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The Lexham English Bible, Fourth Edition

Copyright 2010, 2012 Logos Bible Software

Logos Bible Software, 1313 Commercial St.,
Bellingham, WA !22"
%o& can gi'e away the Le(ham )nglish Bible, b&t yo&
can*t sell it on its own. +f the L)B comprises less than
2", of the content of a larger wor-, yo& can sell it as
part of that wor-.
+f yo& gi'e away the L)B for &se with a commercial
pro.&ct, or sell a wor- containing more than 1,000
'erses from the L)B, yo& m&st ann&ally report the
n&mber of &nits sol., .istrib&te., an.$or .ownloa.e..
%o& m&st always attrib&te /&otations of the L)B.
+f yo& /&ote less than 100 'erses of the L)B in a
single wor- yo& can attrib&te it by simply
0L)B1 after the /&otation. Longer /&otations, or &se
of 100 or more 'erses in a single wor-, m&st be
accompanie. by the following statement#
Script&re /&otations mar-e. 0L)B1 are from the
Le(ham )nglish Bible. Copyright 2012 Logos Bible
Software. Le(ham is a registere. tra.emar- of Logos
Bible Software.
+n electronic &se, lin- 2L)B2 an. 2Le(ham )nglish
Bible2 to http#$$le(, an. 2Logos
Bible Software2 to http#$$ +f all /&otations
are &nmar-e. an. from the L)B, yo& may remo'e
2mar-e. 0L)B1 are2 from the statement.
+n s&pport of non3)nglish Bible translation, non3pro4t
organi5ations may &se "0, as the ma(im&m portion
the L)B may comprise of a wor- o6ere. for sale.
07his speci4cally allows the creation an. commercial
sale of .iglot Bibles.1
Le(ham is a registere. tra.emar- of Logos Bible
Software. %o& may &se L)B or Le(ham )nglish Bible
to refer to the Le(ham )nglish Bible, b&t may not &se
the Le(ham tra.emar- as any part of the name of a
larger wor- /&oting or containing it.
With appro(imately one h& .i6erent )nglish
translations of the Bible alrea.y p&blishe., the may well why yet another )nglish
'ersion has been pro.&ce.. 7hose act&ally engage.
in the wor- of translating the Bible might answer that
the /&est for increase. acc&racy, the incorporation of
new scholarly .isco'eries in the 4el.s of semantics,
le(icography, ling&istics, new archaeological
.isco'eries, an. the contin&ing e'ol&tion of the
)nglish lang&age all contrib&te to the nee. for
pro.&cing new translations. B&t in the case of the
Le(ham )nglish Bible 0L)B1, the answer to this
/&estion is m&ch simpler8 in fact, it is merely twofol..
9irst, the L)B achie'es an &nparallele. le'el of
transparency with the original lang&age te(t beca&se
the L)B ha. as its starting point the Le(ham :ebrew3
)nglish +nterlinear Bible an. the Le(ham ;ree-3
)nglish +nterlinear <ew 7estament. +t was pro.&ce.
with the speci4c p&rpose of being &se. alongsi.e the
original lang&age te(t of the Bible. )(isting
translations, howe'er e(cellent they may be in terms
of )nglish style an. i.iom, are fre/&ently so far
remo'e. from the original lang&age te(ts of
Script&re that straightforwar. comparison is .i=c&lt
for the a'erage &ser. >f co&rse .istance between the
original lang&age te(t an. the )nglish translation is
not a criticism of any mo.ern )nglish translation. 7o a
large e(tent this .istance is the res&lt of the
philosophy of translation chosen for a partic&lar
)nglish 'ersion, an. it is almost always the res&lt of
an attempt to con'ey the meaning of the original in a
clearer an. more easily & way to the
contemporary :owe'er, there are many
rea.ers, partic&larly those who ha'e st&.ie. some
biblical :ebrew, Aramaic, or ;ree-, who .esire a
translation that facilitates straightforwar. an. easy
comparisons between the translation an. the original
lang&age te(t. 7he ability to ma-e s&ch comparisons
easily in software formats li-e Logos Bible Software
ma-es the nee. for an )nglish translation speci4cally
.esigne. for s&ch comparison e'en more ac&te.
