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Drive Test Procedure Part I

Steps followed to perform Drive Test

Physical Verification
Alarm Checking
Freqency Plan Verification
!ardware Configration Verification
Physical Verification
Physical Verification is carried ot "y verifying physical parameter of the #ew
Site with the TSS$ %Technical Site Srvey $eport& sch as Address' (at'
(ong' )ilding !eight' Antenna !eight' Antenna Type' *rientation'
Tilt%electrical + mechanical&,
Alarm Verification
Alarms are generated mainly de to nm"er of reasons' and these needs to
checked "efore Drive is "eing carried ot for the Site, Alarms are checked
from the #*C %#etwork *perating Centre& and if fond needs to "e verified
"efore drive "eing carried ot,
Frequency Plan Verification
Freqency Plan can "e verified from the #*C %#etwork *perating Centre& for
)CC! and TC! freqencies "eing implemented as per the Site -ntegration
Sheet sent to #*C %#etwork *perating Centre&,
Hardware Configuration Verification
!ardware verification is performed to know the Site type' )TS Type' T$.
Configration' VS/$ checking ' Power measrement for each T$.,
Following is the procedre and parameters that need to checked while
performing Drive Test for a #ew Site,
CPC %Cell Parameter Check&
0*C %0o"ile *riginated Calls&
0TC %0o"ile Terminated Calls 1 Prepaid to Postpaid&
S0S %Short 0essaging Service&
-ntra Site !andover
-nter Site !andover
T$. Test
-dle Drive %#ormal Drive + Freqency (ock Drive&
Dedicated Drive
Drive Test Procedure Part II
CPC %Cell Parameter Check&
2iven are the parameters that need to "e checked while performing CPC,
C2- %Cell 2lo"al -dentity& consists if 0CC3#CC3(AC3C-
)CC! Freqency
2S0 )and
Time: -t is system time of compter,
Cell name4 -t displays the name of the sector which is serving according to
the cellfile that is loaded in T50S,
CGI : -t stands for the Cell Global Identity which is niqe for every sector
of the site, -t consists of 0CC'0#C'(AC'C-,
0CC4 obile Country Code 6 1 777 0#C4 obile !etwor" Code # $ %%
(AC 4 &ocation Area Code # '())*) C-4 Cell Identity 6 1 899:9
Cell 2P$S Spport4 Tells sector is having 2P$S or not, Vales are ;es or
#o ,
)and 4 -t tells in which Freq, )and mo"ile is operating e,g, 2S0 766< =>66,
)CC! A$FC#4 -t tells "y which )CC! is the mo"ile station getting served,
TC! A$FC#4 *n which Traffic Freq, call is going on,
)S-C %)ase Station -dentity Code& 4 -t is com"ination of !etwor" Color
Code +!CC, +# $ -, . /ase 0tation Color Code +/CC, +# $ -,1 e,g, 8?,
-t is decoded "y mo"ile on every Sync, Channel 0essage,
0ode4 -t is shows in which state is mo"ile operating' Idle2 3edicated .

Time slot4 *n which time slot of crrent TC! call is going on, Vi@, time slot
no, of T$.,

Channel Type4 Type of channel mo"ile is getting now, &i"e /CCH 4
03CCH45 6 0ACCH4C5 or C/CH 4 TCH4F 6FACCH4F 60ACCH4F1

Channel 0ode 4 Shows mode of coding like Speech Fll $ate of !alf $ate,

Speech Codec4 -t shows F$ for Fll $ate' !$ for !alf $ate + 5F$ for
5nhanced Fll $ate,

Ciphering Algorithm 4 -t shows ciphering algorithm sed "y the system to
protect data for privacy, 5,g, Cipher "y A9<?,

S" Channel #m"er4 -t is displayed at a time when mo"ile is on dedicated
mode at time of call setp when it is getting SDCC! at that time it shows
which SDCC! it is getting ot of > availa"le, 5,g, ?,

!opping Channel 4 -t shows that crrent sector is having hopping featre or
not, Vales are ;es or #o,

!opping Freqencies 4 -t displays no, of freq, on which mo"ile is allowed to
hop, vi@, 0A (ist for hopping of that sector,

0o"ile Allocation -ndeA *ffset %0A-*&4 -t is the nm"er which tells from
which freq, from given 0A list for sector hopping has to "e started, 5,g, 6
means sector will start from first freq, to hop,

