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FINAL EXAM QUESTION 01 (2 points possible)
Which of the following is/are primitive data types in Java?
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FINAL EXAM QUESTION 02 (2 points possible)
Which of the following statement is/are legal in Java?
(1)int double = 2;
(2)int double1 = 1.0;
(3)int 1_plus_3 = 4;
(4)int one-minus-two;
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FINAL EXAM QUESTION 03 (2/2 points)
What is the result of the following expression?
3 %2 * 2 + 3 * - 1 / 3
HKUSTx: COMP102x Introduction to Computing with Java
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FINAL EXAM QUESTION 04 (2/2 points)
What is the value of variable z after executing the following statements?
i nt x = 1;
i nt y = x++;
i nt z = ++y;
y = z++;
z = ++z;
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FINAL EXAM QUESTION 05 (2 points possible)
Which of the following is/are valid Java statements that give no compilation error or warning?
(1)int i = 2.0;
(2)double d = 2;
(3)double d2 = 2.0f;
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