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Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

Clay mineralogy and multi-element chemistry of surface

sediments on the Siberian-Arctic shelf: implications
for sediment provenance and grain size sorting
C. Viscosi-Shirleya,*, K. Mammoneb, N. Pisiasa, J. Dymonda
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, 104 Ocean Admin. Bldg., Corvallis, OR 97331-5503, USA
Hewlett-Packard Company, 1000 NE Circle Blvd., Corvallis, OR 97330, USA

Received 18 July 2002; accepted 3 January 2003


Clay mineral and bulk chemical (Si, Al, K, Mg, Sr, La, Ce, Nd) analyses of terrigenous surface sediments on the
Siberian-Arctic shelf indicate that there are five regions with distinct, or endmember, sedimentary compositions. The
formation of these geochemical endmembers is controlled by sediment provenance and grain size sorting. (1) The shale
endmember (Al, K and REE rich sediment) is eroded from fine-grained marine sedimentary rocks of the Verkhoyansk
Mountains and Kolyma-Omolon superterrain, and discharged to the shelf by the Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma
Rivers. (2) The basalt endmember (Mg rich) originates from NE Siberia’s Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic belt and Bering
Strait inflow, and is prevalent in Chukchi Sea Sediments. Concentrations of the volcanically derived clay mineral
smectite are elevated in Chukchi fine-fraction sediments, corroborating the conclusion that Chukchi sediments are
volcanic in origin. (3) The mature sandstone endmember (Si rich) is found proximal to Wrangel Island and sections of
the Chukchi Sea’s Siberian coast and is derived from the sedimentary Chukotka terrain that comprises these
landmasses. (4) The immature sandstone endmember (Sr rich) is abundant in the New Siberian Island region and
reflects inputs from sedimentary rocks that comprise the islands. (5) The immature sandstone endmember is also
prevalent in the western Laptev Sea, where it is eroded from sedimentary deposits blanketing the Siberian platform that
are compositionally similar to those on the New Siberian Islands. Western Laptev can be distinguished from New
Siberian Island region sediments by their comparatively elevated smectite concentrations and the presence of the basalt
endmember, which indicate Siberian platform flood basalts are also a source of western Laptev sediments. In certain
locations grain size sorting noticeably affects shelf sediment chemistry. (1) Erosion of fines by currents and sediment ice
rafting contributes to the formation of the coarse-grained sandstone endmembers. (2) Bathymetrically controlled grain
size sorting, in which fines preferentially accumulate offshore in deeper, less energetic water, helps distribute the fine-
grained shale and basalt endmembers. An important implication of these results is that the observed sedimentary
geochemical endmembers provide new markers of sediment provenance, which can be used to track sediment transport,
ice-rafted debris dispersal or the movement of particle-reactive contaminants.
r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Clay minerals; Sediment chemistry; Sediment composition; Sediment sorting; Shelf sedimentation; Provenance; Arctic;
Siberia and Alaska; Chukchi Sea; East Siberian Sea; Laptev Sea (65 N–78 N,110 E–160 W)

*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Viscosi-Shirley).

0278-4343/03/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1176 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

1. Introduction these areas. Our results are compared with those of

previous investigations of Siberian shelf sediment
Knowledge of the Arctic Ocean’s modern composition. We provide the new clay mineral
sedimentary processes is essential to evaluating data to allow direct comparison of the geochem-
the potential ramifications of environmental ical with clay mineral results. A primary objective
disruption in the Arctic. Models suggest that of this study is to assess the usefulness of sediment
the Arctic will respond sensitively to and amplify chemistry in distinguishing detrital material from
the effects of global climate change (Walsh, 1991). different locations on the shelf. Surface sediment
Understanding modern Arctic sedimentary composition is controlled both by sediment
processes is a necessary prerequisite for paleo- provenance and physical processes that sort
ceanographic reconstructions of environmental sediment by grain size, since different sized grains
change that may ultimately help us define the are often different mineralogies. Thus, another
role of the Arctic in the global climate system main goal of this study is to evaluate the roles of
(Imbrie et al., 1992; Stein and Korolev, 1994). On sediment provenance and grain size sorting in
a more local scale, industrialization threatens determining various chemical/clay mineralogical
Arctic continental shelves with a number of signatures evident in shelf sediments. In a compa-
particle-reactive contaminants. Studying Arctic- nion paper (Viscosi-Shirley et al., 2003) we use this
shelf sediment sources and transport pathways information to estimate sediment source strength,
enables us to predict the fate of these contami- determine sediment transport pathways/accumula-
nants, which may be transported throughout the tion patterns, and investigate the relationship
Arctic bound to ice rafted or current borne between sediment distribution and various sedi-
sediments (Macdonald and Bewers, 1996; Pfirman ment transport agents.
et al., 1997). Additionally, the identification of
unique sediment types on the Arctic shelf can be
used to monitor changes in production locations 2. Conceptual approach and background
and drift patterns of turbid sea ice (Pfirman et al.,
1990; Nurnberg et al., 1994; Reimnitz et al., 1994; The Siberian shelf is characterized by extreme
Dethleff et al., 2000). geographic and temporal variability in factors that
Making up over one-third of the total Arctic- control sediment dispersal, including input from
shelf area (Silverberg, 1972; Holmes, 1975; Mac- rivers, coastal erosion, current intensity and
donald et al., 1998), the Arctic Ocean’s Siberian direction, and sea ice formation and movement
continental shelf is a region influenced by both (Barnett, 1991; Coachman and Shigaev, 1992;
anthropogenic and natural environmental change Dmitrenko et al., 1995; Hass and Antonow,
(Naidu and Mowatt, 1983; Macdonald and 1995; Timokhov, 1994; Lisitzin, 1996; Pavlov
Bewers, 1996). While numerous investigations et al., 1996; Weingartner et al., 1998a, b; Kassens
have characterized modern Siberian-shelf clay et al., 1999). A number of different geologic
and heavy mineral distributions (Silverberg, terrains comprise the landmasses that supply
1972; Naugler et al., 1974; Naidu et al., 1982; sediment to the shelf (Parfenov, 1992; Stone et al.,
Nurnberg et al., 1994; Bischof and Darby, 1997; 1992; Bogdanov and Tilman, 1993; Fujita et al.,
Behrends et al., 1999; Rossak et al., 1999; Wahsner 1997). As a result of these different factors we
et al., 1999), much less is known of the multi- anticipate that Siberian shelf surface sediments,
element chemistry of surface sediments in this which are known to have distinct clay mineral
region (Schoster et al., 2000). In this study, we trends, also have obvious chemical gradients and
determine the surface sediment chemistry of an that sediment composition is influenced both by
extensive collection of sediment cores taken from provenance and grain size sorting. This study seeks
the Chukchi, East Siberian and Laptev Seas (Figs. to understand the roles of these factors in
1a and 1b) by the US Coast Guard in the 1960’s, determining shelf sediment composition by com-
as well as presenting new clay mineral data for paring spatial variability in terrigenous sediment

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1177



Fig. 1. (a) Arctic Ocean and marginal seas. (b) Siberian-shelf surface-sediment sample location () and geology map.

composition with geographic gradients in regional with the exception of Si, the distributions of these
geology, shelf bathymetry and physical oceano- elements are primarily controlled by spatial
graphy. We characterize the composition of gradients in the lithogenic fraction. To ensure that
Siberian-shelf terrigenous surface sediments using our Si data describe the composition of the
clay mineral and bulk chemical (Si, Al, K, Mg, Sr, lithogenic fraction, we subtract biogenic Si from
La, Ce, Nd) analyses. These elements are present total Si concentrations. To correct for dilution of
in biogenic as well as terrigenous material (Tur- terrigenous by biogenic material we express the
ekian and Wedephol, 1961; Martin and Knauer, chemical data on a biogenic free basis. Bathy-
1973; Chester, 1990). However, concentrations of metric data are shown in Fig. 1b. Geologic and
Siberian-shelf sedimentary biogenic matter are physical oceanographic data are taken from
generally low (Mammone, 1998). Consequently, published literature, reviewed below.

