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The concept of service quality emerged in 1980s.The word quality
is used as synonymous with customer satisfaction. In todays fast changing
world, service quality is the winning edge. It is important to meet the
requirements of gloal competition.
!offman " #ateson defines service quality as an $attitude formed y
a long%term, overall evaluation of a performance&.
'arasuraman, (eithaml and #erry are the three important
contriutors to service quality. They not only wrote research papers ut also
did a monograph in 1990 for )ar*eting +cience Institute.
They have suggested that it may e the perception of service quality
that leads to customer satisfaction. This means that if the customer
perceives the service to e of high quality, then the customer will e
satisfied with it, some others elieve that if the customer is satisfied with
the service, they perceive it to e of high quality.
+ervice quality is a relative concept and its measurement involves
the discovery of effective ways to survey customers and determine their
e,pectations and perceptions of the quality of individual dimensions and
the overall service.
This pro-ect was conducted at )ore for you supermar*et under the
title $ . study on service quality dimension&. The o-ectives of this study
was to analy/e the level of satisfaction of the customer with regard to
service, quality, cleanliness and value, to analy/e the effectiveness of the
change in rand name after acquisition of trinethra y .dithya #irla group,
to analy/e the effectiveness of the promotional methods followed to
promote the product and services 0sales promotional and advertising
strategies1 , to analy/e the prolems and its parameters faced y the
customer in the )ore stores, to analy/e the effectiveness of the competitors,
to analy/e the scenario of the rands in the mind of the customer and to
analy/e and control the attrition rate of the customers.
This study was needed in order to *now the satisfaction level of the
customers with regards to service, quality and value and the prolems faced
y them in the )ore store.
The pilot study was conducted for 30 samples and some changes are
made in the questionnaire after the pilot study. In this descriptive research
was used. +ystematic sampling was used which is a statistical method
involving the selection of every n
element from a sampling frame. The
sample si/e was fi,ed at 340 which is fi,ed according to 5re-cie " )organ
and 6ohen where for a population of 3400 customers, the sample is 378 so
it was rounded off and ta*en as 340 for this study.
In this study statistical tools li*e percentage analysis, chi%square,
one way anova, two way anova, weighted average and interval estimation
was used. )any charts and tales was used in the study.
The questionnaire consists of all types of questions li*e open ended,
close ended, dichotomous9 ran*ing, multiple choices and li*er scale is used.
In the study oth primary and secondary data was used. 'rimary data was
collected through questionnaire and secondary data is collected through
maga/ines, wesites and oo*s.
. :+ ;27 illion corporation with a mar*et cap of :+ ;31.4 illion
and in the league of <ortune 400, the .ditya #irla =roup is anchored y an
e,traordinary force of 100,000 employees, elonging to 24 different
The =roup operates in 20 countries> India, Thailand, ?aos,
Indonesia, 'hilippines, @gypt, 6hina, 6anada, .ustralia, :+., :5,
=ermany, !ungary, #ra/il, Italy, <rance, ?u,emourg, +wit/erland,
)alaysia and 5orea
To e a premium gloal conglomerate with a clear focus on each usiness.
To deliver superior value to our customers, shareholders, employees
and society at large
% The worldAs largest aluminium rolling company
% Borld leader in viscose staple fire
% Cne of the iggest producers of primary aluminium in .sia
% <astest%growing copper company in .sia
% The .ditya #irla =roup is the 11th largest cement producer in the
world and the seventh largest in .sia.
% <ourth largest producer of caron lac* in the world
% <ourth largest producer of insulators in the world.
6onsidering the overall portfolio strategy and long%term growth
plans, the .ditya #irla =roup has decided to ma*e a purposeful and well
considered move into the retail sector.
