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Chapter 3
Variables and Calculations
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Section 3.1
Gathering Text Input

In this section, we use the TextBox control

to gather input the user

has typed on the eyboard. !e also alter a

"or#$s tab order and assign

eyboard access eys to controls.

Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
The TextBox Control

% text box is a rectangular area on a "or# that

accepts input "ro# a eyboard

Tutorial 3&1 pro'ides an exa#ple in the use o"

a text box
Chapter 3& Slide 3
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(sing the Text )roperty in Code

The TextBox control$s Text property can be

accessed in code the sa#e way you access
other properties

*or +xa#ple,

The contents o" the Text property can be assigned

into a -abel control$s Text property,

lblInfo.Text = txtInput.Text

The contents o" the Text property can be displayed

in a #essage box

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Clearing a Text Box

Can be done with an assign#ent state#ent,

txtInput.Text = String.Empty

assigning the prede"ined constant String.+#pty

replaces whate'er text was in txtInput with an
e#pty string

Can also be done with a #ethod,


Clear is a Method, not a Property

/ethods are actions 0 as in clearing the text

(ses the "or# Object.Method

Chapter 3& Slide 1
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String Concatenation

%ssu#e the user has entered their na#e into

the TextBox txt2a#e

-abel lblGreeting can say, 34ello5 to any na#e

"ound in the TextBox

lblreeting.Text = !"ello ! # txt$ame.Text

%ppends user na#e in txt2a#e.Text to 34ello 5

and stores result in text property o" lblGreeting
Chapter 3& Slide 6
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String Concatenation

Tutorial 3&7 pro'ides another exa#ple o" how

to concatenate strings "ro# text boxes
Chapter 3& Slide 8
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%ligning Controls in 9esign /ode

!hen dragging a control to a "or#, it can be

aligned with a control already on the "or#

Blue guide lines appear "or 'ertical align#ent

-a'ender guide lines "or hori:ontal align#ent

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The *ocus /ethod

*or a control to ha'e the "ocus #eans that it is

ready to recei'e the user<s input

In a running "or#, one and only one o" the

controls on the "or# #ay ha'e the "ocus

=nly a control capable o" recei'ing so#e sort

o" input #ay ha'e the "ocus

The "ocus can be set to a control in code using

the *ocus #ethod,
Chapter 3& Slide >
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The *ocus /ethod

?ou can tell which control has "ocus by its


!hen a TextBox has "ocus, it will ha'e a blining

cursor or its text will be highlighted

!hen a button, radio button, or a chec box has

"ocus, you$ll see a thin dotted line around the

Tutorial 3&3 shows an exa#ple o" the *ocus

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Controlling a *or#$s Tab =rder
with the TabIndex )roperty

Tab ey steps "ocus "ro# one control to the


This order is set by the TabIndex property

The Tab ey causes the "ocus to Au#p to the

control with the next highest TabIndex 'alue

The TabIndex property is best changed with

the Tab =rder option "ro# the View #enu

9isplays the "or# in tab order selection #ode

Set a new tab order by clicing the controls in the

order you want

This sets the nu#eric TabIndex 'alue

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%ssigning Beyboard %ccess Beys to Buttons

Say your "or# had a button with the text

3+xitC on it

?ou can allow the user to acti'ate the button

using %lt&D instead o" a #ouse clic

Eust change the button text property to


The character "ollowing the <F< Gx in this caseH

is designated as an access ey

Be care"ul not to use the sa#e access ey "or

two di""erent buttons
Chapter 3& Slide
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<F< 4as Special /eaning in a

2ote that the <F< in

3+FxitC does not display
in the button control on
the "or#

It si#ply establishes the

%lt Bey access

In order to actually
display an <F< on a button,
it #ust be entered as

Button text Save & Exit is

entered as Save && Exit
Chapter 3& Slide
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Setting the %ccept Button

The accept button is a button that is i#plicitly

acti'ated i" the user hits the +nter Bey

The %cceptButton )roperty designates which

button on the "or# will beha'e in this #anner

The button cliced #ost "reIuently on a "or#

is usually assigned as the accept button
Chapter 3& Slide
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Setting the Cancel Button

The cancel button is a button that is i#plicitly

acti'ated i" the user hits the +scape Bey

The CancelButton )roperty designates which

button on the "or# will beha'e in this #anner

%ny exit or cancel button on a "or# is a

candidate to beco#e the cancel button

Tutorial 3&1 pro'ides exa#ples o" setting

access eys, accept, and cancel buttons
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Section 3.7
Variables and 9ata Types

Variables hold data that #ay be

#anipulated, used to #anipulate

other data, or re#e#bered "or later use.

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!hy 4a'e VariablesJ

% 'ariable is a storage location in the

co#puter$s #e#ory, used "or holding
in"or#ation while the progra# is running

The in"or#ation that is stored in a 'ariable

#ay change, hence the na#e 3'ariable5
Chapter 3& Slide
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!hat Can ?ou 9o !ith VariablesJ

Copy and store 'alues entered by the user, so

they #ay be #anipulated

)er"or# arith#etic on 'alues

Test 'alues to deter#ine that they #eet so#e


Te#porarily hold and #anipulate the 'alue o"

a control property

Ke#e#ber in"or#ation "or later use in the

Chapter 3& Slide
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4ow to Thin %bout Variables

?ou the progra##er #ae up a na#e "or the


Visual Basic associates that na#e with a

location in the co#puter<s K%/

The 'alue currently associated with the

'ariable is stored in that #e#ory location
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9eclaring Variables

% 'ariable declaration is a state#ent that creates a 'ariable in


The syntax is,

(im )ariable$ame *s (ataType

(im Gshort "or 9i#ensionH is a eyword

)ariable$ame is the progra##er designated na#e

*s is a eyword

(ataType is one o" #any possible eywords "or the type

o" 'alue the 'ariable will contain

4ere is an exa#ple o" a 'ariable declaration,

(im int+ength as Integer
Chapter 3& Slide

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