The Civil Law Final

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The Civil Law

Part 1
In this case of !anche "ho "as #noc#e$ $o"n %& a ca' that "as %ein( 'e)e'se$ at a
hi(h s*ee$ in the *a'#in( %a& that sit+ate$ o+tsi$e the $e*a't,ent sto'e- acco'$in( to
the conte,*o'a'& !a" "e fin$ that the'e is the a**!ication of the !a" of to't "he'e%& a
to't is +s+a!!& $efine$ as an act "hich ca+ses ha', to a $ete',inate *e'son- "hethe'
intentiona!!& o' not. asica!!& a to't is 'e(a'$e$ as a ci)i! "'on( that $oes not $e*en$
on cont'acts- an$ its 'e,e$& is no',a!!& +n!i/+i$ate$ $a,a(es "hich a'e +s+a!!&
i,*ose$ %& the co+'t- the'efo'e it co,es +n$e' the !a" of to't.
Un$e' the !a" of to't
"e see that $+ties a'e i,*ose$ %& !a" s+ch as "e sho+!$ not %e ne(!i(ent of othe's-
the'efo'e this $+t& is o"e$ to the co,,+nit& as a "ho!e. In this t&*e of !a" thei' ,+st
%e an inf'in(e,ent on the ci)i! 'i(ht of an in$i)i$+a!- th'o+(h "hich the "'on( $oe'
has to co,*ensate the in0+'e$ *a't& in the co,,+nit&- this in0+'e$ *a't& is the'efo'e
s+**ose$ to o%tain his co,*ensation %& ta#in( the action th'o+(h "hich his !e(a!
'i(hts a'e )io!ate$. 1his to't ca''ies a n+,%e' of e!e,ents "hich ,+st conc+'- one
sho+!$ the'efo'e *'o)e that the'e "as so,e "'on(f+! acts o' o,ission %& the
$efen$ant- !e(a! $a,a(e to the *!aintiff "he'e%& so,e of his !e(a! 'i(hts is )io!ate$-
the "'on(f+! act ,+st %e of s+ch a nat+'e as to (i)e 'ise to a !e(a! 'e,e$& in the fo',
of an action fo' $a,a(es
3o in this case of !anche an$ 4!%e't- the'e e5iste$ ne(!i(ence as *a't of the !a" of
to't- ne(!i(ence is no',a!!& $efine$ as the %'each of a $+t& ca+se$ %& an o,ission to
$o so,ethin( "hich a 'ea!istic ,an "o+!$ $o o' "o+!$ not $o- si,*!& it ,eans the
ne(!ect of the +se of o'$ina'& ca'e an$ s#i!!s %& "hich the *!aintiff s+ffe's an in0+'&.
In this case "e fin$ that 4!%e't "as +n$e' an o%!i(ation to ens+'e that he 'e)e'ses his
ca' "ith a ('eat ca'e since the *a'#in( %a& "as 0+st !ocate$ nea' %+siness sto'es-
"hich in$icates that the'e "e'e a n+,%e' of *eo*!e ,o)in( a'o+n$ the sto'es- th+s
$'i)e's in the %a& "e'e e5*ecte$ to $'i)e "ith ca'e !ess the& hit an in$i)i$+a!. 1o
c!ai, an action in this !a" the *!aintiff ,+st the'efo'e *'o)e that the $efen$ant o"e$
hi, a $+t& of ca'e- that the'e has %een a %'each of the !e(a! $+t& an$ a!so he has to
*'o)e that he has s+ffe'e$ an in0+'& eithe' to his *e'son o' to his *'o*e't&- "itho+t the
th'ee *oints- the *!aintiff is not entit!e$ to s+ccee$ in his action. 1he'efo'e in this case
%et"een 4!%e't an$ !anche "e fin$ that )a'io+s e!e,ents of the to't of ne(!i(ence
"e'e *'actice$ these inc!+$e:
Duty of Care
In this case "e see that 4!%e't %& his 'e)e'sin( at a hi(h s*ee$ too# no $+t& of
ens+'in( safet& %& $'i)in( at a !o"e' s*ee$ an$ th'o+(h his ne(!i(ence "e fin$ that he
#noc#e$ !anche "hose #nee "as in0+'e$- the'efo'e acco'$in( to the !a" if on!&
4!%e't too# the $+t& of ens+'in( the safet& of the *e$est'ians "a!#in( a'o+n$ the
*a'#in( %a& then s+ch in0+'ies co+!$ not ha)e ha**ene$. In this an in$i)i$+a! o' the
$efen$ant s+ccee$s in *'o)in( that he has not %een ne(!i(ent o' offe's a 'easona%!e
e5*!anation of ho" the acci$ent co+!$ ha)e ha**ene$ "itho+t his ne(!i(ence. 1his
'+!e *'o)i$es th'ee con$itions that sho+!$ %e a$he'e$ to- the fi'st one is that the'e ,+st
%e a 'easona%!e e)i$ence of ne(!i(ence on the *a't of the $efen$ant- secon$!& that the
o*e'ation is +n$e' the cont'o! of the $efen$ant "hen the acci$ent too# *!ace an$ !ast!&
6o"a'th- 1e5t %oo# on 1o't (+tte'"o'ths- Lon$on 1778) 28
4. 9e't:- an$ R. Mi!!e'- ;+n$a,enta!s of +siness La" ( 3
E$ition- Mac,i!!an P+%!ishe'- 2004) 34
that the acci$ent is s+ch as in the o'$ina'& co+'se of thin(s $oes not ha**en if those
"ho ha)e the $+t& *'o*e'!& +se it.

