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KAJ/BAR1 WS 2009

Oceans, Seas, Gulfs, Bay:
 Atlantic Ocean
 Pacific Ocean
 Arctic Ocean
 Caribbean Sea
 Gulf of Mexico
 Hudson Bay
 Chesapeake Bay

 Mississippi
 Missouri
 Rio Grande
 Colorado
 Columbia
 Ohio
 Tennessee

Mountain, Plains, Basins:

 Rocky Mountains
 Appalachian Mountains
 The Great Plains
 Mississippi Tiver Basin

- a broad, flat coastal plain

- form Texas/Mexico border to NY City, icl.
- the Great Lakes
- in the centre of US the Great Plains
- tallgrass prairie and shortgrass steppe (High
- Plateaus – Great Basin (Salt Flat); Colorado Plateau (Four Corners Region)
- in west Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada
- Valleys: Central Valley California, Villamette Valley Oregon

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- Pacific Coast Ranges – Redwood National and State Parks (coast of N California)
- Alaska
- Hawaii
- the highest point: Mount McKinley (6,194 m, Alaska)
- the lowest point: Death Valley (86 m below see level, California)

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 North America
 Spirituality
 Diversity: 2é major stock, 2000 separate languages – very distinct languages
 biggest language group – NAVAJO (secret language in II. world war)

 North and West

 no agriculture
 moose chase (Algonkians)
 ivory (= slonovina)

 The Northwest Coast

 POTLATCH = a festival ceremony
 totem
 most fairytaled area

 Mesoamerika
 a series of complex culture emerged about 1200 BC
 Olmecs and Mayas in Yucatan
 Decline of Mayas after AD 900
 Toltecs
 Aztecs
 in 1992 discovered Tenochtitlán (= city)
 home to 200 000 people
 the largest city at the world that time
 the huge for human sacrified

 Southwest
 very arid, dry area
 300 BC Hohokam (Arizona)
 AD 700 Anasazi (Four Corners)
 area of Utah, New Mexico, Colorado,
 people depended on maize
 turquoise
 Chaco Canynon
 apartment complexes
 5000 people lived in this Area
 built huge roads
 Pueblo Bonito
 people lived in KIVAs = an apartment that
can only be entered through roof
 ceremonial purposes
 primodial homeland (metamorphical)
 Hopi, Zuni
 Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellings
 people moved out in 13.century

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 The Great Plains

 the buffalo drive – the Bison Drive
 conected with indian spirituality, rituals

 Eastern Woodlands
 MOUND (= mohyla) builders
 begin with Mississippi River Basin to Appaladian Mountains
 Adena – Hopewell – one of the oldest mound (used for obsequies)
 The Serpent of Ohio – most famous mound (Serpent – symbol of renewal of life)
 Mississippian Culture – Temple Mound of the Mississippi Valley

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 first discovered America by
Vikings – in Newfoundland – Leif
Ericson; the settlement didn’t last
 15th century – 2 calculations about
the size of the Earth were known:
 Ptolemy
believed – it was
bad calculation)
 Eratosthenes

Christopher Columbus
 they landen in the Bahamas –
Arawak (= the people there)
 he wanted to know where’s gold /
he wanted slaves: „as much gold as they need... and as many slaves as they ask“
 result of his journey:
 many people died - Indians died in golden mines, or on the way to Europe
 the cruel policy initiated by Columbus and persuade by his successors resulted in
complete genocide (C.Columbus, Mariner: Samuel Eliot Morison, a Hardvard historician, 1954)
 Theory – it is possible, that Native American culture began to decline long before
Europeans came
 they all were believing people, they believed they were destined to do what they did, they
contributed to the new economy
 Columbus believed he is destined by God to do it – actually he organised a crusade (=
sanctual military campagne; 1095-1291) to bring Jerusalem and to convert people (period
of crusades was in 12/13 century – it was a kind of anachronism from Columbus)

