Words For Students of English: A Vocabulary Series For ESL

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Words for Students of English

A Vocabulary Series for ESL

Words in Volume 2

Numbers refer to volume and unit.

above, 2-8
abroad, 2-22
absent, 2-1
accident, 2-10
according to, 2-11
account, 2-12
act(or), 2-23
adapt, 2-22
add, 2-12
advanced, 2.1
advertisement, 2-17
*aid, 2-18
age, 2-5
agriculture, 2-13
alone, 2-5
among, 2-5
amusement, 2-23
ancient, 2-22
anniversary, 2-5
annual, 2-2
appropriate, 2-9
approximately, 2-22
area, 2-3
arrangements, 2-22
arrest, 2-7
article, 2-17
astronomy, 2-24
at least, 2-22
attack, 2-7
aunt, 2-5

author, 2-17
available, 2-3
avenue, 2-25
avoid, 2-7
bag, 2-4
bake, 2-4
ballet, 2-23
bargain, 2-9
basic, 2-19
basketball, 2-14
beat, 2-7
believe, 2-17
belt, 2-9
biology, 2-19
blanket, 2-6
blind, 2-6
block, 2-3
boil, 2-4
bomb, 2-8
borrow, 2-12
breathe, 2-6
bring, 2-12
busy, 2-5
cabin, 2-25
cake, 2-4
calendar, 2-22
cancel, 2-23

capital, 2-11
carry, 2-4
cash, 2-12
cattle, 2-13
cause, 2-16
Celsius, 2-15
center, 2-10
centigrade, 2-15
century, 2-13
certain, 2-14
chalk, 2-1
charge, 2-9
chemical, 2-16
chemistry, 2-19
circle, 2-23
climax, 2-23
closet, 2-25
cloth, 2-9
coin, 2-12
collect, 2-24
command, 2-8
comment, 2-11
complain, 2-25
complex, 2-24
compulsory, 2-1
condition, 2-6
constitution, 2-11
construct, 2-25
contest, 2-14
control, 2-8


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2


convenient, 2-3
cooperation, 2-20
cotton, 2-9
count, 2-12
couple, 2-5
court, 2-7
cover, 2-9
crop, 2-13
cry, 2-5
culture, 2-22
cure, 2-6
curious, 2-25
current, 2-17
curtain, 2-3
damage, 2-8
dangerous, 2-10
data, 2-24
deal, 2-21
defeat, 2-8
defend, 2-8
degree, 2-15
democracy, 2-11
dentist, 2-6
destroy, 2-8
determine, 2-24
diameter, 2-18
die, 2-6
discover, 2-18
disease, 2-6
divorce, 2-5
drama(tic), 2-23
drop, 2-24
earn, 2-12
educate, 2-1
efficient, 2-20
effort, 2-2
elect, 2-11
engine, 2-10
engineering, 2-19
entertain, 2-23
enough, 2-20
environment, 2-16
equator, 2-15
error, 2-1
especially, 2-12
exact, 2-12
example, 2-1
excellent, 2-2
excess, 2-13

exercise, 2-6
expert, 2-2
experiment, 2-24
expert, 2-20
explore, 2-18
face, 2-22
fact, 2-17
Fahrenheit, 2-15
fail, 2-1
fall, 2-14
famous, 2-17
favorite, 2-9
fee, 2-6
figure, 2-24
fire, 2-16
fit, 2-9
flat, 2-10
float, 2-16
flood, 2-13
flow, 2-18
for sale, 2-3
forest, 2-16
form, 2-23
formal, 2-9
freeze, 2-15
fuel, 2-10
future, 2-2
gang, 2-7
gas, 2-15
gasoline, 2-10
general, 2-11
gravity, 2-24
guarantee, 2-21
guy, 2-8
habit, 2-9
hall, 2-25
happen, 2-10
hay, 2-13
headline, 2-17
hesitate, 2-22
hire, 2-2
history, 2-19
hunger, 2-4
ideal, 2-25
identical, 2-5

