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Kenneth D. Wilde, Ph.D.

Part I of this two-part article,

published in the previous issue of

(Vol. 15, No. 3), introduced

the CDCs Foodborne Diseases Active
Surveillance Network (FoodNet) and
its intention to reduce the incidence
of the four most frequently reported
foodborne pathogens to the projected
levels stated by the 2010 national
health objectives. The four pathogens
and their projected 2010 levels include
Campylobacter jejuni (12.3 per
100,000), various serovars of
Salmonella enteritidis (6.8 per
100,000), Escherichia coli O157:H7
(1.0 per 100,000) and Listeria
monocytogenes (0.25 per 100,000).
In Part I, we focused on
Campylobacter jejuni, the leading
cause of bacterial diarrheal illness in
the U.S. In Part II, we will focus on
Listeria monocytogenes, arguably
the most serious and devastating
of the foodborne pathogens.
Listeria monocytogenes
Listeria monocytogenes ubiquity and
unique ability to persevere in unfavor-
able conditions and refrigerated tem-
peratures makes it a problematic
organism for food microbiologists.
The bacterium was initially named
Bacterium monocytogenes because it
caused a mononuclear leucocytosis in
rabbits. The change in its genus
nomenclature appeared a few years
later. It was not until 1985 that L.
monocytogenes became recognized as a
formidable human pathogen when it
was identified as the etiologic agent of
a severe foodborne outbreak involving
Mexican-style soft cheese (142 cases
with 48 deaths).
Spring 2005 Volume 16 No. 1

Microbiology News & Ideas
In This Issue
1 TechniTopics
Foodborne Diseases -
An Update, Part II
The Gram Stain Revisited

System News

9000 Culture Club

7 Product Highlights
BD EpiCenter

Version 5 Software
BD CultureSwab

MaxV - Maximizing
Recovery of Microorganisms


MRSA - The New

Standard in Rapid MRSA Screening

Media Enhancements
BD Difco

Antisera - Salmonella and

Shigella Grouping Sets
12 FYI
Nasopharyngeal Specimen Collection
Wall Chart
Get Clued to the Flu
Launching - Our Newly Reconfigured
Web Site
2005 Customer Training Calendar
The Industrial and Clinical Media
Advisory Team
15 Micro Happenings
FIND and BD Combine Efforts for
Rapid TB Diagnosis
105th ASM General Meeting
Continued on page 2



















Foodborne Diseases
Listeria monocytogenes
on Oxford Medium
Computer-assisted laboratory
methods are used to record growth
of L. monocytogenes bacteria on
ready-to-eat meat products.
Listeriosis is the name of the general
group of disorders caused by L. mono-
cytogenes. Listeria organisms are
widely disseminated in the rural
environment and consequently contam-
inate both the raw materials used in the
preparation of industrially processed
foods and the surfaces in food produc-
tion plants. L. monocytogenes is a psy-
chrotroph and is, therefore, a concern
in the extended shelf-life of refrigerated
foods. The ability of the organism to
grow over a wide temperature range
and in the presence or absence of oxy-
gen enables it to multiply in many envi-
This makes Listeria a seri-
ous threat to food safety and ranks it
among the microorganisms that most
concern the food industry.
L. monocytogenes is a pleomorphic,
nonsporeforming, nonencapsulated,
gram-positive facultative anaerobic rod
that ranges in size from 0.2 to 0.4 in
diameter to 0.5 to 2.0 in length.
Its motility occurs between 20 to
25C (but not at 37C) and exhibits
a characteristic umbrella-like sub-
surface growth in semi-solid media
(i.e., Motility Medium). Cellular
arrangement may be either singly, in
pairs or short chains with optimal
proliferation occurring from pH 7 to
slightly alkaline and within a tempera-
ture range of 25 to 36C. Moreover,
this pathogen possesses the unique
capabilities of growing up to a pH of
9.6, as well as in the presence of 10%
sodium chloride. Other diagnostic
characteristics denote that L. monocy-
togenes is catalase positive and oxidase
negative. After 24 hours on primary
blood agar, colonies of this organism
appear small (about 1 mm in diameter)
smooth, round and translucent. The
colonies are surrounded by a narrow
band of beta-hemolysis which becomes
more evident when the colony is
removed. This hemolytic activity can
be verified by the CAMP test in con-
junction with Staphylococcus aureus.
Recovery of the organism from foods
is perhaps more challenging and
should follow the USDA protocol rec-
ommended for isolating the organism
from meat and poultry. A primary
enrichment broth, which contains the
sample, is incubated for 24 hours at
30C. An aliquot is then transferred to
a secondary enrichment broth (Fraser
Broth), which, after 24 hours, is inocu-
lated onto LPM Agar. LPM Agar is an
improved selective medium containing
the ingredients lithium chloride,
phenylethanol and moxalactam, a
broad-spectrum antibiotic which
suppresses the growth of both gram-
positive and gram-negative bacteria.
Rapid detection of L. monocytogenes
as well as Listeria species in foods is
now frequently achieved using PCR
methodology (e.g., BAX