Bartolomé de Las Casas X Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda

 2 controversy thinkers about the way how white people would trade with Indians and
black people
 De Las Casas – Valladolid Controversy, 1550 - Dominican monk, he wrote “History of
 De Sepúlveda – book “On the Just Causes of the War with Indians”
 they both spoke about possible way how to handle with the Native Americans – first
opened ideological clash – 2 possible forms of western expansion:
 de Sepúlveda – to defend the position of the colonists, the Natives were natural slaves –
pragmatically way
 de Las Casas – Indians should be considered as all other people in Spain, but the slaves
were needed – he suggested solution – to bring black people from Africa – later, he
regretted it

English Colonialists
 John Cabot – his troop wasn´t able to settle
 1594 – they tried to settle in the Roanoke Island – unsuccessful, when captain came back,
the colony was deserted →The Lost Colony
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 the situation changes in 17 Century

 1607 – Chesapeake Bay – the reason was the business; king gave the licence to
merchants but no money → stock companies sold their shares to get the money
 first settlers were all men; they worked for Virginia Company, almost all of them died
 Captain John Smith – young soldier, he was elected to be the leader of the colony, he
forced military discipline and he wasn´t liked because of it; the rest of people wanted to
leave → the settlement wasn´t successful
 1619 – first women were brought to Jamestown; first black slaves were brought to the
colony; the legislative body – The House of Burgesses – it made laws for the area called
 after 20 years, Jamestown was at the back stand – unable to pay back to the holders + bad
relationship with the Indians
 Powathan – Indian tribesman, he thought white people would accept his gifts as an
acknowledgement of his position of the ruler but they didn´t
 he organized army and tried to destroy the colonists
 many legends of this → Pocahontas
 the colony was saved thanks to tobacco – they found a marketable product – it was very
 1627 – 1669 – extreme production of the tobacco, servants – poor people from Europe,
they were supposed to work 7 years
 the life in Virginia was very hard

New England Area

 Colony was built-up in the north; the situation was different from Jamestown
 The Puritans – they came to the New World from the religious reasons – they separated
from the Church of England - from the word “pure”, they drew on the teaching of John
Calvin and his theory of predestination – doctrine typical for all reformers, he believed,
people are predestinated about who is going to be saved by God or not, the only way, is
to believe in this and if you believe very strongly, you might come into conversion (when
you feel the stirring of grace in your heart) and then you maybe will be saved – such
people were called saint and only those were true men of the church and only they could
be saved
 1620 – the Pilgrim Fathers came, the first people who celebrated Thanksgiving Day
(November 1621), they feasted with Indians (they shared their home with them)
 when they came – nobody had a legal right on the land – not even the Indians (natural
right wasn´t enough for the colonists – they were doing according to Bible)
 they didn´t depend only on one business article, they lived quite comfortable life

 during the 17th century – France and England joined Spain and ended its monopoly -
Fights and deals with native people

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 colonial life, slavery, frontier
 18th century – England x France (in Am and En), Peace of Paris
 Victory... conflict with colonies... Revolution (1775-1781),
Declaration of Independence, „country born free“
 prosperity... problems with Indians... Indian Removal Act 1830, Trail
of Tears
 after 1840 Americans move further west, Oregon Trail
 Manifest Destiny, a country born free???

Colonial life, Frontier

 New England Colonies – Main, New Hampshire, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, Connecticut
 Middle Colonies – New York, Pensylvania, New Jersey,
 Chesapeake Colonies – Virginia, Maryland
 Southern Colonies – North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
- after middle of the 18th century → move to the wst (Indian reserve)

England and France 1750

 British colonies
 French colonies
 Spanish colonies
 Russian colonies

 1756: Seven Years War

(French and Indians war)
 1763: Peace of Paris was sign –
France gave up all colonies to
Louisiana and Canada
 to prevent war with Indians –
George III. → Proclamation
Line 1763 (forbid to collonist
to settle the west)

