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Section 3.3
Performing Calculations

Visual Basic has powerful arithmetic

operators that perform calculations

with numeric variables and literals.

Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Common Arithmetic Operators

Visual Basic provides operators for the

common arithmetic operations:
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* ultiplication
/ !ivision
^ "#ponentiation
Chapter 3$ Slide %
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Common Arithmetic Operators

dblTotal = dblPrice + dblTax

dblNetPrice = dblPrice dblDiscount

intArea = intLength * intWidth

dblAerage = intTotal / int!te"s

dbl#ube = dbl$ide ^ %
Chapter 3$ Slide 3
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Special &nteger !ivision Operator

'he bac(slash )&* is used as an integer division


!ivides one integer b+ another

'he result is alwa+s an integer, created b+

discarding an+ remainder from the division

&f calculating the number of hours in a given

number of minutes
int'ours = int(inutes & )*

-ith intinutes e.ual to /01, this calculation

will result in the value 3 assigned to int2ours
Chapter 3$ Slide 3
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
odulus )O!* Operator

'his operator can be used in place of the bac(slash

operator to give the remainder of a division operation
int+e"ainder = ,- (.D % / result is 0
dbl+e"ainder = ,-12 (.D % / result is 012

4se of the 5 or O!
operator to perform integer
division b+ 6ero causes a
runtime error
Chapter 3$ Slide 8
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"#plicit '+pe Conversions

A function performs some predetermined

operation and provides a single output

VB provides a set of functions that permit

narrowing conversions with Option Strict On

'hese functions will accept a constant,

variable name, or arithmetic e#pression

'he function returns the converted value

Chapter 3$ Slide 9
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"#plicit '+pe Conversion "#amples

:ounding can be done with the C&nt function

int#ount = #!nt3,0145 / int#ount alue is
int#ount = #!nt3,0125 / int#ount alue is

CStr converts an integer value to a string

Di" strText As $tring = #$tr30)5

C!ec converts a string to a double

Di" dblPa6 As Double = #Dbl378,92**75

C!ate converts a string to a date

Di" dat'ired As Date =
Chapter 3$ Slide ;
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Commonl+ 4sed Conversion
2ere are some commonl+ used conversion
Chapter 3$ Slide =
<unction !escription
Cint )expression* Converts expression to an integer
Cdbl )expression* Converts expression to a double
Cdate )expression* Converts expression to a date
Cdec )expression* Converts expression to a decimal
Cstr )expression* Converts expression to a string
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
A <ull >ist of Conversion <unctions

'here are conversion functions for each data t+pe:

#;ool 3 expression 5 #!nt 3 expression 5
#;6te 3 expression 5 #Lng 3 expression 5
##har 3 expression 5 #.b< 3 expression 5
#Date 3 expression 5 #$hort 3 expression 5
#Dbl 3 expression 5 #$ng 3 expression 5
#Dec 3 expression 5 #$tr 3 expression 5
Chapter 3$ Slide 0

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