Rollback database:
4 View the software installed (stored) on the NT. From the ASAM Node window,
View > Installed Software
5 If necessary delete any unused/passive software versions.
Highlight the software to be deleted.
Select Edit > Delete
Only one load can be deleted at a time. Repeat this action for all loads that are
being deleted.
NOTE: Active software cannot be deleted from the NT unit.
6 Stop this procedure is complete.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Procedure 2.3.4 -- Download new software to the NT
Step Procedure
1 From the AMS Access Manager (Launcher) window, left-click on the Software
button to display the Software Management window (Figure 1).
Expand the Software Load(s) section (if necessary) and highlight (using the left
mouse button) the software load(s) to be downloaded to the ASAM.
See Section 3 of the Customer Release Notes for information on the software
NOTE The shift key allows you to highlight all values between two points in the
list. The control key allows multiple selections from throughout the list.
2 Select Actions > Start Download.
The Choose Systems window opens. (Figure 3)
Figure 3 Choose System Window (Start Download)
3 Select the system or systems to download the selected software.
NOTE: The shift key allows you to highlight all values between two points in the
list. The control key allows multiple selections from throughout the list.
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
4 Left-click OK.
5 Acknowledge the warning on space limitations by clicking Yes.
6 To view the status of a download to a particular ASAM, navigate to the Domain
window containing the target ASAM. Right-click on that ASAMs icon and select
Download Monitor from the drop-down box to open the ASAM System Sw
Download window.
The Download State progresses from Downloading to Inactive when
complete. Download Completion Status reads No Error.
NOTE: If you are downloading software to multiple ASAMs, you can view the
status information of all the ASAMs from the Software Management window.
Highlight ASAM Software Management, and select View > Download Summary.
This information clears as soon as the download completes, successfully or not.
7 From the ASAM Node window for the target ASAM, select View > Software and
verify that the expected software loads are present.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
3. Upgrade/Migrate Using The AMS
3.1 Upgrade/Migration prerequisites for AMS
3.1.1 Verify proper software loads
This is an AMS procedure to upgrade/migrate 1000 ASAM systems
currently running Feature Group 7.x/8/8.1 to the new Feature Group 8.1.1
The ASAM System window indicates the current NE Software Version
(e.g., Asam.FG8.1 for FG8.1).
You can also cross reference the software load on the NT to the Feature
Group designations listed in Section 3 of the Customer Release Notes.
3.1.2 Verify AMS configuration
FG8.1.1 (R4.3.20) 1000 ASAM is compatible with AMS R4.2.
3.1.3 Verify system is alarm free
On the AMS, system icons with a green outline indicate that there are no
alarms present. Other colors indicate the highest level alarm set in the
system, red for critical, orange for major, and yellow for minor alarms.
There should be no unexplained alarms prior to this procedure.
3.1.4 Remove loopbacks
Remove all loopbacks before the migration. Record any loopbacks that
need to be put back up after the migration is complete.
3.1.5 Stop AMS performance monitoring logs
Step Procedure
1 From the monitored facility window (Access Manger > Performance), highlight the
facility being monitored.
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
2 Select File > Open to display the PM Log window. Record any facilities being
monitored so they can be reset after the migration.
3 Highlight the log you want to stop.
4 Select Edit > Stop Log
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
3.2 Upgrade/Migrate the software
CAUTION The following actions cause service interruption. Traffic is restored
when the LTs are upgraded and the NT reset is complete.
Procedure 3.2.1 -- Upgrade the LTs
Reference Section 3 of the Customer Release Notes for the software
NOTE In addition to the procedure described below, LTs can be individually
upgraded from the ASAM Equipment Unit window,
Actions > Activate Software.
Step Procedure
1 From the AMS Domain window, right-click on the target ASAM and select the
System (LT) Software Activation option to display the System LT Software
Activation window (see Figure 4).
You can upgrade all LTs of the same type at the same time.
Figure 4 System LT Software Activation Window
NOTE: The System LT Software activation window only displays equipped
boards. Preplanned boards not yet equipped in the system will not be displayed
here and should be upgraded from the ASAM Equipment Unit window.