Qualicon, Inc.). Since this method
detects only the presence of L. mono-
cytogenes DNA, isolation of the organ-
ism is needed for confirmation.
Incidence data for 1987, prospectively
collected by CDC, suggested that there
were at least 1,600 cases of listeriosis
with 415 deaths per year in the U.S.
The vast majority of cases are consid-
ered sporadic, making epidemiologic
links to particular food items very dif-
ficult. The main target population for
Listeria infections include: pregnant
women and the fetus; immunocompro-
mised persons such as cancer patients
(leukemia patients in particular); the
elderly; and normal, healthy people
who have been exposed to heavily con-
taminated food or beverage items.
L. monocytogenes has been associated
with foods such as raw milk, insuffi-
2 BD LabO volume 16 number 1
Foodborne Diseases
Continued from page 1
Kenneth D. Wilde, Ph.D.
Dr. Wilde recently retired from the
Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, where he served as
the Chief, Division of Public Health
Environmental Microbiology. Following
receipt of a B.A. in Natural Science
from Kutztown University, he earned
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Microbiology from the University
of Maryland.
His duties at the department of health involved the areas of
food/shellfish safety, dairy and water bacteriology, including
serving as State Water Quality Laboratory Certification
Officer, and overseeing the operations of the food/water
bioterrorism laboratory. He was entrusted to analyze powder
samples for anthrax spores during the Fall and Winter 2001-
2002 and participated in the presentation of numerous state
laboratory-sponsored bioterrorism workshops.
Dr. Wilde is a certified Specialist Microbiologist in Public
Health and Medical Laboratory Microbiology with the
National Registry of Microbiologists of the American
Academy of Microbiology.
Continued on page 16
L. monocytogenes has been
associated with foods such
as raw milk, insufficiently
pasteurized fluid milk,
cheeses (particularly
soft-ripened varieties),
ice cream, raw vegetables,
raw and cooked poultry,
all types of raw meats and
raw and smoked fish.
L. monocytogenes has been
associated with foods such
as raw milk, insufficiently
pasteurized fluid milk,
cheeses (particularly
soft-ripened varieties),
ice cream, raw vegetables,
raw and cooked poultry,
all types of raw meats and
raw and smoked fish.
The Gram stain is one of the oldest and
most important diagnostic procedures
performed in the clinical microbiology
laboratory. Performing this stain
correctly on clinical specimens helps
microbiologists and physicians with
rapid, valuable information as to
whether infection is present, and if so,
to categorize the infection.
The Gram stain is clearly a valuable
diagnostic assay, but caution needs to
be exercised both in its application and
in the interpretation of results to pre-
vent the dissemination of misleading
information. Quite simply, a Gram stain
may reveal the presence or absence of
microorganisms, and either result may
or may not be significant or indicative
of infection.
False-negative Gram stains can occur in
infectious diseases that are associated
with low (paucibacillary) microbial
load. In these situations, a negative
Gram stain result may not be equivalent
to no infection. One frequent exam-
ple is that of prosthetic joint infections.
These infections are typically associated
with very low microbial loads. Less
than 10% of specimens from patients
who are actually infected have a posi-
tive Gram stain.
In other words, 90%
or more of patients with a definitive
prosthetic joint infection will have a
negative Gram stain result. So, using a
negative Gram stain result to rule-out
infection is not possible.
In addition, the Gram stain is not
100% specific for microorganisms or
infection and, therefore, cannot be used
to conclusively rule-in infection as
well. A commonly recognized cause of a
false-positive Gram
stain is the presence
of contaminating
microorganisms in
the specimen, such as
a sputum specimen.
Less commonly rec-
ognized causes of a
false-positive Gram
stain are the presence
of artifacts, which
may be in one or
more of the different
reagents necessary to
conduct the stain.
Artifacts may also be
present in the specimen,
on the slide, in the immersion oil,
in the system used to transport the
specimen (agar-based transport
swabs), or in the microbiological
culture medium used to grow the
If used inappropriately, liquid culture
media (e.g. Tryptic Soy Broth,
Brain Heart Infusion Broth, Fluid
Thioglycollate Medium) may produce
false-positive Gram stain results due
to the presence of nonviable microor-
ganisms that arise from the initial
bioburden population of microorgan-
isms in the product. A number of
sources may contribute to the level of
artifacts or nonviable bioburden level
including: biological components of the
dehydrated culture medium; water;
packaging (e.g., tubes, bottles, caps);
processing environment; processing
equipment; and people who come in
contact with the product.
Sterilization is a process designed to
eliminate viable microorganisms from a
material or medium.
At BD, a variety
of methods are used to reduce and or
eliminate the bioburden of microorgan-
isms in our microbiological culture
These methods include terminal
moist-heat sterilization (autoclaving),
irradiation and filtration (performed in
conjunction with aseptic filling).
The primary objective of autoclaving is
to provide the appropriate amount of
heat that will result in a low probability
of non-sterility yet not adversely affect
the appearance or performance of the
product. This can be a challenge with
media formulations that have high
levels of simple sugars (e.g., glucose)
and amino acids from proteins (e.g.,
lysine) that react under heat, resulting
in Maillard browning
and an undesir-
able appearance. Although autoclaving
reduces the viable bioburden, the
process does not remove the microor-
ganisms destroyed in the process or
their remains, particularly nonviable
whole cells, cell wall fragments, toxins
and other proteins. These remains
become the recognizable artifacts
visible following a simple staining
procedure such as the Gram stain.
These nonviable structures in the
medium may also contribute to a false-
positive Gram stain result.
BD LabO volume 16 number 1 3
Continued on page 11
The Gram Stain Revisited
The Gram stain is clearly a valuable diagnostic assay,
but caution needs to be exercised both in its application
and in the interpretation of results to prevent the
dissemination of misleading information.

System News
4 BD LabO volume 16 number 1

9000 Culture Club

Has New Members and a New List!

9000 Culture Club was created to inform

BACTEC 9000 System users of unusual organisms recovered from
BACTEC 9000 series instruments and BACTEC media. As newly isolated
organisms are reported to us, the reports are published in LabO

At this time, we are pleased to add 13 new members of the club. In addition,
we have prepared an updated list of all the organisms recovered on the
BACTEC 9000 series instruments. Since the last list was published in June 2002,
36 organisms have been added for a grand total of 272 organisms!
Why dont you join the club? If you
have an unusual organism isolated
from any of the BACTEC 9000 series
instruments (9240, 9120, 9050 and
9000MB), see if it is listed on the
BACTEC 9000 Culture Club form on
page 5. If its not listed, complete the
form on page 6 and send it in to receive
your complimentary BD Portfolio!
There is no limit to the number of
forms that can be submitted.
For more information on the

