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Architecture Board Exam Mock Test

Name:______________________ Score:_______
Date:__________________ Corrected by:________________

PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE- Encircle the letter of the correct answer. STRICTLY NO ERASURES. We will
deduct one point each for every erasure. Make sure to answer all the numbers. If not, we will deduct
one point again! Ok?
Part I
1. Which of these is not part of the PRCs 3-man commission?
a. One full time commissioner
b. One full time associate commissioner (6 years term)
c. One full time associate commissioner (3 years term)
d. One full time UAP Board member
2. Which of these are the basic requirements in being a PRC Commissioner?
a. At least 60 years old with 4 years managerial experience
b. At least 40 years old with 5 years managerial experience
c. At least 35 years old with 5 years managerial experience
d. None of the above
3. Which is not the role of PRC?
a. Enforces regulatory policies of National Government
b. Checking the test results of board examiners
c. Appoints officials and employees
d. Maintain the records of the professionals
4. Which of these is not a procedure for filing a complaint against a professional or an examinee?
a. Low scholastic records
b. Insanity and conviction of a criminal offense
c. Unprofessional or unethical conduct
d. Perpetration of fraud
5. ART VIII Ocular inspection of plants, establishments etc. Visitorial powers to gather information on: nature,
________ of employment of professionals and equipment, ________ and operating procedures.
a. Terms and conditions; machinery
b. Requirements, computers
c. Tenure, mobility
d. None of the above
6. Which if these are not a qualification for accreditation of professional organization?
a. Established in good faith
b. National in scope
c. Established for professional ends
d. Liquidation of funds
7. It states the rationale for Professional Organization, need for continuing education, support for and recognition of
PRC-accredited Professional Organization and prioritization of members in hiring and engagement of services.
a. Letter of Instruction No.1000 March 20, 1980
b. Letter of Rules and Regulations No. 1000 March 20, 1908
c. Letter of Instruction No. 1000 March 20, 1900
d. None of the above
8. It talks about the Architect-in-Charge, signing and sealing of plans, engineers and other design professionals and
title blocks.
a. PRC CIRCULAR 85-15/BOA NO.10 JUNE 5, 1985
b. PRC CIRCULAR 90-12/BOA NO. 20 JUNE 5,1985
c. PRC CIRCULAR 80-10/BOA NO. 10 JUNE 5, 1985
d. None of the above
9. An act providing for a more responsive and comprehensive regulation for the registration, licensing and practice of
b. RA 9266 THE ARCHITECTURE ACT OF 2004 MARCH 17, 2004
c. RA 9000 THE ARCHITECTURE ACT OF 2004 MARCH 17, 2005
d. None of the above
10. It is the art, science or profession of planning, designing and constructing buildings in their totality taking into
account their environment, in accordance with the principles of utility, strength and beauty.
a. Interior design
b. Architecture
c. Engineering
d. Contracting
11. A person who is responsible for advocating the fair and sustainable development, welfare and cultural expression
of societys habitat in terms of space, forms and historical context.
a. Designer
b. Architect
c. Engineer
d. Decorator
12. It is the one who is directly and professionally responsible for the total design of the project for the client and who
shall assume the civil liability for the plans he/she has designed and sealed.
a. Architect-of-record
b. Consulting architect
c. Chief architect
d. Architect-in-charge of construction
13. Who is directly and professionally responsible and liable for the construction supervision of the project?
a. Architect-of-record
b. Consulting architect
c. Chief architect
d. Architect-in-charge of construction
14. It is who is professionally and academically qualified and with exceptional or recognized expertise or specialization
in any branch of architecture.
a. Architect-of-record
b. Consulting architect
c. Chief architect
d. Architect-in-charge of construction
15. The aesthetic and orderly coordination of all the processes which enter into the production of a complete building
or structure.
a. Architecture
b. The architecture act
c. General practice of architecture
d. None of the above
16. It encompasses the provision of professional services in connection with site, physical and planning and the design,
construction, enlargement, conservation, renovation, remodeling, restoration or alteration of a building or group
of buildings.
