2009 JTS AnnexE-PartnershipAgreement 4.0 Tem

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This is a suggested template agreement. It must be negotiated between
partners and tailored to eah pro!et partnership"s indi#idual needs.
Agreement $or Pro!et Partners %onerning the Partnership
Within the rame!or" o the Cross#$or%er Territoria& Co#operation Pro'ramme or
Northern Ire&an%( the $or%er Co)nties o Ire&an% an% Western *cot&an% +,,-#
+,./( hereater reerre% to as the INTERRE0 I1A Pro'ramme [or PEACE III
$et!een the o&&o!in' partners3
(. [Name 4 A%%ress]
Represente% 563
+. [Name 4 A%%ress]
Represente% 563
,. [Name 4 A%%ress]
Represente% 563
-. [Name 4 A%%ress]
Represente% 563
Artile (/ Pro!et )b!eti#es
(.( The project [title] con%)cte% 5ase% on the Cross#$or%er Territoria& Co#
operation Pro'ramme or Northern Ire&an%( the $or%er Co)nties o Ire&an%
an% Western *cot&an% +,,-#+,./( hereater reerre% to as the INTERRE0
I1A Pro'ramme [or Peace III Pro'ramme 7 IN*ERT 8 9ELECT A*
APPROPRIATE] sha&& contri5)te to the o5jecti:es set o)t in the
Operationa& Pro'ramme2
The project o5jecti:es are as o&&o!s3
Insert Objectives
Version 1
Artile +/ Sub!et o$ the Partnership Agreement
+.( $6 the present Partnership A'reement( the Lea% Partner an% the project
partners sha&& %eine the r)&es o proce%)re or the !or" to 5e carrie% o)t
an% the re&ations that sha&& 'o:ern them !ithin the cross#5or%er
partnership set )p in or%er to comp&ete the aorementione% project2
+.+ The Partnership A'reement is a secon%ar6 %oc)ment in that it m)st 5e
rea% s)5ject to the Letter o Oer an% the *tan%ar% Con%itions o 0rant2
The content o the Letter o Oer an% the *tan%ar% Con%itions !i&&
o:erri%e an6thin' to the contrar6 in the Partnership A'reement2
+., The terms o reerence o the project are in%icate% in the anne;es2 The
anne;es comprise3
The Letter o Oer si'ne% 56 the Joint Technica& *ecretariat on 5eha&
o the Mana'in' A)thorit6 an% co#si'ne% 56 the Lea% Partner %ate%
The Project Wor" P&an !ith its time sche%)&e an% %etai&e% 5)%'et
inc&)%e% in the ina&ise% App&ication Form as recei:e% 56 the Joint
Technica& *ecretariat an% re&ectin' an6 a'ree% re:ision on the part o
the *teerin' Committee o&&o!in' appraisa& on [%ate]
The Comm)nications P&an
A&& anne;es are an inte'ra& part o this Partnership A'reement2
Artile ,/ 'uration o$ the Agreement
,.( This Partnership A'reement sha&& ta"e eect on the %ate on !hich it is
si'ne% 56 a&& partners2 It sha&& terminate on the %ate !hen the &ast o the
partners recei:es its ina& pa6ment rom the Lea% Partner an% )nti& the
Lea% Partner has %ischar'e% in )&& his o5&i'ations to!ar% the Mana'in'
,.+ *ho)&% the %ate on !hich the Project act)a&&6 starts prece%e the %ate the
Pro'ramme *teerin' Committee <*C= has ta"en into acco)nt or e&i'i5&e
e;penses( the e;penses inc)rre% 56 the partners prior to that %ate sha&& 5e
%eeme% non#e&i'i5&e2
,., The perio% in !hich the Project m)st 5e conc&)%e% ma6 5e a&tere% !ith
e;press !ritten permission rom the Pro'ramme2 Mo%iications app&6 to a&&
Project Partners2
,.- Fo&&o!in' the termination o the a'reement( a&& Project Partners are
o5&i'e% to comp&6 !ith the o5&i'ations concernin' the "eepin' an% i&in' o
Version 1
,.0 It is not inten%e% to create a orma& &e'a& partnership2 This >Partnership
A'reement? sets o)t the manner in !hich the Lea% Partner an% the Project
Partners inten% to co#operate to ens)re the %e&i:er6 o the project2
Artile -/ )bligations
-.( The Lea% Partner an% the Project Partners commit themse&:es in %oin'
e:er6thin' in their po!er to ens)re the imp&ementation o the project as
%eine% in artic&e +2
-.+ The Lea% Partner sha&& )&i&& a&& o5&i'ations arisin' rom the Letter o Oer