9000 Culture Club or to

obtain additional forms, call BD
Technical Services at 800.638.8663.
* BD Diagnostics does not claim
recovery of the isolates listed in the
table with the associated media. See
package inserts for the expected
organism recovery.
Laboratory Disease/ BACTEC BACTEC Time to Organism
Site Diagnosis Instrument Media* Detection Detected
Beloit Memorial Bartters 9240 Lytic 10/ 93 hours Clostridium
Hospital Syndrome/ Anaerobic/F difficile
Beloit, WI Gitelmans
Community Endocarditis 9240 Standard 5 days Rothia
Medical Center Aerobic/F dentocariosa
Scranton, PA
FUO 9240 Standard 4 days Mycobacterium
Aerobic/F neoaurum
North Florida Infected 9240 Peds Plus 70 hours Brucella suis
Regional hematoma Aerobic
Medical Center
Gainesville, FL Dehydration/ 9240 Plus 45 hours Methylobacterium
bronchitis Aerobic/F sp.
Peninsula Regional Pneumonia 9240 Plus 93 hours Actinomyces
Medical Center Aerobic/F viscosus
Salisbury, MD
Riverview Hospital Abdominal 9120 Plus 24 hours Rhizobium
Noblesville, IN surgery and Aerobic/F (Agrobacterium)
ileostomy radiobacter
Valley Baptist Unknown 9240 Peds Plus 48 hours Brevibacterium
Medical Center Aerobic casei
Harlingen, TX
Congestive 9240 Standard 4 days Dermabacter
Heart Failure Anaerobic/F hominis
Febrile illness 9240 Peds Plus 48 hours Corynebacterium
Aerobic striatum
Medullo- 9240 Standard 24 hours Cellulomonas sp.
blastoma Aerobic/F
Sepsis 9240 Peds Plus 24 hours Weissella confusa
Bronchiolitis 9240 Peds Plus 48 hours Arthrobacter sp.

System News
Aerobic Gram-Negative
Acinetobacter baumannii
Acinetobacter lwoffi
Acinetobacter sp.
Aeromonas hydrophila
Aeromonas sp.
Alcaligenes faecalis
Alcaligenes xylosoxidans
subsp. xylosoxidans
Bordetella pertussis
Brevundimonas diminuta
Brevundimonas vesicularis
Brucella suis
Brucella sp.
Burkholderia cepacia
Burkholderia pickettii
Campylobacter fetus
Campylobacter jejuni
subsp. jejuni
Campylobacter sp.
Cardiobacterium hominis
Chryseomonas luteola
Citrobacter amalonaticus
Citrobacter diversus
Citrobacter freundii
Citrobacter sp.
Comamonas acidovorans
Eikenella corrodens
Enterobacter aerogenes
Enterobacter agglomerans
Enterobacter cloacae
Enterobacter sakazakii
Escherichia coli
Escherichia vulneris
Flavobacterium sp.
Haemophilus aphrophilus
Haemophilus influenzae
Haemophilus sp.
Helicobacter rappini
Kingella kingae
Kingella sp.
Klebsiella oxytoca
Klebsiella ozaenae
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Kluyvera ascorbata
Kluyvera sp.
Methylobacterium sp.
Moraxella catarrhalis
Moraxella nonliquefaciens
Moraxella sp.
Morganella morganii
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria meningitidis
Neisseria mucosa
Neisseria sicca
Neisseria subflava
Neisseria sp.
Ochrobactrum anthropi
Pasteurella multocida
Plesiomonas shigelloides
Proteus mirabilis
Proteus penneri
Proteus vulgaris
Providencia alcalifaciens
Providencia rettgeri
Providencia stuartii
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas fluorescens
Pseudomonas fluorescens
Psychrobacter immobilis
Rhizobium (Agrobacterium)
Riemerella anatipestifer
Roseomonas sp.
Salmonella arizonae
Salmonella paratyphi A
Salmonella typhi
Salmonella serotype
Salmonella sp., Grp B
Salmonella sp., Grp D
Salmonella sp., Grp G
Salmonella sp.
Serratia liquefaciens
Serratia marcescens
Serratia plymuthica
Shewanella putrefaciens
Shigella sonnei
Shigella sp.
Vibrio cholerae, non-01
Vibrio fluvialis
Vibrio mimicus
Vibrio vulnificus
Yersinia enterocolitica
Aerobic Gram-Positive
Aerococcus sp.
Arthrobacter sp.
Aureobacterium sp.
Bacillus anthracis
Bacillus cereus
Bacillus licheniformis
Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus sp.
Brevibacterium casei
Cellulomonas sp.
Corynebacterium Grp B-1
Corynebacterium Grp D-2
Corynebacterium jeikeium
Corynebacterium striatum
Corynebacterium xerosis
Corynebacterium sp.
Dermabacter hominis
Enterococcus avium
Enterococcus casseliflavus
Enterococcus durans
Enterococcus faecalis
Enterococcus faecium
Enterococcus gallinarum
Enterococcus sp.
Facklamia hominis
Gemella morbillorum
Lactococcus sp.
Leuconostoc sp.
Listeria monocytogenes
Micrococcus sp.
Oerskovia sp.
Pediococcus sp.
Rhodococcus equi
Rhodococcus sp.
Roseomonas sp.
Rothia dentocariosa
Rothia mucilaginosa
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus auricularis
Staphylococcus capitis
Staphylococcus cohnii
Staphylococcus hominis
Staphylococcus schleiferi
Staphylococcus sciuri
Staphylococcus simulans
Staphylococcus warneri
Staphylococcus xylosus
Stomatococcus sp.
Streptococcus anginosus
Streptococcus bovis
Streptococcus constellatus
Streptococcus intermedius
Streptococcus milleri
Streptococcus mitis
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus salivarius
Streptococcus sanguis
Streptococcus uberis
Streptococcus vestibularis
Streptococcus Grp A
Streptococcus Grp B
Streptococcus Grp C
Streptococcus Grp D
Streptococcus Grp F
Streptococcus Grp G
Streptococcus sp.,
gamma hemolytic
Streptococcus sp.,
nutritionally variant
Streptococcus sp., viridans
Weissella confusa
Anaerobic Organisms
Bacteroides caccae
Bacteroides fragilis
Bacteroides fragilis group
Bacteroides ovatus
Bacteroides splanchnicus
Bacteroides ureolyticus
Bacteroides vulgatus
Bacteroides sp.
Bifidobacterium sp.
Clostridium butyricum
Clostridium difficile
Clostridium innocuum
Clostridium limosum
Clostridium perfringens
Clostridium ramosum
Clostridium septicum
Clostridium sporogenes
Clostridium tertium
Clostridium sp.
Eubacterium lentum
Eubacterium limosum
Eubacterium sp.
Fusobacterium mortiferum
Fusobacterium nucleatum
Fusobacterium varium
Fusobacterium sp.
Lactobacillus casei
Lactobacillus sp.
Leptotrichia buccalis
Peptococcus sp.
Peptostreptococcus sp.
Porphyromonas gingivalis
Prevotella bivia
Prevotella buccae
Prevotella oralis
Prevotella oris
Propionibacterium acnes
Propionibacterium sp.
Veillonella parvula
Veillonella sp.
Yeast/Fungi Organisms
Alternaria sp.
Aspergillus niger
Candida albicans
Candida guilliermondii
Candida kefyr
Candida krusei
Candida lusitaniae
Candida parapsilosis
Candida stellatoidea
Candida tropicalis
Coccidioides immitis
Cryptococcus neoformans
Fusarium sp.
Histoplasma capsulatum
Malassezia furfur
Prototheca sp.
Rhodotorula rubra
Rhodotorula sp.
Torulopsis glabrata
Trichophyton rubrum
Actinomyces odontolyticus
Actinomyces viscosus
Actinomyces sp.
Nocardia asteroides
Nocardia farcinica
Streptomyces sp.
Mycobacterium chelonae
Mycobacterium flavescens
Mycobacterium fortuitum
Mycobacterium neoaurum
Mycobacterium simiae
Mycobacterium sp.
Mycobacterium terrae
Mycobacterium xenopi
Leptotrichia sp.