a. General practice of architecture
b. The architecture act
c. Architecture
d. Scope of the practice of architecture
17. The act of conceiving, choosing and developing the type, disposition, arrangement and proportioning of the
structural elements of an architectural work giving due consideration to safety, cost-effectiveness, functionality
and aesthetics.
a. The architecture act
b. Interior design
c. Structural conceptualization
d. Authorship
18. Refers to the author/authors of a set of architectural plans or specifications who are in charge of their preparation
whether made by them personally or under their immediate supervision.
a. The architecture act
b. Interior design
c. Structural conceptualization
d. Authorship
19. A duly notarized written contract or equivalent public instrument stipulating the scope of services and
guaranteeing compensation of such services to be rendered by a licensed architect.
a. Service agreement
b. The architecture act
c. Structural conceptualization
d. Authorship
20. An architectural drawing, specifications, and other outputs of an Architect that only an Architect can sign and seal.
a. Authorship
b. The architectural act
c. Architectural documents
d. Service agreement
21. The detailed planning and design of the indoor/enclosed areas of any proposed building/structure including retrofit
or renovation work.
a. Architectural documents
b. Architectural interiors
c. Authorship
d. Service agreement
22. It is a two dimensional representations reflecting a proposed development/redevelopment of an enclosed, semi-
closed or open area. It is the representation of a lateral section for a proposed building/structure (running parallel
to the ground) and at a height of 1.0-1.5 meters above the finished floor.
a. Architectural documents
b. Architectural plans
c. Architectural houses
d. None of the above
23. It bears the registration number, issued to an individual by PRC through the board of architecture.
a. Architectural documents
b. Architectural code of conduct
c. Certificate of registration
d. None of the above
24. A document which forms part of the Architects National Code which contains the norms and principles governing
the practice of the profession of Architecture in the highest standards of ethical conduct.
a. Architectural documents
b. Architectural code of conduct
c. Code of ethical conduct
d. Licensing agreement
25. Is academically and professionally qualified and with exceptional or recognized expertise or specialization in any
branch of architecture. He/she assumes no civil liability under Article 1723 of the Civil Code unless he/she attempts
and or succeeds to interfere or contravene the legal and professional functions of the Architect-of-record.
a. Consulting architect
b. Chief architect
c. Board of directors
d. None of the above
26. Which of these in not included in the contract documents?
a. Special provisions or conditions
b. General conditions, drawings
c. Specification, and other Bid documents
d. Perspective
27. Shall refer to the intellectual property rights retained by an architect over any architectural documents/work.
a. Copyright and patent
b. Copyright or copyright ownership
c. Intellectual property
d. None of the above
28. It is the post baccalaureate pre-licensure experience required of a graduate of architecture prior to taking the
licensure examination.
a. Post baccalaureate experience
b. Diversified architectural experience
c. On the job training
d. None of the above
29. It shall refer to the proprietary rights to an architectural work such as plans, designs and other documents by a
a. Legal papers
b. Identification card
c. Ownership
d. None of the above
30. A document bearing the registration number, date of issuance with an expiry date due for periodic renewal.
a. Professional license
b. Professional identification card
c. Identification card
d. Legal identification card
31. It means a document embodied in the Architects National code that prescribes minimum basic fees and establishes
the rights and obligations of both the Architect and the client.
a. Standards of professional practice
b. Standards of professional license
c. Standards of professional experience
d. None
32. An expertise and special knowledge in the field of architecture acquired by an architect through formal education.
a. Specialization
b. Masters degree
c. PhD degree
d. Major course
33. Which of these is not a board of examiners qualification?
a. Filipino citizen
b. In active practice at least 10years
c. Not a faculty member in any architectural school
d. With a Masters degree in architecture
34. Which of these is not the function of a member of the board of examiners?
a. Supervise the registration and licensure practice of architects
b. Administer oaths in connection with the administration of RA No. 9266
c. Handles the financial endeavors of the board
d. Adopt an official seal of the board.