an% the appro:e% app&ication2 In partic)&ar the Lea% Partner sha&& )&i&& the
o&&o!in' o5&i'ations2
The Lea% Partner is responsi5&e or the o:era&& co#or%ination( mana'ement
an% imp&ementation o the project2 The Lea% Partner sha&& 5e the
5eneiciar6 o the ER9F 'rant an% sha&& mana'e the )n%s in accor%ance
!ith the %etai&s o this Partnership A'reement2 The Lea% Partner ass)mes
so&e responsi5i&it6 or the entire project :is#@#:is the Mana'in' A)thorit62
The Lea% Partner sha&& appoint a Project Mana'er !ho has operationa&
responsi5i&it6 or the imp&ementation o the o:era&& projectA
The Lea% Partner !i&& ens)re time&6 commencement o the project an%
imp&ementation o the entire project !ithin the time sche%)&e in comp&iance
!ith a&& o5&i'ations to the Mana'in' A)thorit62 The Lea% Partner sha&& noti6
the Mana'in' A)thorit6 o an6 actors that ma6 a%:erse&6 aect
imp&ementation o the project acti:ities an%8or inancia& p&anA
Reception o pa6ments rom the Mana'in' A)thorit6 an% the mana'ement
o the EB )n%s( in partic)&ar their time&6 on!ar% transer to the project
partnersA re:ie! o the appropriate spen%in' o the EB )n%s 56 the
project partnersA an% conso&i%ation o the project#re&ate% in%i:i%)a&
acco)ntin' recor%s o the project partners an% preparation o a&& reC)ire%
%oc)ments an% recor%s or the ina& a)%it <!ith assistance o the project
Preparation o a !or" p&an settin' o)t the tas"s to 5e )n%erta"en as part
o the project an% the ro&e o project partners in their imp&ementation( an%
a project 5)%'et [Note: see comments below, Art. 6 Specific Activities]A
Preparation an% s)5mission o perio%ic pro'ress reports( interim reports(
ina& reports( o&&o!#)p 5)%'et %oc)mentation( inancia& %ec&arations(
reC)ests or pa6ment( inancia& reports an% app&ication or 5)%'et or
contract c&a)se a&terationsA
An6 other tas"s a'ree% !ith the project partners2
-., E:er6 Project Partner an% the Lea% Partner <in their )nction as Project
Partner= sha&& accept the o&&o!in' %)ties an% responsi5i&ities
Version 1
E;pe%itio)s&6 carr6 o)t the speciic acti:ities set o)t in the project !or"
p&an or other!ise a'ree%A
Pro:i%in' a&& inormation an% %ata to the Lea% Partner that are reC)ire% 56
the &atter to coor%inate an%monitor the imp&ementation o the project an%
or reportin' p)rposesA
*)5mittin' conirmations 56 in%epen%ent chartere% acco)ntants <or
eC)i:a&ent= on the e&i'i5i&it6 o their e;pen%it)reA
Noti6in' the Lea% Partner o an6 actors that ma6 a%:erse&6 aect
imp&ementation o the project in accor%ance !ith the !or" p&an2
Project partners a'ree to ta"e a&& necessar6 steps ena5&in' the Lea%
Partner to comp&6 !ith its responsi5i&ities as set o)t in the Letter o Oer
Pro%)ce a&& %oc)ments reC)ire% or the a)%it( pro:i%e necessar6
inormation an%( or a)%it p)rposes( 'i:e access to its 5)siness premises
to the responsi5&e a)%itin' 5o%ies imp&ementin' the Pro'ramme a)%it
reC)irements( in partic)&ar Re')&ation .,D/8+,,E o .. J)&6 +,,E( artic&e
Retain at a&& times or a)%it p)rposes a&& i&es( %oc)ments an% %ata a5o)t
the part o the project or !hich it is responsi5&e in a sae an% or%er&6
manner or a minim)m o E 6ears ater the ina& pa6ment 56 the EB
Commission to the pro'ramme
Pro:i%e the in%epen%ent assessors carr6in' o)t the pro'ramme mi%#term
an% e;#post e:a&)ation an6 %oc)ment or inormation necessar6 to assist
!ith the e:a&)ation
Or'anise commitment o )ser 'ro)ps in their re'ion( their participation in
the re'iona& project an% pi&ot projects an% their co#operation in the
%issemination o the Project res)&ts
Comp&6 !ith EB an% nationa& &e'is&ation
-.- *peciic Acti:ities
The main tas"s o [name of the Lea !artner], reerre% to as the > Lea%
Partner?( are s)mmarise% as o&&o!s3
[title or n"mber of each action].
