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Chapter 7


Clitus the Black, a black Macedonian officer 275-328 BC, was Alexander the
Great half-brother, he was murdered by Alexander.

Black Clitus is not a fictitious or made up name, its translated from the
language, he was actually called Siculus Nilote 300 BC by the people of
Macedonia, he was made king of Bactria by Alexander the great an ancient
country located northeast Afghanistan. Clitus the Black was the military
commander and leader of Alexander cavalry during this same time frame, why
was he called Black Clitus, or Clitus the Black. which is a fairly good question
ask, the term or word Nilote, or Nilotic, in Latin means black they are root
used before the word Negroid was accepted and used by scientists and the rest of
the world, the word Negro came from these root words, in ancient times a person
national origin was given to them as a surname, color of a person skin or
nationalities was used to identify them.

For example;

Hannibal the Africanus or the Roman Emperor that was called Marcus the
Black Aurelius, sometimes a person was given the name of whatever type of
physical characteristics they may have, much the same as we do in this modern
age when we give a person a nick name.
If someone crippled named John Doe, would be called Doe the crippled, black
Clitus is classified as a casual heroic figure in Americans and Africans history,
due to the fact he was not known as Hannibal or the pharaohs in ancient Egypt,
another good reason is his death had to be kept secret from his mother and his
and time was in the early stagesof Rome development.
Accept for the writings of Plutarch, book entitled, Alexander the great in
chapter 8, he is called Diodorus Siculus, he is rarely, spoken of in the pages of
history, since he was of African origin a very brief portion of his life will be
in the following tale, Clitus was considered to be a foster brother or perhaps
precisely, Alexander half brother.


Black Clitus

Black Clitus was many years older than Alexander he had been a general under
his father who was called Philip of Macedonia. Macedonia, in the northern part of
Rome was the capital of Greece, in fact the Macedonians were Greeks they were
first to convert to orthodox Christianity, black Clitus stepfather of whom his
mother married after Clitus birth was an African named Dropides, translated
Diodorus Siculus.
His mother name was Lanice, a descendent of Africa , she worked as a nurse
for Alexanders father, after giving birth to Clitus, Philip of macedonia was
considered to be the father, due to this circumstance, black Clitus was born out
wedlock, this made him half related to Alexander. Rome having an African as a
leading chief and commander of their military was not unusual. Napoleon top
cavalry leader was African, a Haitian general named Alexander Dumas, the
Semitic Babylonian people of Persia were originally an Aryan people called
Medes by the Egyptians.
They started out as a small Median tribe inhabited the land southwest of
Caspian sea, spread south to Persian gulf increasing in numbers, until they
in Persia. Cyrus king of Anshan, conquered Media, Lydia and Babylonia his son
Cambyses invaded and added Egypt to his empire, his rule fell apart after his
death, however it was soon conquered again by Darius son of Hystaspes whose
power spread throughout the east as far as India. Bible scripture mention Cyrus
As the one who released the captive Israelites Ezra 1-2; 10-11. It says
Darius upheld the decree of Cyrus Artexerxes Ezra 6-1; 4-7; 7-1.
In 300 BC, king Darius II, of the Persian empire had the great battle of
Arbela, black Clitus became an officer of the companion cavalry a unit of eight
squadrons 225 they were Macedonia effective special forces in battle.
Philip most reliable general was commander Philotas son of Parmenion, Clitus
squadron served as the bodyguards with Clitus as their commander of the agema,
now king Darius was about to face the mightiest military for that time in history
and a most formidable foe, at the great battle of Arbela the Romans army led by
Alexander, with black Clitus second in command, met up with Darius army.
Black Clitus would prove to be a very courageous fighter, the Romans largely
out numbered their foe, with forty thousand cavalry one hundred thousand
infantry and two hundred cythebearing chariots.