The =roups foray into the retail sector egan in 2008, when the
.ditya #irla =roup acquired Trinethra +uper Detail ?imited from India
Ealue <unds.Trinethra has over 1F0 outlets spread across .ndhra 'radesh,
5arnata*a, Tamil Gadu and 5erala.Trinethra has around 2400 employees
and en-oys a strong consumer franchise in all the states in which it operates.
In Hanuary 200F, the Trinethra +uper Detail has given more than
half a million square feet of selling area and a strong presence in the
supermar*et usiness in the four southern states of .ndhra 'radesh,
5arnata*a, Tamil Gadu and 5erala, where it is the Go.1 retailer.
?ater there were plans to increase its penetration in the south and
initiate a pan%India roll%out all over. +o the .ditya #irla changed the name
from Trinethra to the new rand name )ore for you in )ay 200F. The first
super mar*et under the name )ore was opened in 'une.?ater it e,panded
across the various cities in the country.
The )ore supermar*ets have a minimum si/e of 10,000 sq.ft and the
hypermar*ets will e spread over an area of F4,000 sq.ft.
ICur mission is to change the way people shop. Be will give them more.
@very product at more goes through a thorough quality chec*
process that ensures 100 percent more satisfaction.
.part from a large range of national rands, shoppers will also find a
section called the #est of India, which is an assortment of unique products
sourced from across India.
The wide range of fresh fruits and vegetales along with private
lael offerings under rand names Ealue, +elect and 'remium ensure that
more. variety is a promise delivered across the store.
.ll )ore stores are located at convenient locations within easy reach
of consumers and it has a neat, cheerful, friendly layout and enough space.
It has a good signage that spea*s the consumerAs language aiding in
identifying what they have come to shop, all go a long way in ensuring
more convenience.
The )ore store promises est in mar*et pricing. It has a direct lin*
with farmers to source fresh fruits, vegetales and staples ensure great
quality as well as great price. .long with this, the memership program
6lumore, also provides convenience, customi/ed shopping solutions and
savings, and the )ore. value promise ecomes all the more evident.
Till today there are 100 supermar*ets which have een rolled out in
'une, )umai, .hmedaad , Jelhi, Ei/ag, #angalore , Ei-ayawada and
. study on the service quality dimension was conducted in order to
*now the satisfaction level of the customers with regards to service, quality
and value.Bith the help of this study we can also find out the effectiveness of
the promotional methods used y )ore to promote the product and services.
This study was also needed in order to *now the effectiveness after
change in the rand name after acquisition of Trinethra y .ditya #irla
=roup.Be can also find out the reasons for the attrition rate of the customers
and the ways to control them.
The study was also conducted to *now the prolems faced y the
customers in the )ore store.
+ervice quality dimension is considered as an important aspect in the
service industry. )oreover customer satisfaction is very important. Cnly if
they are satisfied, they will come once again to uy from us.
The survey can tell what the customers feel regarding the service and
quality offered y more store. It helps us to *now the reasons why the
customers are preferring the competitors.
Thus only if the customers are satisfied they will maintain a good
relation with the company will ma*e repeat purchases. It is an overall
process in order to *now the customers e,pectations and perceptions of the
+o the topic was chosen in order to *now aout the service quality
provided y )ore store with regard to the price, offers given, service
provided to its customers.
In general research can e termed as an inquiry into the nature of
reasons for and the consequences of any particular set of circumstances.Its
the process of finding solutions for the prolem after a through analysis of
the situational factors.
.ccording to Dedman " )ory, research is defined as a systemati/ed
effort to gain new *nowledge.
The study aims at analy/ing the satisfaction level of the customers
with regards to service, quality and value at more supermar*ets. It also aims
in analy/ing the effectiveness of the promotion methods used and that of
the competitors.
The research design is the lue print for fulfilling o-ectives and
answering questions of specific research prolem. . research design is
purely and simply the framewor* a plan for a study that guides the
collection and analysis of the data.
This is concerned with decriing the characteristics of a particular
individual or a group e.g. users of a product with different age, se, etc. is
eing used in the study.