Contributory Negligence
4s the case contin+es "e fin$ that !anche ac#no"!e$(es that she "as the one "ho
"as he!*in( 4!%e't 'e)e'se into the *a'#in( s*ace- afte' "hich he' attention "as
$ist'acte$ %& the sa!e $is*!a& in the sto'e an$ that she "as not *a&in( a f+!! attention
to 4!%e't "ho "as 'e)e'sin( his ca'. 6e'e "e fin$ that the'e "as a cont'i%+to'&
Cont'i%+to'& ne(!i(ence $oes not ,ean that the *a't& "i!! %e tota!!&
$isentit!e$ f'o, co,*ensation- e)en if the othe' *a't& s+ccee$s in *'o)in( it- "i!!
affect the a,o+nt of $a,a(es %& a**'o5i,ate!& 20<.
If "e 'e!& on the a%o)e ,entione$ *'inci*!es an$ a!so a$he'e to the *'e action
*'otoco!s to $e $isc+sse$ !ate'= it can ens+'e 'easona%!e a,o+nt of $a,a(es to
Medical Negligence
!anche has a 'i(ht to ,aintain an action a(ainst the $octo' "ho ne(!i(ent!& e5a,ine$
the 5>'a&= as a 'es+!t !anche s+ffe'e$ *ain- $e*'ession- s!ee*!ess ni(hts. ?e see that
the $octo' "ho "as in atten$ance $i$ not ca''& o+t the stan$a'$ of ca'e. Un$e' the
!a"- a stan$a'$ of ca'e is +se$ to $ete',ine "hethe' a *e'son has %een ne(!i(ent o'
not- the'efo'e it is e5*ecte$ of a *e'son "ho has ac/+i'e$ the s#i!!s to $o the act "hich
he +n$e'ta#es- so if a *e'son has +n$e'ta#en a $+t& "hich 'e/+i'es e5t'a>o'$ina'& ca'e
o' s#i!!s- he is %o+n$ to +se ('eat ca'e in o'$e' to a)oi$ the fo'eseea%!e ha', to a
*e'son o' *'o*e'ties. ;o' e5a,*!e if an in$i)i$+a! ho!$s hi,se!f o+t as %ein( s*ecia!!&
co,*etent o' /+a!ifie$ the'efo'e he is +n$e' $+t& to sho" the ca'e an$ s#i!!s +s+a!!&
fo+n$ in the ca'ee'. In this case !anche e5*ecte$ to 'ecei)e %ette' t'eat,ent f'o, the
/+a!ifie$ $octo'- %+t he en$e$ +* $ia(nosin( that she ha$ a %'+ise$ #nee an$ (a)e he'
as*i'in "hich "e'e ,eant to 'e!ief he' *ains %+t on the fo!!o"in( $a& it "as fo+n$ that
the *ain "as se)e'e an$ Mi#e he' son $eci$e$ to ta#e he' to a $iffe'ent $octo' "ho
e5a,ine$ the 5>'a& that "as $one %& the *'e)io+s $octo' an$ conc!+$e$ that she ha$ a
shatte'e$ #nee an$ that she nee$e$ an i,,e$iate s+'(e'&. In this case "e fin$ that the
*'e)io+s $octo' (a)e the, the "'on( $ia(nosis an$ a!so "'on( $'+(s that *'o)e$ to
%e ineffecti)e that !anche@s sit+ation "o'sene$. 4cco'$in( to the conte,*o'a'& !a"
she has a 'i(ht to ta#e action a(ainst the $octo' "ho is !ia%!e fo' not ca''&in( o+t his
stan$a'$ of ca'e.

Who shall be the defendant in Medical negligence case?
Un$e' the !a" Mi#e "i!! act+a!!& ta#e an action a(ainst the hos*ita! %& a**!&in( the
'+!e of )ica'io+s !ia%i!it& "hich is $efine$ as the !ia%i!it& of one *e'son fo' the to'ts
co,,itte$ %& anothe' *e'son. 1he "'on( $oe' is of co+'se !ia%!e to the in0+'e$ *e'son
Ro(e's- ?infie!$ B 9o!o"ic: on 1o't (1A
e$n 3"eet B Ma5"e!!- Lon$on 2002) 103
I%i$ 207
6o"a'th- 1e5t %oo# on 1o't (+tte'"o'ths- Lon$on 1778) A84
%+t anothe' *e'son ,a& %e 0oint!& !ia%!e "ith hi, to co,*ensate the in0+'e$ *a't&.
1he !a" a!so states that "he'e the in0+'e$ *a't& chooses to s+e one of the to'tfeaso's-
he s+%se/+ent!& *'e)ente$ f'o, s+in( the othe' e)en if his c!ai, fo' $a,a(es is not
satisfie$. 3o it is a$)isa%!e fo' the in0+'e$ *a't& to s+e the to'tfeaso's 0oint!&- the'efo'e
in this case "e fin$ that Mi#e can s+e the $octo' an$ the hos*ita! 0oint!&.
6e ,a&
the'efo'e a**!& the conce*t of )ica'io+s !ia%i!it& "hich is fo+n$e$ on the '+!e of
co,,on sense as e,*!o&ees a'e +s+a!!& *eo*!e of ,ea('e ,eans an$ it is the'efo'e-
on!& fai' that the in0+'e$ *e'son is a!!o"e$ to 'eco)e' $a,a(es f'o, the e,*!o&e'.
1h+s "he'e the'e is a 'e!ationshi* of ,aste' an$ se')ant- the fo',e' is a!"a&s !ia%!e
fo' the to'ts co,,itte$ %& the !atte' in the co+'se an$ sco*e of his $+ties. 1he ,aste'
o' the e,*!o&e' can c!ai, co,*ensation f'o, the ne(!i(ent e,*!o&ee.
1he enco+'a(in( *oint in this case is that the hos*ita! has a*o!o(ise$ fo' the
ne(!i(ence co,,itte$ %& its $octo' an$ it "i!! not %e 'ea!!& $iffic+!t to *'o)e it %+t at
the sa,e ti,e if the a*o!o(& %& the hos*ita! is ta#en in an o*ti,istic o' ,o'a! sense
then it "ea#ens the ('o+n$s fo' s+it. efo'e s+in( the hos*ita! it sho+!$ a!so %e
consi$e'e$ that the'e is !i#e!ihoo$ of a**ointin( an e5*e't to $ete',ine the affect of
,is$ia(noses on !anche "he'e she $oes not t'+st on an& one e5ce*t he' DP.
