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Notes On Koine Greek: Part 20

1) Koine Greek Tables: So far, we’ve looked at a number of Koine Greek

elements where tables have helped us organize and perhaps understand how
different parts of the Koine language functioned. As a review, I’m posting the 15
tables I’ve created all in one place. So, here they are. Familiarize yourself with
all of these tables before moving on!!! (*Note: I offer the tables here in the order
that they’ve been provided in each successive lesson.)

Present & Future Active Indicative Person-

Number Suffix Morphemes
Singular Plural
1 w men
2 eij te
3 ei ousi (n)

Movable nu Table
Followed by a vowel: luousin auton
Followed by a punctuation mark: luousin;
Followed by a consonant: luousi twn

Amalgamation Table
p +s = y
b +s = y
f +s = y
k+s = x
g +s = x
c+s = x
t +s = s
d +s = s
q+s = s

Singular Plural
1 eimi esmen
2 ei este
3 esti (n) eisi (n)
Accent Rules
Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4
Acute On long or short syllable On any of last 3 syllables Not on antepenult when Not on long penult
ultima’s long when ultima’s short
Grave On long or short syllable Only on ultima Forms when enclitic X
immediately follows
Circumflex Only on long syllable Only on penult or ultima Not on penult if X
ultima’s long

Verb Parsing Key

Tense Voice Mood Person Number
P = Present Ac = Active Ind = Indicative 1 S = Sing.
I = Imperfect M = Middle S = Subjunctive 2 Pl = Plur.
F = Future / 2F = 2Future P = Passive O = Optative 3
A = Aorist / 2A = 2Aorist D = Deponent Im = Imperative
Pf = Perfect / 2Pf = 2Perfect MD = Mid. Deponent In = Infinitive
Pp = Pluperfect / 2PL = 2Pluperfect PD = Passive Deponent Pt = Participle
IA – Impersonal Active

Parsing Table for Greek Verbs

Inflected Verbs Lexical Verbal Inflected
Word Tense Voice Mood Per. No. Form Root Meaning

Greek Case Names

Case Name Helping Word
Subject = Nominative
Possessor = Genitive of
Indirect Object = Dative to
Object = Accusative
Addressee = Vocative
Noun Parsing Key
Case Gender Number
N = Nominative Mas = Masculine S or Sg = Singular
G = Genitive Fem = Feminine Pl = Plural
D = Dative Neu = Neuter
A = Accusative
V = Vocative

Inflected Noun Lexical Inflected

Word Case Gender No Form Meaning

Noun Case & Functions Table

Case Name - Abbreviation Function Helping Words / Ideas

Nominative (N) To name, designate, point Subject; predicate

out nominative
Genitive (G) Possession, description Of; ’s
Ablative Case: Separation, From; out of
origin, source
Dative (D) Personal Interest, Reception To; for;
Locative: Location In; on; at
Instrumental: Use, Means, By; with; indirect object
Means by which
Accusative (A) Extent or limit to which Direct Object
action of verb extends
Vocative (V) Direct address Direct Address

2 Decl. “oj” 2 Decl. “on”

suffixes suffixes
N - Sg oj N - Sg on
G - Sg ou G - Sg ou
D - Sg w| D - Sg w|
A - Sg on A - Sg on
V - Sg e V - Sg on
N - Pl oi N - Pl a
G - Pl wn G - Pl wn
D - Pl oij D - Pl oij
A - Pl ouj A - Pl a
2nd Declension Suffix Morphemes
Arranged Alphabetically by “Family”
1 Letter Family Case-Number Result
a a = Pl - Nom. / Acc.
e e = Sg. - Voc
o oi = Pl. - Nom.
oij = Pl. - Dat.
on = Sg. - Nom. / Acc. / Voc.
oj = Sg. - Nom.
ou = Sg. - Gen.
ouj = Pl. - Acc.
w w| = Sg. - Dat.
wn = Pl. - Gen.

Conjunctions Table
Coordinate Conjunctions Subordinate Conjunctions
1. Connect parallel words or 1. Introduce dependent clauses
clauses (if)
2. Show relationship (and) 2. Show condition of a clause
Functions 3. Show contrast (but) (although)
4. Show consequence 3. Show temporality of a clause
(therefore) (when)
4. Show causality (because)
5. Show finality (in order that)
6. Show consecutiveness (that)

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