1178 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

2.1. Geologic terrains and sediment inputs Alaska are compositionally similar to those in NE
Siberia (Harbert et al., 1990; Deming et al., 1996).
The Siberian hinterland consists of distinct Sediments from these landmasses are introduced
geologic terrains. From west to east, these terrains to the continental shelf by coastal erosion and
include the: (1) Siberian platform, (2) Ver- river discharge. Rivers draining to the Laptev Sea
khoyansk Mountains, (3) Kolyma-Omolon super- and their sediment yields in 106 tons/yr include the
terrain, (4) Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic belt, and Khatanga (1.4), Anabar (0.4), Olenek (1.1), Lena
(5) Chukotka terrain (Fig. 1b). Unless otherwise (17.6) and Yana (3.1) (Fig. 1b) (Gordeev et al.,
noted, the following brief description of the 1996; Lisitzin, 1996). The Lena River has the
terrains is taken from Parfenov (1992), Stone largest sediment yield of any river along the
et al. (1992), Bogdanov and Tilman (1993), Siberian and northern European coast (Gordeev
Dylevskiy (1995), Fujita et al. (1997), and Huh et al., 1996). The Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers
et al. (1998). Central-Russia’s Precambrian Siber- discharge 13.7  106 and 16.1  106 tons sediment/
ian platform consists of basement rock blanketed yr, respectively, into the East Siberian Sea. Coastal
by extensive sedimentary deposits (UNESCO, erosion also appears to be a significant source of
1976) and one the largest flood basalts in the sediment (Timokhov, 1994). In the Laptev Sea
world (Sharma et al., 1992). East of the platform alone, Rachold et al. (2000) estimated sediment
lies the Verkhoyansk Mountains, uplifted and input by coastal erosion is 58.4  106 tons/yr. Are
deformed Devonian sediments that grade eastward (1999) calculated that retreat of an 85 km segment
from shelf clastic sequences to deep-water shale of Laptev coastline, less than one-tenth of this
deposits. East of the foldbelt is the Kolyma- sea’s total coastline, supplies 3.4  106 tons of
Omolon superterrain, accretionary terrain that is sediment to the shelf annually.
chiefly an amalgamation of continental fragments
and island arc material bracketed by remnants of 2.2. Physical environment
fore and back arc basins. South and east of the
superterrain, extensive volcanic activity occurred Knowledge of current and ice flow regimes is
along what was the late Cretaceous active margin critical to understanding sedimentation patterns
forming the Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic belt. The on the Siberian shelf. Although Siberian shelf
composition of the Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic currents can fluctuate substantially, waters in the
belt is zoned laterally in northeast Siberia, with Laptev and East Siberian Seas typically flow in
acidic to intermediate rocks predominating in the cyclonic gyres (Dmitrenko, 1995; Hass and Anto-
west and intermediate to basic rocks in the east. now, 1995; Timokhov, 1994; Pavlov et al., 1996).
Lying north of the volcanic belt, the Chukotka On the Chukchi shelf there is net northward flow
terrain consists primarily of sedimentary rock with water entering the region through Bering
(Fujita and Cook, 1990; Harbert et al., 1990). Strait (Coachman and Shigaev, 1992; Roach et al.,
This is an accretionary terrain that rifted from 1995; Weingartner et al., 1998a). Alongshore, the
Canada during the opening of the Arctic basin and Siberian coastal current generally flows east from
forms much of the shelf basement, outcropping on the Laptev, to the East Siberian and finally into
sections of the Chukchi Sea’s Siberian coast and the Chukchi Sea (Pavlov et al., 1996; Munchow
Wrangel Island. Although the New Siberian et al., 1998), where it turns north-northeast to join
Islands’ relationship to the Chukotka terrain is the cross shelf flow (Coachman and Shigaev,
unresolved, these islands are likewise composed of 1992).
sedimentary rock with a lithology similar to that of Ice covers much of the shelf from roughly
the Chukotka terrain. Alaska also supplies sedi- September to May (Barnett, 1991; Pavlov et al.,
ment to the Siberian shelf since it borders the 1996). Fast ice grows to a width of 10–15 km in the
Chukchi Sea and contiguous Bering Sea, which is a Chukchi Sea, 250–500 km in the East Siberian Sea
potential source of water and sediment for parts of and 500 km in the Laptev Sea (Barnett, 1991).
the study area (Fig. 1a). Geologic provinces in Seaward of the fast ice, drifting sea ice forms and

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1179

typically moves onshore in the Chukchi and East son (1985). Organic material was removed by
Siberian Seas, making these seas ice bound. In treating the samples with H2O2 (Mammone, 1998).
the Laptev Sea, this drifting ice moves offshore Two size fractions (o2 and 2–20 mm) were
creating a polynya in which new ice continuously separated by centrifugation, Mg-saturated, and
forms and is advected basinward. Conditions smeared on slides to prepare oriented grain
in the polynya, i.e. open, shallow and sometimes mounts. Clay mineral measurements were made
turbulent water, are primed for fine-grained with a Scintag DMC-105 X-ray Diffractometer
bottom sediments to be resuspended, entrained (XRD) using CuKa radiation. Peak areas were
by sea ice and exported from the shelf (Pfirman estimated from glycolated XRD traces using the
et al., 1990; Dethleff et al., 1993; Nurnberg 17 A( smectite, 10 A( illite, 7 A
( chlorite plus kaolinite
et al., 1994; Reimnitz et al., 1994; Eicken et al., peaks. We partitioned the 7 A ( peak between
1997). This entrainment process, known as chlorite and kaolinite based on the relative
suspension freezing, is argued to be an im- intensity of the 3.54 A ( chlorite and 3.58 A ( kaolinite
portant sediment entrainment mechanism on the peaks (Biscaye, 1964). Semi-quantitative estimates
shelf. Sediment entrained by this mechanism of clay mineral percentages were calculated follow-
appears to be relatively fine grained compared ing Biscaye (1965). This calculation was made only
with bottom sediment from its region of origin, for the o2 mm size fraction as specified by
suggesting this process preferentially removes Biscaye’s method, which assumes that clay miner-
fines from areas of active suspension freezing als constitute 100% of the sample, an assumption
(Nurnberg et al., 1994). that is generally reasonable for the o2 mm size
Major element (Si, Al, K, Mg) concentrations in
3. Methods the sediment samples were measured on a Perkin-
Elmer 5000 Atomic Absorption Spectrophot-
3.1. Sediment sample clay mineral and chemical ometer (AAS), and minor element (Sr, La, Ce,
analyses Nd) concentrations on a Fisons VG Plasma Quad
2+ Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectro-
In this study, we sampled 81 sediment cores meter (ICP-MS). Prior to analysis, the samples
collected on the Siberian shelf by the US Coast were dissolved in nitric and hydrofluoric acids
Guard research vessels Northwind and Burton (method modified from that of Robbins et al.,
Island between 1962 and 1964 (Fig. 1b). Samples 1984) and neutralized with boric acid. ICP-MS
were taken from within the top B0–5 cm of the samples were diluted 40 times with 1% double
cores. This interval represents sedimentation dur- distilled nitric acid containing Be, In, Bi and, for
ing roughly the past decade to several centuries 25 of the 81 samples, Re internal standards. We
given observed sedimentation rates (Kulikov et al., diluted splits of the samples analyzed by the AAS
1970; Huh et al., 1997; Johnson-Pyrtle, 1999; 1–20 times and added cesium chloride to control
Bauch et al., 2001; Stein and Fahl, 2000). To ionization effects. For both ICP-MS and AAS
avoid contamination from the core liner, each analyses, elemental concentrations were deter-
sample’s outer edge was trimmed off and dis- mined by calibrating the instrument response to
carded. To avoid cross contamination between prepared standard solutions.
samples, sampling equipment was rinsed with To assess the accuracy of our elemental data we
ethanol and distilled water and dried subsequent analyzed four rock and sediment reference stan-
to sampling each core. After being dried overnight dards and compared the results with accepted
in a 60 C oven and gently disaggregated, two splits compositions for these materials. These standards
were taken from each sample, one for clay mineral included a North Pacific sediment that has been
and a second for chemical analysis. analyzed in house numerous times and the US
Sample preparation for clay mineral analysis Geological Survey rocks AGV-1 (andesite), BCR-
followed the technique of Glasmann and Simon- 3 (basalt) and MRG-1 (gabbro). Sediment samples

1180 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

were analyzed in sets of B20 and the standards concentrations are generally low, p1 wt% (Naug-
accompanied each run. Each time a standard was ler, 1967; Logvinenko and Ogorodnikov, 1983;
analyzed the accuracy of a particular element was Nolting et al., 1996; Mammone, 1998). Sedi-
estimated as mentary concentrations of organic material,
which may contain Al, K and Mg (Martin
½elementaccepted for standard
accuracyelement ¼ and Knauer, 1973) and REEs (Turekian and
½elementaccepted for standard Wedephol, 1961), are similarly low enough
½elementmeasured in standard (Mammone, 1998) that the distributions of these
  100: elements are controlled by spatial variability in the
½elementaccepted for standard
lithogenic fraction.
Major and minor element concentrations are
accurate to within 76% and 714%, respectively. 3.2. Geochemical data analysis
To determine the precision of our sample
digestion and analytical techniques splits of several The geochemical data were evaluated using
samples were analyzed. For each sample we a combination of scatter plots (Bostrom . et al.,
calculated the precision with which we are able 1973; Heath and Dymond, 1977) and Q-mode
to measure an element as factor analysis (Klovan and Imbrie, 1971; Klovan
precisionelement and Miesch, 1976). The factor analysis did
standard deviation ½element not include the clay mineral data, as these data
¼  100: are semi-quantitative estimates and represent
average ½element
compositional trends in the o2 mm size fraction
Major element analyses are precise to within only. Q-mode factor analysis describes a
73%, and minor element analyses to within multivariate data set in terms of a few endmember
79%. samples, or factors, that account for most of
Throughout the study area, the amount of the variability in the data set. Given an n by m
biogenic material (opal, CaCO3 and organic data matrix Xnm ; where n is the number of
carbon) in shelf surface sediments varies from 1.4 samples and m is the number of variables, the
to 16.4 wt% (Mammone, 1998). To correct for technique first transforms Xnm into a row
dilution of terrigenous material by biogenic matter normalized matrix Unm ; in which the row sum
we present the elemental data on an organic-free of squares is equal to one. Factor analysis then
basis where uses matrix algebra to solve for matrices that
½elementorganic ¼ ½elementmeasured  ð100=ð100 satisfy the equation
% biogenic opal  % CaCO3 Unm ¼ Bnf Ff m þ Enm ;
 ð2:5  % organic carbonÞÞÞ:
where Bnf is the factor loading matrix, Ff m is the
Organic carbon contents are multiplied by 2.5 to factor score matrix, Enm is the error matrix and f
estimate organic matter concentrations. Biogenic is the number of factors. The factor score matrix
opal, CaCO3 and organic carbon data for the defines factor compositions, describing the impor-
samples were provided by Mammone (1998), and tance of each original variable in every factor. The
are reported elsewhere. Prior to making this factor loading matrix indicates the contribution
correction, we calculated lithogenic Si concentra- each factor makes to every sample, and can be
tions by subtracting biogenic Si from total Si used to map factor distributions. These matrices
concentrations. Like Si, Sr may be present in must meet the conditions that the factor composi-
biogenic material (CaCO3) in significant amounts tions described by the F matrix are orthogonal and
(Chester, 1990). However, it was not necessary to the sample representations described by the B
correct total Sr concentrations for the presence of matrix preserve the original relationships between
biogenic Sr since on the Siberian shelf CaCO3 samples.