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
2 Select the Equipment Type from the drop-down box.
NOTE: Select the equipment type from the drop-down box even if you are
reloading the equipment type that is the default value when the window opens.
3 Select the corresponding new Software Load from the drop-down box.
4 Select Actions > Start.
Left-click Yes to confirm the operation.
In the System LT Software Activation window, Activation box, the designation
Scheduled changes to Done upon completion of the download.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Procedure 3.2.2 -- Upgrade/Migrate NT software
Step Procedure
1 Navigate to the ASAM Equipment Unit window for the NT (NT-A) board.
2 Select Actions > Activate Software to open the Choose Software window.
3 Select the new software load (e.g., KMXXAA43.213 for D3NT-B in FG8.1.1) from
the drop-down box.
NOTE: KMXXAA43.213 may not represent the actual FG8.1.1 load. See Section 3
in the Customer Release Notes for this information.
Left-click OK and then Yes to confirm the software activation.
The ASAM initiates a restart.
4 Observe the following
-- On the Equipment Unit (NT-A) window, the Equipment Software Version
immediately reflects the new load and the Current Software Version
reflects the original load.
-- A Discovery Needed message displays on all open windows for the target
-- The AMS looses communication with the ASAM. This normally is
indicated by an X across the ASAMs icon in the Domain window and a
System unreachable - communication error message at the bottom of
associated windows.
If this indication is not received see the note below.
-- After a few more minutes, the reset completes and communication
between the AMS and the ASAM resumes. The X is no longer visible.
-- The NE Software Version field changes to indicate Asam.FG8.1.1 and not
the original version.
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
NOTE: In some instances the AMS does not indicate the loss of communication.
The NE Software Version on the ASAM System window does not change to
reflect the new FG8.1.1 version.
In this case allow the ASAM sufficient time to complete the reset. Lock the
system from the Domain window by right-clicking on the ASAMs icon and select
Lock System. Then Unlock the system. This causes the AMS to reset its data.
If problems are encountered, contact Alcatel for assistance. See Section 1 for
contact information. For information to Downgrade to FG 8.1 see Section 3.4.
For information to rollback (via TL1) to FG 7.x/8 see Section 4.5.
5 Initiate a discovery from the ASAM System window:
Actions > Discover
6 Upon successful completion of the software activation and an AMS discovery,
the Current Software Version and the Equipped Software Version on the ASAM
Equipment Unit windows for NT-A both reflect the new load.
7 On the ASAM System window, the NE Software Version field now indicates
Asam.FG8.1. and not the original version.
8 This section is complete. Continue with Section 3.3, Post upgrade items.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
3.3 Post upgrade/migration items
Procedure 3.3.1 -- System verification and cleanup
Step Procedure
1 Verify that on the ASAM Equipment window for NT-A the Current Software
Version and the Equipped Software Version reflect the new load.
2 Navigate to the ASAM Node window and view the alarms:
View > Alarms
The system should be free of alarms.
3 If LTs are in alarm, navigate to the Equipment Unit window for the LT.
Verify that the LT is in service normal (IS-NR) and the equipped and current
software versions are correct.
4 If necessary, reset the primary service state:
Actions > Set Primary Service State > IS
5 If necessary, activate the correct software load:
Select Actions > Activate Software to open the Choose Software window.
6 Select the new software load from the drop-down box.
Left-click OK and then Yes to confirm the software activation.
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
7 Verify that the system is alarm free, i.e., no software version rollback alarms,
commerr alarms, etc..
View > Alarms
NOTE: If problems are encountered, contact Alcatel for assistance. See Section
1 for contact information. For information to Downgrade to FG 8.1 see Section
3.4. For information to rollback (via TL1) to FG 7.x/8 see Section 4.5.
8 Re-enable any loopbacks disabled at the start of this procedure, as required.
9 Restart performance monitoring logs that were stopped at the beginning of this
procedure, as required.
