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Dynavin Solutions: Dash Disassembly

The installation of the Dynavin in my E46 was covered by my Dynavin Info thread on but It didn't really address many details of the dash disassembly, the
relocation of the ! controls or the wirin" of the various #lu"s and harnesses. The ori"inal
#ost can be found here$ htt#$'()46*6

Disclaimer$ s always, I am not res#onsible for anythin" you mi"ht do to mess u# your car,
follow these instructions at your own ris+,
-irst off, our victim....**/ 00*!i. ll cars e1ui##ed with the business headunit will have the
same #rocedure, 23 or non 23.
!ars with 4E5 navi"ation will have to install a wire harness 6+nown as the )5 -a+ra
harness7 to connect the #lu"s in the trun+ to the Dynavin headunit, most of the install remains
the same but the location of the various #lu"s and connections are different and are not
s#ecifically covered by this DI8.
Tools re1uired.....yes that is a butter +nife....
9ets :et ;tarted,
<se the butter +nife to #ry under the outside ed"e of the dash trim, be careful, ;ome #eo#le
mi"ht li+e to wra# the +nife in electrical ta#e to ma+e sure there are not any shar# ed"es or
use a #lastic trim removal tool if you li+e to be #rofessional about it....I shot these #ics at
home thou"h, not at my sho#, so butter +nife it is,
4nce you "et a little "a#, use a flatblade screwdriver wra##ed in ta#e, a towel, whatever, to
#ry the rest of the trim loose, start from the ed"e and wor+ toward the center. If you have
wood trim it has a steel bac+in" so don't be afraid to #ut some force behind it. If you have
#lastic trim wor+ slow and it should come out without too much effort.
4nce that #iece is off, move on the the center dash trim, one side will be loose, #ull on it and
the center will sna# loose as well, there is one more connector nearest the steerin" wheel, #ry
it out =ust li+e you did the other dash #ieces.
Ta+e out the . screws holdin" the vents in.
>ow for the hardest #art of the entire installation. The center vents are a #ain, they ta+e
94T of force to "et out. The best method I have found is to #ush the vents u# hard as you
#ull them towards you. They will ma+e a terrible crac+in" noise, no the vent isn't brea+in"
6ho#efully7, the vents have cli#s on the bottom that are....barbed...., they ma+e a lot of scary
noises as they let "o. Eventually the bottom should sna# out li+e in the below #icture.
;it the vents on the dash to#, out of the way, leave the cable connected.
Ta+e out the . screws holdin" the radio in.