Ho77ing 0equence !umber +H0!, : -ndicates seqence in which
freqencies are allowed to hop from the 0A (ist, 6B 8:, 6 for Cyclic !opping'
= 1 8: random hopping seqences,
Drive Test Procedure III
8C and TC
2iven are parameter need to "e checked while performing 0*C and 0TC
$. (evel %BCD d"m to B==6d"m&
$. Eality %6 to D&
SE- %?6 to :6&
!S# %!opping Seqence #m"er& %6 to 8:&
!opping Freqency
C< - $atio %F=9 d"m&
C< A $atio %F=? d"m&
Definition of $adio Parameters4

$A(ev 4 $eceiving level in terms of d)m that mo"ile is receiving from the
site, 9ange of '*# d/m to '::#d/m1

$AEal 4 Eality of voice which is measred on "asis of )5$, $ange of
$AEal 6 BD,

F5$ 4 Frame ;rror 9ate it represents the percentage of frames "eing
dropped de to high nm"er of nonBcorrected "it errors in the frame, -t is
indication of voice qality in network,

)5$ Actal 4 9atio of the number of bit errors to the total number of
bits transmitted in a gi<en time inter<al, )5$ is a measre for the voice
qality in network,, Depending on )5$ $AEal is measred, 5'g' )5$ 6 to
6,? G corresponds to $AEal 6, 0aA, )5$ conta"le and sefl is p to =?,>
G which corresponds to $AEal of maA, D,

SE- 4 SE- is a more sophisticated measre which is dedicated to reflecting
the qality of the speech %as opposed to radio environment conditions&, This
means that when optimi@ing the speech qality in yor network' SE- is the
"est criterion to se, SE- is pdated at 6,9 s intervals, -t is compted on
"asis of )5$ and F5$, For 5F$ :6' F$ 1 ?= + !$ 1 =D are respectively ideal

C<- 4 The carrierBoverBinterference ratio is the ratio "etween the signal
strength of the crrent serving cell and the signal strength of ndesired
%interfering& signal components, -t shold "e atleast F 7,

0S Power Control (evel 4 Displays range of power control from 6 to >
depending pon network design, 5,g, 6 means no power control and =
means level that is defined "y operator vi@, ? d)m less acc, To airtel,
DT. 4 3iscontinuous transmission +3T=, is a mechanism allowing the
radio transmitter to "e switched off dring speech pases, This featre
redces the power consmption of the transmitter' which is important for
0Ss' and decreases the overall interference level on the radio channels
affecting the capacity of the network,,

TA 4 Vale that the "ase station calclates from access "rsts and sends to
the mo"ile station %0S& ena"ling the 0S to advance the timing of its
transmissions to the )S so as to compensate for propagation delay, Vale of
6 means 0S in radis of 996mt, From )S,

$( Timeot Conter %Cr& 4 This parameter define the maAimm vale of the
radio link conter eApressed in SACC! "locks, $ange of C 1 8C in step si@e of
C, it shows crrent vale of $(T, Decrease "y = "t increase "y ?, /hen it
reaches @ero it reslts in normal D$*P Call,

$( Timeot Conter %0A.& 4 This parameter define the maAimm vale of
the radio link conter eApressed in SACC! "locks, $ange of C 1 8C in step
si@e of C, it shows crrent vale of $(T, #ormally =8' ?6' ?C,

0S )ehavior 0odified 4 This window shows crrent settings for the mo"ile
station' for instance whether handover is disa"led or mlti"and reporting