The main tas"s o [name of the !roject !artners], reerre% to as Partner .(
+( /( etc( are s)mmarise% as o&&o!s3
[title or n"mber of each action].
The !or" p&an settin' o)t a %etai&e% %escription o "e6 tas"s( tar'ets(
timesca&es an% the 5)%'et or each o the actions )n%erta"en 56 the Lea%
Partner an% the project partners sha&& 5e appen%e% to the present
Partnership A'reement2
Version 1
Artile 0/ )rganisational Struture o$ the Partnership
0.( For the s)ccess)& mana'ement o the partnership an% comp&etion o the
pro'ramme( a >Project *teerin' Committee? !i&& 5e set )p2 The Project
*teerin' Committee !i&& 5e responsi5&e or monitorin' the imp&ementation
o the project2 The Project *teerin' Committee !i&& 5e chaire% 56 the Lea%
Partner an% !i&& report to JT*2 Its mem5ers sha&& inc&)%e the Lea% Partner(
Project Partners( an% an6 other or'anisations or in%i:i%)a&s %eeme%
appropriate 56 the Lea% Partner2 The Project *teerin' Committee sha&&
meet on a [efine fre#"enc$] 5asis2
*EBP$ sta sha&& a&so retain the ri'ht to atten% meetin's2
0.+ >Project *teerin' Committee? !i&& ha:e the a)thorit6 to %e&e'ate speciic
tas"s or responsi5i&ities to s)ch s)5#committees as it sha&& %eem
appropriate to esta5&ish2 These tas"s ma6 inc&)%e responsi5i&it6 or
inancia& contro&( the monitorin' o project acti:ities an% e:a&)ation o the
o)tcomes( an% s)ch other tas"s as consi%ere% appropriate 56 the >Project
*teerin' Committee?2 [Specif$ the etaile composition of the >Project
*teerin' Committee? an an$ s"b%committees, their role an assi&nments,
an the ecision ma'in& process].