9000 Culture Club

BD LabO volume 16 number 1 5
6 BD LabO volume 16 number 1
Laboratory Name: __________________________________
Institution Address: _________________________________
City/State/Zip: ______________________________________
Submitted By: ______________________________________
Telephone Number: _________________________________
e-mail*: ___________________________________________
Organism Identification: _________________________________________________________________
BACTEC Instrument: 9240__________ 9120__________ 9050__________ 9000MB__________
Isolated from PLUS Aerobic/F: __________________ PLUS Anaerobic/F: ___________________
this medium: Pe
ds Plus

Aerobic:________________ LYTIC/10 Anaerobic/F: _______________

Standard Aerobic/F: ______________ Standard Anaerobic/F: _______________
Myco/F-Sputa: ___________________ Myco F/Lytic: _______________________
Number of Specimens From The Patient: ____________________________
Number of BACTEC Cultures That Were
Positive With The Isolate: ____________________________
Time to Detection (hours or days): ____________________________
Was Patient On Antimicrobial Therapy
When Specimens Were Taken? ____________________________
Identification Method Used: _______________________________________________________________
Susceptibility Testing Method Used: _________________________________________________________
Underlying Disease or Diagnosis (if any): _____________________________________________________
Chemistry/Hematology Lab Results: ________________________________________________________
Antimicrobial Therapy (if any): _____________________________________________________________
* The information you provide will not be shared with a third party vendor. By providing this information,
I authorize Becton, Dickinson and Company to send me information via e-mail.
BD Diagnostics
Marketing Manager,
BACTEC, M.C. 642
7 Loveton Circle
Sparks, Maryland 21152
Recovery of Unusual Isolates

/F Systems

System News
To meet the demand for automated
systems that detect, monitor, audit and
communicate information on patient
infections, emerging resistance and
nosocomial events, BD announces the
availability of EpiCenter

Version 5
Software. The EpiCenter Microbiology
Data Management System centralizes
the operation and data management for



960 and BD Phoenix

microbiology systems.
For the microbiology lab, the EpiCenter
System provides efficient-consistency in
the production and communication of
microbiology results. The EpiCenter
System assists the laboratory in meeting
the need for rapid microbiology on all
shifts by improving the efficiency in the
review of results. This enables managers
to achieve staffing and quality assurance
efficiencies. EpiCenter integrated fea-
tures like Pro-Active Alerts and
Expertised Results improve result
consistency from every technologist.
In addition, the EpiCenter System
integrates continuous education
features into the software enabling
new or existing users to continually get
more from the system. These capabili-
ties ensure that the laboratory efficiently
delivers the most accurate and timely
results for their patients.
Outside the lab, the EpiCenter System
conveys real-time, patient-focused
epidemiology. EpiCenter Version 5
Software has an optional Multi-User
capability. Ancillary departments, such
as Infection Control and Pharmacy, can
provide direct patient benefits while
increasing their efficiency by using this
secure, direct access to the Microbiology
Departments data. As an example,
Infection Control Officers can effective-
ly monitor and investigate emerging
resistance and nosocomial events.
Using another EpiCenter Version 5
optional module, BD EpiCARE

(EpiCenter Clinical Application Rules

Editor), these departments can also
implement quality assurance procedures.
Infection Control Officers can construct
rules that will automate policies that
will assist them in meeting new Joint
Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
surveillance requirements.
To learn more about the capabilities
of the new EpiCenter Version 5
Software, contact your local BD
sales representative.
BD LabO volume 16 number 1 7
BD EpiCenter

Version 5 Software:
Latest Software Benefits Microbiology,
Infection Control and Pharmacy Departments
Product Highlights
Product Highlights
8 BD LabO volume 16 number 1
Now Available
BD CultureSwab

Maximizing Recovery of Microorganisms
BD CultureSwab

MaxV, the newest

addition to the BD CultureSwab speci-
men collection and transport product
line, is specifically designed to improve
recovery of microorganisms, which may
improve patient diagnosis.
What differentiates BD CultureSwab
MaxV from other collection swabs?
Cat. No. Description Qty/Pkg
220231 BD CultureSwab

MaxV Liquid Amies, Single Swab 50 swabs per pack

220232 BD CultureSwab

MaxV Liquid Amies, Double Swab 50 swabs per pack

220233 BD CultureSwab

MaxV Liquid Stuart, Single Swab 50 swabs per pack

220234 BD CultureSwab

MaxV Liquid Stuart, Double Swab 50 swabs per pack

220235 BD CultureSwab

MaxV(+) Amies Gel w/o Charcoal, Single Swab 50 swabs per pack
220236 BD CultureSwab