?ull the radio out
<n#lu" the radio, the bi" blac+ #lu" has a mechanism that re1uires you #ull u# on the outer
#art of the #lu", this will force the #lu" to bac+ out of the radio. There is a little dia"ram
molded into the to# of the #lu" showin" what to do. 4nce the radio is com#letely out, set it
aside, sell it on ebay, throw it in the trash, whatever....
?ut your fin"ers behind the 2@! controls, it is =ust sna##ed in, ?<99, wi""le, ?<99 some
more, and it will #o# out.
<n#lu" the multi#le 2@! #lu"s, the white #lu" has a lever on it that will #ush the #lu" out of
the 2@! control.
Ta+e out the . screws still holdin" the radio%2@! frame
nd #ull it out of the dash.
>ow you have a bi" Dynavin siAed hole in your dash.....movin" the ! relocation
:rab the shift boot trim and #ull it u#, it will #o# out....loo+ at that crust by the ashtray....."lad
this isn't my car,
Ta+e out the . screws holdin" the shifter surround trim.
<n#lu" the window switches and remove the trim.
4#en the door of your stora"e com#artment located above the ashtray and #ull it out. The
entire com#artment will #o# out of the dash. Ta+e out the 4 screws holdin" the ashtray, . on
to#, . on bottom.
?ull out your old, scratched u#, cra##y loo+in" ashtray
<n#lu" all the switches, li"hter, etc....
9oo+ at the bac+side here...this mi"ht clarify the ! relocation +it thin" for some of you. This
is the individual button row #art....see the individual com#artments for each button.....the
sin"le row #art will have one bi" rectan"ular o#enin". ?o# out the buttons and remove the
li"hter and swa# them over to your new ! Belocation +it 6if you are usin" one7
?ull the 2@! #lu"s down to their new home by the ashtray. and ma+e sure all the stereo
#lu"s are where they belon". If you are going to run any accessory/ipod/aux in/USB
cables to your console is the time.
4nce you have whatever cables you will be usin" in #lace, #lu" in the 2@! control and
sna# it into #lace.
Note: 8ou can save this ste# until after you install the dynavin, havin" access to the lower
console area may be useful in runnin" cables etc...
>ow that your dash is all set u# we are ready to move on to the installation ste#s...
9ets "et familiar with the #lu"s and connections. 2ere is what we are startin" with, you will
li+ely not use many of these #lu"s but it is best to +now what they are. I su""est you lay
everythin" out on a table to familiariAe yourself with everythin".
4n the DC) 6@67 and later units the B! #lu"s are an eDternal harness that only needs to be
installed if necessary.
Now lets take a look at some of the parts you will find in the box.
uD%bac+u# camera B! connections and #ream# out#uts, these are only used if you are
utiliAin" the B! in#uts%out#uts. If you are =ust doin" a basic install, leave these out and save
yourself some room in the dash.
EDternal bluetooth micro#hone 6the dynavin has a built in one as well, you can eD#eriment to
find what wor+s best for you in your car7
;teerin" wheel control interface
I#od interface cable 6may be white7
The antenna ada#ter for .**.E.**6 cars
The antenna ada#ter for CCE*/ cars. 8our cars will have #lu"s for both antenna ada#ters but
you will want to use only the one below for #ro#er radio rece#tion.
The :?; antenna.
Fifi antenna for android models only, connects to :?; <;G
couple possible accessories! depending on your install you
may want to install the following.
I#od to uD In audio%video ada#ter cable
2ead#hone =ac+ to uD In audio cable
<;G 6this is the flush #anel mount one that I used in my Dynavin Info writeu# but any <;G
eDtension will wor+.
5ore info about my <;G installation can be found in my dynavin info #ost, about half way
down$ htt#$'()46*6
t this #oint your connections should loo+ somethin" li+e this 6mi"ht vary somewhat
de#endin" on your individual installations7$
"#$% I&'($)N): make sure the wire labeled &' *(N is insulated and secured! if
this wire shorts out.....well you don+t want to know,
lso make sure you remo-e the shipping screws,
So lets get started,
?lace the :?; antenna on the metal crossmember under the vents, its ma"netic so it will
stic+ ri"ht to the metal. This location has wor+ed well for many Dynavin users but a few have
re#orted rece#tion issues in this location
If you have rece#tion issues in the underdash location try movin" the antenna to a dash to#
location, front and center
4r in the corner
I su""est that you test your Dynavin's functions before you com#lete the install to ma+e sure
that you are receivin" the :?; si"nal.
ttach the correct radio antenna ada#ter
.**.H, use this ada#ter 6de#endin" on the year its a##earance may vary7
/CCCE.**/ use this ada#ter, you will not use the other antenna #lu"7
?lu" in the Dynavin harness
!lam# down the retainer cli#
If you are usin" the Dynavin's eDternal micro#hone you can mount it anywhere you li+e, to# of
the #illar, by the mirror, on the steerin" column, etc... but the most common location is the
factory micro#hone connection by the sunroof controls, carefully #ry out the sunroof control
#anel, run the mic cable under the dash, u# the #illar, and cli# the mic onto the #anel, if you
are @EB8 careful to not dislod"e it while #uttin" it bac+ in, the location shown in this #ic wor+s
?lu" in the steerin" wheel interface into the Dynavin harness 6if you didnt already7
Bun your i#od cable, <;G cables, uD in cables and whatever else you are installin" to
wherever you would li+e them, #o#ular locations are the "love com#artment and the
console%cu#holder%eEbra+e area. De#endin" on your installation you should have somethin"
li+e this.
>ow #ut a towel on your console to #rotect a"ainst scratches and carefully #lu" in the
harness. lso #lu" in the :?; antenna, the radio antenna, and the eDternal bluetooth
micro#hone 6if you choose to use it7 at this time.
>ow for the tric+y #art.... you will need to tuc+ the Dynavin wire harness bac+ and to the left
toward the instrument cluster. Then you will need to #lace all of the remainin" B! #lu"s,
<;G #lu"s, etc... on the to# of the Dynavin, #ull them out throu"h the vent holes to "et them
out of the way. The idea is to "et all of your remainin" connections on the to# of the Dynavin
where they are out of the way and accessible without havin" to #ull the Dynavin out of the
;lowly wor+ the Dynavin into #lace, tuc+ the wires away and be careful to ma+e sure there
are no wires where they donIt belon". It is a very ti"ht fit so it mi"ht ta+e a few tries to "et
everythin" in a #lace where it doesnIt interfere with the fit.
The Dynavin has . metal cli#s near the bottom that will need to sna# into #lace in the dash, it
may ta+e a "ood amount of force to do this so loo+ at the cli#s first, "et familiar with their
location and fit before you try to seat the Dynavin into its final location.
Eventually you should end u# with somethin" li+e this, the Dynavin in the dash and a bunch of
#lu"s han"in" out of the vent hole.
>ow you can "o throu"h and connect all the remainin" Dynavin #lu"s and any accessory
cables you mi"ht have....
<;G eDtension
uD In
I- you installed them, leave all the remainin" #lu"s on the to# of the unit. They will be out of
the way and they remain accessible if you want to use them in the future to add an am#, a
second video monitor, a bac+u# camera, or anythin" else you mi"ht li+e.
5a+e sure that the #lu"s are not in the way of refittin" the vents. >ow would be a "ood time
to test all the functions. 4nce you are satisfied that all of your connections are "ood you can
move on and finish u# the install.
?o# the vents bac+ into #lace
Be#lace the . screws that hold in the vents and now will hold the Dynavin as well. 5a+e sure
to note the "a#s all the way around the Dynavin and the vents, ad=ust everythin" for a clean fit
before you ti"hten down the screws.
Be#lace the trim and admire your wor+,
?at yourself on the bac+, crac+ o#en your favorite bevera"e, and en=oy your new toy,
Than+s for the #urchase, I ho#e you en=oy it,
JKT Distributin" % Dynavin ;olutions
.0L) ;. ;arah
-resno ! C0(*6
6))C7 4L6E4*4/

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