Artile 1/ %ooperation with third parties
1.( In case o cooperation !ith thir% parties( inc&)%in' s)5contractors(
%e&e'ation o part o the acti:ities or o o)tso)rcin'( the project partner
concerne% sha&& remain so&e&6 responsi5&e to the Lea% Partner concernin'
comp&iance !ith its o5&i'ations as set o)t in this Partnership A'reement
inc&)%in' its anne;es an% thro)'h the &atter to *EBP$ imp&ementin' the
1.+2 The Lea% Partner sha&& 5e inorme% 56 the project partner a5o)t the
s)5ject an% part6 o an6 contract conc&)%e% !ith a thir% part62
1., No project partner sha&& ha:e the ri'ht to transer its ri'hts an% o5&i'ations
)n%er this Partnership A'reement !itho)t the prior consent o the other
project participants an% the responsi5&e pro'ramme imp&ementin' 5o%ies2
1.- Cooperation !ith thir% parties inc&)%in' s)5contractors sha&& 5e
)n%erta"en in accor%ance !ith the proce%)res set o)t in EB p)5&ic
proc)rement %irecti:es2
Artile 2/ &iabilit3
2.(2 Each partner( inc&)%in' the Lea% Partner( sha&& 5e &ia5&e to the other
partners an% sha&& in%emni6 an% ho&% harm&ess s)ch other partners or
an% a'ainst an6 &ia5i&ities( %ama'es an% ho&% harm&ess an% costs res)&tin'
Version 1
rom the non#comp&iance o its %)ties an% o5&i'ations as set orth in this
a'reement an% anne;es
2.+. No part6 sha&& 5e he&% &ia5&e or not comp&6in' !ith o5&i'ations rom this
a'reement in case o orce maje)re2 I s)ch a case arises( the project
partner in:o&:e% sha&& anno)nce this imme%iate&6 in !ritin' to the other
project partners2
Artile 4/ 5udgetar3 and $inanial management 6eligibilit3 o$ e7penditure89
aounting priniples
4.( The Lea% Partner is responsi5&e or preparin' a project 5)%'et settin' o)t
an% estimate o e&i'i5&e e;pen%it)re an% )n%in'2 The 5)%'et sha&& 5e
%enominate% in e)ro or in ster&in'2
4.+ The e&i'i5i&it6 o e;pen%it)re !i&& 5e %etermine% 5ase% on Commission
Re')&ations an% nationa& &a!s2 E&i'i5&e e;pen%it)re m)st 5e3 .= %irect&6
re&ate% to the s)5ject matter o the project an% mentione% thereinA +=
necessar6 or the imp&ementation o the project as &on' as it is reasona5&e
an% consistent !ith the princip&es o operationa& eicienc6 an% econom6A
/= act)a&&6 inc)rre% an% are i%entiia5&e an% :eriia5&e in the acco)ntin'
an% ta;ation recor%s o the project partnerA
4., E&i'i5&e e;pen%it)re ma6 inc&)%e the sa&aries p&)s socia& sec)rit6 char'es
an% other rem)neration#re&ate% costs o sta assi'ne% to the project(
tra:e& an% s)5sistence costs or sta in:o&:e% in the project?s
imp&ementation( %epreciation costs or eC)ipment <ne! or )se%( costs o
cons)ma5&es an% s)pp&ies( e;pen%it)re on s)5contractin'( an% costs
%eri:in' %irect&6 rom the reC)irements o the Letter o Oer <e2'2
e:a&)ation acti:ities( %issemination o inormation=2
4.-. The Lea% Partner is the so&e responsi5&e part6 to the JT*8MA concernin'
the rea&isation o pa6ment c&aims an% inancia& reports2 The Lea% Partner
m)st ens)re the re&ia5i&it6 o the acco)ntin' an% inancia& reports an%
%oc)ments %ra!n )p 56 a&& Project Partners2 The Lea% Partner can
reC)est )rther inormation an% e:i%ence to that eect2
4.0 In %ea)&t o e:i%ence or in the e:ent o non#)&i&ment o the Pro'ramme
r)&es concernin' e&i'i5i&it6 o e;penses( the Lea% Partner sha&& as" the
Project Partner to re:ie! the s)5mitte% inancia& %oc)ments2 In case o