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1181

4. Results see Appendix A for clay mineral percentages at

individual sample locations). Illite is generally the
4.1. Clay mineralogy most abundant clay mineral in shelf sediments
(Laptev Sea-eastward increase from 35% to 63%;
We find that the clay minerals exhibit distinct East Siberian Sea—mean 62%, SD 2%; Chukchi
trends in Siberian shelf surface sediments (Fig. 2; Sea—mean 51%, SD 4%). Chlorite is also fairly

° (a) Illite %

Laptev 67
70 Sea New
Siberian Ils.
E. Siberian Sea Chukchi Sea
Wrangel I.
Lena R.




Yana R.

Indigirka R. 45
0° 0°
Kolyma R. -17
° °
140° 170°
150° 160°

° (b) Chlorite %

Laptev 28
70 Sea New
Siberian Ils. 25
E. Siberian Sea Chukchi Sea
Wrangel I. 23
Lena R. 21




Yana R.

Indigirka R.
0° 0°
Kolyma R. -17 16
° °
180 14
140° 170°
150° 160°

° (c) Smectite %
Khatanga R.
Laptev 39
70 Sea New
Siberian Ils.
E. Siberian Sea Chukchi Sea
Wrangel I. 28
Lena R. 23




Yana R.

Indigirka R.
0° 0°
Kolyma R. -17 11

° 1 6
140° 170°
150° 160°

Fig. 2. Siberian-shelf surface-sediment clay mineralogy for the o2 mm size fraction: (a) illite %, (b) chlorite % and (c) smectite %.
Kaolinite is not shown since its concentrations exhibit the least spatial variability.

1182 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

common (Laptev Sea-eastward increase from 14% are required to characterize Sr’s distribution (all
to 25%; both East Siberian and Chukchi Seas— but the Chukchi Sea endmember). This analysis
mean 23%, SD 2%). Smectite exhibits the steepest emphasizes the importance of using multi-element
concentration gradients, with maximum concen- data to distinguish shelf sediment compositional
trations in the western Laptev Sea and elevated trends.
values in the Chukchi Sea (Laptev Sea-eastward Factor analysis provides an additional means of
decrease from 39% to 7%; East Siberian Sea— simplifying the geochemical data (Klovan and
mean 9%, SD 2%; Chukchi Sea—mean 20%, SD Imbrie, 1971; Klovan and Miesch, 1976). With this
4%). Kaolinite concentrations are low throughout analysis, we find that we can describe 99.8% of the
shelf surface sediments (mean 7%, SD 2%). We variability in the multi-element data set with four
compare our clay mineral results with those of factors. The first three factors account for roughly
previous publications investigating shelf clay 31%, 36% and 32% of the data, respectively.
mineral distributions in Section 5. While the fourth factor is much less important,
explaining approximately 1% of the data, it is
4.2. Multi-element chemistry geologically reasonable to include this factor, as
seen in Section 5. Fig. 5 shows scores, or
Elemental concentrations (Si, Al, K, Mg, Sr, La, compositions, for the four factors; Fig. 6 illustrates
Ce, Nd) also exhibit significant spatial variability their loadings, or distributions.
in Siberian shelf surface sediments (see Appendix There are very few published shelf-sediment
B for elemental concentrations at individual geochemical data with which to compare our
sample locations). To simplify interpretation of results. Nolting et al. (1996) characterized the
our multivariate chemical data set, we look for multi-element chemistry (Si, Al, Mg) of Laptev Sea
regional variability in sediment composition using bulk surface-sediment samples, and mean total
scatter plots of single and multiple element ratios elemental concentrations reported by these
as suggested elsewhere (Bostrom . et al., 1973; authors (not presented on an organic-free basis)
Heath and Dymond, 1977). In this type of plot, are within 13% of comparable means calculated
if the data points form a linear array, the with our own data. Schoster et al. (2000) report
endpoints of the array define unique compositions, mean K/Al ratios for the eastern Laptev (0.33) and
while points along the array can be explained as western Laptev (0.31) that are similar to our
various mixtures of the two endmember composi- estimated mean for the entire Laptev (0.32).
tions. Plotting the major element data as Si/Al vs.
Mg/K (Fig. 3a) we find that Siberian shelf surface
sediments have at least four endmember composi- 5. Discussion
tions. These are found in the (1) eastern Laptev
and East Siberian Seas, (2) Chukchi Sea, (3) 5.1. Clay mineralogy: evidence for sediment source
Wrangel Island region, and (4) western Laptev and transport
Sea and New Siberian Island region. Consistent
with the major element data, in plots of the minor In polar regions, where physical weathering
element data these regions again exhibit end- dominates, sedimentary clay mineral assemblages
member compositions (Figs. 4a and 4b). Since reflect source rock compositions and can be used
sedimentary REE (La, Ce, Nd) concentrations are to identify inputs from specific geologic terrains
positively correlated (La vs. Ce, R2 ¼ 0:88; La vs. and transport pathways of sediments. Numerous
Nd, R2 ¼ 0:89; Ce vs. Nd, R2 ¼ 0:92), we present investigations show that this is true for modern
only the Ce data here. Note that only three of sediments in the Arctic Ocean. Here we present
the four endmembers evident in the major new clay mineral data and compare our results
element data are needed to describe Ce’s distri- with those of Silverberg (1972), Naidu et al. (1982,
bution (all but the western Laptev/New Siberian .
1995), Nurnberg et al. (1994), Rossak et al. (1999),
Island region endmember). A different three Wahsner et al. (1999), and Dethleff et al. (2000).

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1183

0.9 Chukchi Sea



E. Laptev Sea

0.5 & E. Siberian Sea

0.4 Wrangel I. Region


W. Laptev Sea
0.1 & New Siberian I. Region

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(a) Si/Al

1 Basalt (ref. 2)


Sandstone (ref. 1)
0.6 Sandstone (ref. 3)

Shale (from top
down, refs. 1, 5, 2)


Sandstone (ref. 4)

0 3 6 9 12 15

(b) Si/Al

Fig. 3. Siberian-shelf surface-sediment major element data plotted as Si/Al vs. Mg/K (Chukchi Sea, filled circles; East Siberian Sea,
open circles; Laptev Sea, crosses; Wrangel Isl. region, triangles; New Siberian Isl. region, squares). (a) Four extreme, or endmember,
compositions are evident in shelf sediments. Samples within the data set are selected as proxies for these endmembers (apices of
enclosed field). Mixing of the endmember proxies produces compositions encompassed by the enclosed field. (b) To help determine the
origin of these sedimentary endmember compositions we compare them with the chemistry of potential sediment source rocks (stars)
and find they may represent lithogenic material eroded from basalt, shale and two different types of sandstone (ref. 1, Turekian and
Wedephol, 1961; ref. 2, -Taylor and McLennan, 1985; ref 3, American Geological Institute (AGI), 1989; ref 4, Cullers, 1995; ref 5,
Gromet et al., 1984).

Methodological differences exist between several The clay minerals illite and chlorite are generally
of these studies and undoubtedly create some abundant at high latitudes, supplied by physical
scatter in the data. We find that our data agree weathering of metasedimentary and plutonic rocks
with previous results within the B20% accuracy (Chamley, 1989). These rock types are prevalent in
typical for clay mineral results based on different Siberia and Alaska (Parfenov, 1992; Stone et al.,
analytical techniques (Pfirman et al., 1997). The 1992; Bogdanov and Tilman, 1993; Fujita et al.,
trends evident in our data, as presented in the 1997). Consistent with these conditions, o2 mm
results and discussed below, are quite similar to bottom sediments of rivers discharging into the
those previously described. East Siberian and Chukchi Seas are >59% illite

1184 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200


E. Laptev Sea &
90 E. Siberian Sea

80 Shale ref. 2

Ce ppm

Sandstone ref. 4

Basalt ref. 1
Chukchi Sea
40 Sandstone-mature
Wrangel I. Region

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(a) Si/Al

300 Sandstone-immature
W. Laptev Sea &
New Siberian I. Region

200 Shale ref. 2

Sr ppm

150 Shale
E. Laptev Sea & Sandstone-mature
E. Siberian Sea Sandstone ref. 4
Wrangel I. Region


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(b) Si/Al

Fig. 4. Siberian-shelf surface-sediment Si/Al ratios vs. (a) Ce concentrations and (b) Sr concentrations (Chukchi Sea, filled circles; East
Siberian Sea, open circles; Laptev Sea, crosses; Wrangel Isl. region, triangles; New Siberian Isl. region, squares). The chemistries of
potential source rocks (stars, refs. as in Fig. 3) are included for comparison with the sedimentary data. Ce distributions indicate the
presence of three sedimentary endmember compositions, which may represent lithogenic material derived from shale, basalt and
mature sandstone sources. Sr distributions indicate the presence of three sedimentary endmember compositions, which may represent
lithogenic material derived from shale and two types of sandstone sources. Samples selected from within the data set to represent the
endmember compositions (apices of the enclosed field) are identical to those in Fig. 3. Mixing the endmember proxies produces
compositions encompassed by the enclosed field.

