BRT Maintenance Philosophy (Rev 4)

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Maintenance Philosophy
BRT Technologies
Dubai !nite" #$ab E%i$ates
Phone &'()*+),-()''(-
Table of Contents
C H A P T E R 1
Introduction 1
Purpose 1
cope 1
Assumptions 1
C H A P T E R !
Pre"entati"e Maintenance #
C H A P T E R $
Reacti"e Maintenance %
C H A P T E R &
Reliability Centered Maintenance '
C H A P T E R #
Correcti"e Maintenance (
C H A P T E R %
Predicti"e Maintenance )
Purpose )
C H A P T E R '
*nline Maintenance 11
*"er"ie+ 11
C H A P T E R (
*ff,-ine Maintenance 1!
*b.ecti"es 1!
C H A P T E R )
*perator / Maintenance Personnel
Trainin0 1$
*/M Trainin0 1$
*b.ecti"es 1$
Rotation of Personnel 1$
C H A P T E R 1 0
Test E1ecution 1#
Test 2ata Mana0ement 1#
ecurity 1#
.hat is %aintenance an" /hy is it pe$0o$%e"1 Past an" cu$$ent
%aintenance p$actices on e2uip%ent /oul" i%ply that
%aintenance is the actions associate" /ith e2uip%ent $epai$
a0te$ it is b$o3en) Ho/e4e$5 e6pe$ience" pe$sonnel /ill tell you
that the "esign li0e o0 %ost e2uip%ent $e2ui$es pe$io"ic
%aintenance) O4e$ the last 7+ yea$s5 "i8e$ent app$oaches to
ho/ %aintenance can be pe$0o$%e" to ensu$e e2uip%ent
$eaches o$ e6cee"s its "esign li0e ha4e been "e4elope") In this
"ocu%ent5 /e /ill utili9e $eacti4e %aintenance5 p$e4enti4e
%aintenance5 $eliability cente$e" %aintenance5 co$$ecti4e
%aintenance5 an" p$e"icti4e %aintenance)
The pu$pose o0 this "ocu%ent is to "esc$ibe the basic
philosophies o0 ope$ating an" %aintaining the Test Cont$ol an"
Monito$ Syste% :TCMS; e2uip%ent) TCMS is a co%ple6 an"
sophisticate" chec3out syste%) Ope$ations an" %aintenance
p$ocesses "e4elope" to suppo$t it /ill be base" upon cu$$ent
e6pe$ience5 but /ill be 0ocuse" on the speci<c nee"s o0 TCMS)
This "ocu%ent /ill act as an o4e$4ie/ o0 the ope$ations an"
%aintenance goals an" philosophies)
This "ocu%ent "esc$ibes the assu%ptions5 $oles an"
$esponsibilities5 concepts an" inte$0aces 0o$ ope$ation5 on=line
%aintenance5 o8=line suppo$t5 an" Ope$ations an" Maintenance
:O>M; pe$sonnel t$aining on all TCMS e2uip%ent
O??=LINE S!PPORT SET) The o@ine= suppo$t set /ill be locate"
in close p$o6i%ity to the on=line syste% an" /ill be a4ailable 0o$
the 0ollo/ing 0unctionsA
a) T$oubleshooting o0 TCMS Line Replaceable !nits
:LR!s;Bano%alies in an o8=line %o"e)
b) Sou$ce o0 Chot spa$esD to get on=line syste%s up an"
$unning as 2uic3ly as possible)
c) Ee$i<cation o0 $epai$e" LR!s5 etc) p$io$ to stoc3ing the%
as 0unctional asse%blies $ea"y 0o$ installation in the on=
line syste%)
") P$e=con<gu$ation o0 TCMS Sub Syste%s)
e) T$aining o0 ope$ato$s an" %aintenance pe$sonnel)
LE#RNING C!REE) O>M5 Sustaining Enginee$ing an" the use$
o$gani9ations /ill hi$e an" t$ain a""itional pe$sonnel p$io$ to
TCMS set a4ailability) P$epa$ing pe$sonnel to pe$0o$% thei$ $oles
in acti4ation5 4ali"ation an" ongoing ope$ations /ill $e2ui$e
e6tensi4e t$aining e4en 0o$ e6pe$ience" pe$sonnel)
