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Dear friends,
As we prepare to return to Thailand for our fourth term of service, we go with mingled feelings of gratitude,
anticipation, and regret. We could write pages of reasons for thankfulness. It has been a joy to be reunited with
our families, supporting churches, and other friends. We have been delighted to meet new friends of the work
in Thailand. Wonderful provision has been made for all our material needs including a fine home in an ideal
location for schooling and further training for the work. We eagerly anticipate new experiences and challenges
as we prepare to spend a year in leprosy clinic work before returning to the tribes.
Mixed with these joys is the regret that our time in the United States has been so short. It has been impos
sible due to our limited time to visit all the churches and individuals who have participated in the work in
Thailand. We had looked forward so much to seeing all of you, and we leave with a sense of profound disappoint
ment that our schedule would not permit this. We would like to summarize briefly aur activities during our
eleven-month furlough.
GARLAND: The first few weeks after returning to the United States last June were spent in study for the
Nebraska State Medical Licenure examination. As a result of this examination, he is licensed to practice medi
cine in Nebraska with the possibility of reciprocal licensing in forty-four other states. The month of July was
spent visiting supporting churches and relatives in Illinois and Indiana. In August, an eight-month training
program in surgery and obstetrics was begun at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Although officially
an intern (in order to apply toward an American internship certificate), he was permitted many responsibilities
and opportunities at a residency level. Six weeks were spent at the Douglas County Emergency Room where
much practical experience was gained. Faculty and staff were most helpful in arranging a schedule which pro
vided maximum opportunities for learning needed skills for Thailand. In April he went on a month-long tour of
the churches, including a one-week meeting with the First Christian Church in East Gary, Indiana. During the
tour he was able to visit many Thai doctors who are now taking further training in the States.
DOROTHY: Returning to the life of an American housewife has been a real adventure. Prices have soared
since our last furlough in 1964 and it has been a challenge to balance the budget. Besides keeping house and
getting her husband and three children breakfasted and sent off to three different schools at three separate
times, she has learned the excitement of maneuvering a car through American city traffic. She has been active
in the work of the Twin Cities Christian Church and has spoken to numerous women's groups in Nebraska and
GEOFFREY: At fifteen, Geoffrey has found life of a teenager far different here than in Thailand. He has
continued active in Boy Scout and church activities.
CORINNE: Since starting at the Norris Junior High School last fall, our thirteen-year-old has been consis
tently on the honor roll. With her brother, she has enjoyed youth camps and other young peoples' activities.
EILEEN: This has been a year of great achievement and progress for Eileen, and for this we thank God.
She has been in the second grade at the J.P. Lord School for physically handicapped children. Since her
seventh birthday, she has no longer needed a leg brace. Physical therapy at the Children's Rehabilitation
Institute has led to great improvement in her walking and use of her left hand.
Throughout the years of medical education it has been our goal to return to the hill tribes of northern Thai
land. However, learning of the need of the Maranatha Leprosy Clinic in Khonkaen, Thailand, we have decided
to spend a year there before proceeding to a new work of medical evangelism with tribes. Due to the social
stigma of Hansen's desease (leprosy), the more seriously affected find it difficult to be admitted or treated by
a general hospital. Dr. John Payton, the only physician at the Maranatha Clinic, is due for a year's furlough
and residency training this year. In his absence, the clinic was to be closed down if another doctor could not
be found. We, ourselves, have felt the need of more experience with leprosy patients so after much prayer we
have decided to go there this summer. We have been assured of the opportunity and freedom of presenting the
simple message of New Testament Christianity to all patients. Most of the staff are people whom we have
known and admired for their zeal for Christ, and we look forward to working with them.
May 13 has been scheduled for our departure from Omaha. After stops in Oregon, Hawaii, and Hong Kong
we expect to arrive in Thailand on May 19- Geoffrey and Corinne will attend high school in Tanah Ratah,
Malaysia, and Eileen will study at home.
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Much has been added to the joy of this furlough by the thoughtful generosity of many friends. Space will
not allow complete acknowledgment. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGuire expressed their love for Christ by renting us
their lovely home at a special missionary discount. This house is located close to the University Hospitals,
schools attended by our children, and the home of our parents, Dr. and Mrs. Norton Bare. The Benson Church
of Christ in Omaha and the churches of Red Oak, Iowa, have donated large amounts of bandages and clothing
for the clinic work. Dr. David Stephenson, Dr. Richard Bransford, and Dr. Ronald Marshall, all of the Univer
sity of Nebraska Medical Center donated much-needed medical equipment. The nurses and emergency room
staffs of Clarkson Hospital, Douglas County Hospital, and University Hospital also donated medical supplies.
To all of you who have helped, our warmest thanks.
Our address in Thailand will be: Maranatha Clinic, CMA, Khonkaen, Thailand.
Due to regulations and risks, funds should not be sent directly to the field. All contributions should be
sent to: Mr. Melvin C. Bartle, Forwarding Agent
3752 Moonridge Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211
Melvin C. Bartle
3752 Moonridge Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211
Address Correction Requested
With Christian love.
Dr. Garland Bare family

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