Procedure 3.3.2 -- Delete backup database and old software
CAUTION Possibility of service interruption. Be certain that the system has
been running trouble free for a sufficient interval before deleting old
NOTE: After successful migration, problems may result if persistency is erased
on an ASAM containing old LT software. Do not do an AMS, Reset > Total or
To avoid this, delete all old LT software from the ASAM (reference Section 3 in
the Customer Release Notes document for a list of current software).
To delete the software loads associate with the previous configuration and
the rollback created during the migration see Procedure 2.3.3.
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
3.4 Downgrade the ASAM
CAUTION The following actions cause service interruption. Traffic is restored
when the NT reset is complete and all LTs are back in service. It can
take up to 10 minutes for all LTs to return to service.
NOTE: A downgrade is needed to go from FG8.1.1 to FG8.1, this procedure. A
rollback is needed to go from FG8.1.1 to FG 7.x and FG8, Section 3.5.
In the event it becomes necessary to revert to the original system
configuration, this procedure is used to downgrade to the original FG 8.1
configuration, after having upgraded to FG8.1.1.
NOTE Do not use the TL1 rollback command to revert to the original
software version. A downgrade (edit software) is called for. Possible
data corruption and a service outage may occur if the wrong
procedure is used.
NOTE If the old software (NT or LT) has been deleted, it must be re-downloaded
to the NT (see Procedure 2.3.4).
Procedure 3.4.1 -- Downgrade the LTs
If the LTs have been upgraded to the new FG8.1.1 software, use this
procedure to re-apply the original software to the LTs in non-redundant or
redundant systems.
In addition to the procedure described below, LTs can be individually
downgraded from the ASAM Equipment Unit window by selecting
Actions > Activate Software.
Step Procedure
1 From the AMS Domain window, right-click on the target ASAM and select
System Software Activation to display the System LT Software Activation
You can downgrade all LTs of the same type at the same time.
2 Select the Equipment Type from the drop-down box.
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
NOTE: Select the equipment type from the drop-down box even if you are
reloading the equipment type that is the default value when the window opens.
3 Select the original LT Software Load from the drop-down box.
4 Select Actions > Start.
Left-click Yes to confirm the operation.
In the System LT Software Activation window, Activation box, the designation
Scheduled will change to Done upon completion of the download.
5 Stop. LT downgrade procedure is complete. To downgrade the NT(s) go to
Procedure 3.4.2.
Procedure 3.4.2 -- Downgrade NT software
CAUTION The following actions cause service interruption. Traffic is restored
when the NT reset is complete and all LTs are back in service.
Step Procedure
1 Navigate to the ASAM Equipment Unit window for the NT (NT-A) board.
2 Select Actions > Activate Software to display the Choose Software window.
3 Select the original software load (e.g., KMXXAA43.032 for D3NT-B in FG8.1)
from the drop-down box.
Left-click OK and then Yes to confirm the software activation.
The ASAM initiates a restart.
4 Observe the following:
-- On the Equipment Unit (NT-A) window the Equipment Software Version
immediately reflects the original load and the Current Software Version
reflects the new load.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
-- The Domain window displays a discovery needed message for the target
-- After a few minutes, the AMS looses communication with the ASAM,
indicated by an X across the ASAMs icon in the Domain window.
-- After a few more minutes, the reset completes and communication
between the AMS and the ASAM resumes. The X is no longer visible.
-- The AMS displays multiple discovery needed messages for the target
NOTE: If problems are encountered, contact Alcatel for assistance. See Section
1 for contact information.
5 Close the ASAM Node window (if open).
6 Initiate a discovery from the ASAM System window:
Actions > Discover
7 Stop. This section is complete.
3.5 Rollback
The AMS does not currently support the rollback command. If a rollback
becomes necessary it must be performed via the TL1 interface. See
Section 4.5.
You must do a rollback if you want to go back to the original FG 7.x/8
configuration after migrating to FG8.1.1.
