UNIT 50 Questions 2

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UNIT 50 Questions 2 (Do you know where ?

/ He asked me where )
! Do you know where ? / I don"t know why / #ou$d you te$$ me what ? %t&
'e say( 'here has Tom )one?
*ut Do you know where Tom has )one? (not Do you know where has Tom
'hen the +uestion ('here has Tom )one?) is ,art o- a $on)er senten&e (Do you
know ? / I don"t know / #an you te$$ me ? et&). the word order &han)es!
We say:
'hat time is it? *ut Do you know what time it is?
'ho are those ,eo,$e? I don"t know who those ,eo,$e are!
'here &an I -ind /inda? #an you te$$ me where I &an -ind /inda?
How mu&h wi$$ it &ost? Do you ha0e any idea how mu&h it wi$$
*e &are-u$ with do/does/did +uestions! 'e say(
'hat time does the -i$m 1e)in? *ut do you know what time the -i$m
'hat do you mean? 2$ease e3,$ain what you mean
'hy did she $ea0e ear$y? I wonder why she $e-t ear$y
Use i- or whether where there is no other +uestion word ('hat. 'hy et&!)(
Did any1ody see you? *ut Do you know i- any1ody saw you? 4r
Do you know whether any1ody saw you?
He asked me where (re,orted +uestions)
The same &han)es in word order ha,,en in re,orted +uestions! #om,are(
Dire&t The ,o$i&e o--i&er said to us. 5'here are you going6
7e,orted The ,o$i&e o--i&er asked us where we were going
Dire&t #$are said. 5'hat time do the 1anks &$ose?6
7e,orted #$are wanted to know what time the 1anks &$osed
In re,orted s,ee&h the 0er1 usua$$y &han)es to the ,ast (were. &$osed et&!)
8tudy these e3am,$es! 9ou had an inter0iew -or a :o1 and these were some o- the
+uestions the inter0iewer asked you(
Are you willing to travel?
Why did you apply for the job?
What do you do in your spare time?
Can you speak any foreign languages?
How long have you been working in your present job?
Do you ha0e a dri0in) $i&en&e?
/ater you te$$ a -riend what the inter0iewer asked you! 9ou use re,orted s,ee&h(
she asked i- I was wi$$in) to tra0e$
she wanted to know what I did in my s,are time
she asked how $on) I had 1een workin) in my ,resent :o1
she asked why I had a,,$ied -or the :o1
she wanted to know i- I &ou$d s,eak any -orei)n $an)ua)es
she asked i- I had a dri0in) $i&ense
%;%7#I8%8 UNIT 50
50!< =ake a new senten&e -rom the +uestion in 1ra&kets!
1. Do you know where Tom has )one?
. Could you tell me where the post offi!e is?
". # wonder what the time is.
$. # want to know what this word means
%. &o you know what time they left?
'. # don(t know if )ues is going out tonight
*. &o you have any idea where Caroline lives?
+. # !an(t remember where # parked the !ar
,. Can you tell me if there is a bank near here?
1-. .ell me what you want
11. # don(t know why /ate didn(t !ome to the party
1. &o you know how mu!h it !osts to park here?
1". # have no idea who that woman is.
1$. &o you know if 0i1 got my letter?
1%. Can you tell me How far it is to the airport?
50!2 9ou are makin) a ,hone &a$$! 9ou want to s,eak to 8ue. 1ut she isn"t there!
8ome1ody e$se answers the ,hone! 9ou want to know three thin)s(
<) 'here has she )one?
2) 'hen wi$$ she 1e 1a&k?
>) Did she )o out a$one?
#om,$ete the &on0ersation(
( Do you know where she has )one?
*( 8orry. I"0e )ot no idea
( Ne0er mind! I don"t su,,ose you know when she"$$ 1e 1a&k
*( No. I"m a-raid not!
( 4ne more thin)! Do you ha,,en to know i- she went out a$one?
*( I"m a-raid I didn"t see her )o out
( 4k! 'e$$! Thank you anyway! ?ood1ye
50!> 9ou ha0e 1een away -or a whi$e and ha0e :ust &ome 1a&k to your home town! 9ou
meet Tony. a -riend o- yours! He asks you a $ot o- +uestions(
<! How are you?
2! where ha0e you 1een?
>! How $on) ha0e you 1een 1a&k?
@! 'hat are you doin) now?
5! 'hy did you &ome 1a&k?
A! 'here are you $i0in)?
B! re you )$ad to 1e 1a&k?
C! Do you ha0e any ,$ans to )o away a)ain?
D! #an you $end me some money?
Now you te$$ another -riend what Tony asked you! Use re,orted s,ee&h!
<! He asked me how I was
. He asked me Where # had been
". he asked me How long # had been ba!k
$. He asked me What # was doing now
%. He asked me Why # !ame ba!k
'. He asked me Where # was living
*. He asked me if # was glad to be ba!k
+. he asked me if # had any plants to go away again
,. He asked me if # !ould lend him some money.

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