and >21% chlorite (Naidu et al., 1982). Our data, and chlorite on average account for more
as well as that of previous studies (Silverberg, than 50% and 20% of the o2 mm size fraction,
1972; Rossak et al., 1999; Wahsner et al., 1999), respectively (Fig. 2). The distribution of
indicate that illite is abundant and chlorite is these minerals is fairly uniform, with a low evident
fairly common in shelf surface sediments. Illite in western Laptev sediments where there are

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1185

Fig. 5. Factor scores, or compositions, for the four factors identified by Q-Mode factor analysis of Siberian-shelf surface-sediment
geochemical data.

significant inputs of terrigenous material from study; Rossak et al., 1999; Wahsner et al., 1999).
basaltic rocks (this study; Rossak et al., 1999; The source of this kaolinite is erosion of kaolinite-
Wahsner et al., 1999). bearing detrital rocks of the Siberian platform
Kaolinite develops under hot humid conditions (Rossak et al., 1999).
and is abundant in the tropics (Chamley, 1989), Smectite is a good indicator of sediment derived
though it is found in polar sedimentary deposits from volcanic sources (Chamley, 1989). Its strong
that formed under a warmer/wetter climate in the concentration gradients in Siberian shelf sediments
geologic past. A classic example of the this are well documented (this study; Silverberg, 1972;
situation are the ancient kaolinite-bearing paleo- Rossak et al., 1999; Wahsner et al., 1999; Schoster
sols and shales of northern Alaska and Canada, et al., 2000). Smectite concentrations are greatest
which supply kaolinite rich sediments to the (X33%) in the western Laptev Sea, where they
Beaufort shelf and Canada Basin (Fig. 1a) (Naidu exceed values in the eastern Laptev and East
et al., 1971; Darby, 1975). Siberian soils, in Siberian Seas by up to a factor of five (Fig. 2). The
contrast, contain very little kaolinite (Darby, source of this smectite is the extensive flood basalts
1975), and clays discharged by the Indigirka and blanketing much of the Siberian platform (Fig. 1b)
Kolyma Rivers into the East Siberian Sea are (Rossak et al., 1999; Wahsner et al., 1999; Schoster
o10% kaolinite (Naidu et al., 1982). Siberian et al., 2000). These flood basalts outcrop exten-
shelf surface sediments have low kaolinite con- sively in the Khatanga River basin, and the
centrations, with slightly elevated values in the Khatanga River appears to be a main conduit
western Laptev Sea compared with other parts of for delivering smectite to the shelf. Khatanga
the shelf (maximum values 11%, this study) (this River suspended particulate material has been

1186 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

75 Factor 1 - Shale Factor 2 - Sandstone


Laptev Laptev
˚ Sea New Sea New
Siberian Ils. Siberian Ils.
E. Siberian Sea E. Siberian Sea
Chukchi Sea Chukchi Sea
65 Wrangel I. Wrangel I.
Lena R. Lena R.





Yana R. Yana R.



Indigirka R. Indigirka R.
12 0˚
0˚ Kolyma R. Kolyma R.

130 ˚
˚ 180
140˚ 170˚
150˚ 160˚

0.37 0.43 0.48 0.53 0.59 0.66 0.70 0.46 0.51 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75

Factor 4 - Mature &

Factor 3 - Basalt Immature Sandstone

Laptev Laptev
Sea New Sea New
Siberian Ils. Siberian Ils.
E. Siberian Sea E. Siberian Sea
Chukchi Sea Chukchi Sea
Wrangel I. Wrangel I.

Lena R. Lena R.


Yana R. Yana R.


Indigirka R. Indigirka R.
Kolyma R. Kolyma R.

0.43 0.48 0.53 0.57 0.62 0.66 0.71 -0.12 -0.08 -0.03 0.01 0.05 0.09 0.13

Fig. 6. Factor loadings, or abundances, for the four factors identified by Q-Mode factor analysis of Siberian-shelf surface-sediment
geochemical data. High positive loadings indicate elements with high positive scores (see Fig. 5) are abundant. Negative loadings
indicate a depletion of elements with high positive scores and abundance of elements with negative scores. Black lines show the location
for the Lena and Yana Rivers submarine channels. The Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers’ lack clearly defined channels.

observed to contain 83% smectite (o6 mm size erosion of Chukotka Peninsula highlands, com-
fraction) (Dethleff et al., 2000). Smectite concen- prised largely of the Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic
trations over 60% have been documented near the belt (Fig. 1b) (Parfenov, 1992; Bogdanov and
mouth of the Khatanga River (Wahsner et al., Tilman, 1993), may supply smectite directly to the
1999), and are seen to decrease with increasing Chukchi Sea via runoff. Naidu et al. (1982) cite a
distance from the rivermouth (this study; Silver- coastward decrease in smectite concentrations as
berg, 1972; Rossak et al., 1999; Wahsner et al., evidence against a local supply. However, smectite
1999; Schoster et al., 2000). is typically found primarily in the o2 mm size
Chukchi sediments also contain significant fraction (R. Glasmann, pers. comm.) In energetic
amounts of smectite, up to 28% (Fig. 2). Based environments smectite concentrations may in-
on regional trends in geology, ocean currents, and crease offshore from smectite sources due to
sedimentary smectite distributions, Naidu et al. differential sorting, or the preferential accumula-
(1982, 1995) and Naidu and Mowatt (1983) tion of fines in quieter offshore waters (Chamley,
concluded that Chukchi smectite is derived from 1989). Siberian shelf grain size data (Mammone,
Siberian and Alaskan volcanic rocks, discharged 1998) indicate fine-fraction percentages increase
to the Bering Sea and transported northward offshore in the Chukchi Sea, suggesting differen-
through the Bering Strait into the Chukchi Sea tial sorting may control smectite’s distribution
(Fig. 1a). We suggest that in addition physical here.

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1187

Knowledge of shelf clay mineral distributions To help determine the origin of these end-
can be used to determine sediment sources and member compositions, we compare them with the
transport pathways on regional and basinwide chemistry of potential sediment source rocks.
scales (Darby, 1975; Naidu et al., 1982; Nurnberg Since there are few direct measurements of
et al., 1994; Stein et al., 1994; Pfirman et al., 1997; Siberian rock chemistry, we use published data
Rossak et al., 1999; Wahsner et al., 1999; Dethleff for the average compositions of rock types
et al., 2000) and to characterize Arctic paleoenvir- prevalent in Siberia: basalt, relatively coarse-
onments (Muller and Stein, 2000). For example, in grained sedimentary rock, and shale. Fig. 3b
the Laptev Sea the relatively high smectite content includes several composites of each rock type to
of Khatanga River suspended particulate material illustrate that even given the chemical variability
has been used to track dispersal of Khatanga River exhibited by a single rock type their major element
sediments offshore and eastward (Rossak et al., chemistry is easily distinguishable. Basalt has the
1999). On the basis of smectite’s prevalence in highest Mg/K ratio; coarse-grained sedimentary
Laptev and Kara Sea sediments, these regions rock, or sandstone, has the greatest Si/Al ratio;
have been identified as important sources of and shale characteristically has both low Si/Al and
central Arctic ice-rafted debris (Nurnberg et al., Mg/K ratios. Comparing the major and minor
1994; Pfirman et al., 1997; Dethleff et al., 2000). In element chemistry of the sedimentary endmembers
contrast, smectite’s absence in central Arctic sur- with that of these rock types (Figs. 3 and 4), we
face sediments suggests supply by sea ice makes a find that Chukchi sediments have elevated Mg/K
minor contribution to modern sediments in the ratios and low Ce concentrations consistent with
Arctic basin (Stein et al., 1994; Wahsner et al., inputs from a basalt bearing source. Low Si/Al
1999). As will be seen below, even greater and Mg/K ratios and high Ce concentrations
differentiation of Siberian shelf sediment types is suggest a shale source for eastern Laptev sedi-
possible on the basis of a combination of clay ments. Both the endmember evident by Wrangel
mineral and geochemical data. Island and that by the New Siberian Islands have
elevated Si/Al ratios, consistent with sandstone
5.2. Geochemical endmember compositions: sources. There are differences between these two
implications for sediment provenance and grain size endmembers. Sediments near Wrangel Island are
sorting relatively Si rich and Al, K, Ce and Sr poor
compared with those near the New Siberian
The geochemical data indicate there are four Islands. This result implies that in contrast to
endmember compositions in Siberian shelf surface New Siberian Island region sediments, those near
sediments. To test whether mixtures of these four Wrangel Island region have a more mature
endmember compositions can adequately describe sandstone source, characterized by a greater
the variability evident in sediment chemistry, abundance of stable minerals (such as quartz)
samples from within the data set were selected as and fewer weatherable mobile materials (such as
representative of the endmembers (Figs. 3a, 4a and aluminosilicates and oxides).
4b). We based our choices on a review of a number The similarity of the four endmembers evident
of elemental scatter plots, in which we found these in Siberian shelf surface sediments to shale, basalt,
samples to consistently have the most extreme or mature sandstone and immature sandstone implies
close to the most extreme compositions. Mixing that the endmembers are likely derived from these
the samples selected as proxies for the endmembers four rock types and provenance may be the
produces the compositions encompassed by the primary control on spatial trends in shelf sediment
enclosed fields (Figs. 3a and 4). All our samples lie chemistry. As sediments rich in the various end-
within or close to these fields, indicating the members are transported throughout the shelf and
four endmember model accounts fairly well for mixed they could form samples whose chemistry
the observed range of Siberian shelf sediment can be modeled as combinations of the four
chemistry. endmember compositions. However, transport