4**oint,ent of e5*e't an$ 'e/+i'e,ents "o+!$ a!so inc+' hea)& costs "he'eas on the
othe' han$ it cannot %e fi',!& sai$ that co+'t "i!! ta#e the ,is$ia(noses an$ $e!a& fo'
entit!e,ent of han$so,e a,o+nt of $a,a(es "hich co+!$ e5cee$ the costs. 6o"e)e'
if the s+it is %'o+(ht then Mi#e can s+e the hos*ita!- 3ince the !a" *'o)i$es that a
,aste' is !ia%!e fo' e)e'& "'on(f+! act of the se')ant if co,,itte$ in the co+'se of
e,*!o&,ent e)en "itho+t an& e5*'ess a**'o)a! %& hi,. It is the'efo'e i,,ate'ia! that
the a!!e(e$ act "as not $one fo' the %enefit of the ,aste'.
Pre action protocol
4fte' Lo'$ ?oo!f@s 'eco,,en$ations-
the Ci)i! P'oce$+'e (i)es *'e>action *'otoco!s
fo' *e'sona! in0+'& an$ c!inica! ne(!i(ence cases. 1he ai, "as Eto %+i!$ on an$
inc'ease the %enefits of ea'!& %+t "e!! info',e$ sett!e,ent "hich (en+ine!& satisf&
%oth *a'ties to $is*+teF. 1he '+!es 'e/+i'e that the 'e!e)ant *'otoco!s a'e +se$ *'io' to
!e(a! *'ocee$in(s %ein( co,,ence$. Cost *ena!ties "i!! a**!& "he'e the *'e>action
*'otoco!s ha)e not %een co,*!ie$ "ith.
In *e'sona! in0+'& the c!ai, "i!! st'ai(ht
a"a& %e s+%0ect to the *e'sona! in0+'& *'e>action *'otoco! (PIP4P). 1he PIP4P is
*'i,a'i!& $esi(ne$ fo' fast t'ac# cases "ith a )a!+e of !ess than G18-000. P'e>action
*'otoco!s set o+t )a'io+s ste*s that sho+!$ %e ta#en %& *a'ties %efo'e *'ocee$in(s a'e
co,,ence$. 1he cent'a! ai, of the *'e>action *'otoco!s is to i$entif& iss+es an$
e)i$ence at an ea'!& sta(e so as to enco+'a(e sett!e,ent "itho+t the nee$ to iss+e
*'ocee$in(s at a!!.
E)en "he'e sett!e,ent cannot %e 'eache$ the *a'ties sho+!$ %e in
a %ette' *osition to $ea! at t'ia! "ith the iss+es i$entifie$.

6o"a'th- 1e5t%oo# on 1o't (+tte'"o'ths- Lon$on 1778) A32
6. 9+$(e i'$- E5*e'ts > the sha*e of thin(s to co,e (HL9: 177C) 7C
3. E,an+e!- ;+n$a,enta! of %+siness La"- 4
E$ition- E$+cationa! P+%!ishe'- 2004- *. 23>A7
Lo'$ ?oo!f I4ccess to 9+stice@ fina! Re*o't 9+!& 177A
CPR *a't 44
9+st C!ai, - 5k accessed 28
Mach 2!!8
1he c!ai,ant "i!! sen$ to the $efen$ant t"o co*ies of a !ette' of c!ai,- as#in( hi,
a%o+t the acci$ent an$ if he ac#no"!e$(es it. 1he c!ai,ant "i!! a!so te!! the $efen$ant
a%o+t the in0+'ies s+staine$ an$ !oss s+ffe'e$. 1he na,e an$ a$$'ess of the hos*ita!
"he'e t'eat,ent has %een o%taine$ an$ the c!ai,antJs hos*ita! 'efe'ence n+,%e'. One
co*& of the !ette' is fo' the $efen$ant- the secon$ fo' *assin( on to his ins+'e's. 1he
*e'io$ of 21 $a&s is (i)en to ac#no"!e$(e the !ette' of c!ai,. 4fte' ac#no"!e$(,ent
$efen$ant has ,a5i,+, th'ee ,onths f'o, the $ate of !ette' of c!ai, an$ he ,+st
ha)e to 'e*!a& %efo'e the *e'io$- statin( "hethe' !ia%i!it& is $enie$ o' not.
If he a$,its his !ia%i!it&- then it is *'es+,e$ that this a$,ission "i!! %in$ the
$efen$ant fo' a!! c!ai,s +* to )a!+e of G18-000. 1he $efen$ant has to (i)e 'easons fo'
the $enia! if he $oes not a$,it the !ia%i!it&.
Un$e' the *'e action *'otoco!s the Pa'ties
,a& 'e/+i'e an e5*e't to $ete',ine an& iss+e 'e!ate$ to the $is*+te. In the ,a0o'it& of
cases the Co+'t *'es+,es that a sin(!e e5*e't "i!! %e s+fficient. 1he *a'ties ha)e to
eithe' a('ee +*on this in$i)i$+a!- o' ha)e one i,*ose$ +*on the, %& the Co+'t. 1he
c!ai,ant "i!!- s+%0ect to the Co+'t@s o'$e'- %e 'e/+i'e$ to *a& the e5*e't. ?he'e ,o'e
than one e5*e't is *e',itte$- the e5*e'ts a'e 'e/+i'e$ to !i,it the sco*e of thei'
e)i$ence an$ ha)e to c!ea'!& $e!i,it the ,atte's +*on "hich the& a('ee an$ $isa('ee.
