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Homepage > Functional doc > WBS > Fare > Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass

Function: Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass

1 Overview

The function Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass is used to price itineraries.

It can return one or several fare recommendations for the passenger(s) and for
the itinerary of the active PNR. Only booking classes present in the flight
segment of the PNR are considered.

After calling Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass function, the system keeps the
recommendations stored internally for three minutes in a dedicated context. This
context can be used to create a TST by using Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing.

1.1 Supported Operations

The PricePNRWithBookingClass function supports the following operations:
Award search option
Booking date override
Breakpoint prohibited
Cabin: default to any existing cabin
Class: pricing by cabin class
Class: pricing by class with default
Class: pricing by preferred class
ET/PT option
Expanded parameters
Fare basis: pricing by fare basis with override
Fare basis: pricing by fare basis with passenger selection
Fare basis: pricing by fare basis with segment selection
Fare basis: pricing by fare basis without override
Fees: add fees
Fees: exempt all fees
Fees: exempt all fees apart from those added
Fees: exempt specific fees
FOP: form of payment options
FOP: form of payment to estimate associated OB Fees
Global indicator
Flight indicator: transfer
Flight indicator: turnaround point
Open segment
Flight indicator: Stopover override
Override: X
Override: XN
Discount code
Pricing by Passenger type codes (PTC)
Past date
Price only specified PTC
Pricing (and ticketing) in a foreign currency
Pricing a PNR
Pricing adults only
Pricing infants only
RLI: list of applicable fares
RLO: lowest possible
Selection: passenger select
Selection: segment select
Tax: add by country code
Tax: add tax amount
Tax: exempt taxes
Tax: percentage of tax added
Tax: withheld by country code
Tax: withhold taxes
Unifare options
Validating carrier option
Withhold "q" surcharges
Zap off

See part 5 for more details on these operations.

1.2 Limitations

The Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass function cannot process a non-homogeneous
PNR, for instance a PNR where the number of passengers in the PNR is different
from the number of seats booked in the flight segment of the itinerary.

Married segments cannot be priced separately.

A round or circle trip can contain no more than 12 segments and

A maximum of 11 fare break points without surface segments

A maximum of 10 fare break points with 1 surface segment

A maximum of 9 fare break points with 2 surface segments

A one-way trip can contain no more than 11 segments and
A maximum of 10 fare break points without surface segments
A maximum of 9 fare break points with 1 surface segment
A maximum of 8 fare break points with 2 surface segments

1.3 Unsupported Operations
Service fee

1.4 Prerequisites

A PNR must be retrieved prior to performing the pricing transaction.

2 Building A Query

Chapter 5 explains how to use all the options specified in the chapter 1.

Warning: the ID numbers used in the query to identify passengers and segments
are not the same numbers displayed in the PNR! In the XML query, passengers and
segments have two lists of ID that are assigned according to the order of
creation in the PNR.

Let's take for example the following PNR:

2 IB3169 Y 14AUG 6 LHRMAD HK1 3 0620 0940 320 E 0 G

3 IB7450 Y 15AUG 7 BCNLHR HK1 1 0725 0840 319 E 0 M

We can deduce that:
there will be S:1 and S:2 in the query.

However it is not possible to determine whether the segment with tattoo 2 is S:1
or S:2 considering only the PNR, since we don't know the order of creation in
the PNR. In order to have this information we should have the PNR history,
taking into account also if some segments have been deleted.

The same applies to passengers.

3 Receiving A Reply

The current PNR is not modified by this operation. The reply is fully
structured, i.e. no full-screen text will be returned. After receiving the reply
the user may call Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing to create the TST.

4 Error Messages



CM00011 - Unable to process

Internal process error

CM00005 - Check segment number

A segment with the TATTOO number specified in the paxSegReference is not present
in the PNR

CM00258 - Function not supported

The functionality requested is not available

CM00477 - Invalid format

The data specified in the request is not valid, although the message is
correctly defined

Examples: Corporate number length is not six digits

CM01908 - Check passenger number

A passenger with the TATTOO number specified in the paxSegReference group is not
present in the PNR

CM01959 - Need PNR

No PNR exists in the context

CM02032 - Invalid corporate code

The number of corporate codes specified in the overrideInformation group is
greater than allowed.

CM02230 - Single selection code only

Different passenger types are specified in the same paxSegReference group.

CM03504 - Combination not allowed

The combination of options specified is not permitted.

CM04701 - Exceeds maximum fare disc codes

More than three cumulative discounts codes are specified.

CM04725 - Invalid passenger association

Passengers selected in referenceQualifier are not selected in the global

CM04070 - Unable to process + seg name

Process error, usually unrelated to the data in the request. The name of the
program where the error occurred is appended at the end of the message.

CM06392 - Invalid repetitive option

The same option has been specified twice (or more) for options that are allowed
only once.

