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Document: New Text Message Phase: 1
Authors: BAO NGUYEN Version: 1.0
Approved By: Date: September 26, 2014

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014


Version No. Created Date Description Author
1.0 September 26 2014 Use case for New Text Message Bao Nguyen

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

Table of Contents
REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................................................... 2
1. USE CASE 1 NEW TEXT MESSAGE ON ADMIN PANEL .............................................. 4
1.1. SCREEN REFERENCE ..................................................................................................... 4
1.2. MAIN SCENARIO ...........................................................................................................13
1.3. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 1 ............................................................................................14
1.4. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 2 ............................................................................................14
1.5. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 3 ............................................................................................14
1.6. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 4 ............................................................................................15
1.7. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 5 ............................................................................................15
1.8. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 6 ............................................................................................15
1.9. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 7 ............................................................................................15
1.10. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 8 .........................................................................................15
1.11. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 9 .........................................................................................15
1.12. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 10 .......................................................................................15
1.13. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 11 .......................................................................................15
1.14. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 12 .......................................................................................15
1.15. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 13 .......................................................................................16
1.16. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 14 .......................................................................................16
1.17. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 15 .......................................................................................16
1.18. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 16 .......................................................................................16
1.19. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 17 .......................................................................................16
1.20. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 18 .......................................................................................16
1.21. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 19 .......................................................................................16
1.22. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 20 .......................................................................................17
1.23. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 21 .......................................................................................17
1.24. EXCEPTION SCENARIO ..............................................................................................17
1.25. BUSINESS RULES ......................................................................................................18

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

1. Use Case 1 New Text Message on Admin Panel
Pre-Condition: User logins to Admin Panel successfully
Post Condition: User is at the page that New Text Message form is available

1.1. Screen Reference

Figure 1 Compose message

Figure 2 Choose Recipients

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

Figure 3 Add bulk contacts

Figure 4 Validation with errors

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

Figure 5 Successful validation

Figure 6 Upload .csv or .txt file

Use Cases WhenToVote
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Figure 7 Choose existing list contacts

Figure 8 List contact display after adding

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

Figure 9 Schedule display

Figure 10 Set schedule screen

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

Figure 11 Campaign Payment Info screen

Figure 12 Text campaign dashboard screen

Use Cases WhenToVote
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Figure 13 Dialog confirm to buy credits

Figure 14 Campaign summary screen

Use Cases WhenToVote
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Figure 15 Campaign text record screen

Figure 16 Campaign settings screen

Use Cases WhenToVote
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Figure 17 Campaign compose screen

Figure 18 Campaign confirmation screen before Finish

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

1.2. Main Scenario
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User logins to system
and click on tab New
Text Message.
The screen like Figure 1 is displayed with:
+ Campaign Name.
+ Message Textbox for user to input
+ Next button to continue processing.
2 User clicks on [Next]
button on Figure 1
The screen like Figure 2 is displayed with
3 options to add contact list including:
+ Add a bulk contact.
+ Upload .csv or .txt file.
+ Choose existing list.

3 User clicks on [Add a
bulk contact] button
on Figure 2
The screen like Figure 3 is displayed with
a textbox for user to input phone
numbers or cut/copy list of contact
phone numbers.
4 User clicks on [Next]
button on Figure 3
System checks the contact database
and returns Validating Result pop-up like
Figure 4 to let user know there is error in
adding contacts and remove duplicate
contact, invalid format phone number.

5 User clicks on [OK]
button on Validating
Result pop-up.
System returns display of list contact like
Figure 8 including:
+ List Name.
+ Date Modified.
+ Status: enabled/disabled.
+ Total: number of contacts in the list.
+ Button Enable, Disable.
+ Button Add Contacts: to add new list
of contacts.
+ Button Next, Prev.

6 User clicks on [Next]
button on Figure 8
System returns Schedule like Figure 9 for
user set the date time to send
7 User clicks on [Next]
button on Figure 9
System returns Campaign Payment Info
screen like Figure 11 including:
+ Summary information: let user know
about message to be sent and
information of credit usage.
+ Button Confirm: for user to agree to
pay credits.

8 User clicks on
[Confirm] button on
Figure 11
System returns Campaign Confirmation
before Finish screen like Figure 18 with
some functions:
+ Button +5000 Credits, +10000 Credits,
+20000 Credits, +25000 Credits: for user
to buy more credits.

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

+ Button View Results: to see Campaign
+ Button View Campaign Dashboard: to
see the Broadcast information.
+ Button Finish to finalize the campaign
and start to send messages.
9 User clicks on [Finish]
button on Figure 18
System returns Broadcast screen like
Figure 12 to see and edit all campaigns.
1.3. Alternative Scenario 1
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on
[Upload .csv or .txt]
button on Figure 2
The screen like Figure 6 is displayed for
user to upload file .xls, .csv or .txt to add
list contacts.
2 User clicks [Next]
button to agree to
choose recipients by
uploaded file.
System checks the contact database
and returns Validating Result pop-up like
Figure 4 to let user know there is error in
adding contacts and remove duplicate
contact, invalid format phone number.


1.4. Alternative Scenario 2
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on
[Choose lists] button
on Figure 2
The screen like Figure 7 is displayed for
user to choose existing list contacts to
send messages.

2 User clicks [Choose]
button to agree to
choose selected list
of contacts.
System returns the Contact list screen
like Figure 8.