MaxV(+) Amies Gel w/o Charcoal, Double Swab 50 swabs per pack
Reason 3: Patented
designed to maintain
media moisture and
minimize oxidation by
forcing breaks or
bubbles out of the
agar, enhancing
microbial survival.
BD CultureSwab MaxV, for aerobic transport, and BD CultureSwab
MaxV(+), for aerobic and anaerobic transport, can be used for collection
of throat, vaginal, skin and wound specimens.
For more information on BD CultureSwab

MaxV or other BD
Collection and Transport Products, mark the appropriate box(es) on the
reader response card or contact your local BD sales representative.
Reason 2: Nitrogen flushed
gas-impermeable packaging
seals-in the nitrogen gas, which
protects the media from
exposure to oxidation and
moisture, assuring optimal
Reason 1: BD CultureSwab MaxV features a unique swab design consisting
of hypoallergenic, non-animal proteins embedded into the rayon swab fibers
to maximize organism viability. Protein provides additional nutrients for
maintaining microorganisms, especially fastidious species, without creating
organism overgrowth.





BD LabO volume 16 number 1 9
Product Highlights
The prevalence of nosocomial infections
caused by MRSA has been increasing
for several years in many countries
around the world.
The U.S. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
estimates that between 60,000 and
80,000 Americans die each year from
nosocomial infections and the cause
in the majority of cases is S. aureus.
BBL CHROMagar MRSA allows
microbiology laboratories to identify
patients colonized with MRSA more
quickly and easily than the time-con-
suming and labor-intensive processes
currently available. BBL CHROMagar
MRSA allows for the direct detection
and identification of most MRSA within
24 hours. The cost benefits associated
with reducing nosocomial infections
can be significant.
This technology will be extremely
useful to those who wish to identify
patients colonized with MRSA, said
Dr. Bill Jarvis of Emory University
School of Medicine and President, Jason
and Jarvis Associates. Since MRSA
colonization leads to infection in a
specific patient and is a risk factor for
transmission of MRSA to other patients,
rapid identification of those with MRSA
colonization will reduce the risk of
infection in colonized patients, by
enabling their clinicians to intervene,
and reduce the risk of patient-to-patient
transmission by permitting isolation of
those who are MRSA-colonized.
Furthermore, this technology will
markedly increase the rate at which
community-associated or hospital-
acquired MRSA patients are identified.
Thus, more rapid isolation and treat-
ment can occur. The multiple benefits
of this rapid identification method
will improve patient treatment, reduce
the risk of transmission in healthcare
settings, and reduce the burden of
MRSA in U.S. hospitals.
BBL CHROMagar MRSA utilizes a
new chromogenic technology, which
permits the detection of MRSA using
chromogenic substrates and antibiotics.
MRSA strains will grow in the presence
of cefoxitin
and produce mauve-colored
colonies resulting from hydrolysis of the
chromogenic substrate. Additional
selective agents are incorporated for the
suppression of gram-negative organisms,
yeast and some gram-positive
cocci. Bacteria other than MRSA
may utilize other chromogenic
substrates in the medium result-
ing in blue to blue/green colored
colonies or if no chromogenic
substrates are utilized, the
colonies appear as white
or colorless.
In clinical evaluations, BBL
CHROMagar MRSA displayed
7% greater recovery
than traditional screening algorithms
and has the capability to identify
MRSA earlier than most traditional
algorithms. This unique technology
requires less technologist time and
improves the workflow in the labora-
tory. BBL CHROMagar MRSA allows
for the direct detection and identifica-
tion of most MRSA within 24 hours,
or at 48 hours with a confirmatory
coagulase test.
For more information on BBL
CHROMagar MRSA, mark the appro-
priate box on the reader response card.
Reacher, M.H. et al. 2000. Bacteremia and antibiotic
resistance of its pathogens reported in England and
Wales between 1990 and 1998:trend analysis. Br.
Med. J. 320:213-6.
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
Standards. 2004. Performance standards for antimi-
crobial susceptibility testing; Fourteenth Informational
Supplement, M100-S14. National Committee for
Clinical Laboratory Standards, Wayne, Pa.
BBL CHROMagar MRSA package insert.


The New Standard in Rapid MRSA Screening
We are pleased to announce that the U.S. Food and Drug Admini-
stration has cleared BBL


MRSA medium, the new

standard in rapid MRSA screening. This new prepared plated medium
simplifies the process, decreases the time to result and offers high
sensitivity and specificity for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) identification.
Cat. No. Description Qty/Pkg
215084 BBL


254102 BBL


Orientation 20
215081 BBL


Orientation 100
254093 BBL


Candida 20
214982 BBL


Staph aureus 20
214984 BBL


O157 20
214983 BBL


Salmonella 20
10 BD LabO volume 16 number 1
Product Highlights

Media Enhancements
As a microbiology company and a leader in media
development and manufacturing, we feel it is
important to routinely reassess our products and
improve them. From new formulations such as the
exclusive BBL


family of products to
improvements on older formulations, BD
Diagnostics remains committed to providing the
highest quality products for infectious disease diag-
nosis. Recently, we have enhanced two of our tradi-
tional media formulations, BBL Salmonella Shigella
Agar and BBL Chocolate II Agar.
In both cases, we have made subtle proprietary processing
and formulation adjustments to improve the product our
customers require. For Salmonella Shigella Agar, the
improvements made reduce the amount of naturally
occurring precipitates that may become evident in this
routinely used microbiological medium. Precipitation inside
Salmonella Shigella Agar can sometimes resemble fungal
elements embedded in the agar. These artifacts can lead some
laboratories to discard Salmonella Shigella Agar needlessly,
thinking the medium is contaminated. The enhancement we
have made will reduce waste and discards in the laboratory.
For Chocolate II Agar, we have applied our 60+ years of
culture media development experience to produce a product,
which we believe to be significantly different in performance
than any other on the market. Growth of fastidious organ-
isms, such as Haemophilus spp. and Neisseria spp., is rich
and robust with textbook morphologies on BBL Chocolate II
Agar. Reproducibility of organism morphology and consis-
tent results are key features in this enhancement of BBL
Chocolate II Agar.
Contact your local BD media representative if you would
like to learn more about BBL Salmonella Shigella Agar or
Chocolate II Agar. We are confident that you will
immediately recognize the quality and excellence that is
paramount to the BBL family of media products.
Salmonella and Shigella Agar
Chocolate II Agar
Cat. No. Description Qty/Pkg
221181 BBL