11 The main o-ective of this study is to analy/e the level of
satisfaction of the customer with regard to service, quality, cleanliness
and value.
21 To analy/e the effectiveness of the change in rand name after
acquisition of trinethra y aditya irla group.
31 To analy/e the effectiveness of the promotional methods followed
to promote the product and services. 0sales promotional and
advertising strategies1.
71 To analy/e the prolems and its parameters faced y the
customer in the )ore stores.
41 To analy/e the effectiveness of the competitors.
81 To analy/e the scenario of the rand in the mind of the customer.
F1 To analy/e and control the attrition rate of the customer.
The main sources through which data is collected are>
a) Priar! "a#a:
This method was used in the research. The instrument used to collect
primary data is through questionnaire from the customers..It gives first
hand information to the researcher. In this study, a questionnaire has een
prepared with a view to analy/e the service quality dimension at )ore
super mar*et.
$) S%&'("ar! "a#a:
+econdary data mar*s the eginning of the research process.
Information gathered from oth internal and e,ternal sources. +econdary
data is required to analy/e the primary data. +econdary data gathered
through -ournals, oo*s and wesites.
+ystematic sampling was used in the pro-ect. It involves drawing
every nth element in the population starting with a randomly chosen
element etween 1 and n. This method is used if the population frame is
easily availale. +ystematic sampling is to e applied only if the given
population is logically homogeneous, ecause systematic sample units are
uniformly distriuted over the population.
The sample si/e for the pro-ect is 340.This is fi,ed according to
5re-cie " )organ and 6ohen, where for a population of 3400 customers,
the sample si/e is determined as 378 which is rounded off to 340 for the
'ilot study was conducted to find out the feasiility of the
questionnaire. #ased on the necessity of information the questionnaire was
prepared and questionnaire was given to 30 customers. #ased on the
response the questionnaire was modified and finali/ed for the survey.
% The researcher found it difficult to collect the questionnaire, since some of the
respondents did not give proper response in the store
% The customers did not respond properly during pea* hours.
% The pro-ect was only for 3 months.+o there was time constraint.
% The samples which are collected form the employees may e su-ected to
personal ias.
Desearch suggests that customers do not perceive quality in a
unidimensional way.#ut rather -udge quality ased on multiple factors
relevant to the conte,t.
<or eg>Kuality of food products may e assessed on dimensions li*e
flavor, freshness , aroma etc.
+ervice quality can e measured using the e,pectation%perception
gap and this view has een widely accepted and efficient way to measure
service quality.
In order to measure the service quality the famous +@DEK:.? is
used. The +@DEK:.? scale involves survey containing 21 service
attriutes, grouped into 4 service quality dimensions of reliaility ,
responsiveness, empathy, assurance and tangiles.The survey as*s
customers to provide two different ratings on each attriute.
The +@DEK:.? has een used in multiple conte,ts, cultures for
measuring service quality in commercial as well as pulic sector
organi/ations.The data gathered through this is used to determine the gap
score etween customers perceptions and e,pectations for each service
industry, to assess the companys service quality along each of the five
+@DEK:.? dimensions and to compare a companys +@DEK:.? scores
against those of competitors.
The five dimensions of service quality are a1 tangiles, 1 reliaility ,
c1 responsiveness, d1 assurance and e1 empathy. 0'arasuraman, (eithaml
and #erry1.
+ignificant developments in the past five years have uncovered new
dimensions in quality, which provide a solid foundation for understanding
service quality. These developments include the movement from Icustomer
satisfactionI to Idelight the customerI as the standard for quality9 the
movement from Itotal quality managementI to Itotal quality leadershipI9
and the movement from defining customers as purchasers of goods to
understanding customers 0internal and e,ternal customers1 as users of
products and services.0 Davi +han*er1
The issues pertaining to service quality and their implications on
customer satisfaction have een prominently featured in the mar*eting
literature since the first recognition of distinctive dimensions of service
quality around 24 years ago.