Drive Test Procedure Part IV
GP90 +General Pac"et 9adio 0ystem,
This is performed to check whether 2P$S is working on the Site, This is done
"y "rowsing a we" page in "rowser of the phone, For 2P$S to "e checked it
necessary to see that the handset is /AP' 2P$S ena"led,
Intra Site Handover
Intra Handover is performed to check whether handover is taking place both ways
on the Site.
Handover is performed among all the Sectors of the Site.
Inter Site Handover
Inter Handover is performed to check whether handover is taking place both ways
on the Site with its adjacent neighbor. Handover needs to checked mandatorarily
for primary neighbor.
Handover is performed with all the defined neighbor's in the integration sheet.
Drive Test Procedure Part V
T9= Test
T$. Test is done to check whether calls originated are "eing handled "y all
the T$.Hs, Call made dring the process is tracked "y the 0A-* nm"er
displayed on the screen for all the T$.Hs,
5,g, for Site of configration 8 T$. per sector the 0A-* vales for T$. test
shall "e 6'='?':'C, Call can "e originated on the )CC! or the TC!
freqencies, !ence 0A-* vales will "e reflected only for calls on TC!
freqency and not on )CC! freqency,
Drive Test Procedure Part VI
Idle 3ri<e is performed in two fashion
#ormal Drive
Freqency (ock Drive
#ormal Drive
This is done to frame the potential area of the new site planned, -t also helps
s to get to know the important neigh"oring sites for which the handover
has to take place,
Freqency (ock Drive
This is done "y locking the )CC! freqency of the serving cell and
performing the drive for the same cell nless the mo"ile enters into #o
Service 0ode, This is seB fl for making decision related to 2S0 antenna
height' tilt' and orientation,
3edicated 3ri<e
Dedicated drive is an important part of Drive Test, !ere call is made to a test
nm"er and drive is done for the potential areas of the Site, Dring drive
"eing carried ot one has constantly monitor parameters sch as $. (evel'
$. Eality' SE-' DT.' C<- $atio' !opping Channel' #eigh"or list' TA %Timing
Constant changes in these parameter are helpfl for post *ptimi@ation of the
9ules during dri<e test:
=B Choose the site nder srveying to "e a"ove the cltter and repeat types
of the cltter yo wold "e looking at,
?B Any thing with cltter less than =66 is not enogh,
:B 0ake sre that the 2PS srveying option is the same as the one sed
where the drive test is "eing performed,
CB 0ake sre that the Datch vale of the 2PS is the same as the one set for
the contry where the drive test is "eing made,
9B )etter collect data in the format of' Degrees4 Decimal Points Degrees,
8B 5very 8 degrees yo move reslt is one point change in the whole pictre
the IJ "eing the reference point at :6' To the left it increases and to the
right it decreases,
DB Sampling rate' C6 Samples per C6 wavelengths, To redce the effect of
$adio fading,
>B Sampling can "e in Distance and Time, )etter do it in Distance especially
if yo are driving in traffic Kams,
7B Do not drive away too mch from the site,
=6B Drive in to the Site passing throgh the cltter as well as crossing the
==B Try and drive many roads close to the site nless the cltter is so
=?B Try to avoid driving the same road twice,
=:B Do not drive over a "ridge or in to a tnnel inside a cltter area'
otherwise take that parts of data a ot of the data file collected for this
=CB 0ake short calls and (ong calls' Short calls is the average dration "y
cstomers' short calls are to know whether calls will srvive the setp and
the termination sccessflly' it also determines the setp timeL
=9B (ong calls are to test the hand over capa"ilities,
=8B AdKacent channels are channels with coverage of 7d" more than the
serving cell,
=DB The coBchannel interference is interference from channels have
freqency lower the serving channel,
=>B For the adKacent channel yo cold "e served from this adKacent channel
"t the system can not read it and it gives the name of another channel