Case Manageent
4fte' the ci)i! *'oce$+'e 'efo',s the Ci)i! *'oce$+'e no" *'o)i$es fo' the case
,ana(e,ent- "hich e,%o$ies $iffe'ent t'ac#s fo' c!ai,s of $iffe'ent )a!+e
. 3,a!!
c!ai,s t'ac# a**!ies to c!ai,s +* to G8-000 in )a!+e (G1-000 in cases in)o!)in(
*e'sona! in0+'& o' ce'tain ho+sin( $is'e*ai' c!ai,s). 4!!ocation to this t'ac# is not
a+to,atic %+t s+%0ect to the co+'t@s consi$e'ation of the state,ents of case s+%,itte$
%& the *a'ties. ;ast 1'ac# a**!ies to c!ai,s )a!+e$ %et"een G8-000 an$ G18-000. ?hen
a!!ocatin( c!ai,s to the ;ast 1'ac#- the co+'t "i!! (i)e case ,ana(e,ent $i'ections to
the *a'ties an$ ,a& set a st'ict ti,eta%!e an$ fi5e$ cost !i,its. 1he t'ia! $ate (one $a&)
,a& %e fi5e$ at this sta(e an$ "i!! no',a!!& %e "ithin 30 "ee#s. M+!ti 1'ac# a**!ies
to c!ai,s )a!+e$ in e5cess of G18-000 to G80-000.
Pe'sona! in0+'& c!ai,s of $a,a(es a'e $i)i$e$ into t"o cate(o'ies- (ene'a! an$
s*ecia!. In0+'ies ca+se$ to %o$& a'e (ene'a! $a,a(es as in this case !anche@s #nee
"as shatte'e$ an$ she s+ffe'e$ "ith *ain an$ incon)enience $+e to in0+'&. U!ti,ate
econo,ic !osses %& the 'es+!t of in0+'ies a'e s*ecia! $a,a(es. 1he a,o+nt of $a,a(es
a"a'$e$ %& the co+'ts in si,i!a' cases )a'ies f'o, fi)e tho+san$ to se)enteen
tho+san$ *o+n$s.
In Bice v Birmingham motor tyres
co+'t a"a'$e$ G17-800 fo'
(ene'a! $a,a(es of #nee in0+'&- "hi!e in Watson v Hillingdon
co+'t a"a'$e$ G7000
fo' (ene'a! $a,a(es of #nee in0+'&. ?e sho+!$ c!ai, G14-780 as (ene'a! $a,a(es. If
the )a!+e of c!ai, in o+' case is G14780 then it "i!! (o to fast t'ac#.
P'e action *'otoco! fo' *e'sona! in0+'& cases
CPR *a't 3
I. D'ain(e'- M. ;ea!& B M.3*ence'- 1he Ci)i! *'oce$+'e '+!es in action (2
e$n Ca)en$ish
*+%!ishe's- Lon$on 2000) 31
Da)i$ 4. Mc!. Ke,* (e$)- Ke,* B Ke,*: 1he K+ant+, of $a,a(es- 177A- )o!+,e 3- 3"eet an$
Ma5"e!! Lon$on.
L2008M C.L.N. 320A
L2008M C.L.N. 3207
4cco'$in( to the st+$& the case a(ainst 4!%e't is a st'on( case fo' co,*ensation-
ho"e)e' in the othe' case of ,e$ica! ne(!i(ence the'e can %e no fi', o*inion %eca+se
so,e of its as*ects a'e "ea# fo' e5a,*!e $e!a& is not too !on( an$ c!ai,s a(ainst
hos*ita!s fo' +nintentiona! ne(!i(ence a'e not 'ea!!& "e!co,e$. 1he co+'t ,a& fin$ the
case in cont'a$iction "ith o)e''i$in( o%0ecti)es- "hich asse't that the co+'ts as "e!! as
the *a'ties sho+!$ sa)e ti,e an$ a!so costs of !iti(ation.
!anche has sho"e$ the
intention that he' son sho+!$ s+e on he' %eha!f. Un$e' the Ci)i! P'oce$+'e she has the
'i(ht to $o it
an$ it "i!! %e con)enient fo' he' as she can ha'$!& "a!# an$ ,enta!!&
?o'$ Co+nt:22AA

CPR *a't 1
CPR '+!e 21- as she is ,enta!!& $e*'esse$ an$ he' DP has confi',e$ it.
4. 9e't:- an$ R. Mi!!e'- ;+n$a,enta!s of +siness La" (3
E$ition- Mac,i!!an
P+%!ishe'- 2004)
Da)i$ 4. Mc!. Ke,* (e$)- Ke,* B Ke,*: 1he K+ant+, of $a,a(es- 177A- )o!+,e
3- 3"eet an$ Ma5"e!! Lon$on.
6o"a'th- 1e5t %oo# on 1o't (+tte'"o'ths- Lon$on 1778)
Ian D'ain(e' B Michae! ;ea!& "ith Ma'tin 3*ence'- 1he Ci)i! *'oce$+'e '+!es in
action (2
e$n Ca)en$ish *+%!ishe's- Lon$on 2000)
Ro(e's- ?infie!$ B 9o!o"ic: on 1o't (1A
e$n 3"eet B Ma5"e!!- Lon$on 2002)
3. E,an+e!- ;+n$a,enta! of %+siness La"- 4
E$ition- E$+cationa! P+%!ishe'- 2004-
6. 9+$(e i'$- E5*e'ts > the sha*e of thin(s to co,e (HL9: 177C)
Lo'$ ?oo!f I4ccess to 9+stice@ fina! Re*o't 9+!& 177A
ice ) i',in(ha, ,oto' t&'es L2008M C.L.N. 320A
?atson ) 6i!!in($on L2008M C.L.N. 3207
Part !
Man& in$i)i$+a!s $esi'e the e5ec+tion of thei' $is*+tes to %e han$!e$ %& *'ofessiona!