1188 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

processes sort sediment by grain size and may explain variations in shelf sediment chemistry.
influence sediment composition, since different Unlike some other mathematical tools that look at
grain sizes can represent different mineralogies. relationships between samples, factor analysis also
Thus, an alternate explanation for the endmember allows us to create detailed maps of factor
compositions is that they represent materials distributions in shelf sediments and thereby facili-
derived from various sediment sources whose tates determining controls on endmember forma-
compositions have been modified by grain size tion. The factor analysis indicates that four factors
sorting subsequent to discharge on the shelf. Shelf- are needed to account for most of the variability in
sediment grain size data from Mammone (1998) the elemental data. The factors are by definition
(Fig. 7), who worked with splits of many of our orthogonal, or perpendicular. To determine if
samples, support this idea. Samples representing these four factors correspond to the four end-
the two endmembers apparently derived from members identified in the scatter plots, we
sandstone sources are coarse grained, with mean compare factor compositions (scores, Fig. 5) and
Fo5, and those representing the shale and basalt distributions (loadings, Fig. 6) with the character-
endmembers are fine grained, with mean F>6.5. istics of the scatter plot endmembers (Figs. 3 and
So, while erosion of sandstone source rocks may 4). Factor 1 appears to correspond to the shale
have produced the coarse-textured Si-rich sand- endmember, as both are most prominent in the
stone endmembers, for example, these endmem- eastern Laptev Sea and characterized by the
bers could also reflect removal of fine particles by highest Al, K and REE scores/concentrations in
grain size sorting. shelf sediments. Factor 3 is equivalent to the basalt
In order to clarify the roles of provenance and endmember, both of which predominate in the
grain size sorting in controlling endmember for- Chukchi Sea and have the highest observed Mg
mation, we consider the factor analysis results. score/concentration. The two sandstone endmem-
Factor analysis is a powerful tool in this case. By bers (immature and mature) are represented
defining endmember samples (factors) that ac- primarily by factor 2, which has relatively high Si
count for most of the variability in the geochem- and low Al, K, Mg and REE scores and is
ical data, factor analysis enables us to test our abundant in the western Laptev, New Siberian
interpretation of the scatter plots, specifically that Island and Wrangel Island regions. Factor 4
four endmember compositions are needed to differentiates the chemistry of sediments in these

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mean Φ (without >14 phi)

Sandstone-immature Sandstone-mature

8 Shale

Fig. 7. Siberian-shelf surface-sediment Si/Al ratios plotted vs. grain size data expressed as mean F: Labeled samples are those selected
from within the data set to represent the four endmembers evident in the sedimentary geochemical data. The shale and basalt
endmembers are fine grained, with mean F>6.5. The two end-members apparently derived from sandstone sources are relatively
coarse grained, with mean F>5. Grain size data from Mammone (1998).

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1189

regions into two separate endmembers. In the superterrain (Fig. 1b) (Parfenov, 1992; Stone
scatter plots, the two sandstone endmembers are et al., 1992; Bogdanov and Tilman, 1993; Fujita
distinguished mainly by the fact that the immature et al., 1997). Additionally, available data char-
sandstone endmember contains 94% more Sr than acterizing the chemistry of the Lena River’s
the mature sandstone endmember, while the latter suspended sediment load indicates that it is similar
has 12% more Si than the former. Factor 4 has to that of shale (Rachold, 1999). Lena River
high positive Sr and negative Si scores. Positive suspended particulate material typically has a Mg/
factor loadings indicate elements with positive Al ratio of 0.16–0.19 (Nolting et al., 1996; Gordeev
scores are abundant and those with negative scores and Shevchenko, 1995; Rachold, 1995), and its
are depleted, while negative loadings indicate the average K/Al ratio is estimated as B0.30 (Rac-
opposite is true. Thus, factor 4’s relatively high hold, 1995) to 0.35 (Gordeev and Shevchenko,
positive loading in the western Laptev and New 1995). The shale endmember likewise has Mg/Al
Siberian Island regions indicates sediments here and K/Al ratios of 0.1770.01 and 0.3070.03,
are comparatively enriched in Sr and depleted in respectively.
Si, consistent with the immature sandstone end- Factor 3, whose composition suggests a basalt
member’s composition and distribution. Sediments source, dominates in the Chukchi Sea (Fig. 6).
near Wrangel Island are negatively loaded with This result corroborates the clay mineral data,
factor 4 and are therefore comparatively Sr poor which indicated there are elevated concentrations
and Si rich, consistent with the mature sandstone of the volcanically derived clay mineral smectite in
endmember’s characteristics. Overall the factor Chukchi sediments (Fig. 2). As described in the
analysis confirms the presence of the four geo- previous section, potential sources of volcanic
chemical endmember compositions identified in material in this region include erosion of NE
scatter plots. Factors 1 and 3 correspond, respec- Siberia’s Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic belt and, as
tively, to the shale and basalt endmembers. A suggested by Naidu et al. (1982, 1995), influxes
combination of positive factor 2 and positive from the Bering Strait of lithogenic material
factor 4 loadings represent the immature sand- derived from volcanigenic terrains bordering the
stone endmember, while positive factor 2 and Bering Sea (Fig. 1a).
negative factor 4 loadings describe the mature The mature sandstone endmember is found near
sandstone endmember. Wrangel Island and along sections of the Chukchi
Comparing factor compositions and distribu- Sea’s Siberian coast (Fig. 6, modeled as a mixture
tions with geographic gradients in regional geol- of positive factor 2 and negative factor 4 loadings).
ogy, we find there is a clear correspondence Rocks in these regions are composed of Chukotka
between factor characteristics and geologic trends. terrain, which consists primarily of relatively
Factor 1, whose composition implies a shale coarse-grained sedimentary rock (Fig. 1b) (Fujita
provenance, is most prevalent offshore from the and Cook, 1990; Harbert et al., 1990; Parfenov,
Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers sug- 1992; Bogdanov and Tilman, 1993), and thus are a
gesting it is discharged by these rivers (Fig. 6). likely source of the mature sandstone endmember.
Factor 1 loadings increase with proximity to the The immature sandstone endmember is found in
mouth of the Yana River and to the Lena River the western Laptev Sea and New Siberian Island
delta’s eastern branches, which supply >84% of region (Fig. 6, represented by positive factor 2 and
the Lena’s total water outflow (Le! tolle et al., positive factor 4 loadings). Extensive sedimentary
1993). Adjacent to the Indigirka and Kolyma formations of similar lithology overly much of the
River mouths, factor 1 loadings increase offshore, Siberian platform and the New Siberian Islands
a feature that will be discussed in detail below. (Fig. 1b) (Parfenov, 1992) and erosion of these
Consistent with a riverine source for the shale formations probably produces the immature sand-
endmember, these rivers’ drainage basins encom- stone endmember.
pass extensive shale deposits found in the Ver- Although the chemistries of western Laptev and
khoyansk Mountains and Kolyma-Omolon New Siberian Island bulk sediments are generally

1190 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

similar, there are subtle differences in their The shale and basalt endmembers also reflect a
compositions. As discussed earlier, unlike New combination of provenance and grain size sorting.
Siberian Island region sediments, western Laptev Similarity of the shale endmember’s composition
sediments in the o2 mm size fraction are compara- to the geochemistry of Siberian rocks and river-
tively rich in smectite (Fig. 2). The presence of borne particles indicates it originates from Siber-
volcanic detritus in the western Laptev Sea ian shale deposits and discharges to the shelf via
indicates that, in addition to inputs from the the Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers.
sedimentary formations blanketing the Siberian Sediments rich in the shale endmember contain up
platform, Siberian platform flood basalts are a to 99% fines (Mammone, 1998). In the Laptev
sediment source for this region (Fig. 1b). Con- Sea, both shale endmember abundances and the
sistent with this observation, western Laptev bulk percentage of fines increase proximal the Lena and
sediments have somewhat elevated factor 3, or Yana River deltas (Fig. 6) (Mammone, 1998), as
basalt endmember, loadings (Fig. 6). expected given the endmember’s provenance. In
In addition to provenance, various sediment contrast, East Siberian Sea shale endmember and
transport processes (currents and ice rafting) affect clay concentrations are somewhat elevated adja-
endmember distribution, as discussed in detail in a cent to the Indigirka and Kolyma River mouths
companion paper (Viscosi-Shirley et al., 2003). but increase offshore. Shelf bathymetric data show
Here we focus on the role of such physical that submarine channels lie off of the Lena and
processes in controlling endmember formation Yana Rivers (Fig. 1b), whereas there is a broad
and spatial trends in sediment chemistry through shallow shoal immediately offshore from the
grain size sorting. Samples rich in the sandstone Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers with deeper water
endmembers are also coarse grained (Fig. 7). So seaward of the shoal. These observations suggest
while these endmembers most likely originate from that fine-grained shale-endmember rich sediment
the relatively coarse-grained sedimentary rocks discharged from the Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers
found on nearby landmasses, they may reflect preferentially accumulates offshore in deeper,
post-depositional reworking and removal of fines more quiescent water. In the Chukchi Sea, both
as well. The sandstone endmembers are most shale and basalt endmember distributions reflect
prevalent in the western Laptev Sea, New Siberian bathymetrically controlled grain size sorting. Like
Island region and south of Wrangel Island (Fig. 6). the shale endmember, the basalt endmember is
Wintertime ice cover in these areas is broken by quite fine grained (up to 96% clay and silt)
polynyas. A large persistent polynya is found in (Mammone, 1998). Abundances of both these
the Laptev Sea. South of Wrangel Island, a small endmembers in the Chukchi Sea generally increase
intermittent polynya is produced by strong north- offshore as water depths increase and peak in
erly winds (Barnett, 1991). These polynyas allow the western Chukchi’s Hope Sea Valley (Figs. 6
greater opportunity for waves and currents to and 1b).
resuspend and remove fine particles. The Laptev
polynya also provides ideal conditions for the 5.3. Independent evidence of Siberian-shelf modern
formation of turbid sea ice and its export from the sedimentary processes
shelf. The western Laptev is known to be an
important source of ice-rafted debris for the Mainly on the basis of geochemical data with
central Arctic (Nurnberg et al., 1994) and in the supplemental information from clay mineral ana-
eastern Laptev ice-rafted debris export is highest lyses, we have defined five compositional regimes
adjacent to the New Siberian Islands (Dethleff, in shelf sediments whose presence reflects a
1995). Since sea ice appears to preferentially combination of provenance and grain size sorting.
entrain fine sediment (Nurnberg et al., 1994), These include: (1) shale-endmember rich eastern
sediment ice rafting may further contribute to the Laptev and East Siberian sediments; (2) smectite
coarse character of bottom sediments in these and basalt-endmember bearing Chukchi sedi-
regions. ments; (3) mature sandstone endmember rich