35. Which of these is not a qualification for the licensure examination?
a. Filipino citizen
b. Degree holder of BS Architecture
c. Has a critical thinking
d. Has a 2 year diversified experience
36. Which of these is not a subject for examination?
a. Urban design and architectural interiors
b. Interior planning and designing
c. History of architecture
d. Structural design
37. It is the physical and systemic design undertaken by an Architect on a community and urban place.
a. Urban design
b. Site planning
c. Building technology
d. Interior design
38. The detailed site development planning of all areas surrounding a building or structure and/or a group of
building/structures but only within the property limits of the land.
a. Site planning
b. Urban design
c. Interior design
d. Building codes
39. Refers to physical planning at site, community or urban level by an architect.
a. Site planning
b. Planning
c. Physical planner
d. Physical planning
40. Refers to an architect who specializes in the detailed physical planning of land or property.
a. Site planning
b. Planning
c. Physical planner
d. Physical planning
41. Which of these are the grounds for suspension or revocation of the certification of registration?
a. Paid extra money to secure certificate
b. Falsely impersonated a practitioner, practiced under fictitious name
c. Solicited projects by rendering service without agreements
d. None of the above
42. The detailed physical planning of land or property on which vertical structures such as building, horizontal
developments such as rights-of-way, open spaces and recreational establishments and related facilities are to be
a. Site planning
b. Planning
c. Physical planner
d. Physical planning
43. Refers to sustaining and progressive learning process that maintains, enhances, or increases the knowledge and
continuing the ability of architects.
a. Diversified experience
b. Continuing professional career
c. Continuing professional development
d. Continuing professional experience
44. It means the entities, agencies, organizations and the like that have been accredited/registered with the Board of
Architecture of PRC to deliver seminars, lectures and other continuing professional education modules for
a. CPD providers
b. CPD teachers
c. CPD boys
d. None of the above
45. Identify which one of these is not a prohibited practice.
a. Not holders of temporary or special permits
b. Practice or offer to practice architecture in the Philippines without being registered/licensed
c. False impersonate any registrant of like or different name
d. Has a Masters Degree and can also teach architecture
46. Which of these is not included in the registration of firm, company, partnership, corporation or association?
a. Shall be registered with the SEC and the board.
b. Individual members shall be responsible for their individual and collective acts
c. Shall be acknowledged by PRC under the license regulations
d. RLAs shall compose at least 75% of the owners, shareholders, members, incorporators etc.
47. It means a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation registered with DTI and/or SEC and then with the
Board of Architecture and PRC.
a. Architectural firm
b. Architectural organization
c. Architectural seminars
d. None
48. It means an individual architect practicing and delivering architectural services duly registered with DTI, BOA and
a. Joint business endeavor
b. Sole proprietorship
c. Architectural firm
d. None of the above
49. Any formal grouping of two or more architects or architectural firms working in joint venture on a project basis.
a. Corporation
b. Association
c. Joint business venture
d. Partnership
50. Means a group of two or more architects duly registered with the SEC and BOA.
a. Architects and Partners
b. Joint business venture
c. Partnership
d. Counterparts
51. It means a judicial entity that shall be synonymous with an Architectural Partnership registered with SEC.
a. Architectural firm
b. Architectural company
c. Architectural corporation
d. Association
52. It means a group of professionals in architecture and allied professions incorporated with the Architects for the
purpose of delivering professional service in architecture and allied professions.
a. Architectural firm
b. Association
c. Architecture corporation
d. None of the above
53. Refers to contracts or agreements involving the transfer of systematic knowledge for the manufacture of the
a. Architecture counterpart
b. Architects terms and conditions
c. Technology transfer
d. None of the above
54. The local Philippine architect, partnership or corporation that must work in association with a foreign architect.
a. Filipino counterpart
b. Filipino partner
c. Filipino architect
d. None
55. Which of these is not a function, duty and responsibilities of the UAP as the IAPOA?
a. Nominations to the vacancy of positions to the BOA
b. Responsibility of preparing a program of CPD
c. Endorsement practice of foreign nationals to be issued temporary or special permit.
d. Responsible for conducting seminars and creating modules for architects
56. According to the ARTICLE 1723 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, the engineer or architect who drew up the plans
and specifications for a building is liable for damages if _______from completion of the structure the same should
collapse by reason of a defect in those plans and specifications, or due to the defects in the ground.