!a"&e's. It is the'efo'e i,*o'tant fo' in$i)i$+a!s to cons+!t "ith thei' !a"&e's in o'$e'
to $ete',ine the act+a! costs 'e/+i'e$ in the cases the& a'e in)o!)e$. 1he'e is an
a'(+,ent that those !a"&e's "ho (o fo' !o"e' !iti(ation costs $o+%t thei' 0o%s an$
,a& not !i)e +* to thei' e5*ectations "ith 'e(a'$s to $efen$in( the *!aintiff to hisOhe'
1i,e is ,one&- is a co,,on sa&in( that has *'o)e$ that !a"&e's a'e ,o'e conce'ne$
in thei' o"n inte'ests 'athe' than the *e'son "ho has e,*!o&e$ the, to act on thei'
%eha!f. 1he'efo'e "hen a *e'son i$entifies a !a"&e' an$ heOshe a('ees to act as a('ee$
+*on- $i)e'(ence no" "i!! shift i,,e$iate!& to ho+'!& cha'(es- e,e'(enc& cha'(es
an$ othe' costs a,on(. La"&e's in fact "i!! t'& to fin$ o+t if the *e'son "ho is his
*'inci*a! is act+a!!& a%!e to ,eet his *e'sona! inte'ests in te',s of !iti(ation costs.
4!so it sho+!$ %e note$ that the ,o'e ti,e the case ta#es to %e conc!+$e$ "i!!
+!ti,ate!& $ete',ine the !iti(ation costs an$ th+s *'inci*a!s "i!! ha)e to $i( ,o'e
insi$e thei' *oc#ets to co)e' the e5t'a costs.
Us+a!!& the $efences an$ c!ai,s *+t fo'"a'$ in the co+'t of !a" ha)e an i,*act in an&
$o+%tf+! case since the t"o +!ti,ate!& esta%!ishes the cost of fi!in( s+it. Resea'ch
in$icates that !a"&e's of !ate ha)e %een ,a#in( a !ot of ,one& th'o+(h e5a((e'atin(
the cost of !iti(ation in 3a'"a' ) 4!a,
it "as he!$ that so!icito's not 'e/+i'e to
en(a(e in an e5*ensi)e It'eas+'e h+nt@ %+t sho+!$ no',a!!& in)ite c!ients to %'in( the
fi'st inte')ie" an& 'e!e)ant ho+se ho!$O'oa$ t'affic ins+'ance *o!ic& to asce'tain
"hethe' the'e is an& a)ai!a%!e fo', of 1E ins+'ance. Ho',a!!& !a"&e's $e,an$
,o'e !iti(ation costs "hen the cases the& a'e han$!in( a'e consi$e'e$ to %e
c+,%e'so,e an$ !a'(e to ce'tain e5tent in so,e othe' cases. 1he ,atte's %'o+(ht to
the co+'t of !a" "hich a'e consi$e'e$ $is*+te$ a!so $ete',ines the necessa'&
info',ation 'e/+i'e$ to han$!e s+ch cases an$ th+s in the *'ocess $e,an$s 'e!ati)e
!iti(ation costs. P'e>action *'otoco!s +s+a!!& fo', the inne',ost *a't of 'e(+!ations
'e(a'$in( ci)i! *'oce$+'es in a co+'t of !a" since it fo',s the %asis of (+i$e!ines to %e
fo!!o"e$ *a'tic+!a'!& "hen the a(('ie)e$ *a'ties a('ee to $ete',ine his case %& +se of
1he ,ain o%0ecti)e of s+ch *'e>action *'otoco!s is +s+a!!& to t'& an$ a)oi$
+nnecessa'& costs $+'in( the $ete',inin( of an& cases in the co+'t of !a".
it "i!! %e +*on the co+'t of !a" to e5a,ine confo',it& o' non>confo',it& "ith
*e'tinent *'otoco! es*ecia!!& "hi!e (i)in( o+t *'ocee$in(s *ath th+s $ete',inin( the
s+ita%!e costs of the s+it. It sho+!$ %e note$ that in a!! $is*+tes o' cases costs in)o!)e$
*a'tic+!a'!& in the sta(e of *'e>action *'otoco! o+(ht to %e in *'o*o'tion to the
int'icac& of the case as "e!! as %e *'o*o'tionate to the a)ai!a%!e f+n$s $ete',ine$ %&
the co+'t of !a" to %e at sta#e.
Con$itiona! fee a('ee,ent is sai$ to %e an acco'$ in "hich a *'inci*a! an$ his !a"&e'
conc+' to cont'i%+te to 'is# in)o!)e$ "ith 'e(a'$s to !iti(ation %& a('eein( to the
e5tent on ho" ,+ch the !iti(ation costs "i!! %e *ai$ afte' the o+tco,e of the case in
Do'ie!& 1. P'e>4ction P'otoco!s- 177C: Ret'ie)e$ f'o,: """.$ca.(o).+# accesse$ on 17
L2000M E?C4 Ci) 1401.
I. D'ain(e'- M. ;ea!& B M.3*ence'- 1he Ci)i! *'oce$+'e '+!es in action (2
e$n Ca)en$ish
*+%!ishe's- Lon$on 2000) 141
/+estion. ;o' e5a,*!e a c!ient can a('ee "ith the !a"&e' that if the& !oose the case
then no ,one& "i!! %e *ai$ to the !a"&e'.
4!so the& can conc+' to sha'e costs of
!iti(ations if the c!ient is $efeate$ in the case. Con$itiona! fee a('ee,ents a'e
acco,*anie$ %& s+ccess fees "hich a'e act+a!!& fees *ai$ in e5cess of no',a! costs
. 1he'efo'e- !anche in the a%o)e case sho+!$ $eci$e %asin( on a!! the a%o)e
facto's 'e!e)ant to !iti(ation costs in o'$e' to $ete',ine "hethe' to s+e the hos*ita!-
$octo' an$ 4!%e't. 3+ch consi$e'ations "i!! he!* he' sa)e +nnecessa'& costs in the
*'ocess of co+'t *'ocee$in(s.