repeate% non#)&i&ment( the Lea% Partner sha&& 5e entit&e% to %en6 the
e;penses s)5mitte% 56 a Project Partner2 In s)ch cases( the Lea% Partner
is o5&i'e% to inorm the concerne% Partner o the %enia& o e;penses an%
the moti:ation theretoA a&so the MA8JT* sha&& 5e inorme%
4.1 The ER9F inancia& contri5)tions sha&& 5e pai% into the acco)nt o the
Lea% Partner !ho sha&& 5e responsi5&e or the a%ministrati:e an% inancia&
Version 1
mana'ement o the )n%s an% or %istri5)tin' the )n%s 5et!een the
project partners in accor%ance !ith their certiie% e;pen%it)re inc)rre% or
project actions eecti:e&6 carrie% o)t2
4.2 The Lea% Partner sha&& C)anti6 common mana'ements cost an% project
partners a'ree that these sha&& 5e met 56 the partnership as a !ho&e2
4.4 A&& Project Partners sha&& commit to "eep separate acco)nts in accor%ance
!ith the r)&es prescri5e% 56 the MA8JT* an% in accor%ance the e&i'i5i&it6 o
e;pen%it)re r)&es2 The acco)nts sha&& pro:i%e or re'istration in
E)ros8Po)n%s o tota& e;penses <e;pen%it)re= an% o the ret)rn <income=
re&ate% to the Project2
4.: Acco)ntin' reports or other %oc)ments( inc&)%in' copies o a&& pieces o
e:i%ence sha&& 5e s)5mitte% to the Lea% Partner or to the 5o%6 appointe%
to that eect( in accor%ance !ith the sche%)&e an% reC)irements stip)&ate%
56 the Lea% Partner2
4.(; The Project Partners are o5&i'e% to ha:e their project acco)ntin' certiie%
56 an acco)ntant or a)%itor2 A&& partners m)st pro%)ce a&& %oc)ments an%
necessar6 inormation reC)ire% or a)%it 56 &oca&( re'iona&( nationa& or
E)ropean a)%itors( an% 'i:e access to their 5)siness premises in
accor%ance !ith E)ropean Re')&ations2
8.11 The inancia&( acco)ntin' an% reportin' po&ic6 o the Lea% Partner <as !e&&
as its %irections an% reC)ests to!ar%s the other Project Partners in
connection there!ith= sha&& 5e 5ase% on the r)&es an% re')&ations
%etermine% 56 the Pro'ramme in respect o the Project an% in 'enera& as
interprete% 56 the Lea% Partner2 The Lea% Partner sha&& )se reasona5&e
en%ea:o)rs to o5tain c&ariication an%8or comort in respect o s)ch r)&es(
re')&ations an% interpretation !here appropriate( in or%er to a:oi%
%ierences o opinion !ith the JT* !hich mi'ht &ea% the JT* to re%)ce
%iscontin)e or e:en re#c&aim s)5si%ies rom one or more o the Project
Partners2 The Lea% Partner( ho!e:er( sha&& not 5e responsi5&e an%8or
&ia5&e to!ar%s the other partners or an6 a%:erse conseC)ences res)&tin'
rom a %ierent interpretation an%8or approach o re&e:ant r)&es an%
re')&ations 56 the JT* at an6 sta'e o the Project2
Artile :/ Monitoring9 E#aluation and Reporting
:.( The Lea% Partner has o:era&& responsi5i&it6 or monitorin' the actions
)n%erta"en 56 the project partners on an on'oin' 5asis2
:.+ The Lea% Partner is responsi5&e or s)5mittin' interim reports to the JT*
thro)'ho)t the &ietime o the project an% 56 the oicia& en% %ate o the
project in or%er or ina& pa6ment to 5e recei:e%2 These reports sho)&%
pro:i%e %etai&s o the acti:ities )n%erta"en as part o the project( the
Version 1
pro'ress8o)tcomes achie:e% a'ainst tar'ets( e;pen%it)re inc)rre%( an
e;p&anation or an6 :ariances a'ainst the !or" p&an?s tar'ets or ph6sica&
o)tp)ts an% 5)%'et( an% propose% correcti:e actions( an% an6 other
inormation %eeme% re&e:ant2
:., E:er6 partner commits to pro:i%in' the Lea% Partner !ith the inormation
