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AQA Statistics 1 Correlation and regression

1 of 2 27/02/13 MEI
Section 2: Regression


1. A set of bivariate data is as follows:

x 1 3 4 6 7 9
y 4 8 6 9 16 17

(i) Draw a scatter diagram for this data.
(ii) Without extensive calculations draw what you consider to be the line of
best fit. Find its equation.
(iii) Find the equation of the regression line of y on x.
(iv) Compare your answers for parts (ii) and (iii).

2. For the following bivariate data obtain the equation of the least squares
regression line of y on x. Then estimate the value of y when x = 21.

x 10 11 15 17 22
y 25 23 17 14 11

3. A set of bivariate data is as follows:

x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
y 4.5 6.0 7.7 7.3 9.1 8.6 10.6 10.2

(i) For the above data show that x = 4.5 and y = 8.
(ii) What is the equation of the regression line of y on x?
(iii) Predict values of y when (a) x = 3.5, and (b) x = 11. Comment on the
accuracy of your results.

4. For 6 items of bivariate data you are given that


= 99, y

= 1239,

= 1833,

= 281873
and xy

= 22532.

What is the equation of the regression line of y on x?

5. The heights (x inches) and weights (y pounds) of ten randomly selected student
were measured and the following is a summary of the results:


= 660, y

= 1270,

= 43678,

= 162400, xy

= 84123

(i) Find the equation of the line of regression of y on x.
AQA S1 Correlation and regression 2 Exercise
2 of 2 27/02/13 MEI
(ii) Hence estimate the weight of a student of height 64 inches.

6. The following table gives the ages (x) and systolic blood pressure (y) of a
random sample of ten men.

Age (x) 58 43 74 64 29 48 33 52 61 38
Systolic blood
pressure (y)
136 129 158 143 118 146 120 148 137 115

(i) Find the product moment correlation coefficient between x and y.
(ii) Find the equation of the line of regression of y on x.
(iii) Estimate the blood pressure of a man aged 43.

7. Eight students in a statistics examination scored the following marks in the two

Student A B C D E F G H
Paper 1 (x) 73 92 55 40 25 92 65 38
Paper 2 (y) 80 87 68 38 30 99 54 54

(i) Draw a scatter diagram to illustrate these marks.
(ii) Find the regression line of y on x and draw it on the scatter diagram.
(iii) One student scored 73 on Paper 1 but missed Paper 2. Explain briefly how
you might estimate the Paper 2 mark.

8. (i) What is meant be the term residual?
(ii) For the following bivariate data

x 65 72 52 67 55 59 75 54 58 49
y 61 64 42 64 53 50 58 46 50 49

you are given that the equation of the regression line of y on x is
y = 0.728x + 9.567, using 3 decimal places. Using this equation, calculate
(A) the sum of the residuals
(B) the sum of the squares of the residuals

(iii) What should be the exact value of the sum of the residuals? Why is your
answer different from this?

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