In this case "e a!so fin$ that !iti(ation f+n$in( is enco+'a(e$ "he'e%& "e fin$ that
,ost of the atto'ne&s a('ee that ,o'e cons+!tation sho+!$ %e consi$e'e$ an$ fo!!o"e$
in the 'e(+!ation of the f+n$in( of this !iti(ation. 1his iss+e has a!"a&s %een
consi$e'e$ as o%!i(in( on the $ecisions of the hi(h Co+'t. Un$e' this "e fin$ that
the'e is the fo',ation of !iti(ation f+n$in( co,*anies "hich a'e a!"a&s 'e(a'$e$ as
entities "hich %ase$ on co,,e'cia! cont'acts conce'nin( a n+,%e' of !iti(ants. 1hese
co,*anies a'e fo+n$ to %e *a&in( fo' the cost the !iti(ation *'ocess an$ a!so
+n$e'ta#in( the 'is#s conce'nin( the fai!+'e of the *a'tic+!a' case +n$e' in)esti(ation
%+t in a sit+ation "he'e the case is fo+n$ to %e s+ccessf+! the& a!"a&s a'e (i)en the a
sha'e in the *'ocee$s "hich is a!"a&s a('ee$ +*on %& the c!ient. 3o,e of this
!iti(ation f+n$in( co,*anies a!"a&s *'actices this +n$e' the e5ce*tion of the stat+to'&
fo' !i/+i$ation since the& in)o!)e the,se!)es in the *+'s+ance of )oi$a%!e
4!tho+(h in ,an& cases "e fin$ that co,,on !a" has %een e5e'cisin( the e5c!+sion
of this !iti(ation f+n$in( an$ this has %een act+a!!& %een 0+stifie$ %& ,ost 0+$icia!
s&ste,s that can not site the e5*!o'ato'& %+siness +n$e'ta#in(s- an$ the ai, fo' this is
to sto* the a%+se on the e5istin( co+'t *'oce$+'es fo' *e'sona! (ains. In ,an& cases
"e fin$ that the 0+$icia! s&ste,s on!& a!!o". 1his f+n$in( is on!& a!!o"e$ to ta#e
*!ace in the sett!e,ent of iss+es %et"een the *!aintiff an$ the f+n$e'- tho+(h the 0+'&
'e(a'$s this f+n$in( to %e as e/+a! as a co,,on c'i,e co,,itte$.
1his !iti(ation f+n$in( ca''ies a n+,%e' of a$)anta(es "hich inc!+$e the *e',ission
of c'e$ito's to *+'s+e the to't feaso's once the case *'o)es to %e i,*ossi%!e as a 'es+!t
of !ac# of f+n$s. 1his f+n$in( c+ts the th'eat fo' these c'e$ito's an$ the !iti(ation
*'actitione' in +n$e'ta#in( the *'ocess of !iti(ation. It a!so *'o)i$es an e/+a!
'ec+*e'ation fo' the c'e$ito's. 1he othe' a$)anta(e that this f+n$in( ca''& is the
assistance in the so!)in( of the inso!)encies in ,o'e const'+cti)e ,anne' th+s
enco+'a(in( the enfo'ce,ent of the co'*o'ations act th+s a!!o"in( a n+,%e' of %'each
of cont'acts to han$!e$ an$ so!)e$. Un$e' this "e fin$ that the f+n$in( c'eates a ,a0o'
effect that is 'est'icte$ to"a'$s the $e)e!o*,ent of the *'ece$ents a(ainst those
co'*o'ate $efen$ants that can *'o)e to ha)e no s+its a(ainst the, as a 'es+!t f !ac# of
f+n$in( fo' the c'e$ito's. 1he !iti(ation *'ocess is fo+n$ to %e ens+'in( the access to
0+stice fo' co,,en$a%!e c!ai,s that co+!$ ha)e %een a%an$one$ this ,eans that in the
Pe'sona! In0+'& La"e's accessed "#
Mach 2!!8
Ca!!e'& ) Da'& L2001M 1 ?LR 2112 C4. it "as he!$ that 20< 'e*'esents the a**'o*'iate C;4
s+ccess fee +*!ift in si,*!e 'oa$ t'affic c!ai,s.
L. I')ine- Ci)i! P'ocee$in(s R+!es (CPR)- 177C Ret'ie)e$ f'o,: """.$ca.(o).+# accesse$ on 17
,a'ch 200C
M. 6e,s"o'th- 1he ne" *'e>action *'otoco! fo' *e'sona! in0+'& c!ai,s>2- HL9: 177C- *. 48
case "he'e "e ,a& fin$ that the *!aintiff is o%!i(ate$ to c!ai, fo' his o' he'
co,*ensation %+t %eca+se of !ac# of f+n$s she o' he can not (o ahea$ an$ c!ai, fo'
the $a,a(es since the cha'(es fo' in)esti(ation an$ fin$in( e)i$ence fo' that state$
case a'e state$ to %e too hi(h fo' hi, to affo'$ an$ th'o+(h the !iti(ation f+n$in( this
,a& ease his "a& of (ettin( 0+stice $one to hi, "he'e%& he can (ain his $a,a(es an$
*a& fo' the !iti(ation *'actitione's. 1his a!so in$icates that the *!aintiff can %e *+t in a
*osition of c!ai,in( fo' his 'i(hts %& +n$e'ta#in( an action a(ainst the $efen$ant "ho
,a& %e *'ono+nce$ to %e "ea!th& an$ e)en those "ho a'e ins+'e$.