nee%e% to %ra! )p pro'ress reports an% other speciic %oc)ments
reC)ire% 56 JT*2 The reportin' perio%s as &ai% %o!n in the Letter o Oer
as !e&& as instr)ctions in the reportin' orms sha&& 5e o5ser:e%2
:.- The Lea% Partner sha&& s6stematica&&6 sen% e:er6 partner copies o the
pro'ress reports s)5mitte% to the JT* an% "eep the partners inorme% on
a re')&ar 5asis o a&& re&e:ant comm)nication !ith JT*8MA
Artile (;/ Modi$iations o$ the <or= Plan and 5udget Realloation
(;.( $eore app&6in' or rea&&ocation o tota& costs as state% in the appro:e%
app&ication rom one 5)%'et &ine to another in accor%ance !ith the
contract !ith *EBP$ the &ea% partner sha&& o5tain the appro:a& o its
(;.+ An6 reC)est or amen%ment o the contract presente% 56 the Lea% Partner
to the MA8JT* o the Pro'ramme sha&& 5e a)thorise% 56 the partners o
the project 5eorehan%2
(;., Mo%iications to the project <e2'2 concernin' time sche%)&e or 5)%'et= that
ha:e 5een appro:e% 56 the *C o the Pro'ramme can 5e carrie% o)t
!itho)t amen%in' the a'reement2
Artile ((/ Non>$ul$illment o$ )bligations or 'ela3
((.( A&& Project Partners are o5&i'e% to prompt&6 inorm the Lea% Partner an% to
pro:i%e the &atter !ith a&& the )se)& %etai&s sho)&% there 5e e:ents that
co)&% jeopar%ise the imp&ementation o the Project2
((.+ *ho)&% one o the Project Partners 5e in %ea)&t( the Lea% Partner sha&&
a%monish the respecti:e partner to comp&6 !ithin a reasona5&e perio% o
time( a ma;im)m o one month2
((., *ho)&% the non#)&i&ment o o5&i'ations contin)e( the Lea% Partner ma6
%eci%e to %e5ar the Project Partner concerne% rom the Project( !ith
appro:a& o other mem5ers o the *teerin' Committee2 *EBP$ sha&& 5e
prompt&6 inorme% o s)ch a %ecision2
((.- The %e5arre% partner is o5&i'e% to re)n% to the Lea% Partner an6
Pro'ramme )n%s recei:e% !hich cannot 5e pro:en on the %a6 o
%e5arrin' that the6 !ere )se% or the imp&ementation o the Project
Version 1
accor%in' to the %einition o e&i'i5&e e;penses state% in the Pro'ramme
((.0 In cases !here the non#)&i&ment o a Project Partner?s o5&i'ations has
inancia& conseC)ences or the )n%in' o the Project as a !ho&e( the Lea%
Partner ma6 %eman% compensation to co:er the s)m in:o&:e%2
Artile (+/ %on$identialit3 Re?uirements
(+.( A&tho)'h the nat)re o the imp&ementation o this Project is p)5&ic( it has
5een a'ree% that part o the inormation e;chan'e% in the conte;t o its
imp&ementation 5et!een the Project Partners themse&:es or !ith the JT*
or Pro'ramme *teerin' Committee( can 5e coni%entia&2 On&6 %oc)ments
an% other e&ements e;p&icit&6 pro:i%e% !ith the statement Gconi%entia&H
sha&& 5e re'ar%e% as s)ch2 This main&6 concerns st)%ies that ha:e 5een
ma%e a:ai&a5&e to one o the parties in the conte;t o the Project
concernin' metho%s( "no! ho!( i&es or an6 other t6pe o %oc)ment
&a5e&&e% coni%entia&2 This inormation can on&6 5e )se% 56 the Partners
accor%in' to the pro:isions o this a'reement2
(+.+ Project Partners commit to ta"in' meas)res so that a&& sta mem5ers
carr6in' o)t the !or" respect the coni%entia& nat)re o this inormation(
an% %o not %isseminate it( pass it on to thir% parties or )se it !itho)t prior
!ritten consent o the Lea% Partner an% the partner instit)tion that
pro:i%e% the inormation2 The Project Partners commit to ta"in' the same
meas)res to maintain the coni%entia& nat)re o the inormation( as the6