Black Clitus

Darius had half the amount of fighting force as Greece around twenty
thousand cavalry, fifty thousand infantry, five thousand auxiliaries, one hundred
chariots and ten 20ft high catapults that shot huge boulders and a massive amount
of rocks the size of melons, the catapults were good for long range fighting and
stationary targets, once the enemy came into close range, they could not be reset
to have any affect in hitting a moving target, the Romans had a large advantage in
all special categories, each of the Romans foot soldiers wore metal breast plates,
they had special legions of archery marksmen. Every where the Romans went
they seized weapons and made them better than what they already were although
they had 20ft high catapults, they preferred to use arrow launchers that shot
arrows with so much force the arrows were able to penetrate a tree with a
diameter of 1 1/2 ft thick with the tip sticking out through the other end.

As for Greece defense, what gave them a big edge as they came closer to
their enemies, was a system of locking their shields together as they lined in a
straight formation the front column locked their shields and the right and left
flank held their shields in close proximity to their body, while those in the
held their shields over-head. The results were they formed what looked like a
turtle shell which made it impossible for arrows to rain down on them shot by
their enemies, as the two armies made connection Alexander person stood out
from the rest of the soldiers in his army, mostly, his golden buckle and helmet�s
chest with plumes, a cluster of fluffy ostrich feathers sticking out the top of
helmet, of unusual size and whiteness, Alexander had jumped on the ground off
of his horse when his enemies recognized him a score of the enemy charged
toward him, two generals of the Persian army were leading the pack namely,
Rhoesaces and Spithradates.
Alexander skillfully dodged Spithradates with a quick move and stuck at
Rhoesaces with his spear, who was charging inches behind Spithradates,
Alexander spear broke in half, when it hit against Rhoesaces battle plate, the
weapon did indeed puncture his body. just about the same time Alexander draw
his sword and intend to finish Rhoesaces, general Spithradates turned when
Alexander was not aware of him, he galloped up behind and raised himself on his
horse for leverage, with a barbarian battle-ax he came down with his might.


Black Clitus

Striking Alexander on top of his helmet Alexander chest was cut in half with the
plumes, the battle-ax cut through his helmet with such force it was touching the
hairs on his head, luckily, for him it did not penetrate his skull because his
barely resist the blow, Spithradates raised his hand to come down on Alexander
head with another stoke when black Clitus charged at him and stabbed him
though the heart with his spear saving Alexander life.

Macedonia went on to win the battle

Nevertheless Alexander and black Clitus had sharp differences of opinions,

Alexander was filled with jealousy, mainly because their father Philip who now
had a city named after him after his death, favored black Clitus as his best son.
is for this reason the two would inevitably, grow apart and eventually, will cause
black Clitus to lose his life. It started when Alexander announced a
of commands.
Specifically, he gave Clitus orders to take 20,000 Greek soldiers who
fought against the Persians, King Darius II, to venture northeast and fight Steppe
nomads in central Asia minor as a reward for saving his life Alexander crown
Clitus king of all the land there still black Clitus was not impressed he knew
he would have to leave Philip the city he grew up in and named after his father

Since Alexander did not give him a set time he would be away, he felt he
would be gone so long he would become a forgotten man. furious at the thought
of commanding what he saw as second-rate men, fighting nomads in the middle
of nowhere, he spoke his mind. It is recorded he said Alexander was not the
legitimate king of Macedonia Alexander would later call for Clitus resignation.

Black Clitus was stalwart, valiant, warlike and had a serious attitude about
military affairs, he had no doubt inherited these traits from Alexander and his
father. Alexander was pretty much the opposite, they went to Asia minor to
survey the area so Alexander can instruct Clitus on his duties.


