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Dear Sir,

RE: Aston Lloyd - Notic o!: diss"tis!"ction "t non #s$ons% "d&#s
$'(licity% )* in!o#+"tion solicit"tion,s co++nc+nt
It is with regret that I note that you have not answered my correspondence sent:JC1, -#co#dd:
./010/100203:40* A03 356 4// 76 8B9:; or, the latter, JC, -#co#dd: .0;14010/20<:4/* DL3 67;
/74 8B9:, which was returned unopened !as enclosed "or your convenience#$
%hilst attending the &oyal Courts o" Justice, on 'hursday, on another matter, a "ellow
%elshman told me that it(s pro)a)ly a good idea to gather evidence against you, as he(d *ust
)een in"ormed )y a relia)le source, that there(s )een an incident where a road which was due to
)e given your "amily surname, )ut was re*ected, due to your dad )eing a well +nown drugs
dealer$ So the ,uestion on my mind is, why can(t you ma+e an honest living as well- .eing a
thie", who speciali/es in hoodwin+ing mainly old people into parting with their hard earned
"ortunes, is clearly much worse, and it seems that the evidence "or this is "ar more li+ely to )e
made availa)le soon$
Joe 0pchurch !who says he was your contact at 1ston 2loyd!-## reminded me o" your having
)eing caught with cocaine, and that as such, you weren(t a creditor in the insolvency
procedures, as your dosy lawyer had insisted on there )eing a good )ehaviour clause, which
meant that upon )ad pu)licity materiali/ing, the contract could )e terminated$ I would )e
interested to +now who this lawyer was$ 0pchurch told me he thought that this meant that
)ecause you couldn(t )ene"it "rom the pro*ect, that you were o"" the hoo+ "or your "raudulent
misrepresentations at the )eginning, where you de"initely said that you had invested "ollowing
due diligence$ I spea+ o" the 0'u)e videos that you and "ellow )o3er, Carl 4roch made "or
1ston 2loyd$
.eing an investor, is not the same thing as )eing a potential )ene"iciary, I hope you will
concede, so an e3planation is clearly due$ 5y )rain tells me that you(re +nee deep in this type
o" thing, and +now that i" I dig, and solicit "or evidence, that it will come rolling in$ 5y only
o)stacle, has )een a matter o" time and priorities$ I(m due money "rom your gang(s collective
criminal representations$ 6ou have made no attempts to distance yoursel" "rom the 12 7on/i
Scheme, other than possi)ly to have )een involved with the cover up, via the removal o" your
videos, and it(s currently )eing mismanaged into an even )enter situation, )y .i*al Shah and
8imish 7atel o" &91:$ 'heir insider, e3;Serious 4raud <""ice !S4<#, )ent copper, 1dam
Stephens, has even scarpered, and I was le"t with no mista+e a)out the reason "or his departure,
when I called and as+ed him a)out it )e"ore last Christmas holiday, on his last day$
6ou have ten days to respond in a spirit o" cooperation; or, you can )ury your head in the sand,
and the in"ormation gathering=pu)lishing shall start, with no "urther notice$ I(d appreciate an
email address, and am happy to correspond via that means$ I called >areth %illiams, to see i"
he wouldn(t mind passing this to you, so that it doesn(t get +ic+ed a)out on the "loor
0 o"
5r$ Joseph %illiam Cal/aghe
Joe Cal/aghe 9nterprises 2td$,
2ion ?ouse,
&ed 2ion Street,
%C1& @>.
!new registered address#
:1:@ BB CDC
1:, 4ul"ord 5ansions,
4airmead &oad,
81E @D9
(zero in t0m)
5onday, 1C$ :B$ 11
somewhere, and in case he thin+s it(s worth having a ,uic+ loo+ over$ I don(t thin+ he(ll mind
giving it a loo+ over; whilst I appreciate your not having a "ormal retainer, or instruction in
place$ 'his is not )lac+mail, as you owe me money$ ?ope"ully >areth will tal+ some sense into
you$ I" you were indeed, innocent, through ignorance, then you would do well to come clean
now$ If you flee the scene of a murder that your friend did; you cant be expected to be trusted
that you are an innocent party, if the both, or only you, are caught, mid ay through ashing
your bloody clothes don! Soliciting, "or peripheral criminal dealings is legitimate in any case,
)ut in this case, it is done mainly to see+ contri)utory evidence$ I" enough evidence o"
shadiness comes out, it will )e much easier to o)tain an asset "ree/ing order as well$
>et your story on the record, or the record will )e set a)sence your input$ I(m not *ust pic+ing
on you, )ut I(m coming to see you as the wea+est lin+$ 'he main criminals have "lit the scene,
and they don(t have the assets that you do$ I thought you might li+e one piece o" good pu)licity
)e"ore you "ade into o)scurity$
6ours Sincerely,
'om Cahill
Encls1: Ltt#s:
JC >/>* 0;14010/* 0 n#1 $"?% Ltt#%
JC >0>* /010/100* / n#1 $"?s% )*
"tt"c@d to JC >0>
Ltt# to RE04* d !"cto insol&ncy $#"ctition#s* ; n#1 $"?s
cc1 8"#t@ Willi"+,s =olicito#s -(y +"il only:
I reserve the right to pu)lish any o" what is written here, presenting unre)utted contentions as "act, drawing reasona)le conclusions
"rom ,uestions which have gone unanswered, "ollowing 1 days "rom the date o" posting$
/ o"

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