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1191

sediments found near Wrangel Island; (4) western endmember sediment type. Bischof and Darby
Laptev; and (5) New Siberian Island region (1997) are also able to distinguish sediments off the
sediments, both dominated by the immature Indigirka River as compositionally distinct. Some
sandstone endmember, yet distinguished by the of our samples from this region lie just outside the
former’s comparatively high smectite content and mixing field described by the geochemical end-
basalt endmember loadings (Figs. 2 and 6). We members (Figs. 3 and 4), suggesting their composi-
compared our clay mineral results with those of tion may reflect subtle but unique features of
previous publications above. In addition, there are source rocks within the Indigirka River drainage
extant studies of shelf sedimentation based pri- basin.
marily on heavy mineral and petrographic data
(Silverberg, 1972; Naugler et al., 1974; Stein and
Korolev, 1994; Bischof and Darby, 1997; Behrends 6. Conclusions and implications
et al., 1999; Schoster et al., 2000). Our geochemical
and clay mineral results are consistent with the Investigating the compositional trends in Arctic-
findings of these investigations. In the Laptev Sea, shelf surface sediments and the processes control-
our observation that the chemistry/provenance of ling these trends is critical to addressing a number
western sediments (basalt endmember/Siberian of important research questions. Comparisons
platform basalt) differs from that of eastern between the make up of shelf sediments and ice-
sediments (shale endmember/Lena and Yana rafted debris reveal the production locations and
Rivers) is consistent with trends in (1) heavy drift patterns of turbid Arctic sea ice (Pfirman
mineral data (Silverberg, 1972; Naugler et al., .
et al., 1990; Nurnberg et al., 1994; Reimnitz et al.,
1974; Stein and Korolev, 1994; Behrends et al., 1994; Eicken et al., 1997; Dethleff et al., 2000).
1999; Schoster et al., 2000), (2) sediment petro- Compositional signatures unique to particular
graphy and Fe oxide composition (Bischof and parts of the shelf are useful in predicting the fate
Darby; 1997) and (3) a suite of geochemical data and transport pathways of particle-reactive con-
that, with the exception of K; differs from the one taminants (Macdonald and Bewers, 1996). Knowl-
considered here (Schoster et al., 2000). Sediments edge of modern sedimentology also provides a
south of the New Siberian Islands are rich in the necessary baseline for interpreting the record of
immature sandstone endmember due to inputs paleoenvironmental change recorded in Arctic
from sedimentary rocks and possible removal of sediment stratigraphy (Bischof and Darby, 1997;
fines by erosional processes. Heavy mineral data .
Muller and Stein, 2000).
similarly indicate sediments in this region have a While numerous works have described modern
unique signature that may reflect winnowing of clay and heavy mineral distributions in Siberian
sediments (Stein and Korolev, 1994). East Siberian Arctic-shelf sediments (Silverberg, 1972; Naugler
sediments originate from the Indigirka and Koly- .
et al., 1974; Naidu et al., 1982; Nurnberg et al.,
ma Rivers and are geochemically similar to eastern 1994; Bischof and Darby, 1997; Behrends et al.,
Laptev sediments, with distinct local inputs from 1999; Rossak et al., 1999; Wahsner et al., 1999),
the Wrangel Island region. This pattern is also much less is known of their multi-element chem-
evident in the heavy mineral data (Silverberg, istry (Schoster et al., 2000). In this study, we
1972; Naugler et al., 1974). The Kolyma River’s characterize the chemistry of Siberian shelf surface
drainage basin intersects with the Okhotsk-Chu- sediments, as well as providing new clay mineral
kotsk volcanic highlands and sediments offshore data for the region. We identify five regions with
from this river have somewhat elevated basalt distinct, endmember sedimentary compositions
endmember concentrations. In the absence of (Figs. 2 and 6). The formation of these end-
Chukchi samples, in which we observe peak basalt members is controlled by a combination of
endmember abundances, Silverberg (1972), Naug- sediment provenance and grain size sorting. (1)
ler et al. (1974), and Bischof and Darby (1997) The shale endmember (characterized by high
identify sediments off the Kolyma River as an concentrations of Al, K and REEs) is abundant

1192 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

in the eastern Laptev Sea off the Lena and Yana data allow differentiation of more sediment types
Rivers and in the East Siberian Sea off the than do the clay mineral data alone. While the clay
Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers. This endmember mineral signatures of western Laptev and East
is derived from the fine-grained sedimentary rocks Siberian sediments are unique, with the highest
of the Verkhoyansk mountains and Kolyma- smectite and illite concentrations on the Arctic
Omolon superterrain that lie within these rivers’ shelf (Rossak et al., 1999; Wahsner et al., 1999),
drainage basins. (2) Prevalent in Chukchi sedi- similar clay mineral assemblages are found in
ments, the basalt endmember (high Mg) is supplied sediments from the eastern Laptev, Chukchi, New
by erosion of NE Siberia’s Okhotsk-Chukotsk Siberian Island and Wrangel Island regions.
volcanic belt. Bering Strait inflow is also a source However, sediments from these areas can be
of volcanic material originating from volcanigenic distinguished on the basis of their chemical
terrains bordering the Bering Sea and advected composition. Thus, the observed sedimentary
northward into the Chukchi Sea (Fig. 1a) (Naidu geochemical endmembers provide new markers
et al., 1982, 1995). Concentrations of the volcani- of sediment provenance, which can be used to
cally derived clay mineral smectite are elevated in track sediment transport, ice-rafted debris disper-
Chukchi fine-fraction sediments, corroborating sal, or the movement of particle-reactive contami-
our conclusion that these sediments have a nants. In a companion paper (Viscosi-Shirley et al.,
volcanic origin. (3) The mature sandstone end- 2003), we use this information to estimate sedi-
member (high Si) is found proximal to Wrangel ment source strength on the Siberian Arctic shelf,
Island and sections of the Chukchi Sea’s Siberian determine the dominant sediment pathways/accu-
coast, and originates from the sedimentary Chu- mulation patterns, and examine the role of various
kotka terrain that comprises these landmasses. (4) sediment transport agents in controlling these
The immature sandstone endmember (high Sr) is dispersal patterns. In closing, we hope this study
concentrated in the New Siberian Island region, of Siberian-shelf surface-sediment compositional
reflecting inputs from the sedimentary rocks that trends and the factors regulating these trends will
constitute these islands. (5) This endmember is also facilitate new and ongoing investigations of the
abundant in the western Laptev Sea, where it is Arctic Ocean, illuminating this unique frontier and
derived from sedimentary deposits blanketing the its place in the world ocean.
Siberian platform that are compositionally similar
to those found on the New Siberian Islands.
However, western Laptev sediments can be dis-
tinguished from those in the New Siberian Island Acknowledgements
region by their comparatively elevated smectite
concentrations and the presence of the basalt Bobbi Conard, Chi Meredith and Andy Ungerer
endmember, which indicate the Siberian platform gave valuable input regarding sample analysis and
flood basalts are also a source of western Laptev data processing. Reed Glasmann provided advice
lithogenic material. In certain locations physical on XRD analysis and the use of his laboratory.
processes that sort sediment by grain size notice- Gary Klinkhammer answered numerous questions
ably influence sediment chemistry as well. Erosion about sediment chemistry. Ian Walsh supplied
of fines by currents and sediment ice rafting editorial and interpretive suggestions. Chris Guay
contributes to the formation of the coarse-grained provided a file that was modified to create Fig. 1a.
sandstone endmembers. Bathymetrically con- This work was funded by the Office of Naval
trolled grain size sorting, in which fines preferen- Research (grant N00014-9410982 and Augmenta-
tially accumulate offshore in deeper, less energetic tion Award for Science and Engineering Research
water, helps distribute the fine-grained shale and Training N00014-9311170 (N. Pisias)). Additional
basalt endmembers. support came from a College of Oceanic and
An important implication of these results is that Atmospheric Sciences Dean’s Scholarship and an
the combination of geochemical and clay mineral Oregon State University Supplemental Oregon

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1193

Table 1
Clay mineral percentages

Sample ID Latitude Longitude Illite (%)a Chlorite (%) Smectite (%) Kaolinite (%)