CM09053 - Invalid record locator

The rec locator specified in the pnrLocatorData group does not match the
retrieved PNR.

CM13301 - Invalid point of sale

The city qualifier in the cityOverride does not correspond to a point of tkt

CM12400 - Invalid DIAG format

Empty or blank string specified in DIAG option "attributeDescription" field of
overrideInformation ("override information").

CM07785 - Check TRAP format

Empty or blank string specified in TRAP option in "attributeDescription" field
of overrideInformation ("override information").


This error is returned when no itinerary is present in the PNR

4.1 Error Reply

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassReply xmlns="">
<freeText>INVALID FORMAT</freeText>

5 Operations

5.1 Operation: Add fees

Specific fees may be added in the query. Fee codes are defined by ATPCO.

The fee amount is applicable for form of payment Fee codes only.

This amount is provided without any decimals.

In the example the airline ticketing (OB) fees with subcode FCA (Any format of
credit card) is added.

Equivalent Cryptic Entry: FXX /R,FA-OBFCA

5.1.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.1.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.1.3 Possible Errors

CM23983 - OPTION NOT AUTHORIZED WITH FOP IN PNR : Reject specific Form of
payment fees with FOP.

CM07399 - CONFLICTING OPTIONS USED : if specific fee is both added and exempted

CM02011 - ENTRY NOT AUTHORISED : A Fee code cannot be added

CM00001 - CHECK FORMAT : It is not allowed to enter an amount with an addition
of a Ticketing Fee code

CM00001 - CHECK FORMAT : FCA cannot be added in combination with another Form Of
Payment fee code

CM00001 - CHECK FORMAT : Three Form Of Payment fee codes must not be added with
only one amount

CM00001 - CHECK FORMAT : Three Form Of Payment fee codes must not be added with
three amounts

See "Error Messages" section for other errors.

5.2 Operation: Award search

The objective of the Award Search option is to allow the end-users to price
journeys in miles, in a context of an Award program.

The request must contain:
The code of the Award program, i.e. the two alpha carrier code of the
publishing carrier of the fares for the program;
The specific corporate code purely dedicated to the award program.

By default the process will load fares in USD. Currency override option with a
currency different than USD will skip Award solution.

5.2.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.2.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.2.3 Possible Errors

CK FORMAT - REFER TO HELP FOR THIS TRANSACTION - The public fare option is not
combinable with the Award option.

FORMAT NEEDS CORPORATE CODE - Corporate code associated to Award program code
must be specified.

See "Error Messages" section for other errors.

5.3 Operation: Booking code override

This example shows a booking code override X.

Corresponding entry: FXX/R,BK-X.

5.3.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.3.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.3.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.4 Operation: Booking date override

This example shows a requesting booking date override. If you do not enter a
specific date, the system uses the farefrom the current date by default.

Corresponding entry: FXP/R,DO-OBD

5.4.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.4.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.4.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.5 Operation: Breakpoint

This example shows a Breakpoint.

Corresponding cryptic: FXP/B3.

5.5.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.5.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.5.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.6 Operation: Breakpoint: Prohibit

This example shows a prohibit breakpoint.

Corresponding cryptic: FXX/N3

5.6.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.6.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.6.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.7 Operation: Bulk and Inclusive tour

It is possible to require pricing by bulk (code-set MBT) or inclusive tour (MIT)

5.7.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.7.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.7.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.8 Operation: Controlling Carrier Override

It is possible to override the controlling carrier.

5.8.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.8.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.8.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.9 Operation: Cumulative discount code

It is possible to specify more than one discount code.

5.9.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.9.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.9.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.10 Operation: Currency override

This option allows you to override the currency of the office.

Corresponding cryptic: FXX/R,FC-USD

5.10.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.10.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.10.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.11 Operation: Discount code

It is possible to use Discount Code as follows.

5.11.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.11.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.11.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.12 Operation: Expanded Parameters

Here the parameters:
NAP: No Advance Purchase Requirements
NMN: No Minimum Stay Requirement
NMX: No Maximum Stay Requirement
NMM: No Minimum and No Maximum Stay Requirements
NDA: NO Day and Time Restrictions
PE: Penalty Restrictions (Penalty limited to "nn" Percent or "nn" Amount)
NPE: No Penalty Restrictions
RF: Refundable
NRF: Non-Refundable

This example shows requirements No Advance Purchase, No Minimum Stay and penalty
limited to 5%.

The corresponding cryptic of the example: FXP/R,*NAP,*NMN

5.12.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.12.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.12.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.13 Operation: Fare Selection

It is possible to perform the option fare selection, equivalent to the /R,FS-USD

5.13.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.13.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.13.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.14 Operation: Fees exemption

The exemption of all fees is requested. If you add some fees in the query, these
fees won't be exempted.