Salmonella and Shigella Agar 20

221279 BBL

Salmonella and Shigella Agar 100

221169 BBL

Chocolate II Agar 20
221267 BBL

Chocolate II Agar 100

To streamline your ordering process, we are pleased to
announce the immediate availability of our:
BD Difco

Salmonella O Grouping Antisera Set

BD Difco

Shigella Grouping Antisera Set

Our gold standard BD Difco Antisera for the serological
identification and typing of bacteria are now available
in an even more convenient format than ever before.
One catalog number brings you the most commonly
used antisera in a single, convenient and economical
package. All items may also be purchased separately.
In addition, effective January 1, 2005, we reduced
the list price of all BD Difco Antisera by 10%! The
discounted prices are available automatically through
your regular distribution channel.
For more information on BD Difco Antisera for
Salmonella, Shigella, Neisseria, E. coli, Vibrio,
Listeria, Bordetella and Haemophilus, contact your
local BD sales representative or mark the appropriate
box on the reader response card.
BD LabO volume 16 number 1 11
Product Highlights
BD Difco

New Salmonella & Shigella Grouping Sets
Similarly, UV and gamma irradiation
will reduce the levels of viable microor-
ganisms in a finished product, but these
processes do not physically remove the
nonviable microorganisms, residuals or
other artifacts that are a result of the
sterilization process.
Sterile filtration is a useful method for
sterilizing liquids and gases. Filtration
physically removes viable and nonviable
microorganisms from the final product
rather than destroying them during the
manufacturing process. After filtration,
aseptic handling controls must be in
place to prevent contamination from
the environment, process equipment
and personnel. However, not all culture
media are filterable, especially those
containing thickening agents like agar
or gelatin (e.g., Fluid Thioglycollate
Given these facts, caution should be
exercised when performing Gram stains
on liquid culture media. These media
are designed, developed and manufac-
tured for growing microorganisms.
Therefore, liquid culture media should
not be used for performing Gram stains
directly on specimens (e.g., tissue biop-
sy). In addition, caution must be used
when Gram staining suspicious micro-
bial growth in liquid culture media.
In conclusion, Gram stain results are
affected by many variables and care
must be taken in its application and
Atkins, B.L., et al. 1998. Prospective evaluation of cri-
teria for microbiological diagnosis of prosthetic-joint
infection at revision arthroplasty. J. Clin. Microbiol.
Akers, J. and J. Agalloco. 1997. Sterility and sterility
assurance. PDA J. Pharm. Sci. & Tech. 51:72.
Difco & BBL Manual. 2003. Becton, Dickinson and
Company, Sparks, MD.
Maillard Reaction (BrowningReaction) L. C.
Maillard, Compt. Rend. 154, 66 (1912); Ann. Chim.
9, 5, 258 (1916).
Gram Stain Revisited
Continued from page 3
Description Size Cat. No.
Salmonella O Grouping Antisera Set 241107
contains one of each of the following:
Salmonella O Antiserum Group A Factors 1, 2, 12 3 mL 229471
Salmonella O Antiserum Group B Factors 1, 4, 12, 27 3 mL 229731
Salmonella O Antiserum Group B Factors 1, 4, 5, 12 3 mL 229481
Salmonella O Antiserum Group C1 Factors 6, 7 3 mL 229491
Salmonella O Antiserum Group C2 Factors 6, 8 3 mL 229501
Salmonella O Antiserum Group D1 Factors 1, 9, 12 3 mL 229511
Salmonella O Antiserum Group E Factors 1, 3, 10, 15, 19, 34 3 mL 228191
Salmonella O Antiserum Group F Factor 11 3 mL 222601
Salmonella O Antiserum Group G Factors 13, 22, 23 (36), (37) 3 mL 230291
Salmonella O Antiserum Group H Factors 1, 6, 14, 24, 25 3 mL 222621
Salmonella O Antiserum Group I Factor 16 3 mL 222631
Salmonella Vi Antiserum 3mL 228271
Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A-I & Vi Factors 1-16, 19, 22-25, 34, Vi 3 mL 222641
Description Size Cat. No.
Shigella Grouping Antisera Set 241108
contains one of each of the following:
Shigella Antiserum Poly Group A 3 mL 228341
Shigella Antiserum Poly Group A
1 3 mL 227761
Shigella Antiserum Poly Group B 3 mL 228351
Shigella Antiserum Poly Group C 3 mL 228361
Shigella Antiserum Poly Group C1 3 mL 227771
Shigella Antiserum Poly Group C2 3 mL 227781
Shigella Antiserum Poly Group D 3 mL 228371
Gram stain results
are affected by many
variables and care must
be taken in its application
and interpretation.
The BD Nasopharyngeal Specimen Collection Wall Chart has
been updated and is now available. Utilize this reference by
posting throughout your facility wherever nasopharyngeal
samples are collected. This chart is one of many tools that
BD provides to customers free-of-charge.
The BD Nasopharyngeal Specimen Collection Wall Chart
provides guidance on methods of collection, materials
and specimen transport to the laboratory. Four methods
of collection are featured with illustrations and
step-by-step instructions:
Vacuum-assisted nasopharyngeal aspirate collection,
Nasopharyngeal swab collection,
Nasopharyngeal wash bulb collection, and
Nasopharyngeal wash syringe collection.
Also featured are BD CultureSwab