BI64-17 72.40 157.50 65 19 12 4

NW362-62 69.00 176.00 49 24 26 2
NW362-70 68.50 170.98 44 23 28 5
NW63-14 67.47 170.37 48 26 23 4
NW63-18 68.60 171.60 50 25 19 5
NW63-19 68.13 172.40 53 24 17 7
NW63-21 67.58 173.41 52 19 23 6
NW63-25 68.72 174.83 54 28 13 6
NW63-26 68.93 174.25 48 25 20 7
NW63-27 69.15 173.78 47 27 19 7
NW63-28 69.42 173.25 54 21 21 4
NW63-29 69.89 174.44 49 23 22 6
NW63-32 69.80 176.65 57 24 14 6
NW63-34 69.32 177.58 44 24 24 7
NW63-37 69.75 179.80 50 22 21 7
NW63-39 70.18 179.57 52 20 23 6
NW63-40 70.43 179.25 55 22 19 4
NW63-41 70.63 179.00 56 22 15 7
NW63-42 69.63 171.00 55 20 19 6
NW63-44 69.20 172.00 51 22 20 7
NW63-46 70.45 175.00 62 21 13 3
NW63-50 71.42 174.95 63 23 11 4
NW63-51 71.57 170.00 67 23 6 4
NW63-52 71.38 169.99 61 24 12 3
NW63-54 70.72 170.00 63 23 10 4
NW63-57 70.09 165.00 59 28 9 4
NW63-60 70.83 165.07 61 24 11 4
NW63-64 71.17 159.95 58 27 10 5
NW63-67 71.92 160.03 64 24 7 5
NW63-77 72.40 155.23 64 23 7 6
NW63-80 73.07 155.37 64 21 10 5
NW63-82 73.47 155.40 62 25 6 7
NW63-87 73.33 149.67 62 22 9 7
NW63-88 73.03 149.63 63 24 8 6
NW63-94 74.33 143.73 56 27 8 8
NW63-95 74.44 142.72 61 23 9 8
NW63-97 74.50 140.43 57 25 10 8
NW63-99 74.50 138.00 59 23 10 9
NW63-101 74.00 138.03 61 23 9 7
NW63-103 73.50 138.00 63 23 7 7
NW63-107 72.50 137.67 62 24 8 6
NW63-115 73.00 134.17 54 20 15 10
NW63-118 73.75 133.88 53 20 18 10
NW63-119 72.80 133.00 56 21 14 9
NW63-122 71.50 130.92 59 22 10 9
NW63-125 72.25 131.00 57 22 10 11
NW63-128 73.03 131.17 53 20 17 10
NW63-130 73.57 131.42 52 21 19 8
NW63-134 74.77 134.48 54 20 16 10
NW63-136 75.25 134.50 53 20 18 9
NW63-139 76.02 134.55 53 20 19 8
NW63-141 76.42 133.50 50 21 18 11
NW63-143 76.43 129.88 46 15 28 11

1194 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

Table 1 (continued)

Sample ID Latitude Longitude Illite (%)a Chlorite (%) Smectite (%) Kaolinite (%)

NW63-146 75.57 129.82 49 17 24 9

NW63-148 75.08 129.78 48 18 24 9
NW63-149 74.79 129.77 48 21 25 6
NW63-151 74.53 128.38 49 17 27 7
NW63-153 74.53 125.93 47 17 26 10
NW63-157 75.18 124.33 45 15 32 9
NW63-160 75.72 124.37 44 14 32 10
NW63-161 76.03 125.97 41 15 34 10
NW63-166 75.50 120.00 35 16 39 10
NW63-188 74.93 127.30 44 17 30 9
NW63-193 73.93 128.28 52 19 20 9
NW63-197 71.65 157.00 64 21 9 5
Percentages calculated based on Biscaye (1965).

Table 2
Siberian-shelf surface-sediment multi-element chemistry

Sample name Latitude Longitude Al K Mg Si Sr88 La139 Ce140 Nd146

(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

Part A: measured elemental concentrations in bulk sediment samples

BI64-10 74.62 160.00 8.4 2.7 1.2 28 148 30 87 30
BI64-11 74.35 160.00 8.6 2.7 1.2 28 150 28 66 26
BI64-17 72.40 157.50 7.2 2.0 0.7 33 189 30 69 29
BI64-31 70.63 167.50 7.2 2.0 0.8 31 183 27 59 28
BI64-34 70.05 165.00 7.9 2.1 0.9 30 172 29 66 27
BI64-38 71.27 170.00 7.6 2.4 1.2 28 162 25 59 26
BI64-48avg 70.92 175.00 6.7 2.0 1.0 31 157 26 59 25
BI64-52 71.12 177.50 5.4 1.6 0.8 34 133 23 53 21
BI64-53 70.77 177.50 4.4 1.4 0.5 36 137 20 47 19
BI64-55 70.00 177.50 6.7 2.3 0.9 32 172 29 64 29
BI64-59 70.78 163.50 6.8 2.1 0.7 33 181 29 69 29
NW362-62avg 69.00 176.00 6.5 1.9 1.3 29 146 23 44 20
NW362-70 68.50 170.98 6.2 1.6 1.2 32 192 23 45 21
NW362-72 68.48 169.02 6.1 1.5 1.3 31 192 22 45 23
NW362-77 68.02 169.03 5.9 1.6 1.1 31 193 22 44 19
NW362-78 68.03 170.00 5.6 1.5 1.1 31 203 21 41 18
NW362-79 68.03 171.00 6.0 1.6 1.2 29 187 22 44 20
NW362-80 68.03 172.07 6.0 1.7 1.2 29 175 21 42 18
NW63-14 67.47 170.37 5.9 1.6 1.1 31 182 21 42 19
NW63-18 68.60 171.60 6.3 1.5 1.2 30 169 23 45 21
NW63-19 68.13 172.40 6.2 1.7 1.4 30 177 22 45 21
NW63-21avg 67.58 173.41 5.7 2.2 0.6 34 166 24 46 20
NW63-25 68.72 174.83 6.5 1.9 1.4 28 158 23 43 20
NW63-26 68.93 174.25 6.4 1.9 1.5 28 162 22 44 20
NW63-27 69.15 173.78 6.4 1.8 1.5 28 158 22 44 20
NW63-28 69.42 173.25 6.4 1.8 1.4 30 174 23 46 21
NW63-29 69.89 174.44 6.4 1.8 1.4 29 165 22 42 20
NW63-32 69.80 176.65 6.5 1.9 1.3 29 160 22 44 21
NW63-34 69.32 177.58 4.3 1.6 0.6 37 133 19 40 16
NW63-37 69.75 179.98 6.0 2.1 0.8 31 163 26 50 22
NW63-39 70.18 179.57 5.1 1.6 0.7 35 148 22 44 20
NW63-40 70.43 179.25 5.1 1.5 0.8 35 148 21 48 21

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1195

Table 2 (continued)

Sample name Latitude Longitude Al K Mg Si Sr88 La139 Ce140 Nd146

(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

NW63-41 70.63 179.00 4.9 1.4 0.7 36 134 23 45 20

NW63-42 69.63 171.00 6.3 1.7 1.4 31 177 22 45 21
NW63-44 69.20 172.00 6.5 1.7 1.4 30 175 24 46 23
NW63-46 70.45 175.00 6.8 2.0 1.0 31 177 27 59 26
NW63-50 71.42 174.95 6.9 2.0 1.2 30 151 25 54 24
NW63-52 71.38 169.99 7.9 2.4 1.2 28 147 25 58 24
NW63-54 70.72 170.00 7.7 2.2 1.1 30 161 28 67 28
NW63-57 70.09 165.00 8.2 2.2 0.9 29 165 28 65 27
NW63-60 70.83 165.07 7.1 2.0 0.7 34 193 26 59 24
NW63-64 71.17 159.95 8.2 2.2 0.9 31 175 30 70 29
NW63-67 71.92 160.03 7.5 2.0 0.8 31 272 36 79 33
NW63-74 72.75 155.03 7.9 2.2 0.8 32 194 35 82 34
NW63-77 72.40 155.23 7.9 2.3 0.9 31 172 28 61 26
NW63-80 73.07 155.37 8.8 2.6 1.2 28 188 35 83 36
NW63-82 73.47 155.40 8.9 2.7 1.3 28 169 35 85 33
NW63-87 73.33 149.67 7.0 2.1 0.06 34 230 35 79 32
NW63-88 73.03 149.63 6.4 2.0 0.5 34 227 35 82 32
NW63-94 74.33 143.73 5.8 2.0 0.4 35 190 27 57 23
NW63-95 74.44 142.72 5.9 2.1 0.5 35 199 25 52 22
NW63-97 74.50 140.43 7.8 2.3 1.0 26 209 37 90 35
NW63-98 74.32 138.97 7.2 2.3 0.8 32 223 35 70 30
NW63-99 74.50 138.00 6.9 2.2 0.7 33 227 34 72 29
NW63-101 74.00 138.03 8.1 2.3 1.1 29 172 32 70 29
NW63-103 73.50 138.00 8.2 2.4 1.1 29 159 33 71 31
NW63-107 72.50 137.67 8.5 2.5 1.2 29 145 32 72 30
NW63-112 72.25 134.42 7.0 2.4 0.8 32 203 30 68 27
NW63-115 73.00 134.17 6.8 2.3 0.7 33 238 31 67 28
NW63-118 73.75 133.88 7.3 2.3 1.1 30 217 36 77 34
NW63-119 72.80 133.00 8.9 2.7 1.5 26 139 39 86 36
NW63-122 71.50 130.92 8.7 2.6 1.4 28 145 38 81 34
NW63-125 72.25 131.00 8.2 2.5 1.4 28 180 36 75 29
NW63-130 73.57 131.42 8.0 2.6 1.3 28 183 37 78 32
NW63-134 74.77 134.48 6.9 2.3 0.8 33 248 32 68 28
NW63-136 75.25 134.50 7.1 2.4 0.9 32 231 36 78 32
NW63-139 76.02 134.55 8.0 2.6 1.4 28 171 34 73 29
NW63-141 76.42 133.50 8.3 2.7 1.5 27 162 34 74 30
NW63-143 76.43 129.88 7.5 2.5 1.3 30 219 39 72 30
NW63-146 75.57 129.82 8.0 2.7 1.5 27 161 34 77 32
NW63-148 75.08 129.78 8.0 2.6 1.5 28 180 35 77 32
NW63-149 74.79 129.77 7.9 2.5 1.6 28 172 36 78 32
NW63-151 74.53 128.38 7.7 2.5 1.5 28 193 35 75 31
NW63-153 74.53 125.93 6.3 2.4 0.6 34 273 29 61 24
NW63-157 75.18 124.33 6.9 2.5 1.0 31 222 32 69 29
NW63-160 75.72 124.37 7.5 2.4 1.3 29 219 33 74 29
NW63-161 76.03 125.97 6.7 2.4 1.2 31 219 32 70 28
NW63-166 75.50 120.00 6.5 2.3 1.0 33 253 27 57 23
NW63-188 74.93 127.30 7.3 2.5 1.4 29 222 35 74 30
NW63-193 73.93 128.28 8.3 2.5 1.6 26 177 38 80 32
NW63-197 71.65 157.00 8.0 2.2 0.9 30 172 33 75 32