1. Proclamation Line
2. New Taxed (sugar, coffee...)
3. Soldiers (the British wanted to
keep soldiers in colonies)
 people shouldn’t allow
government to became too

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Stamp Act 1765

 no taxation without representation
 it races constitutional issues
 Sons of Liberty = protesting group
 finally British repeated the Stamp Act
 new taxes: tee, paper, glass and many others
 Mr and Mrs Mifflin of Philadelphia
 e.g. if the British tea was taxed, the collonist drank only herbal tea and British tee
company in Indian went nearly bankrupt
 Boston Tea Party 1773

Revolution (1775-1781)
 Continental Congress in Philadelphia – began to act as an American national
government; commanded by George Washington
 1776: idea that the collonies should be independent → Declaration of Independence
 „All people are created equal“ (a lot equal rights)
 the people established government → liberty and
 king failed to dependent – he’s not their king
 Washington’s army was loosing at beginning,
because it wasn’t real army, just farmers, guerilla
 the second part of war was more successful
because French joined
 1781 British started withdraw from America
 Treaty of Paris 1783 → recognition of American

1830: Indian Removal Act

 Indians living East Mississippi River (Cherokees,
Chocktoes...) → people were struggled into
 Cherokees in Georgia excepted white-people
style, but it wasn’t help them → they was pushed
out to Oklahoma (free area) = Trail of Tears
 after 1840 American moved further west →
Oregon Trail (6 months long)

Manifest Destiny
 basic idea: destiny thought
 „Americans are special people“
 British believed that God authorise/entrust the Americans to
create a new world (new Jerusalem)
 „born free and slave“

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 embodiment of archaic utopian imagination, New Paradise (1492)
 „Heaven on Earth“
 they saw it not very realistic
 original sin/fall, „noble savage“
 fascination by the people – Indians live in peace
with each other, in harmony with nature

 17.000 Cherokees were taken out of their home
 2.000 black slaves
 after Civil War – Cherokee Freedmen
Controversy (Cherokee nation x Cherokee

Civil War (1861 – 1865)

 most important event in American history
 slavery raced deep issue:
o constitutional
o economic
o moral
 secede
 December 1860 – South Carolina + 6 other states → Confederation
 disagreements over state rights and territories
 many problems, which result the war
 federal government was unable to help – they had no money and no authority
 1787 – constitution and declaration of indepenency
 Federal government – consist of 3 parts:
1. President
 chief executive
 commander in chief
- responsible for the armed forces
2. Congress
 Senate
 House of representative
- to make laws
3. Supreme Court
- to interprete the laws and constitution

 ballance of power
 1823 Monroe Doctrine
 by president James Monroe
 not allowed establish collonies
 1790-1860 – very successful: population from 4 mil to 31 mil and number of collonies
increase from 13 to 20 (13+20?)
 state rights
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 territories
 Federal gov’t was responsible for:
 foreign policy
 armed forces
 trade
 Individual states were responsible for:
 education
 state police forces

US territorial acquisitions
 annex (from Spain) –
násilné připojení
 problems came from
 northern part of
 tolerated by
southern states
 North – industrial,
 South – agrarian
 in Senate each state
was represented by two

Slave states – Free states

- in years 1789 – 1861

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1851) – Harriet Beecher Stowe

 the reaction of the book was very stormy on both sides

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 manage to personalise the slavery

 6 slave-owners
 very strong emotions (broken family, deny of freedom)
 „slavery is an institution created by God“, „domestic institution“, „partof the God’s plan to
christianize the rase“
 unfit from freedom

Black people unfit for freedom

 defence of independence of liberty
 northern protestants saw them as sinners and tried to stop the southern expansion
 guardian of revolutionary tradition – keeping slavery

 1860 Lincoln became president

 South Carolina → Confederacy Union – 11 states
 fort sumter
 end of war: 1865 – Lee and Grand at Appomattox

 the slavery ended
 denied the right to secede
 how to re-unite North and South
 how to deal with legacy of slavery
 slaves as equal pertners
 reconstruction
 1877 abandon failed

