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Chapter 1
Introduction to
Programming and Visual
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Addison Wesley
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2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.

Section 1.3
More about controls and

As a Visual Basic programmer, you must

design and create an

applications !"I elements #$orms and

other controls% and the

programming statements that respond to

and&or per$orm actions

#e'ent handlers%.
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Visual Basic Controls

As a (indo)s user youre already $amiliar

)ith many Visual Basic controls*

+abel , displays te-t the user cannot change

.e-tBo- , allo)s the user to enter te-t

Button / per$orms an action )hen clic0ed

1adioButton , A round button that is selected or

deselected )ith a mouse clic0

Chec0Bo- / A bo- that is chec0ed or unchec0ed

)ith a mouse clic0

2orm , A )indo) that contains these controls

.utorial 1,3 demonstrates these controls

Chapter 1 , Slide 3
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.utorial 1,3, Visual Basic
Chapter 1 , Slide 3
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.he 4ame Property

All controls ha'e properties

5ach property has a 'alue #or 'alues%

4ot all properties deal )ith appearance

.he name property establishes a means $or

the program to re$er to that control

Controls are assigned relati'ely meaningless

names )hen created

Programmers usually change these names to

something more meaning$ul
Chapter 1 , Slide 6
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5-amples o$ 4ames

.he +abel controls use the de$ault names

#+abel1, etc.%

.e-t bo-es, buttons, and the !ross Pay label

play an acti'e role in the program and ha'e
been changed
btnCal!rossPay btnClose
Chapter 1 , Slide 7
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4aming Con'entions

Control names must start )ith a letter

1emaining characters may be letters, digits, or


1st 3 lo)ercase letters indicate the type o$


t-t8 $or .e-t Bo-es

lbl8 $or +abels

btn8 $or Buttons

A$ter that, capitali9e the $irst letter o$ each


t-t:ours(or0ed is clearer than

Chapter 1 , Slide ;
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Addison Wesley
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2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.

Section 1.3
.he Programming Process

.he programming process consists o$

se'eral steps, )hich include

designing, creating, testing, and debugging

Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Step 1 o$ <e'eloping an Application

Clearly de$ine )hat the program is to do

2or e-ample, the (age Calculator program*

Purpose* .o calculate the users gross pay

Input* 4umber o$ hours )or0ed, hourly pay rate

Process* Multiply number o$ hours )or0ed by

hourly pay rate #result is the users gross pay%

=utput* <isplay a message indicating the users

gross pay
Chapter 1 , Slide >
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Step ? o$ <e'eloping an Application

Visuali9e the application running on the

computer and design its user inter$ace
Chapter 1 , Slide
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Step 3 o$ <e'eloping an Application

<etermine the controls needed

Type Name Description
.e-tBo- t-t:ours(or0ed Allo)s the user to enter the number o$ hours )or0ed.
.e-tBo- t-tPay1ate Allo)s the user to enter the hourly pay rate
+abel lbl!rossPay <isplays the gross pay, a$ter the btnCalc!rossPay
button has been clic0ed
Button btnCalc!rossPay (hen clic0ed, multiplies the number o$ hours )or0ed
by the hourly pay rate
Button btnClose (hen clic0ed, terminates the application
+abel #de$ault% <escription $or 4umber o$ :ours (or0ed .e-tBo-
+abel #de$ault% <escription $or :ourly Pay 1ate .e-tBo-
+abel #de$ault% <escription $or !ross Pay 5arned +abel
2orm #de$ault% A $orm to hold these controls
Chapter 1 , Slide
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Step 3 o$ <e'eloping an Application