The corresponding cryptic: FXX/NF.

5.14.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.14.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.14.3 Possible Errors

CM07399 - CONFLICTING OPTIONS USED : if specific fee is both added and exempted

CM02011 - ENTRY NOT AUTHORISED - The option to exempt all fees is deactivated.

See "Error Messages" section for other errors.

5.15 Operation: Form of Payment

Airline Ticketing Fees (OB Fees) are calculated for a given Form Of Payment
(FOP). If no FOP is specified in Query, the PNR FOP(FP element) will be used by

The forms of payment, the associated amounts and the bin number are kept in the
context and reused for consistency checks at issuance time.

Credit Card bin number: this information is optional. However, it is mandatory
if the Form of Payment Type is a credit card. It is composed of the first 6 bin
numbers of the credit card.

Form of Payment Amount: This amount is provided without any decimals. This
amount is optional. Additionally, other constraints are:
For one occurrence of Form Of Payment in query, there are 0 to 1 of them with
an amount associated;
For two occurrences of Form Of Payment in query, there are 1 to 2 of them with
an amount associated;
For three occurrences of Form Of Payment entered as an option in any Pricing
query there are 2 (but neither 0, 1 nor 3) of them with an amount associated.

Form of Payment Currency: no currency can be provided in query. The currency is
by default the one the Point Of Sale.

5.15.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.15.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.15.3 Possible Errors


CM07399 - CONFLICTING OPTIONS USED : Reject if specific Form of payment fee
codes are added (ref Add Fees) in same query.

CM00001 - CHECK FORMAT : If the type is not Credit Card, then the bin number is

CM00001 - CHECK FORMAT : Two or Three FOP must not be provided without any

CM00001 - CHECK FORMAT : If the type is Credit Card, then a bin number of 6
digits is mandatory

CM00001 - CHECK FORMAT : Three FOP must not be provided with three amounts.

CM00001 - CHECK FORMAT : Three FOP must not be provided with only one amount

See "Error Messages" section for other errors.

5.16 Operation: Global indicator

Global indicator is allowed.

5.16.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.16.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.16.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.17 Operation: Open segment after a segment

This example shows an open segment after a segment.

Corresponding cryptic: FXP/S2 AF C CDG NCE.

5.17.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.17.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.17.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.18 Operation: Open Segment as return

This example specifies the open segment as return.

Corresponding cryptic: FXX/OPEN.

5.18.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.18.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.18.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.19 Operation: Passenger selection

It is possible to select the passengers that you want to price in the PNR. In
the example, only the passenger whose tattoo is 1 will be priced.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXX/P1.

5.19.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.19.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.19.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.20 Operation: Past Date

This example shows a pricing on a past date, 12 May 2004.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXX/R,12MAY04

5.20.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.20.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.20.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.21 Operation: Point of sale override

It is possible to override the point of sale.

5.21.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.21.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.21.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.22 Operation: Price only PTC

This option allows to price only PTC. If the fare for the specified PTC is not
available, you have the error message NO CURRENT FARE IN SYSTEM.

It is different from the option Pricing by PTC, where the system would try
finding a fare.

The corresponding cryptic entry: FXX/RMIL,*PTC

5.22.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.22.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.22.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.23 Operation: Pricing a PNR

This is the simplest way to price a PNR

Corresponding cryptic: FXX

5.23.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.23.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.23.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.24 Operation: Pricing by fare basis with override

In order to choose this option, you have to specify FBA in the attributeType and
then specify the fare basis you want (in the example Y8).

The corresponding cryptic: FXX/L-Y8

5.24.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.24.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.24.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.25 Operation: Pricing by fare basis without override

In order to choose this option, you have to specify FBL in the attributeType and
then specify the fare basis you want (in the example Y8).

The corresponding cryptic: FXX/A-Y8

5.25.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.25.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.25.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.26 Operation: Pricing by fare basis: passenger selection

It is possible to choose different fare basis for different passengers.

In the example, the passengers 1 wants the fare basis Y1 and the passenger 2
wants the fare basis Y8.

You can combine this option with segment selection.

5.26.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.26.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.26.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.27 Operation: Pricing by fare basis: segment selection

TPCBRQ allows to choose different fare basis for different segments.

In the example, the passengers want the fare basis Y1 for segments 1 and 2 and
fare basis Y2 for segment 3.

You can combine this option with passenger selection.

5.27.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.27.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.27.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.28 Operation: Pricing by Passenger type codes (PTC)

Pricing by PTC is allowed. If the fare for the specified PTC is not available,
he system tries finding another fare.

It is different from the option Pricing by PTC, where you wou;d have the error

The corresponding cryptic entry: FXX/RMIL

5.28.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.28.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.28.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.29 Operation: Pricing only adults

This option allows to price only the adults in the PNR.

