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CIT1122 Routing Protocols and Concepts

Tony Cen CIT 1122!""1
COD #ain $% &'2!2()* +pring +e,ester 2"1"
O--ice .ours% Friday 1%""!(%"" p,// #onday 0 1ednesday 2%"" a,!"&%(" a,
#onday till Tursday '%)"!3%"" p,4 Class Location% 5IC 26
E!#ail% cento7cod8edu O--ice% OCC12'A
Course 9a,e% CIT1122 Router and Routing 5asics
Credit .ours% 3 credit hours
Re:uired% CIT1121
Reco,,ended Te;t<oo=%
Routing Protocols and Concepts, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide
ISBN: 15!1"#$%$ & ISBN 1": '!15!1"#$%"
Optional Te;t<oo=%
CCNA Porta(le Command Guide, Second Edition, B) Scott *+ Empson+, ISBN,1$: 1,5!#$,1'",
"- ISBN,1": '!,1,5!#$,1'",%
Course Description%
Second o. .our courses designed to identi.) and examine internet/or0 routing elements
to de.ine .lo/ control- to identi.) t1e .unctions o. t1e transmission control
protocol&internet protocol 23CP&IP4- to per.orm router log in, c1ec0 initial router
con.iguration, and 5eri.) IP addresses- to per.orm commands to load internet operating
so.t/are- to per.orm commands to add routing protocols to current router con.iguration,
and to identi.) routing pro(lems and tec1ni6ues used to reduce t1em+
Topical Outline:
1. Basic router configuration
2. Distance vector and link state routing protocol
3. Classful and classless routing behaviors in routed networks
4. Static and default routing
5. !" routing protocol
#. $!%" routing protocol
&. 'S"( routing protocol
Page 214
Class Attendance/ Participation and Ti,ely Co,pletion o- Assign,ents%
Class attendance and acti5e participation are essential i. students are to recei5e maximum ( .rom
t1is class+ Participation re6uires preparation including completion o. reading and ot1er assignments () t1e
due dates +I. )ou cannot attend class or complete an assignment on time, please let me 0no/ (e.ore1and
so t1at /e can discuss alternati5e strategies+ 1$ points /ill (e deducted .or eac1 unnoti.ied a(sence up to
a maximum o. 1$$ points+ A student /1o misses " /ee0s o. classes /ill (e dropped .rom t1e course+
#a=e!up Policy% I. )ou cannot attend class on t1e sc1eduled date .or a test, please let me 0no/
(e.ore1and so t1at a ma0e,up can (e arranged+ 3ests must (e made up /it1in one /ee0 o. t1e sc1eduled
date+ 7ailure to pre,arrange a ma0e,up /ill result in t1e loss o. points .or t1e test+ 8nl) one ma0e,up per
student is allo/ed+
Acade,ic .onesty% An) 5iolations o. College o. *uPage policies regarding academic 1onest) and&or
integrit) /ill (e re.erred automaticall) to t1e appropriate College aut1orities .or disposition+ See
appropriate pages in t1e college catalog .or de.initions and regulations+
General 9ote% In order to ac1ie5e t1e course o(9ecti5es, it is essential t1at )ou en9o) t1e class in addition
to compl)ing /it1 t1e a(o5e re6uirements and t1e rules and policies o. College o. *uPage contained in
t1e catalog and ot1er College materials+ I. )ou are 1a5ing course&College related pro(lems, please .eel
.ree to tal0 to me so t1at /e can resole t1em to )our satis.action and (
Class Policies In order to ma0e our class a com.orta(le and encouraging learning en5ironment .or
e5er)one, t1e .ollo/ing is a set o. class policies+
)ui**es take place during the first 3+ ,inutes of class.
Please treat ot1er students, t1e instructor, and guests /it1 courtes) and respect+
Please do )our (est to (e on,time .or class+ I. )ou are late, enter 6uietl) and .ind out
/1at )ou missed .rom anot1er student+
Please listen /1en ot1ers are spea0ing+
Please raise )our 1and to as0 a 6uestion or ma0e a comment+ 31is allo/s me to .inis1 m) t1oug1t and .or
e5er)one to as0 6uestions .airl)+
Bigotr) and pre9udices o. an) 0ind /ill not (e tolerated+
7or t1e courtes) o. ot1ers, i. )ou need to ta0e a call, ans/er t1e call outside o. t1e classroom+
Co,puter Use Policies
*o not use computers during lectures unless )ou are .ollo/ing t1e lecture using t1e on,
line curriculum or t1e Po/erPoint presentation+ 31is includes t1e net+
*o not install an) so.t/are on t1e computers in t1e classroom or t1e la(+
*o not cop) an) so.t/are .rom an) o. t1e computers in t1e classroom or t1e la(+
*o not c1ange t1e des0top or an) o. t1e de.ault con.igurations o. t1e computer unless it
is part o. a la( exercise+
An) misuse o. t1e e6uipment or unpro.essional conduct /ill not (e tolerated+
Routers and +>itces
Erase all startup,con.ig .iles /1en .inis1ed+
:a0e sure con.iguration register is set to $x#1$#+
3urn,o.. routers and po/er,supplies /1en .inis1ed+
*o not disconnect serial ca(les unless it is part o. a la( exercise+
*o not erase or modi.) .las1 memor)+
;se class .or pri5ileged pass/ords 2ena(le secret4 and cisco .or all ot1er pass/ords+
#etod o- E?aluating +tudents%
Grading% Final Grades >ill <e assigned as -ollo>s
Point *istri(ution: Accu,ulated Points Grade
<ui==es: "$ pts+ '$,1$$ A
>a(s: "$ pts+ $,' B
>a(s .inal: #$ pts+ !$,!' C
8nline 7inal: #$ pts+ %$,%' *
3otal points: 1$$ pts+ 5' or lo/er 7
Note: 14 No incomplete 2I4 grade /ill (e gi5en in t1is class+
#4 Stop attending t1e class does not e6ual /it1dra/ 2?4+
Course Outline@+cedule Updated% "1@11@1"
1ee= Date Topics Online AuiB
1 $1&1&#$1$ 2:4
$1&#$&#$1$ 2?4
No class
C1apter 1: Intro+ 3o Routing and Pac0et 7or/arding
# $1&#5&#$1$ 2:4
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C1apter #: Static Routing
C1apter 1 2:4
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$#&1$&#$1$ 2?4
C1apter #: Static Routing
>a(: c1apter #- c1apter 1 la(s due
5 $#&15&#$1$ 2:4
$#&1!&#$1$ 2?4
>a(: c1apter #- c1apter 1 la(s due
C1apter ":Intro+ 3o *)namic Routing Protocols
C1apter # 2:4
% $#&##&#$1$ 2:4
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C1apter 5 2:4
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>a(: c1apter !- c1apter 5, % la(s due
#arc 2& to April '% Spring Brea0
C1apter % 2:4
11 $@&$5&#$1$ 2?4
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C1apter 11: 8SP7
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