CL 10 - Locala - 2014

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Inspectoratul colar Judeean Cluj

Olimpiada de limba englez

Etapa local, 25.!.2!"
Clasa a #$a
%ot& 'oate subiectele sunt obligatorii. 'imp de lucru trei ore. %u se acord puncte din o(iciu.
I ')in* o( a +ord +)ic) best (its eac) gap. ,se onl- one +ord in eac) gap. ')ere is an
e.ample at t)e beginning. /2p0
'1E 2I3I'4 O5 367IC I% 16889 :O''E8
Before publishing the first Harry Potter novel, J.K. Rowling spent five years establishing the
limitations /0 ;of magic !etermining what it coul! an! coul! /!0 "". !o. #he most important
thing to !eci!e when you$re creating a fantasy worl!, she sai! in %&&&, is /20 "". the characters
'()$# !o. /<0 "". instance, while it is possible to con*ure things out of thin air, it is far /"0 "".
tric+y to create something that fits /50 "". e,act specification rather than a general one moreover,
any ob*ects so con*ure! ten! not to last.
-t is also impossible to resurrect the !ea!. .ea! bo!ies can /=0 "". enchante! to !o a living wi/ar!$s
bi!!ing, but these bo!ies remain mere puppets an! have />0 "". souls. -t is also possible via the rare
Priori -ncantatem effect /?0 "". converse with ghost0li+e sha!ows of magically mur!ere! people.
#he Resurrection 1tone also allows one to tal+ to the !ea!, but those brought /@0 "". by the 1tone
are not corporeal, nor !o they wish to be !isturbe! from /!0 "". peaceful rest.
II ,se t)e +ord in capitals at t)e end o( some o( t)e lines to (orm a +ord t)at (its in t)e gap. ')ere is
an e.ample at t)e beginning. /2p0
'1E 4I2A 8O,'E
2ollow in the /0 footsteps of the pioneering tra!ers to e,perience one of the
worl!$s most /!0 """ overlan! *ourneys. #his route goes through harsh !eserts
an! up into /20 """ lan!s. ( greater variety of lan!scapes woul! be !ifficult to
fin!. (lthough the sil+ route is /<0 """ a lan!0base! route, it is worth ma+ing
an /"0 """ in 'appa!ocia as this area is firmly establishe! as one of the prime
hot0air balloon !estinations in the worl! because of its /50 """ win! con!itions
an! agreeable geography. #he bir!$s eye views of the valleys are /=0 """ an!
the s+ill of the balloonists is breathta+ing. -n theory you can now travel the entire
sil+ route by train but in />0 """ few foreign visitors use trains outsi!e of
'hina because they are slow an! unreliable. 1ome intrepi! travellers ta+e the
brave !ecision to !o the route by cycling. 3ne a!vantage of this is that you can
stop whenever you li+e an! en*oy your /?0 """. #here are however, !rawbac+s
to cycling, not least the fact that it can be very /@0 """ on some of the rough
trac+s an! bumpy roa!s4 Bi/arre as it may seem, it is actually /!0 """ to have
more than one person on a bi+e in 'hina, so thin+ twice before !eci!ing to ri!e a
tan!em with a frien!4
. 5EE'
!. 4:EC'6C2E
2. 3O,%'6I%
<. 4'8IC'
". E#CE:'
5. 56BO,8
=. 5O87E'
>. 8E62
?. 4,88O,%C
@. CO35O8'
!. 2E762
III. 8e+rite eac) sentence so t)at it )as a similar meaning to t)e (irst sentence, using t)e +ord
giDen. Co not c)ange t)e +ord giDen. 9ou must use bet+een t+o and (iDe +ords, including t)e +ord
giDen. /!p0
5 #ania regrets having bought that e,pensive *ac+et.
#ania 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 that e,pensive *ac+et.
% - thin+ you shoul! complain to the manager.
-f - 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666 a complaint to the manager.
7 .aniel offere! #ania a lift, but she !i!n$t accept.
#ania 666666666666666666666666666666666666666 offer of a lift.
8 'in!y can$t wait to go to Hawaii ne,t month.
'in!y is really66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 to Hawaii ne,t month.
9 -$m sure it was a real !isappointment for you not to get the promotion.
:ou 66666666666666666666666666666666666 not to get the promotion.
IB 9ou )aDe seen t)is adDertisement in The Traveller magazine and )aDe decided to appl-.
Erite -our letter o( application. /about 2 +ords0
')e 'rip O( 6 2i(etime
;e are loo+ing for eight people from !ifferent countries to spen! three
months on a sailing trip free of charge. )o sailing e,perience is nee!e!.
#raining will be given.
;rite an! tell us why you are the person we are loo+ing for an! e,plain
how you woul! benefit from the e,perience.
Inspectoratul colar Judeean Cluj
Olimpiada de limba englez
Etapa local, 25.!.2!"
Clasa a #$a
AE9 'O E#E8CI4E4
I /! . 2p F 2p0
!. not 2. +)at <. (or ". more 5. an =. be >. no ?. to @. bac* !. ')eir
II /! . 2p F 2p0
!. spectacular 2. mountainous <. strictl- ". e.ception 5. (aDourable =. un(orgettable

>. realit- ?. surroundings @. uncom(ortable !. illegal
III /5 . 2p F !p0
!. +is)es s)e G )ad not /)adnHt0 boug)t
2. +ere -ou, G I +ould /IHd0 ma*e
<. turned do+n G CanielHs
". loo*ing (or+ard G to going
5. must /+ill0 )aDe been G /reall-0 disappointed
IB& 5 p.
'O'62 & ! :,%C'E

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