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USA 50s AND 60s 20th CENTURY

The 50s
= decade of affluence (blahobyt)
 silent generation
 also intelectuals – consensus history
 America lost taste for revolt of any kind
 after World War II → they wanted to enjoy the peace
 „togetherness“
 decade of consumerism – market offered new issues: wash-mashines, dryers, authomatic
mashines, TV ...
 culture and social force
 lead young people to marry, people to educate – High schools
 family’s activities changed significantly – they were together around TV „TV happiness
shared by all the family“)
 strong families against communism – appreciate consumerism
 during WWII. they worked in factories
 education
 they can’t be discharged of this
 magazines: distincted roles of mum and dad → perfect home
 they should be mothers first and then career-women
 prosperity depended on mothers
 TV, cars
 they did same things as adults
 equlity of education:
 for future college students – middle class
 for future factory workers – working class
 for the african Americans and Mexicans

Michael Harrington: The Other America (1962)

 describes Americans as poor people (about 50 mil white
C.Wright Mills: The Power Elite (1956)
 describes triangle of big
goverment, big business and army
 people were against Vietnam War, but it was decided by big

 satisfaction increase greatly

 presented idea of „ideal woman“ – Betty Crocker

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 every decision of the USA were in connection with Cold War

 two magnets:
 two superpowers influence the other countries
 in centre uneffected
 Soviet Union - Warsaw Pact

 mutual annihilation
 relationship between US and SU was based on
deterence (zastrašování)

Cold War
 began in 50s
 Americans were terrified that Soviets have nuclear weapon
 the policy of containment = the act of keeping another country power ???
 MAD = mutual assured destruction
 American – right and need to intervene
 proxy war – they actually didn’t fighting

Vietnam War (1959-1975)

 Vietnam used to be french colony
 Americans wanted to replace French in the south
 North was communist
 faiting with communism, much more material war
 Eisenhower and Truman were not active in this war
 J.F. Kennedy (pres. 1961 – 1963)
 most successful in Vietnam War
 he brought dash to the White House
 in many part of America – dissent and freedom replace conformity (consensus)
 Piece Corp
 south Vietnam was loosing the war
 Am. sent Green Barrets (invention of JFK)
 next president: Lyndon Johnson
 very active especially in helping the poor
 improvements of the position of the blacks = Civil Right Act (1964)
 he believed in Domino Theory
 president can declare war without the declaration ?
 very expensive and dirty business
 they lost everything
 Vietnam War strategy: search and destroy
 vietnamese didn’t have officiual soldiers, most guerillas
 ambush attacks
 it seemed like war for pride
 family together watching scenes from Vietnam war → A living room war
 1968 American soldiers began to retreat from the area
 1975 – end of the Vietnam war
 Working class war (in army only workers, not students)

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 1965 – 11% of am.population was black and in the same year 24% of soldiers in Vietnam
war were black
 area of anticommunism, confidence
 Vietnam war changed American confidence in 80s
 end of prosperity


 in 60s
 special communities
 long hair – expression of freedom
 tie-died clothing (batikované)
 sexual freedom
 drugs → explore alternate state of consciousness
 rites of passage = transition rituals – innitiation rituals
 3 phases:
1. separation
 separated from society, family, friends...
 structure
2. liminality
– stage between separation and incorporation
 limen (threshold)
 statusless
 anti-structure
3. incorporation
 incorporate in a new person
 death, being in the womb, eclipse

 key to teh future
 until age of 18 is it obligatory
 it’s possible to be drop-out (nedokončený)
 public schools – paid by state

 2005:
type of education degree salary
advance degree M.A., M.S., Ph.D. $ 74, 602
college, university B.A. $ 51,000
High school $ 27,000
not finished $ 18,000

