Changing Career CV Template

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Your Name Qualifications MBA BA etc

Contact Details (including Town and County)

Phone !"#" $ $%"&#'( Mo)ile !"#" *( $%"&#'(*
Email: Linkedin:
It is important to get this part of your cv right. Often it is the first thing an employer will read and it
should set the tone for the rest of your cv. This is your chance to highlight the value you can ring
to the role and showcase your core competencies and skills
10Y AC2.030M0NT4
This section should include a list of !"# achievements
$ou should include details of a situation you were involved in that resulted in a positive
outcome for your employer.
Employers want to know that you have solved prolems similar to theirs and that you
achieved the results for which they are looking.

CA+00+ 2.4T,+Y

Title 2eld5 Name of Com6any $%7$%7%8$%
Insert further details of your key duties and responsiilities. %ememer to use active
vers including sold& solved etc.
Insert further details of your key duties and responsiilities. %ememer to use active
vers including sold& solved etc..
Insert further details of your key duties and responsiilities. %ememer to use active
vers including sold& solved etc..
Title 2eld5 Name of Com6any $%7$%7%8$8
Insert further details of your key duties and responsiilities. %ememer to use active
vers including sold& solved etc..
Insert further details of your key duties and responsiilities. %ememer to use active
vers including sold& solved etc..
Title 2eld5 Name of Com6any $%7$%7%88*
Insert further details of your key duties and responsiilities. %ememer to use active
vers including sold& solved etc..
Insert further details of your key duties and responsiilities. %ememer to use active
vers including sold& solved etc..
0D9CAT.,N : T+A.N.N;
List 'ualifications gained
(niversity name $%7$%7%8$8
List any 'ualifications gained
(niversity name $%7$%7%88*
List 'ualifications gained )do not include Leaving *ert results if you have a +egree 'ualification,
-chool name $%7$%7%88'

P+,-044.,NA/ M0MB0+42.P4
Insert details of memerships
.T 41.//4 : /AN;9A;04
Include details of all IT skills and software knowledge you have to offer potential
employers. E.ample: IT -kills: /ordpress& 0uto*ad& 1icrosoft Office: /ord& E.cel&
2ower2oint& Outlook and E.plorer.
List languages and competency level 3 conversational& fluent& mother tongue etc.
Include rief details of interests. If you can use your interests to emphasise your skills then so all
the etter for e.ample team captain or chairperson of a local group.
+eferences a<aila)le on re=uest
20/P-9/ 2.NT4
Tips on references
/ould you like your *4 checked y our *4 %eview Team5
Tips on how to write your education 6 training section
Tips on how to write your hoies 6 interest section

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