a. 15 years
b. 25 years
c. 5 years
d. 2 years
57. If the engineer or architect supervises the construction, he shall be solidarily liable with the contractor. The action
must be brought within ____________.
a. 10 yrs before the collapse of the building
b. 10 years during the collapse of the building
c. 10 years following the collapse of the building.
d. 5 years within the collapse of the building
58. Which of these is not the scope of the practice of Civil Engineering?
a. Demolition of permanent structures
b. Design and construction of streets, bridges, highways, railroads
c. Furniture design and construction
d. Land surveying, waterways, harbors and other public works
59. It is the activities concerned with the management and development of land as well as the preservation,
conservation and rehabilitation of the human environment.
a. Site planning
b. Environmental planning
c. Environmental planning and management
d. None of the above
60. Who wrote the virtues of an architect?
a. Marcus Vittorio Pollio
b. Marcus Vitruvius Polo
c. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
d. Marco Polo
61. According to the DOC 200: Code of Ethical Conduct, which of these is not the responsibilities of an architect in
relation to the people?
a. Respect for natural historic and cultural heritage
b. Strive to improve the environment in a sustainable manner
c. Using advertisements to promote his/her profession
d. Comply with the code of ethical code of conduct and the standards of professional practice
62. Which of these is not the responsibility of an architect to his/her clients?
a. Protect the clients interests but never at the expense of higher public interest and welfare.
b. Acquire the amount of money that is stated in the contract and add the interest
c. Carry out professional work without delay
d. Endeavor to meet the aesthetic and functional requirements of the project
63. Which of these is not the responsibility in relation to the contractor?
a. Give the contractor any reasonable assistance to fully understand the contents of the contract documents
b. Reject any offer of free professional engineering or allied design services or receive any gifts or favors from any
c. Promptly inspect each phase of the work completed
d. None
64. Which of these is not the architects responsibility to manufacturers dealers and agents?
a. Not seek commissions, discounts, fees or favors
b. Not solicit free professional engineering, allied design or other technical services
c. Reject any offers from agents especially monetary favors
d. None of the above
65. Which of thee is not the responsibility of an architect to colleagues and subordinates?
a. Do not discriminate
b. Do not take designs, drawings, data, or other relevant materials without the permission of the employer
c. Do not promote the allied arts
d. Build professional reputation on the merits of own service or performance
66. According to the SPP Documents, which of this is not the kind of selection of the architects?
a. Direct selection
b. Comparative selection
c. Integrity selection
d. Design competitions
67. Which of these are the methods of compensation? (Select 3 answers)
a. Bi-annual compmensation method
b. Lump sum or fixed fee
c. Per diem plus reimbursable expenses
d. Professional fee plus expenses
68. According to the scope of services under SPP DOC 21: pre design services, it is giving oral or written advice and
direction and making evaluations and appraisals.
a. Recommendation
b. Consultation
c. Affirmation
d. Research
69. It is the initial assessment of projects soundness and identity options/directions.
a. Feasibility study
b. Pre-feasibility study
c. Design briefing
d. Space planning
70. It is the detailed analysis to determine the viability of the project.
a. Feasibility study
b. Pre-feasibility study
c. Architectural research
d. Value management
71. It is the formulation of site criteria and site evaluation. It is the analysis to determine the most appropriate sites.
a. Feasibility study
b. Pre-feasibility study
c. Site selection analysis
d. Design briefing
72. It is the sites development potential thru proper land utilization, development controls.
a. Architectural programming
b. Site utilization and land use studies
c. Design briefing
d. Space planning
73. It is the primary and secondary researches and assembled facts and assembled facts used as the basis for
a. Design briefing
b. Architectural research
c. Space planning
d. Feasibility study
74. It is the horizontal and vertical requirements, space program and characterizations of envisioned spaces such as
ambiance etc.
a. Architectural research
b. Architectural programming
c. Space planning
d. Feasibility study
75. It is to determine adequate size and appropriate configuration and assemblage. It considers use, allocation and
interface of spaces. Subsequent analyses i.e spatial layouts, with stacking concepts particularly multi-storey
a. Space planning
b. Design allocation
c. Architectural planning
d. Feasibility study
76. It is the space requirements, based on organizational structure and functional set-up, linkages and interaction of
a. Space management studies
b. Design brief preparation
c. Promotional services
d. Feasibility study
77. It is the cost-reduction programs to achieve an unimpaired program at minimum cost. It will satisfy same
performance criteria as costlier alternatives.