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Structure of american education system:

age type of school years degree
5 Kindergarden
6 – 11 (12) Elementary school (Primary school)
11 (12) – 14 (15) Junior High School (Middle school)
15 - 18 High School
18 College / University 2 years associate’s degree
22 Graduate School 1 - 2 y. M.A., M.S.
24 Graduate School 3 y. Ph.D.

 education privileged than mobility

 classics schools – greek and latin
 Americans say they’re very practical people – don’t memorize dates etc.
 1862 Abraham Lincoln - the law which said that ???

 today schools open for every person

 decentralised
 controll by state themselves – authonomy
 acreditation organisations
 guarantee quality
 Tuition is charged by educational institutions in some countries to assist with funding of staff
and faculty, course offerings, lab equipment, computer systems, libraries, facility upkeep and to
provide a comfortable student learning experience. (enwiki)

Tenure system
 get tenure → guarantee position at the university (for teachers)
 after six years
 The status given to an educator who has satisfactorily completed teaching for a trial period and
is, therefore, protected against summary dismissal by the employer 1
 (doživotní smlouva)

Federal government
 amendment (dodatek) 27
 branches of government:
o horizontal line:
1. king or president – executive
2. congress
3. supreme court
o vertical line:
1. local level
2. state
3. federal
 each of this (form vertical line) has 3 branches:
1. judical (laws, police)
2. legislative

Legal Dictionary:
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3. executive (mayor)

Political Parties:
 Democratic Party
 72 mil
 liberal
 the maket force cannot create products quickly enough
 on the left
 e.g. Barack Obama is Democrat
 Republican Party
 55 mil
 in the past more conservative
 economy balance
 government shoult not interfere in economy
 on the right
 e.g. George W. Bush
 Independents

 differences between US and Europe:

the administration of laws and
the government the Prime Minister
the left general helps for social problems socialism
people should solve their problem
the right not in favour in social change
by themselves

 Protestant (60%)
 protestantism – John Calvine
 Jewish
 Catholics
 use incense (kadidlo)
 they do what bishop tell them
 they believe that their church is the only church
 experience, rituals, spirits... come from dogma, doctrine
 the world is undestood as grace-ful
 the world is metaphor for God
 very old religion (the first explorers in land)
 no religion

 Great Awakening – Hippies, New Age – idea of freedom choice

 since the religion is inhereditable
 1 Amendment – separation wall between church and state → since then freedom of
religion is guaranteed → acknowledge plurality
 19th century – evolutionary thinking → privatisation inside (to private life)
 secularisation
 magic → religion → science
 civil religion (20th century) – not against christianity
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Religion in America in 80s, 90s

 revival
 crisis
 Protestantism
 consumers of religion → they built out their own individual religion = paganism –
people choose part of religions (in 2001 – 370,000 paganists)

Native American religion

 not one, many groups
 many Indians converted Christianity
 Native American Church
 peyote (kaktus) religion
 practise in precolumbian time
 used to commune with spirits
 now 50 tribes
 typical elements:
1. nature
2. cyclical time (time in cycles)
3. multiple realities
4. rituals (e.g. Vision Quest)

= reviving of nature (native prechristian Europe) + adapting to contemporary life
 most of neo-paganists are eclectic
 combines old european tradition with native american tradition
 in USA: 1990 8000 wicca
2001 140,000 wicca
 they call themselves witches
 religion – harmonise oneself with cosmos
 craft (in case of wicca → witchcraft)
 practical magic – initiated by G.Gardner
 old tradition (celtic), eastern religion
 mystery religion: during initiation of rel.
mystery view → became solitery witch
 duotheistic religion
 they have God and Goddess; Priest
and Priestess
 Goddess – usualy dedicated as
triple: Virgin – Mother – Crone (wise woman)
 waxing & waning of moon

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 God – dedicated as Horned God