The relationship etween customer satisfaction and susequent
uyer ehaviour is well documented in the uyer ehaviour theory
literature 0)ary Ho #itner 1.
It is suggested that it may e the perception of service quality that
leads to customer satisfaction. This means that if the customer perceives the
service to e of high quality, then the customer will e satisfied with it.
0'arasuraman, (eithaml and #erry1.
T-% .r'/01 -avi(. 'r% &-ai( '2 1#'r%1
Gr'/0 R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
TATA 34 345
R%6ia(&% 34 345
A"i#-!a 74 745
Bri#a((ia ,8 ,85
Pa(#a6''(1 ,4 ,45
R0. 8 85
#'#a6 ,44
The tale shows that respondents say T.T. holds 30L of chain
stores, reliance hold aout 30L, .dithya holds 20L, ritania aout
14L and D'= holds 4L according to the respondents.
A##ri$/#%1 2'r #-% 9/a6i#! '2 0r'"/&#1 a(" 9/a6i#! '2 #-% 0ri&%:
P%r2'ra(&% R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
Hi.-6! 1a#i12i%" 84 845
1a#i12i%" 78 785
N%i#-%r 1a#i12i%" ('r
,4 ,45
Di11a#i12i%" ,8 ,85
TOTAL ,445
This tale shows 40L of respondents are highly satisfied
of the quality and price of the product, 24 of respondents are
moderately satisfied, 10L of respondents are neither satisfied
nor dissatisfied and 14L are dissatisfied.
T-% 2'66';i(. #a$6% r%0r%1%(#1 #-% &/1#'%r 1%rvi&% a2#%r a&#/a#i'(:
P%r2'ra(&% R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
E<&%66%(# =4 =45
G''" ,8 ,85
Far% ,4 ,45
P''r 8 85
#'#a6 ,44
The tale shows F0L of respondents say the customer
service is e,cellent, 14L of respondents say it is good, 10L
aout fare, and 4L of respondents go with poor customer
T-% 0%r2'ra(&% a$'/# #-% 0ri&% ? &6%a(6i(%11 0r'vi"%" i( #-% 1#'r% a1
1-';( i( $%6';:
P%r2'ra(&% r%10'("%(#1 0%r&%(#a.%
Pri&% 84 845
C6%a(6i(%11 84 845
#'#a6 ,44
This tale shows the price in the store is up to 40L of respondents,
and cleanliness is up to 40 L of respondents.
Pri&% 6%v%6 2'r FMCG, 2r/i#1 a(" v%.%#a$6%1 ar% &-ara&#%ri1#i&1 .iv%(
P%r2'ra(&% R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
V%r! -i.- 74 745
Hi.- 34 345
M'"%ra#% 38 385
L'; ,8 ,85
#'#a6 ,44
The tale shows 20L of respondents say the price level is very
high, 30L of respondents say it is high, aout 34L moderate, and
14L of respondents go with low price level.
T-% &'06ai(# 6%v%6 i( 'r"%r #aAi(. a(" -'% "%6iv%r%" i( '/r 1#'r%
P%r2'ra(&% R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
V%r! -i.- @8 @85
Hi.- ,4 ,45
M'"%ra#% ,8 ,85
L'; ,4 ,45
#'#a6 ,445
The aove tale shows the complaint level in order ta*ing and
home delivery, 84L of respondents are with very high complaints,
10L are with high, 14L are with moderate and 10L respondents are
with low complaints.
T-% 1#a#i'(ar! i#%1 a##ri$/#%1 6iA% 1#a06%1 , "air! , %"i$6% 'i6 ,
$%v%ra.%1 ar% 1-';( i( #a$6%:
P%r2'ra(&% R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
V%r! -i.- =4 =45
Hi.- ,4 ,45
M'"%ra#% ,8 ,85
L'; 8 85
TOTAL ,445
The aove tale shows the stationary items attriutes are F0L,
10L, 14L, 4L with very high, high, moderate and low respondents
A"v%r#i1%%(# 1%%( $! vi%;%r1:
A(1;%r R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
Y%1 =4 =45
N' 34 345
TOTAL ,445
The aove tale shows F0L of respondents have seen the
companys advertisement and 30L of respondents have not seen it.
