Poster Planning 2

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Slogan: a myth is safe reality is danger. I have chosen
this slogan as its a statement; like most posters, but plays
on the audiences mind that in fact its also a true
statement that a myth cant physically attack or hurt
someone, whereas reality can. The use of Ellipsis, provides
a short pause which creates suspense. The first half of the
sentence will be written in white; this connotes innocents
and purity. The second half is going to be written in red,
this connotes warning/danger and in the case blood this
will provide a scare factor to the slogan as well as making
it more eye catching. Ive chosen to locate my slogan in
the top left as it strays from the typical location which is
usually below the title. The font will be small and bold, this
is so it doesnt draw away attention from the title which
will be written in large font and be more eye catching.
Main Image: a long shot of an alley way, the foreground is
in focus and the background is blurry, a man like figure will
be standing right at the end in a light where the alley way
ends. This provide a mystery aspect to the front cover and
character. The type of shot makes it seem like someones
line of sight - this makes it more realistic. The alley way
will have a dark effect, making it seem gloomy, round the
edge of the poster will be black, this connotes danger and
mystery as darkness can hide objects/people/monsters
the darkness could also be a way of hiding a persons true
self; for example a murder seems to be a normal person
until you get an insight to his thoughts, the darkness could
be hiding the persons thoughts along with his identity. The
alley way gives us an idea of the location as they are
usually found in built up areas. The alley way is an ideal
place for the main image as its very secluded and out the
way from the public eye, the typically conventions of an
alley way is crime, which is why I have chosen it for my
front cover. Furthermore, Id like the image to be in black
and white as it creates a more gloomy/scary effect as
some colour can connote good things, which may take
away the scare factor. Also, I have chosen the figure to be
far away so the audience will not mistake him for a hero
as in a typical hero film, the hero is usually the centre of
attention this takes away the chance of the audience
thinking there will be a happy ending.
Title: stalker the title will be written in red and in a
blood like print. This will indicate that the movie has blood
shed in it; someone will get killed. The colour red
connotes danger and warning. The title will be located
under the main image and written in the biggest font, all
other text will be written in a different font- this will allow
the title to be the most eye catching and crab the
audiences attention. The title links to the main image as
the man like figure could be interpreted as the stalker or
the eye sight like shot could be the stalker and the man
like figure could be the victim. Either way they both link to
the image. The title also hints that the equilibrium will be
disrupted as todorrovs theory suggest, as the word
stalker is a criminal or obsessed individual.
Extra information: like most posters this will include;
actors, directors, release date, editors and usually
distributors. This will be located under the title which
indicates its less important, also it will be written in the
smallest font, this is so no attention is distracted from the
main image, slogan and title.

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