The corresponding cryptic: FXX/PAX.

5.29.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.29.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.29.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.30 Operation: Pricing only infants

This option allows to price only the infants in the PNR.

The corresponding cryptic: FXX/INF

5.30.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.30.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.30.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.31 Operation: Print option

It is possible to override print option:
ETK for Eletronic Ticket,
PAT for Paper Ticket
EP for Electronic or Paper Ticket

The example shows the first option.

5.31.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.31.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.31.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.32 Operation: RLI: List of applicable fares

This option allows you to have the list of applicable fares.

The corresponding cryptic: FXX/LI

5.32.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.32.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.32.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.33 Operation: RLO: Lowest possible

This option allows you to visualise only the lowest fare.

The corresponding cryptic: FXX/LO

5.33.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.33.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.33.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.34 Operation: Segment selection

It is possible to select the segments you want to price in a PNR.

The corresponding cryptic: FXX/S3.

5.34.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.34.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.34.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.35 Operation: Specific fees exemption

Specific fees can be exempted.

In the example three fees are exempted: FCA, T01, T02.

5.35.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.35.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.35.3 Possible Errors

CM02011 - ENTRY NOT AUTHORISED : This particular Fee code cannot be exempted.

CM07399 - CONFLICTING OPTIONS USED : if specific fee is both added and exempted.

See "Error Messages" section for other errors.

5.36 Operation: Stopover Indicator

This example shows a stopover.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXP/S3S.

5.36.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.36.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.36.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.37 Operation: Tax By Country Code

This example shows all added taxes by country code (AA).

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXX/R,AC-AA

5.37.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.37.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.37.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.38 Operation: Tax exemption

In the field taxIdenfier you are supposed to choose the code-set EXM, i.e exempt

You can specify a tax. If you dont specify it, all taxes will be exempted.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example:: FXX/R,ET-EE

5.38.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.38.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.38.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.39 Operation: Tax Withheld By Country Code

In this example we want to withhold a tax by country code.

In the field taxIdenfier you have to choose the code-set WHC, i.e Withhold
country tax.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXX/R,WC-AA

5.39.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.39.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.39.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.40 Operation: Tax: added amount

In this example we want to add a tax amount.

In the field taxIdenfier you have to choose the codeset ADT, i.e Add country

In the field taxValueQualifier two code-sets are available: A (Amount) and P

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXX/AT-ZVGO12A.

5.40.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.40.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.40.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.41 Operation: Tax: percentage added

In the field taxIdenfier you have to choose the codeset ADT, i.e Add country

In the field taxValueQualifier it is possible to specify P, i.e. percentage.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXXAT-ZVGO12P.

5.41.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.41.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.41.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.42 Operation: Tax: Withheld

In this example we want to withhold a tax.

In the field taxIdenfier you have to choose the code-set WHT, i.e Withhold tax.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXX/R,WT-FRSE.

5.42.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.42.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.42.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.43 Operation: Tier level override

It is possible to pass the tier level at segment and passenger level.

5.43.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.43.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.43.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.44 Operation: Transfer Indicator

This example shows a transfer. You are supposed to fill the field flightType
with C.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXP/S3X.

5.44.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.44.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.44.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.45 Operation: Turnaround Point

This example shows a turnaround point. You have to fill the field flightType
with PT.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXX/BT-2.

5.45.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.45.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.45.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.46 Operation: Unifare - MBT

For this option it is possible to use M/IT and M/BT.

5.46.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.46.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.46.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.47 Operation: Unifare options

Pricing by unifare is allowed.

Equivalent Cryptic Entry: FXX /R,U

5.47.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.47.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.47.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.48 Operation: Unifare Options with corporate number

Pricing by unifare is allowed.

Equivalent Cryptic Entry: FXX /R,U008310

5.48.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.48.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.48.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.49 Operation: Validating Carrier

Validating carrier override is allowed.

Airline Ticketing Fees (OB Fees) are calculated for a given validating carrier.
If no validating carrier is specified in the query, the validating carrier
specified in PNR (FV element) will be used by default. The validating carrier
used at pricing time for OB Fees are kept in context and reused for consistency
checks during ticket issuance.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXX/R,VC-CO.

5.49.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.49.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.49.3 Possible Errors

See "Error Messages" section.

5.50 Operation: Withhold "q" surcharges

If you specify WQ in the field attributeType, you can withhold q surcharges.

5.50.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.50.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

5.50.3 Possible Errors
See "Error Messages" section.

5.51 Operation: Zap Off

This example shows the zapp off option. In the field infoQualifier you have to
specify ZAP, i.e ZappOFF discount information.

The cryptic entry corresponding to the example: FXX/ZO-B101.7A*GCORE.2,3.

5.51.1 Query Structure

XML Example
<Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass xmlns="">
5.51.2 Reply Structure

XML Example

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