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
4. Upgrade/Migrate Using TL1 Commands
4.1 Upgrade/Migration prerequisites for TL1
4.1.1 Verify proper software loads
This is a TL1 procedure to upgrade 1000 ASAM systems currently
running FG7.x, FG8 or FG8.1 to the new Feature Group 8.1.1 (R4.3.20)
If the current Feature Group is not known, retrieve the NT equipment
block, RTRV-EQPT::NT;. Cross reference the software load with Section 3
in the Customer Release Notes to determine the Feature Group.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
4.2 Upgrade/Migrate software
CAUTION The following actions cause service interruption. Traffic is restored
when the NT is upgraded and the reset is complete.
NOTE: See Section 3 in the Customer Release Notes for the new NT software
load requirements.
Procedure 4.2.1 -- Upgrade the LTs
Use this procedure to upgrade the LTs.
Reference Section 3 of the Customer Release Notes for the software
Step Procedure
1 Retrieve the system configuration for reference while upgrading the LTs.
2 Use the edit equipment command to upgrade the LTs:
<new_sw_load> is the FG8.1.1 software for the associated board type.
Example input to edit a single ADLT-E (1000 ASAM):
Example input to edit multiple LTs (all slots in a shelf equipped with ADLT-Es):
NOTE: In the example above you could group together ADLT-Es and Ms
because they use the same software load.
NOTE: HH3CAA43.205 may not represent the actual FG8.1.1 load. See Section 3
in the Customer Release Notes for new LT load information.
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
NOTE: Grouping (&) and ranging(&&) options can be used to target the
command to multiple aids.
An example of ranging: LT-1-1-1&&-12 would include all the aids from LT-1-1-1
through LT-1-1-12 inclusive.
An example of grouping: LT-1-1-1&LT-1-2-1 etc., would include LT-1-1-1 and
An example of ranging and grouping: LT-1-1-1&&-6&LT-1-2-1&&-6 would include
all the aids from LT-1-1-1 through LT-1-1-6 inclusive and LT-1-2-1 through
LT-1-2-6 inclusive.
Limit the ranging and/or grouping to approximately 12 LTs (equivalent of 1 shelf)
per command, allowing the system time to edit the LTs.
3 The LT upgrade section is complete. Go to Procedure 4.2.2 to upgrade an NT.
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Procedure 4.2.2 -- Upgrade/Migrate NT software
Step Procedure
1 Retrieve the NT equipment data block:
*Example data for FG7.0.1.
2 Activate the new NT software on NT-A:
Example - new_sw_load = KMXXAA43.213
Example input to edit a single NTA (1000 ASAM):
NOTE: KMXXAA43.213 may not represent the actual FG8.1.1 load. See Section 3
in the Customer Release Notes for this information.
3 The system resets. This can take a couple of minutes. When the reset
completes, log in at the craft terminal.
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
4 Retrieve the NT equipment data block:
*Example data for FG8.1.1. Actual data may vary.
The NT shows the new FG8.1.1 software load as both the SWVER (planned)
and the CURSWVER (configured).
NOTE: If problems are encountered, contact Alcatel for assistance. See Section
1 for contact information.
5 Upgrading the NT is complete. Go to Section 4.3, Post Upgrade Items.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
4.3 Post upgrade/migration Items
Procedure 4.3.1 -- System verification and cleanup
Step Procedure
1 Retrieve the alarms and verify that there are no LT communication error
(COMMERR) alarms in the system:
2 If there are COMMERR alarms, retrieve the LT equipment indicated:
3 If necessary, edit the board, setting the software version and the primary service
state as required.
4 Verify the system configuration via the TL1 command:
This identifies the current software on the NT-and LT boards and the status of
the boards.
Verify that the correct software is associated with each board and that each
board is IS-NR (in service normal).
5 The system should have no unexplained alarms, e.g., software version rollback
alarms, commerr alarms, etc..
6 On the AMS, close the ASAM Node window (if open).
7 Initiate an AMS discovery from the ASAM System window:
Actions > Discover
Upon successful completion of the discovery, verify that:
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
On the ASAM Equipment window for NT-A the Current Software Version and the
Equipped Software Version reflect the new load.