Black Clitus

Clitus watched Alexander become soft he thought, soft as the people he had
conquered Alexander was adapting himself to a luxurious style of living as the
rich, this disturbed Clitus he thought Alexander should live a simpler life, pay
more attention to his health as he himself was accustom to doing. he remembered
his mother telling him how the native tribes of her homeland in Africa lived
decent lives and eat healthy foods, to add to his defects Alexander always had a
small following of flatterers. so-called boot lickers that surrounded him most of
the time.
Black Clitus noticed that they too, were becoming boastful. Clitus decided
tell his friend about his bad habits hoping to change him. Alexander resented this
and from that day onward a breach in friendship developed between the two, one
day when the two were back in Achaia, an ancient city in the southern part of
Rome. Presents of fine wines and luscious baskets of Greek fruits were sent to
Alexander, he immediately, sent for black Clitus to share it with him, the
messengers found Clitus at the temple, sacrificing to the Greeks god called
They waited for him to finish his ritual, by the time he left the shrine and
made it to the palace. As he walked inside he saw Alexander at the banquet table
fully intoxicated and surrounded by sycophants, ass-kissers. Black Clitus
disturbed by the sight of Alexander being drunk again as usual.

However sat and began drinking wine Alexander had offered to him, when he
first arrived at the palace, poets chant verses pertaining to Alexander being the
same as a god. now that commander Clitus had arrived one of the poets began to
ridicule Macedonians officers skills at war They were picking on one of
Alexander generals as an example, who had suffered a defeat from the Persians. It
was a simple mistake, the Macedonian officer commanding an incredibly, strong
army came upon a much smaller Persian army in the distance before they came
into fighting range, he ordered the troops to double time, run swiftly, and not to
spare any of the outsiders that is occupying the land, before they reached the
enemy they were so tired they could not fight and defeated by a smaller Persian


Black Clitus
While Alexander and the whole room laughed out loud and seem to be
enjoying the scornful remarks made by the poet, commander Clitus became very
angry. It seems he thought, Alexander is highly pleased by this deflation of his
own people.

Clitus sat quietly, for the moment listening to them the poets preceded to
another example of how stupid some of the Macedonian officers were, Clitus
couldn�t take it any longer. He dared to differ, saying, the defeated Macedonian
generals are far superior to those who mock them. turning to Alexander, he said,
this is not good Alexander that Macedonian generals should be ridiculed, made to
appear lower than the barbarians in which they conquered, Alexander laughed in
scorned, he said sarcastically, do not the Greeks and walk among the Persians
like gods, aye, they are as wild beasts, Clitus being more and more disturbed
replied tartly, raising his voice he said, pointing around the table, Alexander
permitted himself to be led astray by these foolish flatterers, now he deems
himself superior to his father Philip, and equal to the gods; looking at
you must not forget Alexander, he continued, the Macedonian army has done its
part in making you master of the world.

You presume yourself to be superior to Castor, Pollux, aye even to Hercules

least you forget mortals cannot be compared with gods, jumping up from the table
Alexander confronted Clitus and reached for his sword he was acting only on
reflect, one of the officers grabbed his hand and stopped him. He shouted
scornfully, you are pleading your cause Clitus, are you now giving cowardice the
name of misfortune for cowards, shouted black Clitus in a rage, putting his hand
on his sword, he recalled, was it cowardice of mine that saved you when you had
already turned your back on Spithradates.
Aye, blasted Alexander, while you speak of the differculities, general
Parmenion and myself had already crossed the Hellespont and attacked the local
Persian army defeated them near the river Granicus, what is now northwest
Turkey, now Clitus said calmly, isn�t it true you had general Parmenion son
Philotas executed, because he did not report a conspiracy, its whispered
throughout Macedonia.