=7B The 8 neigh"oring cells are those who are listed in the scan list these do
not mean that these are the only channels that the phone can see,
?6B ;o have to make sre of the vales yo are getting ot of the srveying
eqipment do actally make sense,
?=B Jnow the eAact power ot of the antenna' 5$P level' %5ffective $adiation
??B 5verything a"ot the antenna conditions' dring the test time shold "e
reported in the final report,
?:B /eather conditions shold "e reported as well,
?CB Jnow the distance and direction of any "ildings "locking yor way,
?9B Finally' report all sorts of pro"lems,
Handover Success Rate (HOSR):
-f !*S$ will "e good TC! drop will also "e good,
-f !andover sccess rate degrades call drop rate will take place,
9easons for Poor H809:
-mproper #eigh"or planning,
C*B)CC!B)S-C isses in #eigh,
Parameter Check,
!S# clash,
S( vale,
(AC "ondary,
DAC vale mismatch,
Syn mismatch,
!/ -sses,
(ow Coverage
0olutions for remo<al of H809:
Arrange 3ri<e Test:
The "est way to find the real isses for !* fail make DT and check layer :
msg for !* fail, )y DT it is very easy to find the fail "etween cells,
!eighbor Tuning:
Try to retne neigh"ors
Avoid C*B)CC!B)S-C neigh"ors,
Avoid eAtra neighs,
Delete long distance neighs,
Check neighs are defined form "oth ends,
-f there are high fail delete and recreate neighs,
Parameter Chec":
=, $etne S(,-t can change "w B76'B79'B=69,
?, Check !S#,
:, Check S;#,
C, $etne (D$' (I$' -D$' -I$,
9, $etne (0$2' E0$2' P0$2,
3AC <alue Chec":
Check DAC vale, -f DAC vale is high or low tne it at the T! vale, -t
shold "e ?696,
/hen neighs are far away then chances of !* fail increases, -n this case
pingBpong !* takes place "y which fail takes place, So if the inter distance is
high itHs "etter to delete that kind of neigh"or,
&AC /oundary'
Check (AC "ondary,
!igh fail takes place there will "e -nter )SC cells,
!igh fail takes place there will "e -nter 0SC cells,
Define proper (AC in neigh cells,
H> Issues:
Clear !/ isses,
Check T$.s,
Check otages,
Check )*-A Card, )ecase if it is falty incoming and otgoing !* will "e
Clear 9e7orts:
Clear M5AT,
Clear 86,
Clear 8D,
Clear 8=,
9e7orts for H809 :
=9: reports for !* fail "w two cells,
=9C !* analyses,
86 for discrepancy,
8D for Sync report,
8= for one way neigh,
M5AT for C*B)CC!B)S-C neighs
DC for !* definition report,
M5(* for inter 0SC !* report,
=96 for high !* fail,
=9D for high !* attempt and call ratio,
=9> for intra )SS !* o"servation,
8? for AdK cell having same or adK freq,
TCH Blocking
/hen TC! is not allocated to the ser after SD allocation' it is TC! )locking,
-t is the failed call attempts which the 0S ser can notice,
-t takes place de to lack of TC! $esorce,
9easons for TCH /loc"ing:
Some of them areB
!igh Itili@ation of TC!
Time slot falty,
(ock T$.s,
!/ Pro"lem,
0olutions for remo<al of TCH /loc"ing:
-mplement half rate or Dal rate,
Check F$( + F$I,
Add another T$., -f T$. addition not possi"le' try to share the traffic of that
cell with the neigh"oring cell "y changing tilt or orientation,
?seful 9e7ort for TCH /loc"ing:
=:9 TC! Congestion,
Monda! Marc" #$! #%&%
TCH Dro'
Drop dring conversation is known as TC! drop, -t takes place after connect
ACJ msg on TC!,TC! drop occrring, For TC! drop first cross check the
)CC! of that cell' hardware isse may "e' change $.PN and $(TNN vale,
Find ot there is any interference' neigh"or defined,
9easons for TCH 3ro7:
/rong Parameter Planning,
)AD !*S$,
!ardware Falt,
!igh T$ Fail,
De to (ow Coverage,
De to -C0 )and%CD0A&
0olutions for remo<al of TCH 3ro7:
Chec" Parameter:
Check the )CC! Plan %C<- or C<A&, CoB)S-C + Co )CC!,
Check the Timer T =66%shold "e ?6 ms&
Chec" 8<ershooting:
-f a cell is picking call from long distance' Check the sample log according to
Site *rientation,
5ffective tilt shold "e check,
0ont position shold "e check
Im7ro<e H809:
Check the !opping plan,
Check the #eigh"or Plan
High T9 Fail:
Check and clear T$ fail from oss end,
/ad Co<erage:
-f the drop call is de to low signal strength plink' check the receive path of
this particlar T$., Check receiver sensitivity' VS/$' feeder connection and
etc, Drops de to (ow Signal Strength,
-f the drop call reason is de to low signal strength downlink' then' check
the transmit path, Check cards' feeder and etc,
Ise 0ap-nfo or 2oogle 5arth to find location of sites,
5ffective tilt shold "e check,
0ont position shold "e check,
Chec" H>:
Check Alarms on site,
Check T$.s,
Check Slips,
Check the !opping plan,
Check ))?F card,
Check VS/$'
Path im"alance,
Connector Connection,
Check T0A
9e7orts for TCH 3ro7:
=8: for TC! Drop
M5*( for alarms,
MA!P for Flicks,
?:? for TA report,
?6> Path -m"alance report,
?6C for )TS report,
?=8 for all parameter,
=78 for I(BD( El,
8? for AdK cell having same or adK freq,
* R+lev access ,in (R-P): With this parameter we define the minimm power level an !S has
to receive before it is allowed to access the cell.
"ange: #$$%..#&' (d)m*
+efalt: #$%,
**Radio link ti,eout (R.T): With this parameter we define the ma-imm vale of the radio
link conter e-pressed in S.//H blocks.
"ange: &..0&1 with step si2e of &
+efalt: 3%
TCH /ssign,ent
-tHs a process of "y which TC! is assigned to the 0S, After the SD reqest
0S gets TC! sccessflly and the call transfers to TC! it means TC!
assignment is sccessfl,
For the "est JP- TC! assignment shold tend to =66G,
-t degrades de to !/ pro"lems,
9easons for TCH Assignment failure:
!ardware Falt%T$.s'Com"iner'DpleAer'Ca"les&
!igh Path (oss,
Falty T0A,
!igh TC! )locking,
(oose connections,
D$ "eing sed eAtensively
0olutions for remo<al of TCH Assignment:
Clear VS/$
-F T$.s are falty lock them and try to replace them soon to avoid "locking,
Path -m"alance clear,
Connection from )TS to Antenna
Connector connection
Check T0A,
Check DpleAer'Com"iner'T$.s connections' 0lticopler etc,
9e7orts for TCH Assignment:
M5*( to check alarms
?6> for path im"alance
=78 for I(BD( interference
MA!P for Flick report
/hen we assigned SD for call origination and at that time de to some
pro"lem or any mismatch comes "y which SD loss occrs' it is called as SD
-t occrs "etween allocation of SD and "efore TC! allocation, Sometimes SD
drop occrs "ecase qeing is not activated in the system,
-f SD drop is high pl@ look on parameters likeovershooting' shift the SD
timeslot ' may "e hardware isse' interference' change the vales of $.P'
P0A.' may "e isse of plink or downlink isse in that cells for I( pt a T0A
in that cell and for D( provide tilt 're orient that antenna,
If 03 3ro7 is high:
-f SD drop is high pl@ look on parameters likeB
Shift the SD time slot
!ardware isse
Change the vales of $.P P0A.
-t may "e plink or downlink isse in which cells for I( pt a T0A in that cell
and for D( provide tilt $e orient that antenna,
9easons of 03 3ro7:
!ardware Falt,
0A-* mismatch,
)ad Coverage,
!igh T$ Fail,
A"is Drop,
!igh Path (oss,
/rong Parameter Planning,
De to -C0 )and%CD0A&
!igh (APD Itili@ation
!eavy "locking and D$ featre "eing sed eAtensively
0olutions for remo<al of 03 3ro7:
Check the )CC! Plan %C<- or C<A&,
CoB)S-C + Co )CC!,
Ise latest #D === and 0ap-nfo to find ot proper freqency to redce
Arrange 3ri<e Test:
The "est way to find the real isses for -nterference makes DT,
Check interference "y -nterference scanning,
Check clean )CC! "y freqency scanning,
(AC Planning,
-f a cell is picking call from long distance'Check the sample log according to
Cell orientation need to "e defined according to cltter,
0ont position
5ffective Tilt
High T9 Fail:
Check and clear T$ fail from *SS end,
/ad Co<erage:
-f the drop call is de to low signal strength plink' check the receive path of
this particlar T$., Check receiver sensitivity' VS/$' feeder connection and
etc, Drops de to (ow Signal Strength,
-f the drop call reason is de to low signal strength downlink' then' check
the transmit path, Check cards' feeder and etc,
Ise 0ap-nfo or 2oogle 5arth to find location of sites,