<e$ine the 'alues o$ each controls rele'ant

Control Type Control Name Text
2orm #<e$ault% A(age CalculatorA
+abel #<e$ault% A4umber o$ :ours (or0edA
+abel #<e$ault% A:ourly Pay 1ateA
+abel #<e$ault% A!ross Pay 5arnedA
+abel lbl!rossPay AB@.@@A
.e-tBo- t-t:ours(or0ed AA
.e-tBo- t-tPay1ate AA
Button btnCalc!rossPay ACalculate !ross PayA
Button btnClose ACloseA
Chapter 1 , Slide
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Step 6 o$ <e'eloping an Application

<etermine the e'ent handlers and other code

needed $or each control
Method Description
btnCalc!rossPayCClic0 Multiplies hours )or0ed by hourly pay rate
.hese 'alues are entered into the
t-t:ours(or0ed and t-tPay1ate .e-tBo-es
1esult is stored in lbl!rossPay .e-t property
btnCloseCClic0 .erminates the application
Chapter 1 , Slide
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Step 7 o$ <e'eloping an Application

Create a $lo)chart or pseudocode 'ersion o$

the code

A $lo)chart is a diagram that graphically depicts the $lo)

o$ a method

Pseudocode is a cross bet)een human language and a

programming language
Chapter 1 , Slide
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Step ; o$ <e'eloping an Application

Chec0 the code $or errors*

1ead the $lo)chart and&or pseudocode

Step through each operation as though you are

the computer

"se a piece o$ paper to Dot do)n the 'alues o$

'ariables and properties as they change

Veri$y that the e-pected results are achie'ed

Chapter 1 , Slide
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Step E o$ <e'eloping an Application

"se Visual Basic to create the $orms and other

controls identi$ied in step 3

.his is the $irst use o$ Visual Basic, all o$ the

pre'ious steps ha'e Dust been on paper

In this step you de'elop the portion o$ the

application the user )ill see
Chapter 1 , Slide
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Step > o$ <e'eloping an Application

"se the $lo)charts or pseudocode $rom step 7

to )rite the actual code

.his is the second step on the computer

In this step you de'elop the methods behind the

clic0 e'ent $or each button

"nli0e the $orm de'eloped on step E, this portion

o$ the application is in'isible to the user
Chapter 1 , Slide
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Step 1@ o$ <e'eloping an

Attempt to run the application , $ind synta-


Correct any synta- errors $ound

Synta- errors are the incorrect use o$ an element

o$ the programming language

1epeat this step as many times as needed

All synta- errors must be remo'ed be$ore Visual

Basic )ill create a program that actually runs
Chapter 1 , Slide
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Step 11 o$ <e'eloping an

1un the application using test data as input

1un the program )ith a 'ariety o$ test data

Chec0 the results to be sure that they are correct

Incorrect results are re$erred to as a runtime error

Correct any runtime errors $ound

1epeat this step as many times as necessary

Chapter 1 , Slide
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Addison Wesley
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2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.

Section 1.6
Visual Studio and Visual Basic 5-press 5dition
#the Visual Basic 5n'ironment%

Visual Studio and Visual Basic 5-press

5dition consist o$ tools that

you use to build Visual Basic applications.

.he $irst step in using

Visual Basic is learning about these tools.

Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
.he Visual Studio I<5

Visual Studio is an integrated de'elopment

en'ironment, o$ten abbre'iated as I<5

Pro'ides e'erything needed to create, test, and

debug so$t)are including*

.he Visual Basic language

2orm design tools to create the user inter$ace

<ebugging tools to help $ind and correct

programming errors

Visual Studio supports other languages beside

Visual Basic such as CFF and CG
Chapter 1 , Slide
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.he Visual Basic 5n'ironment

.utorial 1,3 introduces elements o$ the I<5*

Customi9ing the I<5

<esign )indo) / a place to design and create a


Solution 5-plorer )indo) / sho)s $iles in the


Properties )indo) / modi$y properties o$ an


<ynamic :elp )indo) / a handy re$erence tool

.oolbar / contains icons $or $reHuently used


.oolbo- )indo) / obDects used in $orm design

.ooltips / a short description o$ buttons purpose

Chapter 1 , Slide

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