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Where have all the heroes gone?
What is a celebrity? A celebrity is basically a famous person. Many young people talk about
celebrities like Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus or Rihanna as their heroes.
Yet, in the past, heroes were different. They were people we admired for noble
achievements.. They were people who sacrificed themselves for a higher purpose, to save
other people or to support an ideal.
Martin Luther King is an American hero because of his
contribution to the civil right movements. But what have
Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus done for humanity?
Real heroes have inspired people to make sacrifices in
order to achieve something worthwhile, or to benefit
society. Do celebrities inspire us to do great things? Some
people who have no special talent have become celebrities
and achieved fame with no
sacrifice at all. Yet they
inspire respect in teenagers. Other celebrities like Janet
Jackson or Paris Hilton are famous because they are
related to famous people. What about models like Naomi
Campbell or Kate Moss? What contribution to society have
they made to deserve the attention and adulation they
receive? Perhaps we actually care more about fame than
creative talent or noble achievement. People seem to be
terribly interested in the lives of the celebrities. Some say
this is because its human nature to gossip. Are our lives
so obscure and uninteresting that we need glamorous
celebrities to brighten them up? Maybe we simply need
someone to look up to. Do we admire these people
because they have achieved success that we haven`t? Do we admire the fame, health and
status that we dont have? Are these the things we should admire a person for?
Why do we admire celebrities so? Perhaps it is because they are not real traditional heroes
anymore and celebrities are the next best thing.
I-. Read the text and circle the correct alternative
1. What kind of text is it?
A. A scientific article
B. A short story
C. An informative article
D. An interview

2. Who is this text addressed to?

A. Everybody
B. Only boys
C. Only girls
D. Adults


3. The main idea of the text is:
A. to give an explanation about what a hero is
B. to make the difference between celebrity
and a famous
C. to differentiate a hero from a celebrity
D. to give an explanation about what a
celebrity is

4. According to the text a celebrity is:
A. a hero
B. a famous
C. a hero and a famous
D. neither a hero nor a famous

5. Heroes and celebrities are:

A. Very sacrificed people
B. Very similar
C. Very different
D. Famous and admired

6. heroes and celebrities are similar

A. they are known people
B. they are examples of good behaviour
C. they are rich people
D. they are kind people

7. heroes and celebrities are different

A. Heroes motivated people to do sacrifices
and they have special talents while
celebrities do not.
B. Celebrities motivate people to do
sacrifices and they have special talents while
heroes do not.
C. Heroes were not famous and celebrities
are very famous
D. Celebrities are heroes but heroes are not

8. According to the text a hero is:

A. a person who admires and sacrifices
B. a person who sacrifices the higher
C. a Person saved and supported by others
D. a person who sacrifices for a higher

9. Martin Luther King is:
A. an American celebrity
B. a contributor
C. an American hero
D. a human hero

10. Luther King was an American hero due

A. He fought for the right movements.
B. He was civilized
C. He fought for the civil rights
D. He fought against Justin Bieber

11. Heroes have inspired people :

A. To make sacrifices to their own benefit
B. To make order to achieve something
C. To make sacrifices to benefit society
D. To make sacrifices to get inspired

12. The text mentions that there are some
A. who have talent enough to become a hero
B. who have become celebrities with so
much sacrifice
C. who achieved fame with much sacrifice
D. who have not talent nor sacrifice at all, but
they have become celebrities.

13. Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus
A. respect for teenagers
B. respect in teenagers
C. to be respectful
D. to be a celebrity

14. Janet Jackson or Paris Hilton became
famous because

A. of their relation with famous people.
B. they are related to other people
C. they have different lifestyles
D. of they are celebrities


15. Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss :

A. have contributed to society with attention
and adilation
B. have received attention and adulation for
their sacrifices
C. have given sacrifices and contributions to
receive attention and adulation
D. they received attention and adulation
without making contributions to society

16. the text mentions that perhaps
celebrities become are a kind of heroes

A. some of us care more about creative
talent than noble achievement
B. some of us like famous people
C. some of us care about fame, creative
talent and noble achievement
D. some of us care more about fame than
creative talent or noble achievement

17. according to the text, some people are
interested in famous peoples life

A. to make their lives more interesting
B. to have something to gossip about
C. because they need someone to look
D. to make their lives famous too

18. some reasons why people might
be so interested in the lives of celebrities
A. their success, fame, health and status
B. their glamour, success and admiration
C. their fame, glamour, health and lives
D. their money

19. according to the text we admire
famous people because
A. they have what we dont
B. they are like we would not like to be
C. they have what we would not like to have
D. they want what we have

20. at the end the text mentions that
A. heroes does not exist anymore
B. Heroes are been replaced by celebrities
C. heroes and celebrities are exactly the
D. celebrities are been replaced by heroes

21. The highlighted word they in the
fourth paragraph refers to:

A. Janet Jackson or Paris Hilton
B. Naomi Campbell or Kate Moss
C. Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus
D. attention and adulation

22. The highlighted word them in the
four paragraph refers to

A. famous people lives
B. our lives
C. teenagers lives
D. celebrities

23. From the text we can infer that:

A. people need to know about other
peoples life
B. our lives are not interesting at all
C. people dont like gossiping
D. heroes need people around them

24. another idea we can infer is that

A. heroes were people who encouraged
others to do good things
B. celebrities are the people who
encourage us to do good things
C. heroes were celebrities and famous
D. celebrities and heroes are the same

25. we can also infer that people
mentioned in the text are

A. nor heroes but models and famous
B. celebrities or models and singers
C. heroes, celebrities and/or famous
D. only heroes

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