1he othe' $isa$)anta(e is that of !ac# of eno+(h *'otection %& these !iti(ation f+n$e's
to the e5istin( cons+,e's- these *'otections ,a& inc!+$e that of t'a$e *'actices an$
the fai' t'a$in( !a"s "hich a'e a!"a&s ,eant to *'o)i$e the *!aintiff "ith
$e,onst'ati)e 'e,e$ies that "i!! act+a!!& nee$ hi, to %e in a *osition of noticin( the
*'o%!e, "ith the !iti(ation f+n$in( co,*an&@s con$+ct in o'$e' to *+'s+e a 'e,e$&.
?e a!so fin$ that the !a" *'o)i$es that a n+,%e' of *'otections fo' the c!ient sho+!$
%e *'o)i$e$ fo' the e5istence the 'e!ationshi* %et"een the so!icito' an$ the c!ient.
Co+'t is fo+n$ to %e ho!$in( that the nat+'e of the cont'act that e5ists %et"een the
c!ai,ant an$ the Liti(ation ;+n$in( Co,*an& is of act+a!!& no inte'est to the
4!tho+(h it is 'e*o'te$ that the'e is +nce'taint& that *'e)ai!s a'o+n$ the !a" fo' the
!iti(ation f+n$in( "e fin$ that the'e is the e5istence of !ac# of +nifo',it& in ,an&
!e(a! instit+tions that a**!& the +se of these f+n$in( "he'e%& ,an& of the $ecisions
a'e ,a$e not %asin( on the *'otection of the cons+,e' not e)en %& the *'o)ision of
the ins+'ance co)e'in( the !iti(ation *'oce$+'es. 1his %'in(s in the i$ea of the
e5istence of the Liti(ation f+n$in( co,*anies that a'e state$ to %e of no *'ofit
,a#in(. 4ct+a!!& "e fin$ that these non>*'ofit ,a#in( !iti(ation co,*anies a'e
a!"a&s foc+se$ to"a'$s *'otection of the c!ai,ants to"a'$s the !iti(ation *'ocee$in(s
inc!+$in( the f+n$in( a''an(e,ents. 1his act+a!!& $one %& ens+'in( that the'e is the
c'eation of a $i'ect 'e!ationshi* %et"een the c!ient an$ the !a"&e' th+s ens+'in( that
the !a"&e's o%!i(ations to the c!ai,ant a'e f+!!& en(a(e$ th'o+(h the f+n$in(
*'ocee$in(s- this is the'efo'e fo+n$ to %e *'o,otin( a tota! $isc!os+'e of the ,atte' %&
the !a"&e' to the *!aintiff an$ th+s a!!o"in( hi, to ,a#e ,o'e info',e$ $ecision
a%o+t the case *+ttin( in ,in$ the con$+ct of the *'ocee$in(s. 1his "i!! act+a!!&
acco'$in( to the !a" %'in( in the i$ea of *'e)entin( ,ost of the c!ai,ant f'o, the
+nnecessa'& !iti(ation *'oce$+'es that a'e a!"a&s $one fo' the %enefit of the !iti(ant
an$ th+s !o"e'in( the cost of !iti(ation th'o+(h ens+'in( that the !iti(ation
a''an(e,ents a'e $one fo!!o"in( the *+%!ic *o!ic& e5istin( in the !e(a! instit+tions.
1he co+'t is a!"a&s +n$e' an o%!i(ation to ens+'e that this *'otection is a!"a&s $one
%& fo!!o"in( the c'ite'ia state$ %e!o": if the'e is the c'eation of the $i'ect 'etaine' an$
a('ee,ents to"a'$s the costs of !iti(ation %et"een the *!aintiff an$ the so!icito': if the
*!aintiff "as +n$e' the 'i(ht to choose the so!icito'= if the *!aintiff "as *+t +n$e' so,e
so*histications= "hethe' the'e "as eno+(h $isc!os+'e of the f+n$e' to the *!aintiff=
"as the *!aintiff a%!e to ,a#e info',e$ $ecisions a%o+t the *'ocee$in(s= is the'e an&
P. 3,ith an$ ai!e&- In$e*en$ent ?o'#in( Pa't&- a' an$ La" 3ociet&- Ci)i! 9+stice on 1'ia! > 1he
Case fo' Chan(e- the 6ei!%'on Re*o't- Chs 2 an$ 4Chs 10- 11- an$ 14- 1773- *. 7A>234
?. Lo'$- an$ 4. P+c#e',an- 4ccess to 9+stice: P!+s ca chan(e- 87 MLR 773 177A- *. 24
'easona%!e in$e*en$ent a$)ice to the *!aintiff= $i$ the so!icito' ha)e eno+(h cont'o!
o)e' the case *'ocee$in(s an$ a!so "hethe' the f+n$e' ha$ an& !ia%i!it& fo' the
s+ccessf+! $efen$ants cost.
1he'efo'e the !a" *'o)i$es that fo' the *'ocee$in(s to %e s+ccessf+! the'e sho+!$ %e a
fo!!o" +* fo' a**'oach +se$ in the fo',+!ation of the f+n$in( a('ee,ent "ith a !ess
effect on the co+'t *'ocee$in(s- this sho+!$ %'in( in the in$ication of the feat+'es to %e
consi$e'e$ "hi!e ,a#in( s+ch a('ee,ents an$ this ,a& inc!+$e= a notification of the
c'ite'ia +se$ %& the co+'ts in the consi$e'ation of the !iti(ation f+n$in( a''an(e,ent-
a!so the 'e/+i'e,ent "hethe' the !e(a! te',s 'e(a'$in( the !iti(ation an$ it $isc!os+'e
a'e a$he'e$ to. 1he othe' facto' that sho+!$ %e consi$e'e$ "hi!e ca''&in( o+t the
!iti(ation *'ocess is that of inc'easin( the t'ans*a'enc& "he'e%& a!! those in$i)i$+a!s
"ho a'e sai$ to %e !i/+i$ato's a'e ,an$ate$ to o%tain a co+'t a**'o)a! fo' an&
!iti(ation f+n$in( a('ee,ents that is *+ttin( in ,in$ that in a sit+ation "he'e the
a('ee,ent ca''ies o $+'ation of ,o'e than th'ee ,onths - this in$icates that an&
!iti(ation f+n$in( cont'act that is si(ne$ %& the !i/+i$ato's a'e a!! so!)e$ %& the
co+'ts- th+s it is *'o)i$e$ that if the'e is an inc'e,ent in the t'ans*a'enc& conce'nin(
the content of the te',s of the a('ee,ent this "i!! a+to,atica!!& !ea$ to an inc'ease in
the co,*etition a,on( the !e(a! instit+tions an$ a!so the !iti(ation f+n$in( se')ices in
the !e(a! ,a'#et th+s !ea$in( to the 'e$+ction of the !iti(ation costs fo' the c!ai,ant.