On the ASAM System window, the NE Software Version field indicates
NOTE: If the NE Software Version on the ASAM System window does not reflect
the new FG8.1.1, version try locking the system from the Domain window.
Right-click on the ASAMs icon and select Lock System. Then Unlock the
8 Re-enable any loopbacks disabled at the start of this procedure, as required.
9 Restart performance monitoring logs that were stopped at the beginning of this
procedure, as required.
10 In the event it becomes necessary to revert to the original system configuration
use Section 4.4 to downgrade to FG 8.1 using TL1 or Section 4.5 to roll back to
NOTE: If problems are encountered, contact Alcatel for assistance. See Section
1 for contact information.
11 STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 4.3.2 -- Delete old software/rollback database
CAUTION Possibility of service interruption. Be certain that the system has
been running trouble free for a sufficient interval before deleting old
software and the rollback database.
NOTE: After successful migration, problems may result if persistency is erased
on an ASAM containing old LT software. Do not do an AMS, Reset > Total or
To avoid this, delete all old LT software from the ASAM (reference Section 3 in
the Customer Release Notes document for a list of current software).
To delete the software loads associate with the previous configuration and
the rollback created during the migration see Procedure 2.3.3.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
4.4 Downgrade the ASAM software
In the event it becomes necessary to revert to the original system
configuration this procedure is used to downgrade to the original FG 8.1
configuration after having upgraded to FG8.1.1.
CAUTION The following actions cause service interruption. Traffic is restored
when the NT reset is complete and all LTs are back in service. It can
take up to 10 minutes for all LTs to return to service.
NOTE Do not use the TL1 rollback command to revert to the original
software version. A downgrade (edit software) is called for. Possible
data corruption and a service outage may occur if the wrong
procedure is used.
NOTE If the old software (NT or LT) has been deleted, it must be re-downloaded
to the NT (see Procedure 2.3.4).
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Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Procedure 4.4.1 -- Downgrade the LT software
Step Procedure
1 Use the edit equipment command to downgrade the LTs:
<original_sw_load> is the FG8.1 software for the associated board type.
Example input to edit a single ADLT-E for FG8.1:
Example input to edit multiple LTs (all slots in a shelf equipped with ADLT-Es):
NOTE: Grouping (&) and ranging(&&) options can be used to target the
command to multiple aids.
An example of ranging: LT-1-1-1&&-12 would include all the aids from LT-1-1-1
through LT-1-1-12 inclusive.
An example of grouping: LT-1-1-1&LT-1-2-1 etc., would include LT-1-1-1 and
An example of ranging and grouping: LT-1-1-1&&-6&LT-1-2-1&&-6 would include
all the aids from LT-1-1-1 through LT-1-1-6 inclusive and LT-1-2-1 through
LT-1-2-6 inclusive.
Limit the ranging and/or grouping to approximately 12 LTs (equivalent of 1 shelf)
per command, allowing the system time to edit the LTs.
2 Has the NT software been upgraded?
Yes, go to Procedure 4.4.2, Downgrade NT software
No, go to Step 3.
3 Stop. This downgrade procedure is complete.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Procedure 4.4.2 -- Downgrade NT software
Step Procedure
1 Log onto a craft terminal.
Default login/password = SUPERUSER/ANS#150 (case sensitive).
2 Retrieve the NT equipment data block:
*Example data for FG8.1.1. Actual data may vary.
3 Activate the original NT software on NT-A:
4 The system resets. This can take a couple of minutes. When the reset completes
log in at the craft terminal.
5 Retrieve the NT equipment data block:
*Example data FG8.1.
The NT shows the original FG8.1 software load as both the SWVER (planned)
and the CURSWVER (configured).
NOTE: If problems are encountered, contact Alcatel for assistance. See Section
1 for contact information.
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
6 Close the ASAM Node window (if open).
7 Initiate an AMS discovery from the ASAM System window:
Actions > Discover
Upon successful completion of the activation and an AMS discovery, the Current
Software Version and the Equipped Software Version on the ASAM Equipment
Unit window reflects the new load.