A&&'r"i(. #' #-%ir %22%&#iv%, #-% %"ia1 6iA% T:V, (%;10a0%r, a.aDi(%,
-'ar"i(., FM, ar% #a$/6a#%" $%6';:
M%"ia1 R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
TV 74 745
N%;10a0%r 78 785
Ma.aDi(% ,4 ,45
H'ar"i(. ,8 ,85
FM 78 785
O#-%r1 8 85
This tale shows the effect of media to the company, 20L of
respondents elong to television category,24L of respondents elong
to newspaper category, 10L of respondents elong to maga/ine
category, 14L of respondents elong to hoarding category, 24L of
respondents elong to <) category, 4L of respondents elong to
other category,
TABLE + ,4
Fi(" #-% a;ar%(%11 a$'/# 0r''#i'( '22%r%" $! #-% a"v%r#i1%%(#1:
Y%1 84 845
N' 84 845
#'#a6 ,44
The tale highlights the promotion offered y advertisements.
40L of respondents go with M@+ and 40L with GC.
CHART + ,4
TABLE + ,,
A2#%r &-a(.% i( a"i(i1#ra#i'( '2 #ri(i#-ra ar% 1#a#%" $%6';:
P%r2'ra(&% R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
Hi.-6! 1a#i12i%" @4 @45
Sa#i12i%" ,4 ,45
N%i#-%r 1a#i12i%" ('r
78 785
Di11a#i12i%" 8 85
#'#a6 ,44
The tale shows the performance change after administration of
trinithra , 80L of respondents are with highly satisfied, 10L with
satisfied, 24L on respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and
4L are dissatisfied.
CHART + ,,
T-% 2a&#'r1 #-a# i(26/%(&%" #-% 1-'0 i( 'r% &-ai( 1#'r%1 ar%:
Fa&#'r1 R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
Bra(" (a% 78 785
Pri&% 34 345
Pr'"/&# 9/a6i#! 74 745
N%i.-$'r 1#'r% ,8 ,85
T'#a6 ,44
The tale shows 24L of respondents say the chain store is
influenced ecause of the rand name, 30L of respondents go with
price, 20L with products quality.
CHART + ,7
TABLE + ,3
R%&'%("a#i'( '2 1%rvi&% #' '#-%r1
A##ri$/#%1 R%10'("%(#1 P%r&%(#a.%
D%2i(i#%6! r%&'%(" >4 >45
M'1# 0r'$a$6! ,4 ,45
N'# 1/r% ,4 ,45
Pr'$a$6! ;i66 ('#
74 745
D%2i(i#%6! ;i66 ('#
74 745
TOTAL ,445
The aove tale shows 70L of respondents definitely
recommend the service of company, 10L of respondents are not sure
and 20L of respondents will not recommend the service of the
CHART + ,3
TABLE + ,>
T-% 'v%ra66 1a#i12a&#i'( 6%v%6 ;i#- 'r% r%#ai6 1#'r% i1 .iv%( $%6';
0%r2'ra(&% R%10'("%(#1 0%r&%(#a.%
E<&%66%(# >4 >45
G''" 74 745
V%r! .''" 78 785
Ba" ,8 ,85
#'#a6 ,44
The tale shows the overall satisfaction level with more retail
store is 70L of e,cellent respondents, 20L of good respondents, 24L
of very good respondents and 14L are ad respondents.
CHART + ,>
Despondents say T.T. holds 30L of chain stores, reliance hold aout
30L, .dithya holds 20L, ritania aout 14L and D'= holds 4L
according to the respondents.