Plans a$e being "e4elope" to $epai$ co%%on Co$e ite%s) The o8=
line 0acility /ill be a4ailable 0o$ 0ault isolation5 4e$i<cation5 an"
sustaining enginee$ing o0 TCMS uni2ue ite%s)
ROLES #ND RESPONSIBILITIES) The te$% Cuse$D $e0e$s to
pe$sonnel /ho "i$ect5 pe$0o$%5 an" cont$ol the %aintenance
syste%) Typical use$ $esponsibilities /ill inclu"e the 0ollo/ingA
a) De<ne in"i4i"ual use$ 0unctional $esponsibilities5 inte$0ace5
an" othe$ $e2ui$e" tas3s)
b) De4elop applications p$og$a%s that a$e co%bine" /ith
ope$ations an" %aintenance applications to p$o4i"e a
TCMS syste%s con<gu$ation)
c) Monito$ syste%s "u$ing testing)
") T$oubleshoot application p$og$a%s an" ha$"/a$e
e) De<neBconcu$ /ith TCMS con<gu$ation changes "u$ing
0) Pe$0o$% testing o0 ha$"/a$e)
g) Reco%%en" syste% %o"i<cations to enhance syste%
pe$0o$%ance5 ope$ability5 an" %aintainability)
OPER#TIONS #ND M#INTEN#NCE) Ope$ations an"
Maintenance :O>M; in4ol4es %anaging an" cont$olling TCMS
ha$"/a$e as /ell as using syste% "iagnostics an"
t$oubleshooting techni2ues to "iagnose syste% p$oble%s) The
te$% Cope$ato$D $e0e$s to pe$sonnel /ho %anage an" cont$ol the
o4e$all ope$ation o0 TCMS) This inclu"es p$epa$ing TCMS sets
0o$ testingG con<gu$ing the TCMS ha$"/a$e an" ope$ating
so0t/a$eG an" p$o4i"ing ha$"/a$e an" ope$ational so0t/a$e
Typical O>M $esponsibilities /ill inclu"e the 0ollo/ingA
a) Ope$ation an" ope$ational %aintenance o0 TCMS)
b) P$o4i"e con<gu$ation accounting 0o$ an" se$4e as
custo"ian o05 TCMS ha$"/a$e5 so0t/a$e5 an" <$%/a$e)
c) Con<gu$e TCMS ha$"/a$e an" so0t/a$e to suppo$t test
$e2ui$e%ents an" sche"ules)
") De4elop TCMS ope$ational an" ope$ational %aintenance
concepts an" p$oce"u$es $ecogni9ing 0unctional inte$0aces5
$esou$ce allocations5 so0t/a$e5 ha$"/a$e an" syste%
capabilities5 spa$e pa$ts5 test e2uip%ent5 "ocu%entation5
suppo$t se$4ices a4ailability5 an" $e2ui$e%ents)
e) P$o4i"e an" %anage TCMS syste% secu$ity inclu"ing
cont$ol o0 pass/o$"s an" access p$i4ileges)
0) Pe$0o$% ope$ations5 %aintenance an" a"%inist$ation o0 the
SP? an" Database Subsyste% :DBS;)
S!ST#INING ENGINEERING) Sustaining Enginee$ing $e0e$s to
the line o$gani9ation $esponsible 0o$ p$o4i"ing ha$"/a$e an"
so0t/a$e suppo$t by pe$0o$%ing app$o4e" ha$"/a$e an" syste%
so0t/a$e %o"i<cations an" othe$ sustaining enginee$ing
0unctions5 $esulting 0$o% Change Re2uests5 Enginee$ing Suppo$t
Re2uests5 P$oble% Repo$ts5 an" So0t/a$e P$oble% Repo$ts)
Typical sustaining enginee$ing $esponsibilities /ill inclu"e the
a) Sustaining enginee$ing o0 TCMS in suppo$t)
b) In4estigate5 "e4elop5 an" apply a"4ance" syste%
enginee$ing p$ocesses an" tools :inclu"ing co%pute$
syste%s5 ope$ating syste%s5 co%pute$ ai"e" enginee$ing
techni2ues5 language p$ocesso$s5 test an" 4ali"ation
techni2ues5 an" t$oubleshooting tools an" techni2ues; to
enhance the accu$acy5 ope$ability5 $eliability5 an" e8iciency
o0 TCMS)
c) De4elop test an" "iagnostic so0t/a$e an" syste% an"
