2247 Recognising The Truth Is A Duty To Advocate It....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Recognising the truth
is a duty to advocate it....
In a world of scorners and blashe!ers the truth will hardl" be able
to establish itself# for the" negate ever"thing of a divine nature and
therefore also the truth which co!es fro! God. But ever" erson
who $nows the truth# who thus recognises it# is nevertheless dut"
bound to advocate it# even towards those who alwa"s want to fight
against the truth. %o deviate fro! the truth with the! would be the
sa!e as co!l"ing with the adversar" of truth.
%he truth will alwa"s be fought# for it co!es fro! above....
however# !aterialisticall" !inded eole onl" want to ac$nowledge
that which co!es fro! below# fro! the world# and that will alwa"s
contradict the truth.
If the truth is to be sread on earth its advocate !a" b" no !eans
love the world# nor !a" he fear eole who want to revent hi!
fro! sreading the truth# instead# b" co!letel" renouncing all
earthl" advantages# he !ust rather be willing to sacrifice his life
than to withhold the truth or sea$ contrar" to his conviction.
%his re&uire!ent is indeed not an eas" one to co!l" with' after
all# a erson(s h"sical life is still too valuable as to give it u for
the sa$e of a truth which is not desired b" fellow hu!an beings and
is !ore li$el" to be re)ected. *nd "et it is e+ected b" God as soon
as ,e has dee!ed eole worth" to receive the truth fro! ,i!.
Recognising the ure truth is also a co!!it!ent to ass it on and
to infor! an uninfor!ed erson of God(s activit".
*nd if eole treat this gift with hostilit" the hu!an being !ust not
beco!e inti!idated and sea$ fearfull" or $ee silent# instead# he
should even fearlessl" stand u for the truth where the ruling
ower de!ands silence. It is# after all# God ,i!self he advocates....
*nd the infor!ed erson should never den" God which# however#
he would do were he to divert fro! the truth# that is# were he to
sa" so!ething against better $nowledge which does not corresond
to truth or un&uestioningl" allows untruth to be sread when he
recognises it as such.
*s soon as the hu!an being denies God he beco!es wea$# on the
other hand# if he endorses the truth# the flow of strength to stand
fir! against ever" hostile argu!ent will co!e to hi!. *nd he will
re!ain victorious over the scorners and blashe!ers who onl"
favour lies and will therefore alwa"s fight the truth....
-ublished b" friends of new revelations of God . Infor!ation#
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