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Chapter 4
Making Decisions
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley

This chapter covers the Visual Basic decision





Select Case

It also discusses the use of

Radio Buttons

Check Boxes

Message Boxes

Input Validation
Chapter 4 lide
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2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.
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ection 4"#
The Decision tructure

The decision structure allo$s a program%s

logic to have more than

one path of execution"

Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
&rder of tatement 'xecution

Thus far( our code has )een executed

se*uentiall+ in a se*uence structure

To $rite meaningful programs $e need

multiple paths of execution

ome statements should )e executed under

certain circumstances in a decision structure

This chapter presents the means to execute

statements conditionall+

,ext chapter presents the means to execute the

same statements repeatedl+
Chapter 4 lide
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
The Decision tructure

-lo$chart of a
t+pical decision

'valuate the

Is it cold outside.

'xecute or skip
over some code

If +es( $ear a coat

Chapter 4 lide
Is it cold outside?
Wear a coat.
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Addison Wesley
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2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.
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ection 4"!
The If"""Then tatement

The If"""Then statement causes other

statements to execute onl+

$hen an expression is true"

Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
0eneral -ormat

If the expression is True( execute the

statements )et$een IfThen and End If

&ther$ise( the statements are skipped

Chapter 4 lide
If expression Then
(more statements may follow)
'nd If
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Relational &perators

2suall+ a condition is formed using a relational


3 relational operator determines if a specific

relationship exists )et$een t$o values
> 0reater than
< 4ess than
= '*ual to
<> ,ot e*ual to
>= 0reater than or e*ual to
<= 4ess than or e*ual to
Chapter 4 lide
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Boolean 'xpressions

Relational operators are )inar+ meaning

the+ use t$o operands( for example6
length > width Is length greater than width?
size <= 1 Is size less than or e!ual 1?

Relational operators are used in Boolean

expressions $hich +ield a true or false result
Chapter 4 lide
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
8utting It 3ll Together
If9Then statement examples6
Chapter 4 lide
If decSales > " Then
#essage$ox%Show&'(ou)*e earned a +onus,'-
decCo..ission/ate = %10
int1a2s3ff = int1a2s3ff 4 1
End If
If decSales > " Then
#essage$ox%Show&'(ou)*e earned a +onus,'-
End If
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Rules to Remem)er

The If and the Then must )e on the same line

&nl+ a remark ma+ follo$ the Then

The End If must )e on a separate line

&nl+ a remark ma+ follo$ the End If

Tutorial 4;# presents an application that uses

the IfThen statement
Chapter 4 lide
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
8rogramming t+le

The code )et$een the IfThen and the End If

is indented

Visual Basic does not re*uire this

It is a convention among programmers to aid

in the reada)ilit+ of programs

B+ default( the Visual Basic editor $ill

automaticall+ do this indentation as +ou enter
+our program
Chapter 4 lide
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2sing Relational &perators $ith Math

Math operators are evaluated )efore relational operators

int5 4 int( and int6 7 int$ are evaluated first

Most programmers prefer to use parentheses to clarif+ the

order of operations
Chapter 4 lide
If int5 4 int( > int6 7 int$ Then
l+l#essage%Text = 'It is true,'
End If
If &int5 4 int(- > &int6 8 int$- Then
l+l#essage%Text = 'It is true,'
End If
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
2sing -unction Calls $ith Relational &perators

'ither or )oth relational operator operands

ma+ )e function calls

The return value of the function call is

compared to the value using the relational
Chapter 4 lide
If CInt&txtInput%Text- < 1 Then
l+l#essage%Text = 'It is true,'
End If
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
2sing Boolean Varia)les as -lags

3 flag is a Boolean varia)le that signals $hen some

condition exists in the program

ince a Boolean varia)le is either True or 9alse( it can

)e used as the condition of an IfThen statement

ince a Boolean varia)le alread+ evaluates to True or 9alse(

an = operator is not re*uired
Chapter 4 lide
If +ln:uota#et Then
l+l#essage%Text = '(ou ha*e .et 2our sales !uota'
End If
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2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.
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ection 4"<
The If"""Then"""'lse tatement

The If"""Then"""'lse statement executes one

group of statements

if the Boolean expression is true and

another group of statements if

the Boolean expression is false"

Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
0eneral -ormat

If the
expression is

execute the
)et$een If
Then and Else

If the
expression is

execute the
)et$een Else
and End If
Chapter 4 lide
If expression Then
(more statements may follow)
(more statements may follow)
'nd If
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
-lo$chart and 8seudocode

Chapter 4 lide
< 40?
Display Message
A little cold, isnt it?
Display Message
Nice weather were
If temperature < 40 Then
Display the message A little cold, isnt it?
Display the message "ice #eather #ere ha$ing%
!nd If
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
T$o Mutuall+ 'xclusive Choices

The IfThenElse has t$o choices

The condition $ill either )e True or -alse

o either the Then clause or Else clause $ill )e


These are t$o mutuall+ exclusive choices

Tutorial 4;! contains an example of the If

ThenElse construct
Chapter 4 lide
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2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.
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ection 4"4
The If"""Then"""'lseIf tatement

The If"""Then"""'lseIf statement is like a chain


If"""Then"""'lse statements" The+ perform

their tests(

one after the other( until one of them is

found to )e true"
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Multiple 8ossi)le Choices

The IfThenElseIf statement allo$s for an

entire series of possi)le choices

In pseudocode6
Chapter 4 lide
If it is $ery cold Then
&ear a coat
!lseif it is chilly
&ear a light 'ac(et
!lseif it is #indy
&ear a #ind)rea(er
!lseif it is hot
&ear no 'ac(et
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Multiple 8ossi)le Choices

'ach of the series of conditions in an If

ThenElseIf is tested in se*uence

=hen a condition is true( the remaining

conditions are ignored

The order of the conditions is vital

=rong order can result in $rong decision ; called a

logic error

=hat if it%s chill+ and $ind+.

If $ind+ is tested )efore chill+( +ou%d go out $ith a

$ind)reaker $hen +ou need a >acket
Chapter 4 lide
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
0eneral -ormat

This construction is like a chain of If%%%Then%%%Else statements

The Else part of one statement is linked to the If part of

Chapter 4 lide
If expression Then
(more statements may follow)
'lseIf expression Then
(more statements may follow)
?put as man+ 'lseIf statements as necessar+@
(more statements may follow)
Copyright 2011 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Chapter 4 lide
Very cold?
Wear a heavy jacket
Wear a light jacket
Wear a windbreaker
Wear no jacket

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