utility p$og$a%s to 0acilitate ope$ation an" %aintenance o0
") P$o4i"e assistance as $e2ui$e" to O>M pe$sonnel in
t$oubleshooting "i8icult p$oble%s)
0unctions /ill assu$e the sa0e an" $eliable 4ali"ation an"
ope$ations an" %aintenance o0 TCMS ha$"/a$e an" so0t/a$e)
Typical $esponsibilities o0 SR > H# inclu"e the 0ollo/ingA
a) Monito$ "u$ing t$oubleshooting an" p$oble% $esolution
$elati4e to TCMS ha$"/a$e an" syste% so0t/a$e)
b) P$o4i"e a Technical Lib$a$y to house TCMS "ata pac3ages5
enginee$ing "$a/ings5 co%plete" p$oble% $epo$ts5 etc)
c) T$ac3 an" au"it TCMS so0t/a$e con<gu$ation) SR > H#
/ill p$o4i"e so0t/a$e an" ha$"/a$e assu$ance suppo$t 0o$
") Re4ie/ an" concu$ /ith test plans 0o$ TCMS ha$"/a$e an"
so0t/a$e %o"i<cations)
e) Re4ie/ an" plan Ope$ations an" Maintenance Inst$uction
:OMIs; 0o$ TCMS ha$"/a$e an" syste% so0t/a$e)
0) P$o4i"e Sa0ety5 Reliability5 Maintainability an" Huality
#ssu$ance :SRM > H#; sustaining enginee$ing)
g) Huality #ssu$ance :H#; shall "ocu%ent an" %aintain
TCMS ano%alies 4ia the Noncon0o$%ance P$oble%s
Repo$ting an" Co$$ecti4e #ction syste%)
h) Monito$ TCMS O>M acti4ities)
Pre"enti"e Maintenance
P$e4enti4e %aintenance can be "e<ne" as 0ollo/A #ctions
pe$0o$%e" on a ti%e o$ %achine=$un=base" sche"ule that "etect5
p$eclu"e o$ %itigate "eg$a"ation o0 a co%ponent o$ syste% /ith
the ai% o0 sustaining o$ e6ten"ing its use0ul li0e th$ough
cont$olling "eg$a"ation to an acceptable le4el)
The a"4antages o0 p$e4enti4e %aintenance inclu"e the 0ollo/ingA
a) Cost e8ecti4e in %any capital intensi4e p$ocesses)
b) ?le6ibility allo/s 0o$ the a"Iust%ent o0 %aintenance
c) Inc$ease" co%ponent li0e cycle)
") Ene$gy sa4ings)
e) Re"uce" e2uip%ent o$ p$ocess 0ailu$e)
0) Esti%ate" (JK to (-K cost sa4ings o4e$ $eacti4e
%aintenance p$og$a%)
The "isa"4antages o0 p$e4enti4e %aintenance inclu"e the
a) Catast$ophic 0ailu$es still li3ely to occu$)
b) Labo$ intensi4e)
c) Inclu"es pe$0o$%ance o0 unnee"e" %aintenance)
") Potential 0o$ inci"ental "a%age to co%ponents in
con"ucting unnee"e" %aintenance)
P$e4enti4e %aintenance is pe$0o$%e" on a sche"ule" basis) The
"esign o0 TCMS /ill be such that $outine p$e4enti4e
%aintenance /ill not be int$usi4e o$ "est$ucti4e to syste%
ope$ation5 no$ /ill it p$eclu"e %eeting syste%s a4ailability
$e2ui$e%ents) The capability to sche"ule an" "ocu%ent
p$e4enti4e %aintenance acti4ity /ill be p$o4i"e" th$ough the
Ope$ations an" Maintenance Inst$uctions)
Reacti"e Maintenance
Reacti4e %aintenance is basically the C$un it till it b$ea3sD
%aintenance %o"e) The a"4antages to $eacti4e %aintenance can
be 4ie/e" as a "ouble=e"ge" s/o$") I0 /e a$e "ealing /ith ne/
e2uip%ent5 /e can e6pect %ini%al inci"ents o0 0ailu$e) I0 ou$
%aintenance p$og$a% is pu$ely $eacti4e5 /e /ill not e6pen"
%anpo/e$ "olla$s o$ incu$ capital costs until so%ething b$ea3s)
Reliability Centered
P$e4enti4e %aintenance /ill be planne" an" acco%plishe"