a. Space management studies
b. Value management
c. Design briefing preparation
d. Promotional services
78. It states project Terms of Reference (ToR). It includes concepts, objectives and other necessary requirements to bid
out architectural services.
a. Promotional services
b. Space management studies
c. Design brief preparation
d. Space planning
79. It is to develop and generate financial support and acceptance from governing agencies or from the general public.
a. Promotional services
b. Space management studies
c. Design brief preparations
d. Space planning
80. It is where the architect works as an individual, architects own staff or by association, consultation or networking.
a. Manner of providing services
b. Site planning
c. Architectural planning
d. Design briefing
81. It is the multiple of direct personnel expense.
a. Manner of providing services
b. Site planning
c. Architectural planning
d. Method of compensation
82. According to DOC 202: DESIGN SERVICES, there are 6 phases of regular services, which of these is not one of them?
a. Project definition
b. Schematic design phase
c. Compensation phase
d. Construction phase
83. It is a phase of regular service that consults with the owner, gathers relevant information and data, reviews and
refines space requirements and translates them into an architectural program and prepares initial statement of
probable construction cost.
a. Schematic design phase
b. Project definition phase
c. Design development phase
d. None of the above
84. It prepares initial line drawings representing design studies leading to a recommended solution including a general
description of the project.
a. Schematic design phase
b. Project definition phase
c. Design development phase
d. Bidding phase
85. It is the phase where documents consisting of plans, elevations, sections and other drawings. It also outlines
specifications, diagrammatic layout of construction systems and an updated SPCC.
a. Project definition phase
b. Design development
c. Contract documents phase
d. Bidding phase
86. It is the phase where architects assists the Owner in filing the required documents to secure approval of
government authorities and prepares technical specifications.
a. Contract documents phase
b. Bidding phase
c. Design development
d. Schematic design phase
87. It is where the architects prepare bid documents such as forms for contract letting. Documents for construction,
forms for invitation and instruction to bidders etc. Assists the Owner from the early stage of establishing a list of
prospective contractors.
a. Bidding phase
b. Contract document phase
c. Design development
d. Schematic phase
88. It is where the architect makes decisions on all claims of the owner and the contractors on all matters relating to
the execution and progress of work or the interpretation of the contract documents.
a. Bidding phase
b. Contract document phase
c. Construction phase
d. Schematic Phase


Basic Fee Based on Project Classification

_____1. Armories
_____2. Bakeries
_____3. Art galleries
_____4. Auditoria
_____5. Residences (single detached or duplex)
_____6. Fair buildings
_____7. Courthouses
_____8. Parking structures
_____9. Marinas
_____10. Exposition
_____11. Observatories
_____12. Motels and appartelles
______13. Townhouses
______14. Supermarkets
______15. College buildings

89. Which of these is not the responsibility of the owner?
a. Provide consulting services and ideas to the contractors and architects.
b. Promptly pay for the architectural and engineering services required for the project.
c. Pay for the design and consulting services.
d. None of the above
90. The Architects fee on the ________. Where the Architect has to render additional services, additional
compensation shall be required.
a. Project Consultation Cost
b. Project Compensation Cost
c. Project Construction Cost
d. Design Agreement
91. Should there be a scale model, 3D models and/or walk-thru presentation of the Architects design is necessary they
are to be recommended by the architect for the ____ approval.
a. Engineer
b. Owner
c. Contractor
d. Interior designer
92. A _____ plus travelling and living expenses shall be chargeable to the owner whenever the architect or his
authorized representative is required to perform services at a locality beyond 50km (air, straight line or radial
distance) from his established office as it appears in the Architects letterhead.
a. Per annum
b. Per diem
c. Per dime
d. Per hour
93. The owner shall pay the Architect for additional sets of _______.
a. Schematic designs
b. Contract documents
c. Design agreement
d. Compensation
94. If the Architect renders additional _______ due to changes ordered by the Owner after approval of the Architects
outputs, the owner shall pay the architect for extra time, resources/drafting or other office expenses.