efo'e the e)ent ins+'ance co)e' is ta#en o+t %efo'e an&thin( has ha**ene$. ?hen
so,ethin( ha**ens to t'i((e' the nee$ fo' !e(a! action- it is #no"n as Ithe e)entJ. 1he
ins+'ance is *ai$ on an ann+a! %asis- %& *a&in( a *'e,i+, to an ins+'ance co,*an&.
It is +s+a!!& a)ai!a%!e "ith an e5istin( ins+'ance *o!ic& s+ch as ho+seho!$ ins+'ance
an$ ca' ins+'ance an$ "i!! co)e' an& +nins+'e$ !oss 'e!ate$ to 'oa$ t'affic acci$ents-
,a& not nee$ to ente' into a con$itiona! fee a('ee,ent- %+t it "o+!$ *a& costs on!& if
the ins+'ance co,*an& thin#s that the'e is a (oo$ chance of "innin(. It "i!! not co)e'
an& costs an$ ,a& ha)e to *a& if !ose.

4fte' the e)ent ins+'ance is on!& ta#en o+t once the Ie)entJ has occ+''e$ to ins+'e
a(ainst the 'is# of !osin( case. It is +s+a!!& +se$ %& *eo*!e "ho $o not ha)e efo'e the
E)ent ins+'ance. 4fte' the e)ent ins+'ance is *+'chase$ "hen a co+'se of !e(a! action
has %een $eci$e$ +*on. It is +s+a!!& *ai$ as a sin(!e *'e,i+,. 1his ins+'ance is often
offe'e$ %& so!icito's an$ c!ai, ,ana(e,ent co,*anies. If !ose the c!ai, the ins+'ance
co,*an& "i!! *a& o**onentJs !e(a! costs an$ e5*enses. If "in it sho+!$ %e *ossi%!e to
(et %ac# ,ost of *'e,i+, an$ !e(a! costs f'o, the !osin( si$e. P'e,i+,s fo' efo'e
the E)ent ins+'ance a'e not 'eco)e'a%!e.
?e a!so fin$ that +n$e' !iti(ation the !a"&e's a'e *'o)i$e$ "ith in$e*en$ence f'o,
the !iti(ation f+n$in( co,*anies "he'e%& "e fin$ that th'o+(h this the !iti(ation
f+n$in( fi', is ena%!e$ to (et so,e !e(a! fees inc!+$in( the %enefit acc'+e$ f'o, the
ca*acit& of the f+n$e's %a'(ainin( *o"e's o)e' the 'e,ainin( *'i:e- since ,ost of the
ti,es the so!icito' has a 'i(ht to %e *ai$ a s+ccess fees f'o, the f+n$in( of the
*'ocee$in(s- th+s as f+n$e's the& a!so %ea' the 'is# of not %enefitin( f'o, the
!iti(ation *'ocess once the o+tco,e of the case is fo+n$ to %e not of a s+ccess since
the& ha)e to *a& the so!icito' i''es*ecti)e of the o+tco,e of the case.
4. 9e't:- an$ R. Mi!!e'- ;+n$a,enta!s of +siness La"- 3
E$ition- Mac,i!!an P+%!ishe'- 2004- *. 34
?e a!so fin$ that the co+'ts *'o)i$e that the cost of !iti(ation sho+!$ not %e
*'o*o'tionate to the $a,a(es ca+se$ to the co,*!ainant a!tho+(h ,an& a'(+e that it is
in 'a'e cases that "e fin$ that the fee (i)en to the !a"&e' o' the atto'ne& s+'*asses the
co,*ensation fo' the $a,a(es ca+se$. In s*ite of a!! the !iti(ation f+n$in(s cost "i!!
'e,ain a c'+cia! iss+e %eca+se e)e'& case is not fo' co,*ensation an$ e)en in cases of
co,*ensation= $a,a(es a'e a"a'$e$ to one *a't& an$ fo' the othe' *a't& %+'$en of
costs is c'+cia!!& i,*o'tant.
?o'$ Co+nt: 2383
M. 6e,s"o'th- 1he ne" *'e>action *'otoco! fo' *e'sona! in0+'& c!ai,s>2- HL9: 177C-
4. 9e't:- an$ R. Mi!!e'- ;+n$a,enta!s of +siness La"- 3
E$ition- Mac,i!!an
P+%!ishe'- 2004-
P. 3,ith an$ ai!e&- In$e*en$ent ?o'#in( Pa't&- a' an$ La" 3ociet&- Ci)i! 9+stice
on 1'ia! > 1he Case fo' Chan(e- the 6ei!%'on Re*o't-
4. P+c#e',an- Lord Woolfs Access to Justice: lus ca change- MLR (177A)
Do'ie!& 1. P'e>4ction P'otoco!s- 177C: Ret'ie)e$ f'o,: """.$ca.(o).+#
L. I')ine- Ci)i! P'ocee$in(s R+!es (CPR)- 177C Ret'ie)e$ f'o,: """.$ca.(o).+#
3a'"a' ) 4!a, L2000M E?C4 Ci) 1401
Ca!!e'& ) Da'& L2001M 1 ?LR 2112 C4

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