By Christie Pruitt: Crochet Cable Gauntlets

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Crochet Cable Gauntlets

By Christie Pruitt
1 Skein Caron Simply Soft
Size "H" crochet hook
Yarn Needle
4 sc = 1", 5 rows = 1" in sc
Finished Size
Length: 9 !"
Will t Woman's Small/Medium
Right Glove
Ch 29
Row 1: sc in 2nd chain from hook and in each ch across. Ch 1, turn. (28 sc)
Row 2: sc across, ch 1, turn.
Row 3: sc in next 18 sc, skip next 2 sc, work a double crochet in next 2 sc by dropping down to
Row 1, inserting needle from front to back and around post of corresponding stitch, then work a
treble crochet in the 1st, then the 2nd skipped stitches by inserting needle from front to back and
around post of corresponding stitch from Row 1 (cross-over made), sc in last 6 sc, ch 1, turn.
Row 4: sc across, ch 1, turn.
Row 5: sc across next 18 sc, work a double crochet around the post of the next 2 treble crochets
and the next 2 double crochets from row below, sc in last 6 sc, ch 1, turn.
Row 6: as Row 4
Continue in Cable Pattern, working from Row 3 through Row 6, ve more times.
Thumb Increases
Next Row : 2 sc into rst sc, work in Pattern to last st, 2 sc in last stitch. Ch 1, turn.
Repeat this row on both Right Side and Wrong Side rows for a total of 8 times. 44 stitches - (8
extra stitches on each end for thumb.)
Work even until glove measures 8" from beginning.
Next Row: sl st in next 8 thumb sts, work in pattern across, leaving last 8 sts unworked, ch 1, turn.
(You should have just completed Row 3 of cable pattern.)
Work Cable Pattern Rows 4 - 6, then Row 3 once more over remaining 28 stitches.
Cut yarn.
Left Glove
The Left Glove will be worked the same as the Right Glove - the only difference is that the location
of the cable will change.
Follow pattern for Right Glove until Row 3.
Row 3 for Left Glove: 1 sc in next 6 sc, work cross-over as for Right Glove, sc in last 18 sc, ch 1,
Work Row 4.
Row 5 for Left Glove: 1 sc in next 6 sc, work double crochets as for Right Glove, sc in last 18 sc,
ch 1, turn.
Work Row 6.
Continue with Left Glove as per instructions from Right Glove, remembering that the cable is now
in a new location!
I seamed these gloves on the Right Side of the glove instead of with wrong sides together -
because I didn't like the thick seam it created along the thumb. I used a running stitch, not a whip
stitch to do this. The whip stitch will show! :)
Seam side edges, thumb and area on edge of hand above the thumb. Work a crab stitch (reverse
crochet) around top of hand, top edge of thumb and around wrist edge.
Try gloves on - and pinch thumb area together until it ts snugly - then sew that area with a small
piece of yarn. That will close up the thumb opening and actually make it a thumb hole!
Weave in ends.

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