40L of respondents are highly satisfied of the quality and price of the
product, 24 of respondents are moderately satisfied, 10L of
respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 14L are
F0L of respondents say the customer service is e,cellent, 14L of
respondents say it is good, 10L aout fare, and 4L of respondents go
with poor customer service.
The price in the store is up to 40L of respondents, and cleanliness is
up to 40 L of respondents.
20L of respondents say the price level is very high, 30L of
respondents say it is high, aout 34L moderate, and 14L of
respondents go with low price level.
The complaint level in order ta*ing and home delivery, 84L of
respondents are with very high complaints, 10L are with high, 14L
are with moderate and 10L respondents are with low complaints.
The stationary items attriutes are F0L, 10L, 14L, 4L with very
high, high, moderate and low respondents respectively.
F0L of respondents have seen the companys advertisement and 30L
of respondents have not seen it.

The effect of media to the company, 20L of respondents elong to
television category,24L of respondents elong to newspaper
category, 10L of respondents elong to maga/ine category, 14L of
respondents elong to hoarding category, 24L of respondents elong
to <) category, 4L of respondents elong to other category,
The promotion offered y advertisements. 40L of respondents go
with M@+ and 40L with GC.
The performance change after administration of trinithra , 80L of
respondents are with highly satisfied, 10L with satisfied, 24L on
respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 4L are
24L of respondents say the chain store is influenced ecause of the
rand name, 30L of respondents go with price, 20L with products
70L of respondents definitely recommend the service of company,
10L of respondents are not sure and 20L of respondents will not
recommend the service of the company.
The overall satisfaction level with more retail store is 70L of
e,cellent respondents, 20L of good respondents, 24L of very good
respondents and 14L are ad respondents.
The customer service assistants are considered to e the main part in the
store. #ut all the stores do not have enough numer of staffs. +o the !uman
resources department could increase the numer of staffs in all the stores
and could allocate the udget for manpower for each store in a planned
manner as per the si/e of the store.
Training could e given to the staffs in the illing section. This will help to
reduce the valuale time of the customers and it will also lead to error free
The management could install 'entium 7 software in order to increase the
speed and accuracy.
The management could concentrate on reducing the prices of the products
than giving offers which will help them to shine well from that of the
competitors. They can reduce it y the reducing the )D' rates.
They could also offer incentive schemes to the regular customers which
will e helpful to retain the customers for a long time.
The firm could concentrate in giving advertisement mainly on television.
+o that many people will come to *now aout the super mar*et very well.
The pamphlets could e given to all the areas. Cnly then everyone will
come to *now aout us
.ll the counters in a particular store could e opened all the time especially
during pea* hours of sale. The customers find it difficult due to lac* of
+ervice quality is a relative concept and its measurement involves
the discovery of effective ways to survey customers and determine their
e,pectations and perceptions of the quality of individual dimensions and
the overall service.
<rom this study we find that most of the respondents feel that the
prices of the products are high. They are satisfied with the change in
administration from Trinithra to )ore. +ome of the customers are
dissatisfied with the quality and service provided y )ore. The customers
have rated good to the customer service representatives wor*ing in the
supermar*et. Be also find that the respondents are satisfied with the
promotional offers given. )ost of the customers have not seen the
advertisement of more. The customers are satisfied with cleanliness, order
ta*ing and home delivery process.
Therefore it is suggested that the management could reduce the
prices of the products y reducing the )D' rates. 'roper training could e
given to the customer service assistants in illing. The management could
install 'entium 7 software in order to increase the speed and accuracy. They
could also increase the manpower in all the stores. .ll the counters could e
opened especially during the pea* hours. The management could offer
incentive schemes to regular customers in order to retain them.
The following types of questions are included in the questionnaire.
,) Di&-'#''/1:
This type of question has only 2 alternatives namely $yes& or $no&.