!o)&% %o sho)&% it concern their o!n coni%entia& inormation2
(+., This coni%entia&it6 c&a)se sha&& remain in orce or t!o 6ears o&&o!in' the
termination o this a'reement2
Artile (,/ Results o$ *oint Ati#ities
(,.( The res)&t o the joint acti:ities co:ere% 56 the a'reement concernin'
reports( %oc)ments( st)%ies( e&ectronic %ata an% other pro%)cts( 5e the6
%isseminate% ree o char'e or commercia&&6( are the joint propert6 o the
(,.+ The Project Partners %ispose o the propert6 in accor%ance !ith m)t)a&&6
a'ree% )pon r)&es( 5ase% on the pre:ai&in' r)&es o co#a)thorship2
(,., The Project Partners e;p&icit&6 commit themse&:es( an% !itho)t a time
&imit( to statin' that the imp&ementation has ta"en p&ace !ith the co#
operation o the Pro'ramme2
Artile (-/ 'emand $or repa3ment b3 the Managing Authorit3
(-.( *ho)&% the MA in accor%ance !ith the pro:isions o the Letter o Oer
%eman% repa6ment o s)5si%6 a&rea%6 transerre%( e:er6 partner is
Version 1
o5&i'e% to transer its portion o repa6ment amo)nt to the Lea% Partner2
The Lea% Partner sha&&( !itho)t %e&a6( s)5mit the &etter 56 !hich the MA
has asserte% the repa6ment c&aim an% noti6 e:er6 partner o the amo)nt
repa6a5&e2 The repa6ment amo)nt is %)e !ithin one month o the
notiication o the Lea% Partner2 The amo)nt repa6a5&e sha&& 5e s)5ject to
interestA the pro:isions o the s)5si%6 contract sha&& a&so app&6 to a&&
Artile (0/ %ommuniation and Publiit3
(0.( The project partners sha&& imp&ement joint&6 the comm)nication an%
p)5&icit6 p&an to!ar%s potentia& 5eneiciaries an% to!ar%s the 'enera&
p)5&ic in accor%ance !ith the project app&ication an% Commission
Re')&ations on inormation an% p)5&icit6 meas)res to 5e carrie% o)t 56 the
Mem5er *tates concernin' assistance rom the *tr)ct)ra& F)n%s2 The6
sha&& p&a6 an acti:e ro&e in an6 actions or'anise% to %isseminate the
res)&ts o the project2
(0.+ Each project partner sha&& point o)t in the rame!or" o an6 p)5&ic
re&ations meas)res that the project !as imp&emente% thro)'h inancia&
assistance rom )n%s o the present Operationa& Pro'rammes2
(0.,. Each Project Partner sha&& ta"e note o the act that the res)&ts o the
project ma6 5e ma%e a:ai&a5&e to the p)5&ic an% the6 a'ree that the
res)&ts o the project sha&& 5e a:ai&a5&e or a&& intereste% parties2
F)rthermore( the6 commit to p&a6in' an acti:e ro&e in an6 actions
or'anise% to capita&ise on( %isseminate an% :a&oriIe the res)&ts o the
Artile (1/ 'isputes between Partners
(1.( The Lea% Partner an% the project partners a'ree not to !ith%ra! rom the
project )n&ess there are )na:oi%a5&e reasons or it2 I this !ere
nonethe&ess to occ)r( the Lea% Partner an% the project partners sha&&
en%ea:o)r to co:er the contri5)tion o the !ith%ra!in' project partner(
either 56 ass)min' its tas"s or 56 as"in' one or more ne! partners to join
the partnership2 In case o an6 %isp)tes amon' themse&:es( the project
partners are o5&i'e% to !or" to!ar%s an amica5&e sett&ement2 9isp)tes !i&&
5e reerre% to the Project *teerin' 0ro)p2 The &ea% partner !i&& inorm the
other partners an% ma6( on its o!n initiati:e or )pon reC)est o a partner(
as" the MA8JT* o the Pro'ramme or a%:ice2
(1., I eorts to achie:e an amica5&e sett&ement sho)&% ai&( the project partners
are o5&i'e% to reC)est an% accept ar5itration carrie% o)t 56 an