Black Clitus

When you visit Egypt you claimed yourself son of the supreme god
Ammon-Ra and you were the god Zeus made manifest in the flesh, Alexander
started to turn red, basely fellow he screamed, picking up an apple throwing it at
Clitus it hit him on the chest. dost thou think to speak thus at this time of me
raise antagonistic fictions among those present here. but Clitus quickly came back
with happy the dead, because they cannot hear your unjust ridicules of them, they
cannot see Macedonians captured and being flogged by Median whips with
Persians interceding over them.
Alexander had heard enough from Clitus and declared he was putting him
under arrest for insubordination. He bade his trumpeter to sound the alarm to call
for guards, when the trumpeter hesitated Alexander ran over to him and knocked
him down.
Declaring that now he has been reduced to the same low position as Darius
when he was led under arrest, he shouted, does I no longer deserve the title of
king, springing toward a large vase he seized a javelin and was about to throw it
at Clitus, when friends of the two stepped in between them, hoping Alexander
would calm down, they plead for Clitus to step out of the banquet room and out
into the hall, while two officers block Alexander from throwing the javelin at
Clitus, they led Clitus out into the hall.

Clitus could hardly control his outrage

He was remembering how he took Alexander under his wing when he was
only a young lad and taught him all he knew about combat, how dare him -now he
could not control his rage, breaking away he rushed back into the large room
shouting Alas and hellas, what an evil government, Alexander being filled with
drunkenness, reacted without thinking and threw the javelin, it struck Clitus
through his heart, thus Clitus met his fate the same as the Persian general
Spithradates whom he had stabbed through the heart with his spear.
Instantly, Alexander realized what he had done and rushed over to him
out loudly, he lifted his head and begged him to please speak, however it was to
late he had killed his best friend regretfully, pulling out the weapon from Clitus
body he put it to his own throat about to take his own life when a guard wrenched
it out of his hand just in the nick of time.


Black Clitus

Alexander in deep remorse sit on the couch and wept aloud calling on Clitus
to get up and return from the dead but it was all in vain, how could he face
mother Lanice, she had reared him along with Clitus two brothers, she had given
her sons to fight for him, both of them were killed in battle accept for Clitus.
Now he had wantonly killed him, her only son for three days he refused to
touch food, drink wines and hard liquors calling himself a murderer and saying
that he deserved to die. The Macedonian military passed a resolution declaring
black Clitus had been justly slain by the enemies in a made-up battle, the gesture
did very little to console him and ease his guilty conscience. Alexander knew the
truth and eventually, died with the truth. historians and sociologists records
Alexander finally, drinking himself to death stating that he had no more worlds
conquer, could it be his being fill with remorse for having slain his best friend
the greater reason.

After the death of Black Clitus the whole city of Philippi the chief city
the first to be converted to Orthodox Christianity they started the first
teachings of the new Testaments, the scripture says, Paul was summoned thither
by the vision of the man of Macedonia, the Roman Catholic faith was established
with its basic belief of the holy Trinity God is three persons in one (1) the
(2) the Son and (3) the Holy spirit.

Yet Black Clitus is not known in teachings of Bible scripture or either in

world history, his name is recorded in Latin as Diodotus Siculus, he reigned from
356 - 335 AD, historians records him as Seleucid satrap Diodotus, there is no
pictures of him or statues of how he looked, meaning hundreds of years has gone
by and not one artist or sculptor thought to paint or sculpture an image of
Alexander the Great top general. I think this prove my theory, that there�s a
cover-up somewhere when it comes to revealing the truth of our history.
This leaves us with the tedious task of learning about him through his name
we do know he was known by the name of Siculus Nilote in Latin, which means
black Clitus in English, its true he once saved Alexander life, its true he and
Alexander had a quarrel and he was killed accidentally, he was a king in ancient
Bactria and he was Alexander�s half brother, of all the characteristics we can
recall about him the one trait that stands out the most was his name Black. I
bet generously, you won�t forget he was called Black.