collection devices and

BD Directigen

rapid test kits that are appropriate for use

with the nasopharyngeal collection methods.
To obtain a copy of the BD Nasopharyngeal Specimen
Collection Wall Chart for your facility, mark the
appropriate box on the reader response card. If you
have questions about BD respiratory collection and
testing products, contact your local BD sales representative
or call Technical Services at 800.638.8663.
Newly Updated
BD Nasopharyngeal
Specimen Collection
Wall Chart
12 BD LabO volume 16 number 1
In response to the vaccine shortage, BD developed a public
awareness campaign for use during this years flu season:
Get Clued to the Flu. The program emphasized the
continuum of care and consisted of a four-part message:
Get Informed Get Dosed Get Diagnosed and Get Well.
Each message outlined options for helping to reduce the
impact of influenza.
Fortunately, the 2004-2005 flu season got off to a slow start
and did not peak until week 7 (Feb. 13-19, 2005).
As a result, vaccine supplies were replenished and the CDC
issued the Revised Interim Guidance for Late-Season
Influenza Vaccination program in an aggressive effort to
continue to vaccinate people in priority groups.
For more information on the 2004-2005 flu season, visit For more information on the
BD Flu Awareness Program, visit
Get Clued to the Flu
BD LabO volume 16 number 1 13
We are very pleased to announce we are launching
a newly reconfigured web site: Our
goal in reconfiguring this web site was to create a
user-friendly site where customers can access all
relevant product information.
The first button on the navigation tool bar is Product Center.
Pressing this button will guide you to our menu of products
by category:
Collection and Transport
Dehydrated Culture Media
Prepared Media
Environmental Systems
Direct Testing/Serology
Stains and Reagents
Blood Culture
Mycobacteria Testing
Molecular Diagnostics
Equipment and Supplies
Upon clicking on a product category, you will have access to
the full range of products for that category. Then its just a
matter of drilling down to your specific product of interest.
Once you have selected a product, a Product Summary page
will appear and a Related Documents toolbar listing all of the
technical information for that product including the Product
Insert, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), Certificate of
Analysis (COA) and much more. In other words, all of the
technical information available will be at your fingertips to
download, print or e-mail as you wish.
Two other important buttons on the navigation tool bar are
Technical Center and Learning Center. At the Technical
Center, you will find Documents, Services, Contact
Information and Literature Requests. At the Learning Center,
you will find Newsletters, Events, Biodefense, Training
Schedule, ASM Presentations and Webinars.
We hope you find our new web site useful.
Happy surfing!
Our Newly Reconfigured Web Site
14 BD LabO volume 16 number 1
The Technology Training Center (TTC) is
pleased to announce the publication of its new
2005 Customer Training Calendar.
The TTC is responsible for training customers
on the use of BD instrumentation and soft-
ware. We do this through regularly scheduled
Training Classes at the Center in Sparks, MD.
When you purchase a new BD Phoenix

BD ProbeTec

, BD Viper

or BD EpiCenter

system, you will be scheduled to attend the

corresponding training class at our facility out-
side of Baltimore. Your training includes
instruction on instrument and system operations, basic
troubleshooting and recommendations for optimizing
workflow in your laboratory. Sufficient time is allowed for
you to develop comfort in the operation of instrumentation
and using system procedures.
In addition to offering application training, BD Service
Engineering also offers training for Biomedical Engineers on
such platforms as: BACTEC

9000 Series and BACTEC


960 instruments. The Biomedical Engineering class

schedule is also listed in our new calendar.
All application training classes offered by the TTC are
eligible for P.A.C.E.

(ASCLS), and the California and

Florida State Departments of Health Continuing
Education Credits.
To obtain your copy of the 2005 Customer Training
Calendar, mark the appropriate box on the reader
response card.
We hope to see many of you in Baltimore soon!
2005 Customer
Training Calendar
The Industrial and Clinical
Media Advisory Team
The Industrial and Clinical Media Advisory Team (ICMAT), an
entity of the BD Diagnostics Service Organization, includes
members of the Technical and Informatics Services (TAIS)
group and the Technology Training Center (TTC). The team
is focused on supporting the Difco

and BBL

brands of
dehydrated and prepared media manufactured by BD
Diagnostics. This team, consisting of highly motivated and
skilled microbiologists who are experienced in the fields of
both clinical and industrial microbiology procedures, is
designed to provide our customers consultation and solu-
tions to their media needs.
The team is responsible for:
Providing clinical and industrial microbiology technical
assistance for our media customers via our toll-free num-
ber 800.638.8663.
Championing technical and service issues that impact our
worldwide media customers.
Monitoring customer product incident reports for media
product lines and working closely with our Quality
Department to communicate product trends.
Providing technical support tools through our Worldwide
Service Organization to international customers.
The Industrial and Clinical Media Advisory Team is com-
mitted to continuing the tradition of excellence of BD Difco
and BBL media.
BD Diagnostics Service Organization News
BD LabO volume 16 number 1 15
Micro Happenings
FIND (Foundation for Innovative New
Diagnostics) and BD have formed an interna-
tional collaboration aimed at improving diag-
nosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in HIV-
infected patients in developing countries.
TB is the leading cause of death in AIDS
patients in high-burdened countries, mainly in
sub-Saharan Africa. TB is particularly difficult
to diagnose in AIDS patients because they
often have few or no TB bacteria in their spu-
tum; thus, the standard diagnostic procedure
using microscopy is insensitive. Classical cul-
ture methods for TB are more sensitive, but
notoriously slow, typically requiring 21 to 42
days. BD has developed an improved culture
method, the BD MGIT