1.5. Alternative Scenario 3
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [Set
Schedule] button on
Figure 2
The pop-up screen like Figure 10 is
displayed for user to make the schedule
to send messages.
+ Step 1: User chooses start and end
date, then possible days to run in this
period will be appeared.
+ Step 2: User selects days to run
+ Step 3: User chooses the range of time
to run in a day.
EX1, EX2,
EX3, EX4,
EX7, EX8,
EX9, EX10

2 User clicks on [Save]
button to agree to
make schedule
followed by chosen
System closes the pop-up and returns to
previous screen for user to continue
processing followed by the schedule.

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

1.6. Alternative Scenario 4
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on
[Cancel] button on
pop-up in Figure 10
System closes the pop-up and reset all
setting data in pop-up.

1.7. Alternative Scenario 5
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [Prev]
button on Figure 3
System returns to screen like Figure 2 to
choose new list.

1.8. Alternative Scenario 6
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User selects a list
contacts and clicks
on [Enable] button
on Figure 3.
The chosen list contacts will be set
enabled to be received messages.
1.9. Alternative Scenario 7
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User selects a list
contacts and clicks
on [Disable] button
on Figure 3
The chosen list contacts will be set
disabled and not be received
1.10. Alternative Scenario 8
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [Add
contacts] button on
Figure 3
System returns screen like Figure 2 for
user to choose another list contacts.

1.11. Alternative Scenario 9
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [Prev]
button on Figure 9
System returns to screen like Figure 8 to
view all chosen lists.

1.12. Alternative Scenario 10
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [Prev]
button on Figure 18
System returns to screen like Figure 11 to
see the Payment Info for confirmation.

1.13. Alternative Scenario 11
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on
[Cancel] button
System closes current dialog confirm.
1.14. Alternative Scenario 12
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [Back
To Confirmation
Page] button
System returns Campaign Confirmation
screen like Figure 18.

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

1.15. Alternative Scenario 13
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on
[Settings] tab on
Figure 15
The screen like Figure 16 is displayed for
user to change settings including
Campaign Name and Schedule for the

1.16. Alternative Scenario 14
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on
[Compose] tab on
Figure 15
The screen like Figure 17 is displayed for
user to change text message for the

2 User clicks on [Save]
The newly-editted text message will be

1.17. Alternative Scenario 15
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [Next]
System checks the contact database
and returns Validating Result pop-up like
Figure 5 to let user know there is no error
in adding contacts.

1.18. Alternative Scenario 16
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on
[Cancel] button
Uploaded file will be deselected.
1.19. Alternative Scenario 17
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [Reset
Changes] button
All current changes will be reset.
1.20. Alternative Scenario 18
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [Send
Test Message] button
One test message will be sent to user
(Campaign Manager).

1.21. Alternative Scenario 19
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [View
Results] button on
Figure 18
System returns Campaign details screen
like Figure14.

2 User clicks on [Text
Records] tab on
Figure 14
System returns Text Records screen like
Figure15 including fields:
+ Id: the sequence number
+ Contact Name.
+ Phone Number.
+ Message Status.
+ Time(CST)
+ Button Export: to export text records
information into an .xls, .csv file.
+ Search box: to search contact

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

1.22. Alternative Scenario 20
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [Visit
Dashboard] button
on Figure 18
System returns Broadcast screen like
Figure 12.

1.23. Alternative Scenario 21
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
1 User clicks on [+5000
credits], [+10000
credits], [+20000
credits] or [+25000
credits] button to
add more credits on
Figure 18
The confirm dialog is displayed for user
to buy more credits like Figure 13.

2 User clicks on [Ok]
button to agree to
buy more credits on
Figure 13
- System will close showing dialog and
decrease users credit.
- The Summary information on Figure 18
will be updated.

1.24. Exception Scenario
Step Event Response Ref. BR Ref
EX1 Start date in schedule
are not inputted
Display error message Start date is

EX2 Start date is inputted
wrong format
Display error message Please enter a
valid start date.

EX3 User does not select
the days on which
campaign runs.
Display error message Please select at
least one day to run campaign

EX4 User does not input
name of schedule.
Display error message Name of
schedule is required.

EX5 User does not choose
a list contacts and
clicks on [Enable]
button on Figure 8
Display warning message Please select
list contacts to enable.

EX6 User does not choose
a list contacts and
clicks on [Disable]
button on Figure 8
Display warning message Please select
list contacts to disable.

EX7 User chooses the start
date which is similar
with end date or vice
Display warning message Start date
and end date cannot be the same.

EX8 User chooses the start
date which is later
than end date
Display error message:
The end date must be
later than start date.

EX9 User chooses the start
time which is later
than end date in
range of time
Display error message:
The end time must be
later than start time.

EX10 User chooses the start Display warning message Start time

Use Cases WhenToVote
September 26, 2014

time which is similar
with end time or vice
and end time cannot be the same.

1.25. Business Rules
ID Item Rule
BR1 Message Required field, data type is text, maximum 160 characters
BR2 File type to be
The File type is either .csv, .txt or .xls
BR3 List of customer files
when Choose
existing list
Each list includes:
+ Name(of list)
+ Size( number of contacts in list).
+ Created(date)
+ Status
+ Id
BR4 Choose existing list
User is able to select multiple lists and only contacts with a
enabled status are received messages.
BR5 Start date

Has format MM/dd/YY
BR6 Range of time to
send messages

The start time must be earlier than end time, and the range of
time must belong to a specific day.
BR7 Search box in Figure
Allows to search contact name and message status.
BR8 Enabled list of
Only enabled contact lists can be received messages, the
disabled lists cannot be received messages.
BR9 Phone number in two
contact lists
When user chooses listA and listB to send messages. If there is a
phone number in both list A(Deactivated), and in list B(Active),
then this phone number will not be received message.

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