High &AP3 ?tili@ation:
Check (APD til report from *SS' and define :? k"ps signaling instead of
Hardware Fault:
Check Alarms,
T$. condition,
Check Path -m"alance,
VS/$ of the Cell,
Connector Connection,
Some times yo will find isses on )CC! T$.,-n this case )CC! shift from
one to other T$. will redce SD drop,
Chec" for 7arameter:
Check the Timer T :=6=
Check the Timer T ?66%?6ms&
T== 5Apired%=6 s&
0A-* check,
?seful 9e7orts for 03 3ro7:
Ise report M5*( to find the alarms,
Ise ?6> for Path loss analysis,
Ise =78 for I(BD( -nterference,
Ise =8: report for SD drop,
Ise report ?=8 for detail SD Drop,
?:? report for TA report,
8? for AdK cell having same or adK freq,
#D === for freq plan,
?6C for )TS and cell report,
Blocking and Congestion
3ifference /etween /loc"ing and Congestion:
-t is very important to know difference "etween "locking and congestion,
Some people think that "oth are same' "t they differ from each other, -f all
the SD resorces are fll and not availa"le for SD assign then its come into
congestion, -f at a particlar time call is attempted and it fails then it known
as )locking,
SDCCH Blocking
SD "locking means that yo are not getting SD resorce for the call
origination, /hen 0S connects with #/ then $AC! and A2C! are provided,
After A2C!'SDCC! is provided "t if SDCC! is not provided at this time de
some pro"lems or de to navaila"le of SD "y )SC 'itHs called as SD
)locking, There are no of reasons for that,-f sch a case arises the cstomer
will not "e a"le to originate any call,
9easons for 03 /loc"ing:
Some of them areB
(AC "ondary,
!/ Pro",
0olutions for remo<al of 03 /loc"ing:
!ere are some steps "y which we can redce SD )lockingB
=, Check the #o, of SDCC! channel Availa"le' if less then increase SD
channel taking care that there is no TC! )locking,
?, Check (AC "ondary' -f location pdate is more then change the(AC of
that site and set C? and !;S,
:, Ise of Dynamic SDCC! %-t is a )SC parameter and will "e applied on
whole )TS&,
C, !ardware check < shift SD to new time slot,
9, Some times )0A and !;S parameters are sefl to remove SD)locking,
?sefull 9e7orts For 03 /loc"ing:
Ise =>? to analyses SD )locking reasons,
=:6 for SD congestion,
W/+!. +"I45 65S6 7"8/5+9"5 7"57."5+ ):# ;.9".4 <.I= ;6> <.I79"
HO5 TO I(ST/.. T)MS $7&:
S657S ?8" I=S6.>>I=; 65!S @.$ S8?6W."5 $#?irst install .=et A and .net A., in yor 7/
H8W 68 I=S6.>> 65!S @.$ 3#=ow install 65!S @.$
Slide 8:
A#.fter installing 65!S1 install the driver of +ongle1 !obile phone1 and ;7S )effo cable by
connecting the eBipment in different ports. +ongle driver is atomatically install in yor 7/ jst
when yo connect in yor 7/. )t for !obile and )effo cable driver1 yo have to give the path
of the driver.
Slide 0:
/:C7rogram ?ilesC5ricssonC65!S 7rodctsC65!S InvestigationC.pplication ?older. ,#=ow open
the 65!S window from. !y +ocmentsC65!S 7rodct ?ilesC65!S Investigation
@.$CWorkspaces. In workspaces folder yo have to open Investigation W/+!. ;S!. &#.fter
installing device drivers1 /opy and 7aste above patch files in
9or #: Investigation:
?or 3; Investigation :o have to open & windows.. $#;S! radio parameter 3#;S! crrent
channel A#;S! servingD=eighbor &#5vents ?irst A windows is open from above toolbar
7resentation#;S! .nd last window is open from 7resentation# Signalling #5vent =ow connect
the device by pressing the ;reen btton(/onnect all* or by pressing ?3 btton
9or #: Investigation:
?or 3; Investigation
9or Investigation 5CDM/(8:) and :SM(#:) ;ot" i7e in Dual ,ode:
?or Investigation W/+!.(A;* and ;S!(3;* both i.e in +al mode .long with & window of
;S! yo have to open A window more and they are.... $#HS+7. analysis 3#W/+!. radio
parameter A#W/+!. ServingE .ctiveD=eighbrs 6he $ st window i.e HS+7. analysis is sed
only for data call.. .nd remaining 3 is sed for W/+!. analysis.
9or Investigation 5CDM/(8:) and :SM(#:) ;ot" i7e in Dual ,ode:
?or Investigation W/+!.(A;* and ;S!(3;* both i.e in +al mode
9or Investigation 5CDM/(8:) and :SM(#:) ;ot" i7e in Dual ,ode:
?or Investigation W/+!.(A;* and ;S!(3;* both i.e in +al mode 6he above window shows
that yo are latch in A; networkF +ring A; network all the parameters in the 3; window are
I=6"8+9/6I8= W /+!. !eans Wideband /ode +ivision !ltiple .ccess. Wideband /ode
+ivision !ltiple .ccess is a /+!. channel that is for times wider than the crrent channels
that are typically sed in 3; networks. Wideband /+!. has a bandwidth of , !H2 or more . It
is also called A; system1 allow for faster data transfer than ;7"S and 5+;5 and also let yo
talk while yo transfer data .
.O:IC/. CH/(().S:
>8;I/.> /H.==5>S 6here are three available common control channels )roadcast control
channel ()//H* 7aging channel (7/H* ?orward access channel (?./H* )roadcast control
channel ()//H* carries system and cell specific information. 7aging channel (7/H* for
messages to the mobiles in the paging area. ?orward access channel (?./H* for massages from
the base station to the mobile in one cell. In addition1 there are two dedicated channels
Dedicated control c"annel (DCCH) covers the two dedicated control channel stand#alone
dedicated channel (S+//H* and associated control c"annel (/CCH). Dedicated tra<<ic
c"annel (DTCH) for point#to#point data transmission in the plink and downlink.
6P:R/D) :SM TO 5CDM/:
97;".+5 ;S! 68 W/+!. 6he figre shows how a ;S! system can be pgraded to offer
W/+!. services. 6his diagram shows that 3 or more ;S! channels are typically removed1
replaced1 or pgraded to have W/+!. modlation and transmission capability
+"I45 65S6 +ata /ollection "eBirements 7rocessor and ".! reBirements are strongly
dependent on what e-ternal devices are connected and what tasks they perform. 6wo e-amples of
recommended configrations are given here. 8ne phone with defalt logs enabled (where
applicable* and one ;7S: $.% ;H2 7entim class processor1 ,$3 !) ".! !ltiple phones with
defalt logs enabled (and at most two phones engaging in data service testing*1 one scanner1 and
one ;7S: 3.% ;H2 7entim class processor1 $ ;) ".! 8ther hardware reBirements: 9S) port
for 7/6el See;ll >G 6ri#band scanner 9S) port for H.S7 H> hardware key Serial port for
7/6el See;ll >G dal#bandEsingle#band scanner (whether W/+!. or ;S!*
5I(DO5 6S)D I( 5CDM/ DRIV) T)ST:
WI=+8W 9S5+ I= W/+!. +"I45 65S6
W/+!. ".+I8 7.".!565"S 6his windows shows the "adio 7arameters of W/+!.
5CDM/ S)RVI(:=/CTIV) S)T > ()I:HO6RS:
W/+!. S5"4I=;E./6I45 S56 D =5I;H89"S 6his windows shows the Serving cell H
=eighbors .S : .ctive Set !=: !onitered =eighbors +=: +ominant =eighbors
HS+7. 65S6I=; It shows the Speed of HS+7. We consider Same window of HS97.
.nalysis for the Speed 6esting of HS97.
HS+7.EHS97. 65S6I=; I= ?67 S5"45" We find ot the .ccrate .verage Speed of
HS+7.E HS97. throgh ot the ?67
HS+7.EHS97. 65S6I=;
We also check the speed of HS+7.EHS97. throgh =et7erSec1 for this we check /rrent speed
.verage speed and !a-imm speed of HS+7. H HS97. HS+7.EHS97. 65S6I=;
R)T6(R)MOT) ).)CTRIC/. TI.T 6(IT):
"569("5!865 5>5/6"I/.> 6I>6 9=I6* 6wo /ables are connected in "569 +-$ /able
6ilt !onitor /able "56 9nit is monitered from "=/ to ma-imi2e or minimi2e 5lectrical 6ilt.
!inimm tilt shold be % H !a-imm tilt shold be $% We have also pdate the type of antenna
in "=/ i.e. single band1 dal band or tri band antenna. .lso one 7ower Switch is in "56 9nit.
9pper press is 8= H +own 7ress is 8??
R)T6(R)MOT) ).)CTRIC/. TI.T 6(IT):
"569("5!865 5>5/6"I/.> 6I>6 9=I6*
Handover in 6MTS or 5CDM/:
Handover in 9!6S or W/+!. 6here are A basic types of handover Intra freBency handovers
Handovers between 3 9!6S carriers at the same freBency 6hese can be soft handovers Inter
freBency handovers Handovers between 3 9!6S carriers at different freBencies 6hese are
hard handovers Inter system handovers Handovers between 9!6S and ;S! carriers 6hese are
hard handovers 6hese Handover also knows as I".6 Handover
TH/(? @O6:
6H.=I :89

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