(Mycobacteria Growth
Indicator Tube) system, which provides results
within 10 to 14 days. The BD MGIT technology
can be used both for detection of the bacteria causing TB as well as for
the determination of resistance to the TB drugs routinely used for treat-
ment. The BD MGIT system is now widely used in industrialized countries
but not in the developing world.
Ed Ludwig, President and CEO, BD, said, BD is committed to providing
technologies which can help alleviate the impact of TB and HIV globally.
BD is pleased to enter into this agreement with FIND, which is aimed at
making these technologies more accessible to the public health sector of
high-burdened countries.
Access to quality diagnostic equipment in countries with limited health
resources will improve the management of tuberculosis in HIV-positive
patients, said Dr. Mario Raviglione, Director of the World Health
Organization (WHO) Stop TB Department. This new agreement provides
a blueprint for modern TB technology to be made more widely available
globally, which will help reduce TB deaths and decrease transmission
rates in high risk areas.
The agreement between FIND and BD will operate in two stages.
Demonstration Projects
First, FIND will perform and support projects using certain BD equipment,
reagents, training and support to be purchased from BD in an effort to
demonstrate the effectiveness of more rapid and accurate TB diagnosis in
settings where TB and HIV are common and in areas with high prevalence
of multiple-drug-resistant TB. FIND will conduct these projects in close
cooperation with WHO, the
relevant working groups of
the Stop TB Partnership, and
the Consortium to Respond
Effectively to the AIDS/TB
Epidemic (CREATE) based at
the Johns Hopkins Center for
TB Research. The goal of
these demonstration projects
is to promote the use of this
technology by national TB
control and AIDS programs.
According to Dr. G. Roscigno,
CEO of FIND, The collabora-
tion with BD in the MGIT
project is a significant and
innovative step forward for
FIND. FINDs demonstration
projects using the BD MGIT technology will pave the way for the intro-
duction of critical technologies in the public health sector of developing
countries while contributing to a reduction in mortality particularly in HIV/
TB patients.
The second stage is focused on sustainable implementation of this
advanced diagnostic technology in the public health sector. Under this
agreement, BD has committed to provide certain equipment, reagents,
training and support to the public health sector in the high-burdened
countries on terms that will enable them to be purchased and implement-
ed on a sustainable basis.
Helene Gayle, President of the International AIDS Society (IAS) and
Director, HIV, TB and Reproductive Health Program at the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation said, We are particularly pleased that this innovative
collaboration between BD and FIND is addressing one of the most urgent
needs of the TB and HIV community in the developing world.
About FIND
FIND is the only non-profit organization dedicated solely to the develop-
ment of diagnostic tests for infectious diseases in developing countries.
FIND was established with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation. Driven by the huge burden of disease, the existence of global
control strategies and the capacity to treat detected cases, FIND has
selected tuberculosis as an initial disease focus.
FIND and BD Combine International Efforts
to Improve Rapid Tuberculosis Diagnosis for
HIV-positive Patients in Developing Countries


MRSA, for
detection of nasal colonization
by methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
BD CultureSwab

specimen collection and transport
swabs, for improved recovery of fastidious
organisms such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae
and Haemophilus influenzae
BD Directigen

EZ Strep A test and

BD Chek

Strep A test, utilizing lateral

flow immunoassay technology to provide
high accuracy of detection of beta-
hemolytic group A Streptococcus
We will also feature the BD Phoenix

Automated Identification/Susceptibility
System, the BD ProbeTec

Amplification System and the BD Viper

System, as well as other products.

BD Diagnostics has the solutions for
improving your patients outcomes.
ciently pasteurized fluid milk, cheeses
(particularly soft-ripened varieties), ice
cream, raw vegetables, raw and
cooked poultry, all types of raw meats
and raw and smoked fish. The USDA
rated non-heated hot dogs as having
the highest risk of Listeria contamina-
tion of the 20 categories of foods test-
ed. When hot dogs are reheated, the
risk for Listeria infection drops to one
of the lowest among the foods tested.
However, up to 14% of consumers eat
hot dogs without first reheating them.
L. monocytogenes is responsible for
initiating a number of disease scenarios
including septicemia, meningitis,
encephalitis and intrauterine or cervi-
cal infections in pregnant women.
Although all of the manifestations are
serious, it is the last two that are of
major concern since they may result in
spontaneous abortion (during
second/third trimesters) or stillbirth of
the fetus. Also, various reports have
noted that gastrointestinal symptoms
may be the preceding signs to the more
serious forms of listeriosis or may be
the only symptoms being expressed.
The twist here is that gastrointestinal
symptoms are not commonly associat-
ed with ingestion of Listeria contami-
nated foods.
It is suspected that the
incubation period for the more serious
manifestations may range from 48-72
hours to a few weeks, whereas, the
gastrointestinal incubation period is
believed to be 12 hours. The bottom
line is that the pathogenesis of
L. monocytogenes is its ability to
proliferate unchecked inside phago-
cytic host cells.
A varying transit
carrier state of 2 to 20% exists in
both humans and animals.
The antimicrobial susceptibility
patterns for treating listeriosis have
remained relatively stable for many
years. Although various antibiotics
have been used for treatment, peni-
cillin or ampicillin, with or without an
aminoglycoside, is recommended for
treatment. The antibiotic administered
should reach a high concentration in
phagocytic cells, be able to cross the
blood-brain barrier and have rapid
bactericidal activity.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2001.
Morbid. Mortal. Weekly Rep. 50(13): 241.
Food Quality Magazine. 1998. June/July: 33-36.
Stern and Line. 2001. The microbiological safety and
quality of food, V.II. 1043, 1178, Aspen Pub.,
Gaithersburg, MD.
Food Safety Net. April 11, 2001 (newsletter),
Bill and Doyle. 1991. In Balows, Hausler, Herrmann,
Isenberg and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of clinical
microbiology, 5th ed., ASM, Washington, D.C.
Bad Bug Book, re. May 4, 2001,
Benfield-Capers et al. 2003. APHL Food Safety
Laboratory Capacity Assessment Project, 1-37
(Special Report).
16 BD LabO volume 16 number 1
Micro Happenings
CHROMagar is a trademark of Dr. A. Rambach.
Difco is a trademark of Difco Laboratories, subsidiary of
Becton, Dickinson and Company.
P.A.C.E. is a trademark of The American Society for
Clinical Laboratory Science.
Unless otherwise noted, BD, BD Logo and all other trade-
marks are the property of Becton, Dickinson and Company.
BD Diagnostics is an ISO 9000 registered manufacturer.
2005 Becton, Dickinson and Company
0-2759 Printed in USA
Foodborne Diseases
Continued from page 2
105th ASM General Meeting
in Atlanta, Georgia
Join us in Atlanta, June 5-9, for the 105th ASM General Meeting.
BD Diagnostics Booth #1031 will provide a full line of diagnostic solutions for
infectious disease management, ranging from effective sample collection to
molecular-based pathogen detection and automated systems to determine
appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
In addition, we will be featuring our new product innovations including:

is published three times per year by BD Diagnostics,

7 Loveton Circle, Sparks, MD 21152, 410-316-4701.
Editor: Mary Jo Zimbro, B.S., MT(ASCP).
Send address changes and mailing list additions to the
attention of Marketing Communications, Mail Code 634.
For technical information, call Technical Services,
toll free, at 800-638-8663.
Visit our web site at

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