8 The NT downgrade procedure is complete.
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
4.5 Rollback Procedure
This procedure is used to rollback (revert) to the original FG7.x or FG8
system configuration. It is done from a TL1 interface.
A rollback database must be present on the NT, enabling the ability to
rollback to the previous software load and configuration. Verify that the
line for COM:MEMMIGR indicates COMPLETE in response to the
NOTE Rollback is the only way to revert to the original configuration after
migrating a system from FG7.x or FG8 to FG8.1.1. Do not edit
(downgrade) the software version to the original levels when a
rollback is required. If a downgrade (edit software) is indicated, do
not do a rollback. Data corruption will occur if the wrong procedure
is used.
NOTE If this becomes necessary, contact Alcatel Technical Support (contact
information is in Section 1).
NOTE Because the LTs are upgraded before the NT, the upgraded LT data is
stored in the rollback database that is created when the NT is migrated.
You must downgrade (re-plan) the LT software to the original versions
after rolling back the NT.
CAUTION The following actions cause service interruption. Traffic is restored
when the NT reset is complete and all LTs are back in service
operating at the original software versions.
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Procedure 4.5.1 -- Rollback NT
Step Procedure
1 Get the NE operational status:
Verify that the line for COM:MEMMIGR indicates COMPLETE. This indicates the
existence of a rollback database and the ability to revert to the previous software
load and configuration.
CAUTION Possibility of service interruption. If the response indicates that
COM:MEMMIGR is IDLE there is no rollback database. Do not
attempt a rollback. Contact Alcatel (see Section 1).
2 Restore the rollback database:
3 The system will reset. Allow time for it to stabilize. When the reset completes, log
onto a craft terminal.
4 Retrieve the equipment data block.
*Example data for rollback from FG8.1.1 to FG7.0.1
Table of Contents
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
The NTs current software version (CURSWVER) reflects the original NT load,
while the planned NT software (SWVER) still indicates the new version.
An ASAM Software Rollback alarm will set.
NOTE: The LTs are still running the new software version. Even though they
appear to be in-service normal they are not carrying traffic. You must downgrade
the LT software (Procedure 4.5.2)
5 Align (edit) the planned NT software version with the current (original) software
sw_version is the original NT software load, e.g., for FG7.0.1 it is
6 Retrieve the NT equipment data block:
NT-A SWVER and the CURSWVER are aligned with the same load.
The Software Rollback alarm clears.
7 The NT rollback procedure is complete. Go to Procedure 4.5.2, Downgrade the
LT software.
Procedure 4.5.2 -- Downgrade the LT software
Step Procedure
1 Use the edit equipment command to downgrade the LTs:
<original_sw_load> is the FG7.x or FG8 software for the LT
Example input to edit a single ADLT-E for FG7.0.1:
Table of Contents 3EM 09911 AJAA RJZZA
Issue 1, July 2003
Alcatel 1000 ASAM Feature Group 8.1.1
Software Upgrade Procedure
Example input to edit multiple LTs (all slots in a shelf equipped with ADLT-Es):
NOTE: Grouping (&) and ranging(&&) options can be used to target the
command to multiple aids.
An example of ranging: LT-1-1-1&&-12 would include all the aids from LT-1-1-1
through LT-1-1-12 inclusive.
An example of grouping: LT-1-1-1&LT-1-2-1 etc., would include LT-1-1-1 and
An example of ranging and grouping: LT-1-1-1&&-6&LT-1-2-1&&-6 would include
all the aids from LT-1-1-1 through LT-1-1-6 inclusive and LT-1-2-1 through
LT-1-2-6 inclusive.
Limit the ranging and/or grouping to approximately 12 LTs (equivalent of 1 shelf)
per command, allowing the system time to edit the LTs.
2 Stop. This LT downgrade procedure is complete.
Procedure 4.5.3 -- Discover the ASAM on the AMS
Step Procedure
1 Initiate an AMS discovery from the ASAM System window:
Actions > Discover
2 Stop. The rollback procedure is complete.

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