a. Time and effort
b. Design ideas
c. Professional services
d. Hard work
95. If the work of the Architect is _____ or suspended in whole or in part, the Owner shall pay the Architect for the
services rendered corresponding to the amount due at the stage of suspension or abandonment of work.
a. Abandoned
b. Terminated
c. Evicted
d. None of the above
96. If portions of the building are erected at different periods of time, thus increasing the construction period and
architect burden of services, charges pertaining to services rendered during the Construction Phase shall be
adjusted proportionately. When the suspension of construction exceeds a period of ____ months, the fee for the
remaining work shall be doubled.
a. 4 months
b. 6 months
c. 10 months
d. 5 months
97. If the Owner requires the services of ______, they shall be engaged with the consent of the architect.
a. Engineer
b. Design consultant
c. Interior design
d. Specialist consultants
98. Should the Owner require the Architect to design movable of fixed pieces of cabinets and other architectural
interior elements, components and urban design elements, and other items of similar nature, ___ shall pay the
Architect in addition to the Architects fee.
a. The owner
b. The engineer
c. The designer
d. The businessman
99. If no project/construction manager is present, the ______ shall be under the technical control and supervision of
the Architect and shall make periodic reports to the Owner and to the architect regarding the progress and the
quality of work done.
a. Fulltime engineer consultant
b. Fulltime architect consultant
c. Fulltime technical assistant
d. Fulltime construction supervisor
100. During the progress of work, the owner shall furnish the Architect a copy of the records of expenses being incurred
of the construction. Upon completion of the project, the owner shall give the architect the copy of the summary of
all ____, services, materials, equipments. Fixtures and all items used at and for the completion of the construction.
a. Cost of services
b. Cost of labor
c. Cost of materials
d. Cost of the contract
101. PCC is the cost of the completed building to the owner. What is PCC?
a. Project construction charge
b. Project construction charter
c. Project construction cost
d. Project construction consultant
102. It includes the cost of the construction as well as all professional fees, permits, clearances and utilities and cost of
acquiring the project site/lot, cost of money, etc.
a. Project data cost
b. Project consulting fee
c. Project based work
d. Project development cost
103. According to DOC 203: Specialized allied services, it includes the service in which the architect prescribes space
plans, stacking diagrams, sections and computation of areas for the different activities and spaces to be integrated
in a building project.
a. Architectural interior services
b. Architectural exterior services
c. Costing
d. None of the above
104. According to DOC 203: Specialized allied services, payments for the cost of work are ____.
a. 10-15%
b. 12-20%
c. 25%
d. 5%
105. Which of these is not the scope of acoustic design services?
a. Conceptualizes the entire site development plan
b. Conducts final inspection of work and equipment
c. Checks and approves samples of materials and equipment
d. Assists the Owner/client in evaluating the amount due the sub-contractor
106. Which of these is not the scope of services for Architectural lighting layout and design services?
a. Conducts final inspection of work and equipment
b. Assist the owner/client in bidding out the work or in negotiating with specialty sub-contractor
c. Checks and approves samples of materials and equipment
d. None of the above
107. Which of these is not the scope of site development planning services?
a. Prepares the drawings and specs
b. Design of the surroundings that will make the space fit for a specific mood and for the required activities.
c. Conceptualizes the entire site development plan including the generic scope of civil works and the general scope
of soft space and hard space requirements.
d. None of the above
108. Which of these is not the scope of site and physical planning services?
a. Assists the owner in evaluating the amount due to the sub-contractor
b. Site planning of a project that requires a composite arrangement of several buildings/ structures and their
c. Environmental studies, feasibility studies, market analysis
d. None of the above
109. Which of these is not the scope of comprehensive planning services?
a. Identifies existing land use, resources, social behavior and interaction
b. Undertakes environmental analysis, demographic analysis, and feasibility studies
c. Prepares the conceptual development plans, policies, implementing strategies. To arrive at the desired
comprehensive and master planning solution.
d. None of the above
110. What is the payment method under the comprehensive planning services?
a. 22 days
b. Through man months
c. Monthly
d. daily

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