in%epen%ent ar5itration committee a'ree% 56 a&& partners [specif$ the
nat"re of this proce"re]2
Version 1
(1.- E:er6 partner sha&& 5e o5&i'e% to accept an% app&6 the %ecisions o the
ar5itration committee( s)5ject to the app&ica5&e &a! here56 a'ree% )pon
an% in comp&iance !ith the pro:isions o the Comm)nit6 &a!2
Artile (2/ Amendment o$ the Agreement
(2.( An6 mo%iication to the present Partnership A'reement sha&& orm the
s)5ject o an a%%itiona& c&a)se to this contract( !hich sha&& 5e s)5mitte%
or the appro:a& o the project partners as represente% in Project *teerin'
Artile (4/ Intelletual Propert3 Rights
(4.( The Lea% Partner an% the Project Partners sha&& ens)re that a&& pro%)cts
%e:e&ope% !ithin the rame!or" o the project are( s)5ject to the
pro:isions o nationa& &a!s re'ar%in' inte&&ect)a& propert6( "ept ree o a&&
ri'hts2 The6 e;p&icit&6 commit to 'i:in' )p a&& patrimonia& ri'hts on teachin'
materia&( metho%o&o'ies an% other pro%)cts o an6 nat)re res)&tin' rom
the project2
Artile (:/ &egal Suession
(:.( In cases o &e'a& s)ccession <e2'2 !here the Lea% Partner chan'es its
&e'a& orm=( the Lea% Partner is o5&i'e% to transer a&& %)ties )n%er this
contract to the &e'a& s)ccessor2
Artile +;/ Nullit3
+;.( *ho)&% one o the pro:isions o this a'reement 5e %ec&are% n)&& or :oi% in
the nationa& &a! o one o the parties or the &a! 'o:ernin' this a'reement(
this sha&& not ren%er the remainin' pro:isions n)&& an% :oi%2 The act that
one o the parties %oes not reC)est app&ication o one o the pro:isions o
the a'reement %oes not imp&6 that this part6 !ai:es s)ch pro:ision2
Artile +(/ &apse o$ Time
+(.( Le'a& procee%in's concernin' an6 iss)e ens)in' rom this a'reement ma6
not 5e &o%'e% 5eore the co)rts more than three 6ears ater the act2 In the
e:ent o &e'a& procee%in's concernin' a c&aim to re)n% )n%s( a perio% o
three 6ears o&&o!in' the &ast transer sha&& 5e app&ie%2
Artile ++/ 'omiile
++.( To the eect o this a'reement( the Project Partners sha&& irre:oca5&6
choose %omici&e at the a%%ress state% in their &etterhea% !here an6 oicia&
notiications can 5e &a!)&&6 ser:e%2 An6 chan'e o %omici&e sha&& 5e
or!ar%e% to the Lea% Partner !ithin .J %a6s o&&o!in' the chan'e o
a%%ress 56 re'istere% mai&2
Artile +,/ @inal Statement
Version 1
+,.( The EC ')i%e&ines an% the %istri5)te% inancia& an% &e'a& o5&i'ations are
consi%ere% to 5e inte'ra& part o this contract 5et!een the Re'iona&
Principa& Partners2
Artile +-/ General
+-.( E;cept !here this Partnership A'reement e;press&6 states or reC)ires
other!ise( this Partnership A'reement sha&& 5e 'o:erne% 56 the &a!s o
Northern Ire&an% an% sha&& 5e s)5ject to the non#e;c&)si:e j)ris%iction o
the Co)rts o Northern Ire&an%2
+-.+ A&tho)'h the terms o this Partnership A'reement are 'o:erne% 56 the
&a!s o Northern Ire&an%( this %oes not prec&)%e or &imit the o5&i'ation o
the parties to comp&6 !ith the &a!s o Ire&an% or *cot&an% in so ar as it is
necessar6 to %o so to 'i:e eect to an6 term o the Partnership
Written in [specif$ the town] in [specif$ n"mber] ori'ina& copies( on [specif$ ate]
[Name o Lea% Partner]
[*i'nat)res] etc2
[Name o project partners]
[*i'nat)res] etc2
a= Letter o Oer
5= Project Wor" P&an
c= Project $)%'et P&an
%= Comm)nication P&an
Version 1

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