utili9ing the Reliability Cente$e" Maintenance :RCM;
concept) RCM is a sche"ule" %aintenance st$ategy that can
ensu$e cost e8ecti4eness by signi<cantly lo/e$ing
%aintenance costs) RCM is a p$ocess use" to "ete$%ine the
%aintenance $e2ui$e%ents o0 any physical asset in its
ope$ating conte6t)
The a"4antages o0 RCM inclu"e the 0ollo/ingA
a) Can be the %ost e8icient %aintenance p$og$a%)
b) Lo/e$ costs by eli%inating unnecessa$y
%aintenance o$ o4e$hauls)
c) Mini%i9e 0$e2uency o0 o4e$hauls)
") Re"uce" p$obability o0 su""en e2uip%ent 0ailu$es)
e) #ble to 0ocus %aintenance acti4ities on c$itical
0) Inc$ease" co%ponent $eliability)
g) Inco$po$ates $oot cause analysis)
The "isa"4antages o0 RCM inclu"e the 0ollo/ingA
a) Can ha4e signi<cant sta$tup cost5 t$aining5
e2uip%ent5 etc)
b) Sa4ings potential not $ea"ily seen by %anage%ent)
Correcti"e Maintenance
The TCMS /ill be "esigne" /ith sel0=test 0eatu$es5 using
%o"ula$ a$chitectu$e5 0o$ ease o0 %aintenance) Co$$ecti4e
ope$ational %aintenance /ill p$i%a$ily be acco%plishe" by
$e%o4al an" $eplace%ent o0 LR!s)
Co$$ecti4e %aintenance /ill be pe$0o$%e" in the %ost
e8ecti4e %anne$ to $epai$B$eplaceB$esto$e the 0aile" unit to
an ope$ationally $ea"y state) Li0e Cycle Cost is "e<ne" as
the total cost o0 ac2ui$ing5 ope$ating5 an" suppo$ting a
syste% o4e$ its li0eti%e) LS# is a syste%atic an"
co%p$ehensi4e analysis pe$0o$%e" "u$ing the "esign5
"e4elop%ent an" ope$ational phase o0 a syste%)
Predicti"e Maintenance
P$e"icti4e %aintenance can be "e<ne" as 0ollo/sA
Measu$e%ents that "etect the onset o0 a "eg$a"ation
%echanis%5 the$eby allo/ing causal st$esso$s to be
eli%inate" o$ cont$olle" p$io$ to any signi<cant
"ete$io$ation in the co%ponent physical state)
The a"4antages o0 p$e"icti4e %aintenance inclu"e the
a) Inc$ease" co%ponent ope$ational li0eBa4ailability)
b) #llo/s 0o$ p$ee%pti4e co$$ecti4e actions)
c) Dec$ease in e2uip%ent o$ p$ocess "o/nti%e)
") Dec$ease in costs 0o$ pa$ts an" labo$)
e) Bette$ p$o"uct 2uality)
0) I%p$o4e" /o$3e$ an" en4i$on%ental sa0ety)
g) I%p$o4e" /o$3e$ %o$al)
h) Ene$gy sa4ings)
i) Esti%ate" -K to (JK cost sa4ings o4e$ p$e4enti4e
%aintenance p$og$a%)
The "isa"4antages o0 p$e"icti4e %aintenance inclu"e the
a) Inc$ease" in4est%ent in "iagnostic e2uip%ent)
b) Inc$ease" in4est%ent in sta8 t$aining)
c) Sa4ings potential not $ea"ily seen by %anage%ent)
The 0ocal point 0o$ ope$ational an" %aintenance p$oce"u$es
/ill be the TCMS syste%) It /ill ha4e the 4isibility into the
inte$nal ope$ations an" health > status o0 the syste% using
the 0ollo/ing a4ailable 0ault "etection an" isolation toolsA
a) Ope$ational Rea"iness Test :ORT;)
b) Health an" Status Displays)
c) ?ault "etection5 isolation an" $eco4e$y)
Maintenance pe$sonnel /ill be on=station "u$ing test
ope$ations to $e%o4eB$eplace i"enti<e" 0aile" units)
Maintenance pe$sonnel /ill be assigne" to suppo$t on=line
testing o$ o8=line suppo$t)
*n,-ine Maintenance
