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Skyline: a little feature of the poster which will provide a

scare factor to the poster. I intend for it to be a flash of

blood which connotes the film will have some blood shed.
The blood will ad to the scare factor as the connotations
of red are usually danger, fear and blood all three of
these you would normally expect from a horror film.
Main image: the main image is going to be a medium
close up of a face figure covered in darkness from a
shadow, the persons identity is not going to
recognisable, the maintains the mystery of who the
protagonist is. The darkness connotes danger
,mystery and insecurity as the darkness can conceal
hidden objects/people/monster. The main image is
the main focus point, the light which brings out the
characters features combined with the darkness
connotes a sense of evil/criminal who wants to
conceal his identity (this makes it obvious he is the
protagonist) . In David Gauntletts theory he suggest
that identities are not give but constructed, I have
tried to apply this to my front cover by the shadow
effect which constructs the protagonists identity very
well as it give off a sense of evil. Like most horror
movies the main image is mainly the protagonist, this
is why I have done the same. I believe this indicates
there is no chance of some saving the day, and
subtracts the thought of a happy ending or a hero. I
intend to have scratches around the edge of the
screen like on the saw poster I analysed. The
connotes a struggle has taken place which I intend to
replicate in my movie, by the victim being drag across
the floor.
Slogan:you think its a normal day. Like most posters the
slogan is a statement. Its direct to the audience which
makes them feel involved. The use of you makes the
audience feel they are being spoken to directly. The use of
the word think plays on the audiences mind, its suggest
to the audience something is going to disrupt the
equilibrium, as todorrovs theory suggests. It makes the
audience more intrigued to find out what is going to
happen. The slogan is located between the main image
and the title. Its going to be written in a small but bold
font, so it doesnt draw attention away from the title
which is going to in bigger lettering/ different font. This is
because the slogan isnt the most important factor on the
Extra information: this will include actor names, date
release, producers and distributors. Will be written in
small font so it doesnt attract attention from any more
important feature of the poster.
Title: The follower- the use of the word follower represents a sense of insecurity for one of the characters
thus meaning that there is going to be a perpetrator. This gives an insight to the genre, which is horror. The
font will be white like the other writing on the poster the colour white usually connotes innocent. But in
this case the letters are going to have a slightly faded effect, this gives a supernatural/mystery effect. This will
support the horror genre. The title will be the biggest font on the page as its the most important along with
the image, the title will link to the main image as the follower is clearly the face on the poster as he also looks

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