– 8 rituals in year (e.g. Yule – Christmas)
 natural based religion – Nature (multileveled)
 wiccas try to synchronise with agriculture, new phasis, psychic etc.
 winter solstice (zimní slunovrat) = dark of the earth
 during rituals are skyelad – they wear nothing (oděni nebem)
 Wiccan Rede = moral code of wiccan: „Do what you want but harm noone.“
 statues of Horn God, Goddess (Athame), candles, pentacle, wand (hůlka,
proutek), incense burner ...
 since 2007 is pantacle officially religious symbol (on headstones)

 secularisation
 in Europe (Irland,
Italy ...)
 most religious
countries are USA
(protestant) and
 the wall of separation
between religion and

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 until 19th century – expressing american „soul“

 James Fenimore Cooper (1789 – 1851)

 Letherstocking Taler (pentalogie)
 The Last of the Mohicans
 1757: 7-year war – French-Indian War
 story about Hourone masacre

 Henry Wardsworth Longfellow (1807 – 1882)

 lyricist – very musical
 poems based on Native American legends:
 The Song of Hiawatha
 story anout Hiawatha and his lover
 at the end priest of prayer Paleface says:
„Told his message to the people
told the purport of his massion
Told them of the virgin harm
And her blessed son, the Saviour.“

 Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882)
 he said it is possible to live without organised religion
 transcendent state of mind → transcendentalism
 Nature (essay)

 Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862)

 transcendentalist
 put these idean into practise → lived in a cabin in the middle of nowhere
 Walden
 against organised society

Dark Romanticism:
 agreed that nature is powerful
 didn’t believe that people can become perfect through this
 saw the nature as dark, decaying and mysterious
 Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849)
 The Pit and the Pendulum

 Walt Whitman (1819 – 1892)

 poetic inovator → he used free vers
 his poems express american experience
 Leaves of Grass

 Emily Dickinson (1830 – 1886)

 non-married woman
 psychologically penetrating
 Mark Twain (1835 – 1910)

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 Adventures of Tom Sawyer

 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
 Life on Mississippi
 real poeple
 born in 1835 – Halley’s comet was seen – and dies 1910 on heart-attack one day after
Halley’s comet was seen again
 penname, real name Samuel Clemens
He maintained that his primary pen name came from his years working on Mississippi riverboats,
where two fathoms, a depth indicating safe water for passage of boat, was measured on the sounding
line. A fathom is a maritime unit of depth, equivalent to two yards (1.8 m); twain is an archaic term for
"two". The riverboatman's cry was mark twain or, more fully, by the mark twain, meaning "according
to the mark [on the line], [the depth is] two [fathoms]", that is, "there are 12 feet (3.7 m) of water
under the boat and it is safe to pass"2

 Jack London (1876 – 1916)

 The Call of the Wild
 White Fang

 Ernst Hemingway (1899 – 1961)

 ambulance driver during World War II.
 The Farewell to Arms

 John Steinbeck (1902 – 1968)

 kind of social critique
 Of Mice and Men
 wrote about great depression
„The best laid plans of mice and men often go astian.“

Beat Generation:
 reffer to jazz
 drugs, alcohol, philosophy, religion (zen-buddhism)
 Allen Ginsberg (1926 – 1997)
 The Howl (Kvílení)
 moto of Beat Generation:
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving
hysterical naked,dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn
looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient
heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night...

 Jack Kerouac (1922 – 1969)

 On the Road
 spontaneous style
 jazz, promiscuity, zen-buddhism, drugs, sexuality, travelling...

African-American and Native American Writing:

 Toni Morrison (1931)
 afro-american writer
KAJ/BAR1 WS 2009

 began to write in latest 19th century

 it can’t be captured
 Nobel Prize

 in 60s – „Indian renesance“ → Indian Imagery

 Leslie Marmon Silko (1948)
 true story-teller
 Ceremony
 story about young man in Vietnam War who is unable to recover what he bad
saw in Vietnam

 Sherman Alexie (1966)

 kind of rebel
 story telling in the contemporary world is like going to movies
 Indian Killer
 about man who was adopted by white people and he tries whole life find his
 Smoke Signals (film)


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