The TCMS /ill be "esigne" an" suppo$te" base" on the
th$ee=le4el %aintenance concept "e<ne" in the p$og$a%)
The th$ee le4els o0 %aintenance a$eA
a) Ope$ational Maintenance L %aintenance in "i$ect
suppo$t o0 TCMS ope$ations an" pe$0o$%e" on=line)
This inclu"es sche"ule" an" co$$ecti4e %aintenance)
O$gani9ational an" on=line %aintenance a$e use"
inte$changeably he$ein) Only this type o0 %aintenance
is a""$esse" in this section)
b) Inte$%e"iate Maintenance L %aintenance that is
pe$0o$%e" o8=line in "i$ect suppo$t o0 inte$%e"iate
le4el %aintenance an" $e2ui$es e2uip%ent 0acilities)
c) Depot Maintenance L %aintenance that is pe$0o$%e"
o8=line in "i$ect suppo$t o0 inte$%e"iate le4el
%aintenance an" $e2ui$es e2uip%ent 0acilities)
On=line %aintenance $e0e$s to ope$ational %aintenance only)
The goal o0 on=line %aintenance is to p$o4i"e a p$e4enti4e
%aintenance an" co$$ecti4e %aintenance se$4ice in o$"e$ to
3eep TCMS at 0ull ope$ational status as %uch as possible
an" %ini%i9e syste% "o/nti%e)
*ff,-ine Maintenance
Hot Spa$es 0o$ on=line $epai$s)
Subsyste% Le4el TestingBEe$i<cation)
Ee$i<cation o0 p$opose" Changes)
*perator and Maintenance
Personnel Trainin0
*/M Trainin0
#"e2uate t$aining /ill be c$ucial to "e4eloping a s3ille"
O>M tea%) #s o0ten as p$acticable5 O>M /ill sta8 /ith
pe$sonnel /ho al$ea"y possess basic s3ills 0o$ the Iobs they
/ill <ll) But5 "ue to the uni2ue "esign an" 0unction o0 TCMS5
all pe$sonnel /ill $e2ui$e speciali9e" t$aining to e8ecti4ely
ca$$y out thei$ $esponsibilities)
The t$aining goals 0o$ O>M a$eA
a) Hi$e the best people)
b) T$ain all pe$sonnel to a stan"a$" le4el)
c) P$o4i"e Iob speci<c t$aining)
") P$o4i"e on the Iob t$aining :OMT;)
e) P$o4i"e a"4ance" an" $e0$eshe$ t$aining as nee"e")
0) C$oss t$ain pe$sonnel to suppo$t c$itical 0unctions)
Rotation of Personnel
O>M pe$sonnel /ill be c$oss t$aine" an" $otate" a%ong
assign%ent) This /illA
a) Eli%inate single point 0ailu$es)
b) I%p$o4e" e4e$yoneNs un"e$stan"ing o0 TCMS an" the
O>M p$ocess)
c) P$o4i"e g$o/th oppo$tunities 0o$ pe$sonnel)
") #llo/ pe$sonnel to %o4e to "i8e$ent shi0ts)
e) P$o4i"e "epth o0 capability)
Test E1ecution
Test E1ecution
Test e6ecution an" cont$ol /ill be the $esponsibility o0 the
TCMS use$ sta8 an" /ill be cont$olle" as speci<e" in the
OMI) O>M /ill be $esponsibility 0o$ %onito$ing te6t
e6ecution5 an" con<gu$ation o0 TCMS $esou$ces to suppo$t
Test 2ata Mana0ement
Test "ata /ill be $eco$"e"5 a$chi4e" an" cataloge" 0o$ late$
TCMS Syste% Secu$ity #"%inist$ation /ill be the
$esponsibility o0 the TCMS Ope$ations an" Maintenance
co%%unity) # co%bination o0 physical secu$ity5 /he$e
sensiti4e co%ponents a$e loc3e" in a secu$e" a$ea5 an"
so0t/a$e secu$ity using pass/o$"s5 logon ID p$i4ileges 0o$
access cont$ols5 an" au"it t$ail techni2ues) # TCMS
Secu$ity Plan an" Ris3 #ssess%ent /ill be "$a0te" p$io$ to
i%ple%entation o0 TCMS Ee$i<cation)

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