The respondents should choose any one option.
7) M/6#i06% &-'i&%1:
This question has a set of given alternatives
3) Ra(Ai(.:
This has ran*ing scale from 1 to 4 where the respondents have to
compulsorily mar* as per their preferences.
>) LiA%r 1&a6%:
This is one which has options either from $highly satisfied to highly
dissatisfied $or $strongly agree to strongly disagree&.
8) C6'1% %("%" 9/%1#i'(1:
This question consists of options and respondents should select from
@) O0%( %("%" 9/%1#i'(1:
In this the respondents are given freedom to fill anything according
to their convenience.
1. To which group do you thin* more . chain of stores elong to
N O T.T.+ N O Deliance N O .ditya irla group N O #ritannia N O pantaloons N O
2. 5indly state the level of e,pectation of e,perienced y you with the
services provided for quality of products of quality of the price in own
a1 !ighly satisfied 1 satisfied c1 neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d1
3. 5indly rate the following characteristics of the customer service
representative after acquisition
a1 @,cellent 1 good c1 fair d1 poor
7. +tate the level of e,pectation as e,perienced y you with the service
provided for price " cleanliness provided in our stoc*.
a1 !ighly satisfied 1 satisfied c1 neither satisfied d1 dissatisfied
4. 5indly indicate your opinion of various price levels for <)6= , fruits and
a1 Eery high 1 high c1 modulate d1 low
8. +tate the complaint level in order ta*ing and home delivered in our
a1 very high 1 high c1 moderate d1 low
F. 5indly indicate your opinion of various price staples , dairy , edile oil ,
a1 Eery high 1 high c1 moderate d 1 low
8. !ave you ever seen any advertisement of more . for you
N O yes N O no
ii. if yes , where PPPPPPPPPPPP. 0'lease specify1
9. Bhich media do you thin* will e more effectiveQ
N O T.E 0sun, vi-ay , sony, star plus1
NO newspaper 0the hindu , Indian e,press , thina thandi, thinamalar1
N O maga/ine 0 india today, usiness today , usiness world , the reporter1
N O hoarding
N O <) 0radio mirchi, suriyan <) , radiocity, radioone1
N O others PPPPP 0'lease specify1
10. .re you aware of the various promotional offered y the .. JQ
N O M@+ N O GC
II. 5indly indicate, through which you have seen our offers
N O shelf tal*ers N O posters N O anners N O leaflets N O tag media 0TE
iii. if yes, what is your opinion aout the promotional offers givenQ
N O e,cellent N O good N O fair N O poor N O very poor
11. !ow satisfied are you with $more for you $compared to trinithra after
change in administrationQ
N O highly satisfied N O satisfied N O neither satisfied N O dissatisfied N O highly
12. 5indly ran* what according to you are most important factors that
influence you to shop in more retail storeQ 01%highest , F% lowest1
<actors Dan*ing
#rand name 1
'rice structure 2
+ervice offered 3
'roduct quality 7
'romotional tools used 4
.vailaility of product range 8
Geighorhood store F
13. !ow li*ely would you recommend our service to othersQ
N O definitely recommends N O most proaly N O not sure
N O proaly will not recommends N O definitely will not recommend
17. Bhat is overall satisfaction level of your e,perience with more retail store.
N O e,cellent N O good N O poor N O very poor
14. .ny other suggestionsQ
Davi +han*er R+ervices )ar*eting The Indian 'erspective R% @,cel #oo*s.

Ealarie ..(eithaml, )ary Ho #itner R +ervices )ar*eting Integrating
6ustomer <ocus .cross The <irm R % Tata)c=raw%!ill.
Da-endra Gargund*ar R+ervices )ar*eting % )c=raw%!ill.
6.D 5othari R Desearch )ethodology R % Bishva 'ra*ashan
:ma +e*aran R Deasearch )ethods <or #usiness % Hohn Biley .nd +ons


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