Part B: biogenic free elemental concentrationsa

BI64-10 74.62 160.00 8.8 2.8 1.3 28 155 32 92 31
BI64-11 74.35 160.00 9.0 2.8 1.3 29 157 29 69 27

1196 C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200

Table 2 (continued)

Sample name Latitude Longitude Al K Mg Si Sr88 La139 Ce140 Nd146

(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

BI64-17 72.40 157.50 7.4 2.1 0.7 33 195 31 71 30

BI64-31 70.63 167.50 7.6 2.2 0.8 32 194 29 63 29
BI64-34 70.05 165.00 8.3 2.2 0.9 30 180 30 69 29
BI64-38 71.27 170.00 8.5 2.7 1.4 28 182 29 67 29
BI64-48avg 70.92 175.00 7.5 2.3 1.2 31 178 30 66 29
BI64-52 71.12 177.50 6.2 1.7 0.8 35 144 25 57 23
BI64-53 70.77 177.50 4.7 1.5 0.6 37 146 21 49 20
BI64-55 70.00 177.50 7.4 2.5 1.0 32 191 33 72 32
BI64-59 70.78 163.50 7.0 2.1 0.7 34 187 29 71 30
NW362-62avg 69.00 176.00 8.1 2.3 1.7 29 182 28 55 25
NW362-70 68.50 170.98 7.1 1.8 1.4 33 219 26 51 24
NW362-72 68.48 169.02 6.7 1.7 1.4 32 213 25 50 25
NW362-77 68.02 169.03 6.8 1.8 1.3 32 222 25 50 22
NW362-78 68.03 170.00 6.3 1.7 1.2 32 227 23 46 20
NW362-79 68.03 171.00 7.0 1.9 1.4 30 218 26 51 23
NW362-80 68.03 172.07 7.1 2.0 1.5 29 208 25 50 22
NW63-14 67.47 170.37 6.7 1.8 1.3 31 208 24 48 22
NW63-18 68.60 171.60 7.3 1.8 1.4 30 197 26 52 24
NW63-19 68.13 172.40 7.3 2.0 1.6 31 208 26 52 24
NW63-21avg 67.58 173.41 6.0 2.3 0.7 34 175 25 48 21
NW63-25 68.72 174.83 7.7 2.3 1.7 28 189 28 52 24
NW63-26 68.93 174.25 7.6 2.2 1.8 28 194 26 53 24
NW63-27 69.15 173.78 7.6 2.1 1.7 28 187 26 52 23
NW63-28 69.42 173.25 7.4 2.1 1.6 31 201 27 53 24
NW63-29 69.89 174.44 7.5 2.1 1.7 30 194 26 50 23
NW63-32 69.80 176.65 7.8 2.2 1.6 29 191 27 53 25
NW63-34 69.32 177.58 4.6 1.8 0.6 38 145 21 43 18
NW63-37 69.75 179.98 6.6 2.3 0.9 31 180 28 55 24
NW63-39 70.18 179.57 5.4 1.7 0.8 35 160 24 47 22
NW63-40 70.43 179.25 5.6 1.6 0.9 35 162 22 53 22
NW63-41 70.63 179.00 5.1 1.5 0.7 36 141 24 47 21
NW63-42 69.63 171.00 7.1 1.9 1.5 31 198 25 51 24
NW63-44 69.20 172.00 7.5 2.0 1.6 30 202 27 53 26
NW63-46 70.45 175.00 7.6 2.3 1.2 31 197 31 66 28
NW63-50 71.42 174.95 7.9 2.4 1.4 30 174 29 63 28
NW63-52 71.38 169.99 8.1 2.4 1.3 28 151 26 59 25
NW63-54 70.72 170.00 8.3 2.4 1.1 30 173 30 72 30
NW63-57 70.09 165.00 8.6 2.3 1.0 30 173 29 68 28
NW63-60 70.83 165.07 7.3 2.1 0.7 34 198 27 60 24
NW63-64 71.17 159.95 8.5 2.3 0.9 31 181 32 73 30
NW63-67 71.92 160.03 7.8 2.1 0.8 32 283 37 82 35
NW63-74 72.75 155.03 8.2 2.3 0.9 32 201 36 85 35
NW63-77 72.40 155.23 8.2 2.4 1.0 32 178 29 63 27
NW63-80 73.07 155.37 9.1 2.7 1.2 29 195 36 86 27
NW63-82 73.47 155.40 9.3 2.8 1.3 28 175 36 88 34
NW63-87 73.33 149.67 7.1 2.1 0.7 34 235 36 80 33
NW63-88 73.03 149.63 6.6 2.1 0.6 35 232 36 84 33
NW63-94 74.33 143.73 6.0 2.1 0.5 36 197 28 59 23
NW63-95 74.44 142.72 6.1 2.2 0.5 36 204 25 53 23
NW63-97 74.50 140.43 8.1 2.4 1.0 27 217 39 93 37
NW63-98 74.32 138.97 7.4 2.4 0.8 33 230 36 72 31
NW63-99 74.50 138.00 7.1 2.3 0.8 34 233 35 74 30
NW63-101 74.00 138.03 8.4 2.4 1.1 30 179 34 73 30

C. Viscosi-Shirley et al. / Continental Shelf Research 23 (2003) 1175–1200 1197

Table 2 (continued)

Sample name Latitude Longitude Al K Mg Si Sr88 La139 Ce140 Nd146

(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

NW63-103 73.50 138.00 8.6 2.5 1.2 30 167 34 74 32

NW63-107 72.50 137.67 9.0 2.6 1.2 30 153 34 76 32
NW63-112 72.25 134.42 7.3 2.5 0.8 33 212 31 71 28
NW63-115 73.00 134.17 7.0 2.3 0.7 33 244 32 69 29
NW63-118 73.75 133.88 7.6 2.4 1.1 32 227 37 81 36
NW63-119 72.80 133.00 9.5 2.9 1.7 27 148 42 92 38
NW63-122 71.50 130.92 9.3 2.8 1.5 29 154 40 86 37
NW63-125 72.25 131.00 8.6 2.6 1.5 29 191 38 80 31
NW63-130 73.57 131.42 8.3 2.7 1.3 29 192 38 82 34
NW63-134 74.77 134.48 7.1 2.4 0.8 33 254 33 70 29
NW63-136 75.25 134.50 7.3 2.5 0.9 33 238 37 80 33
NW63-139 76.02 134.55 8.3 2.7 1.4 28 179 36 76 31
NW63-141 76.42 133.50 8.7 2.8 1.5 28 169 36 77 32
NW63-143 76.43 129.88 7.7 2.6 1.3 30 226 41 75 31
NW63-146 75.57 129.82 8.4 2.8 1.5 28 169 36 81 34
NW63-148 75.08 129.78 8.4 2.7 1.6 29 190 37 81 34
NW63-149 74.79 129.77 8.3 2.7 1.6 29 181 38 82 34
NW63-151 74.53 128.38 8.1 2.6 1.6 29 204 37 79 32
NW63-153 74.53 125.93 6.5 2.5 0.7 34 281 30 63 25
NW63-157 75.18 124.33 7.2 2.6 1.1 32 232 33 72 31
NW63-160 75.72 124.37 7.8 2.5 1.3 29 228 34 77 30
NW63-161 76.03 125.97 6.9 2.4 1.3 32 226 33 72 29
NW63-166 75.50 120.00 6.7 2.3 1.0 33 262 28 59 24
NW63-188 74.93 127.30 7.6 2.6 1.4 30 232 36 77 31
NW63-193 73.93 128.28 8.9 2.7 1.7 27 189 40 85 35
NW63-197 71.65 157.00 8.3 2.3 0.9 30 178 34 78 33
Biogenic free elemental concentration=measured elemental concentration in bulk sediment sample  100/(100–% opal–%
CaCO32.5  % organic carbon). Prior to making this correction we calculate Si lithogenic=Si measuredSi biogenic. Biogenic data
from Mammone (1998).

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