Unit - 12 What Is Reading

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Paresh Bambhaniya

What is Reading?
Generally speaking reading means decoding words. But actually reading involves
not only word decoding, but also meaning making.
How to read
Try to avoid focusing on every word rather read words in group.
Work on your vocabulary while reading. Refer to the dictionary for new words
and try to remember them by consciously using them in your speech and
Avoid lips movement while reading silently
Read at least for !"#$ minutes a day
Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension refers to the ability to understand information presented in
written form.
Reasons for poor comprehension
%nability to understand words
%nability to &nderstand sentences
%nability to 'ow sentences are related to each other
%nability to 'ow information (ts together in a meaningful way
)ack of interest or concentration
These reasons can be situational depending on the type of material, sub*ect matter
or reader+s physical and mental state.
Improving comprehension skills
Read materials in variety don+t limit yourself only to the te,tbooks
Read long passages or portion
-ircle unknown or unfamiliar words while reading
Think of main ideas being re.ected in the te,t you read
-onsider how interesting the sub*ect matter is and how much you already
know about the sub*ect
Sub Skills of reading/ or Techniqes for good
Understanding text organization; Whether the te,t is a prose or verse
and what language dose it use.
Intensive reading; Reading with concentration or reading minutely eg.
Reading for 0,ams.
Extensive reading1 Reading for pleasure eg. Reading a maga2ine.
!kimming" Going through te,t 3uickly in order to (nd out the gist of the
!canning / Going through te,t 3uickly in order to (nd out necessary
Predicting1 predicting means using te,t to decide what will happen ne,t
con(rm as they read. Generally reader predict before reading or during the
reading of the te,t.
Inferring1 %t does mean giving a logical guess, based on the fact or evidence
presented using prior knowledge to help 4read between the lines.
Process and Prodct in Reading"
There is a distinction between the process of reading and product of reading.
The process is what actually means by 4reading+ proper and the result of that
process is the product. 0vidently, many di5erent things can be going on when
a reader reads any a te,t/ the process is likely to be dynamic, variable and
di5erent for the same reader on the same te,t at a di5erent time or with a
di5erent purpose in reading. &nderstanding the process is important in
understanding the nature of reading. An alternative approach to e,amine the
process of reading is to inspect the product of reading and compare that
product with original te,t read. %t is sometime said that, although di5erent
readers may engage in di5erent reading processes, the understanding they
end up with will be similar.
#evels of $nderstanding in Reading"
%t is commonplace in theories of reading as well as in everyday talk about
reading to distinguish di5erent levels of understanding of a te,t.
&nderstanding of the literal meaning and inferred meanings of the te,t, as
GRA6+7 89:$; distinction between <reading the lines=, <between the lines=
and <beyond the lines=, the (rst relates to the literal meaning, the second to
the inferred meaning and third to the critical evaluation of the te,t.

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