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===== Additional help =====

You can find lots of information about madVR on this forum:
The official bug tracker can he found here:
===== File tags =====
You can force madVR to apply specific properties by adding tags to your filename
s. Without tags madVR will automatically try to deduce the properties or guess b
ased on heuristics.
For example:
The available tags are:
* matrix=709|601|NTSC|PAL|YCgCo|240M|2020
* primaries=709|SmpteC|EBU|sRGB|NTSC|PAL|470M|240M|170M|2020|DCI
* levels=PC|TV|fullrange|limited|doubleExp|tripleExp
* deint=On|Off|Video|Film|ivtc
* blacklevel=%value% value range [-50, +50]
* whitelevel=%value% value range [-50, +50]
* contrast=%value% value range [-100, +100]
* brightness=%value% value range [-100, +100]
* saturation=%value% value range [-100, +100]
* hue=%value% value range [-180, +180]
* frameRate=%value% e.g. 23.976, 24.000, 23, 24, ...
* refreshRate=%value% e.g. 23.976, 24.000, 23, 24, ...
* deband=off|low|medium|high
* profile='profile name'
===== Keyboard shortcuts =====
madVR has several keyboard shortcuts that allow you to control many settings and
adjust several properties during playback. You can view (and change) the shortc
uts here:
madVR settings > user interface > keyboard shortcuts
If you decide to change any of the shortcut settings, it is recommended to use C
trl+Alt+Shift as a basis to reduce risk of using a key combination that is alrea
dy in use by the player or another application.
===== Profiles =====
madVR allows creating multiple settings profiles. A profile is selected using a
script that uses parameters based on for example the video size and framerate.
An example script with 4 profiles:
if (srcWidth <= 1050) and (srcHeight <= 768) and (deintFps < 31) "SD 24fps"
else if (srcWidth <= 1050) and (srcHeight <= 768) "SD 60fps"
else if (deintFps < 31) "HD 24fps"
else "HD 60fps"
Supported keywords and operators:
if/else statements: "if", "else if", "elseif", "elsif", "else"
logical operators: "and", "or", "&&", "||"
equal check: "==", "="
unequal check: "!=", "<>", "#"
bigger/smaller check: "<", ">", "<=", ">="
boolean "not" operator: "not", "!"
Supported numerical values:
srcWidth, srcHeight source width/height
srcFps, srcBits, srcAR source frame rate, bitdepth, aspect ratio
targetWidth, targetHeight width/height after scaling
scalingFactor.x/y overall scaling factor
deintFps framerate after deinterlacing
displayMode.x/y, refreshRate display mode information
Supported boolean values:
4:2:0, 4:2:2, 4:4:4, RGB which pixel format does the source have?
srcInterlaced is the source interlaced?
filmMode is film mode (IVTC) active?
MPEG2, VC-1, h264 which codec is the source encoded in?
fseMode, overlay, windowed rendering mode
AMD, nVidia, Intel which GPU manufacturer are we rendering on?
Supported string values:
mediaPlayer executable name of host application

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