Black Clitus

What lesson can we learn from this real and historical tale of Clitus it
establish the fact Africans and Americans of African origin should study Africans
history with an open mind, there were many African unsung heroes who lived and
died bravery. their lives were never reviewed due to the language barrier.
When teaching world history, students are always taught about the life of
Alexander the great, black Clitus was his half-brother, best friend and a black
king, why wasn�t he recorded as a great Black hero, after all his name was Black.
Life isn�t set up so that we can just push a button and say now I will
write the
history of African people and Black people, the writers of Africans history were
lacking in ambition and did not have the right intentions when they wrote about
Africans history.
They should have been inspired to write Africa history, they should have
learned the right historical context relevant to language, culture and tradition,
right time frame and the right geographical locations.
They should have had the right attitude, the right mental formation, they
should have had the right courage to write the truth and even the right sense of
prophecy, they should have been able to write Africa history in comparison to this
modern present day world.
Their duty and task as writers were to interpret the lives of Africans in
of humanness, their spirit, not to explain how Africans live in such miserable
wretched conditions, by the way, that is caused by outsiders and non-Africans.
The question is why wasn�t Black Clitus recorded as a great Black hero. I�ll
honest with you and do not mean to offend white writers.
I am convince Cuscasian writers of black history wrote what they perceived
to be true, from a white person perspective the main reason white historians were
able to write about the life of Alexander the great and neglected to write about
the life of Black Clitus, they could not relate to him being called black and his
name being black.
They had a problem connecting to blackness on a spiritual level, Africans
history is spiritual, to understand the conflicts concerning Africa and the social
reality of Africa today, one must be able to go inside the mind of Africans and
black people in America and think like an African think. I am able to write
African and Black history with ease, to me its like breaking bread with our dead
Black Clitus

In this new age of division and coming together in unity to fight for one
common cause, the survival of humanity, which I shall label as the survival of the
human family I find it necessary we understand clearly, our enemy .
Our enemy

Only show love and care for those people who love and care about you. If
someone shows that they hate you for no reason and have a strong dislike for you.
You will be wasting your time and theirs too, when you express to that person -
your enemy. They should love everybody because if that person hate your guts.
They can care less about what you say, even if you say its a nice day, your enemy
will walk away from you and could care less about getting alone with you.

A good question to ask is if our enemies will not make peace with us, how
we create a peaceful world ?

Answer: Forget about your enemies, throw yourself into the hustles and
bustles in life and elevate your current status, the truth is it doesn�t matter to
how many mistakes your enemy make. What unhappiness they must undergo,
how uneducated they are - be honest with yourself do you really care.Their life is
really immaterial to you. And it should not be a surprise to you to know that your
life is immaterial to your enemy.

Knowledge and education is the key to bring your enemy closer to you. We
must educate ourselves to reach a higher state of consciousness, awareness and

Meaning what you and only you experience in life is material and matters. If
becoming a doctor you experience some of the illnesses that you want to cure,
some of the mistakes you might make and the circumstances you have to
diagnose. But continue on and still become a successful doctor. You will become
material in the world and visible to your enemy, rather than just telling your
enemy not to hate and that being the dumbest thing you can ever say to them,
truly, when they witness your experience in life they will believe in you through

Black Clitus

Without you ever having to say anything to them your experience in life by
setting the example will become material to your enemy only than will you be
able to speak to your enemy about loving and caring for others and they will
listen, a good question to ask is why can�t we teach our enemy to love us. I would
like to rephrase the question, its better to ask ourselves and others can love be
taught my answer is emphatically no neither can hate but on the other hand if you
are convinced of someone�s capabilities in loving you and being in love with you
the more we are aware of love by others the more we will be stimulated to react
toward love and in full view, will give love.

You will never run the risk of being criticized for being filled with hate
never have loved at all. We would be worse off if we did not let that person�s
for us guide us in the way of love. - for one reason and one reason only
-awareness we will become aware that love exist.

The question remain, why can�t we teach someone to love

Answer: Because love is inspirational and inspiration is having the right

spiritual and physical combinations, having the right thought formations, an
affectionate consciousness, courage, a sense of vision, mental stimuli, intentions
and ambitions no one can teach these combinations. Especially, in the proper
order. They are naturally, inspired from within. Yet if we pay close attention, we
are all inspired to love through our dreams and through our subconscious mind.

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