imagine, 2-23
impossible, 2-20
improve, 2-3
inconvenient, 2-3
incorrect, 2-19
individual, 2-14
industry, 2-20
inefficient, 2-20
inform, 2-11
initiate, 2-22
injury, 2-6
instead, 2-10
intelligent, 2-19
interest, 2-12
interior, 2-21
international, 2-11
invent, 2-16
investigate, 2-7
joy, 2-5
judge, 2-7
jump, 2-14
junior, 2-19
kick, 2-14
kind, 2-10
kind (of), 2-18
lack, 2-13
lazy, 2-2
lead, 2-10
leaf, 2-18
leak, 2-16
lend, 2-12
less, 2-2
level, 2-1
lid, 2-4
he, 2-7
lift, 2-14
liquid, 2-15
location, 2-3
lock, 2-7
logical, 2-24
lonely, 2-22
loud, 2-10
major, 2-16
major, 2-19
manager, 2-25


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2


march, 2-8
market, 2-13
material, 2-9
mathematics, 2-19
measure, 2-15
media, 2-17
melt, 2-15
member, 2-5
method, 2-16
miss, 2-1
modem, 2-10
monthly, 2-2
multiply, 2-12
museum 2-22
narrow, 2-10
natural, 2-14
nearby, 2-3
nephew, 2-5
niece, 2-5
noise, 2-1
note, 2-1
nowadays, 2-20
object, 2-21
obvious, 2-20
occur, 2-10
of course, 2-21
officer, 2-8
official, 2-11
oil, 2-16
order, 2-11, 2-21
original, 2-21
oven, 2-4
own(er), 2-2
paint, 2-3
paragraph, 2-17
part-time, 2-2
pass, 2-1
path, 2-18
patient, 2-6
peasant, 2.13
penny, 2-12
percent, 2-21
perfect, 2-19
perform, 2-23
perhaps, 2-15
physics, 2-24
pick 2-3

pleasant, 2-18
pollution, 2-16
pond, 2-18
possible, 2-20
pot, 2-4
potato, 2-4
power, 2-24
prefer, 2-4
pregnant, 2-5
prepare, 2-4
present, 2-16
president, 2-2
previous, 2-22
pride/proud, 2-2
print, 2-17
private, 2-1
probably, 2-21
produce, 2-2
public, 2-1
publish, 2-17
purpose, 2-13
quality, 2-21
quarter, 2-12
quit, 2-20
race, 2-14
rank, 2-8
reduce, 2-21
refrigerator, 2-4
related, 2-5
relax, 2-22
repair, 2-25
residence, 2-25
responsible, 2-11
rest, 2-6
result, 2-24
rob, 2-7
rock, 2-18
roof, 2-25
rural, 2-13
sail (or), 2-8
salary, 2-2
sale, 2-21
sand, 2-18
satisfied, 2-3
scare, 2-7
scene, 2-18
science, 2-19

score, 2-14
season, 2-15
seat, 2-19
secret, 2-24
seed, 2-13
senior, 2-19
sentence, 2-17
several, 2-9
shadow, 2-15
share, 2-13
shelf, 2-25
sign (n), 2-21
sign (v), 2-25
silent, 2-7
similar, 2-20
single, 2-5
sink (n), 2-25
sink (v), 2-8
size, 2-3
smoke, 2-16
snake, 2-18
soccer, 2-14
sock, 2-9
solid, 2-15
sound, 2-23
special, 2-12
stairs, 2-25
stare, 2-23
stove, 2-4
strength, 2-14
subject, 2-17
sufficient, 2-16
superior, 2-14
supply, 2-13
sure, 2-20
surrender, 2-8
sweater, 2-9
sweet, 2-4
symbol, 2-11
system, 2-24
talent, 2-14
temperature, 2-15
terrible, 2-10
theater, 2-23
thick, 2-9
tight, 2-9
tide, 2-17
together, 2-20
tool, 2-20
tooth, 2-6
topic, 2-17


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2


total, 2-12
town, 2-3
train, 2-20
translate, 2-17
tropical, 2-15
twins, 2-5
type(writer), 2-1
typical, 2-15
under, 2-15
undergraduate, 2-19

unemployed, 2-20
unlock, 2-7
valuable, 2-7
various (vary), 2-23
victim, 2-7
vote, 2-11
wage, 2-20
way, 2-24

wedding, 2-5
wide, 2-9
wish, 2-11
wood, 2-3
world, 2-16
x-ray, 2-6
zoo, 2-18


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