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... through Bertha Dudde

Selfish love....
Not much willingness for redemptie wor!....
"t can #e said that there is not much willingness to accomplish
redemptie wor! on earth since$ due to their wa% of life$ people
hae increased their distance from God and this eer e&panding
distance also signifies constantl% greater wea!ness of will.
But the distance from God also signifies lac! of !nowledge$ and
therefore the human #eing does not realise the necessit% and the
#lessing of redemptie wor!' he is unaware of the conse(uences in
the #e%ond and thus does nothing to reduce the state of #eing far)
awa% from God.
*his is a certain constraint of will$ for although the human #eing+s
will is free$ the opponent neertheless still e&erts great power oer
him$ namel%$ when a person+s wa% of life does not correspond to
diine commandments.
*he human #eing certainl% has freedom of will$ insofar that he can
act and thin! as he li!es.... #ecause he can neither #e forced #% the
eil power nor does God force him in an% wa%....
But if he is eil)minded$ then he oluntaril% turns to the one who
had once a#used his will$ and the latter will also ta!e possession of
the person+s will who turns to him.
*hen it will #e difficult for a person to use his free will$ and this
#ecomes increasingl% more difficult the more power he grants God+s
adersar% oer himself. "f a person wants to release himself from
his power and also wants to release others or help them to do so$
he must compl% with diine will and$ first of all$ practise loe.
,fter all$ loe is the strength which counters the opponent$ who has
#ecome totall% heartless. -er% wor! of loe li#erates the human
#eing$ since he detaches himself from the one who wanted to
reo!e God+s order$ who did not ac!nowledge God as the eternal
.oe and whose power goes hand in hand with a#solute
Redemptie wor! is therefore an% wor! whose driing force is loe.
But nowada%s people+s eer% actiit% is determined #% selfish
loe.... -ach person onl% thin!s of his own adantage in his wor!$
%et the desire to help his fellow human #eings with it is onl% rarel%
present. *his is wh% little spiritual success comes from such wor!.
Were people more connected to God their selfish loe would
constantl% lessen and their loe for other people would grow to the
same e&tent. *hen a person would feel urged from within to
accomplish wor!s of loe.... he would onl% eer want to help and
completel% li#erate himself from the control of the merciless
/oweer$ since the will for redemptie wor! is onl% seldom to #e
found$ the opponent has great power on earth. ,nd this manifests
itself such that he impels people into eer greater heartlessness
and that the% follow him willingl% and almost surpass each other
with wor!s of destruction and feelings of hatred and reenge.
,nd this consistentl% increases the distance from God until the% are
completel% su#0ect to the influence of eil again which would result
in total spiritual ruin were God not to use /is power and put to a
stop to it.... /e will once again reo!e /is adersar%+s power oer
the spiritual #eings #% #anishing them into matter again for an
infinitel% long time to come....
1u#lished #% friends of new reelations of God 2 "nformation$
download of all translated reelations$ theme)#oo!lets at3

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