Secon., the L)B is .esigne. from the beginning to
ma-e e(tensi'e &se of the most &p3to3.ate le(ical
reference wor-s a'ailable. 9or the >l. 7estament this
is primarily 7he :ebrew an. Aramaic Le(icon of the
>l. 7estament 0:AL>71, an. for <ew 7estament this
is primarily the thir. e.ition of Walter Ba&er*s A
;ree-3)nglish Le(icon of the <ew 7estament an.
>ther )arly Christian Literat&re 0B?A;1. @sers can be
ass&re. that the L)B as a translation is base. on the
best scholarly research a'ailable. 7he :ebrew te(t on
which the L)B >l. 7estament is base. is that of Biblia
:ebraica St&ttgartensia. 7he ;ree- te(t on which the
L)B <ew 7estament is base. is that of 7he ;ree-
<ew 7estament# SBL ).ition 0SBL;<71, a new e.ition
pro.&ce. by Aichael W. :olmes in conB&nction with
the Society of Biblical Literat&re an. Logos Bible
Software. +n its e'al&ation of te(t&al 'ariation, the
SBL;<7 &ses mo.ern te(t3critical metho.ology along
with g&i.ance from the most recently a'ailable
articles, monographs, an. technical commentaries to
establish the te(t of the ;ree- <ew 7estament.
<at&rally, when these two factors are ta-en into
consi.eration, it sho&l. not be s&rprising that the
character of the L)B as a translation is fairly literal.
7his is a necessary by3pro.&ct of the .esire to ha'e
the )nglish translation correspon. transparently to
the original lang&age te(t. <e'ertheless, a serio&s
attempt has been ma.e within these constraints to
pro.&ce a clear an. )nglish translation
instea. of a woo.enly literal one.
7here are three areas in partic&lar that nee. to be
a..resse. to ma-e a translation li-e the L)B more
accessible to rea.ers to.ay, while at the same time
maintaining easy comparison with the original
lang&age te(t. 9irst, .i6erences in wor. ha'e to
be a..resse.. +n this regar., the L)B follows )nglish wor., not the wor. of
biblical :ebrew, Aramaic, or Coine ;ree-. Anyone
who nee.s to see the wor. of the original
lang&ages can rea.ily cons&lt the Le(ham :ebrew3
)nglish +nterlinear Bible or the Le(ham ;ree-3)nglish
+nterlinear <ew 7estament, which contain a se/&ence
line which gi'es this information. Secon., some
e(pressions in biblical lang&ages are i.iomatic, so
that a literal translation wo&l. be meaningless or
wo&l. miscomm&nicate the tr&e meaning. 7he L)B
&ses lower corner brac-ets to in.icate s&ch
e(pressions, with a literal ren.ering gi'en in a note.
7hir., wor.s which ha'e no e/&i'alent in the original
lang&age te(t m&st sometimes be s&pplie. in the
)nglish translation. Beca&se the L)B is .esigne. to
be &se. alongsi.e the original lang&age te(ts of
Script&re, these s&pplie. wor.s are in.icate. with
DitalicsE. +n some cases the nee. for s&ch s&pplie.
wor.s is ob'io&s, b&t in other cases where it is less
clear a note has been incl&.e..
9inally, the sho&l. remember that any Bible
translation, to be &sef&l to the person &sing it, m&st
act&ally be rea.. We enco&rage e'ery &ser of the
L)B, whether it alongsi.e the original
lang&ages te(t or not, to remember that once we
&n.erstan. the meaning of a biblical te(t we are
responsible to apply it 4rst in o&r own li'es, an. then
to share it with those aro&n. &s.
7he ).itors
9or the wor. of ;o. is li'ing an. acti'e an. sharper
than any .o& swor., an. piercing as far as
the .i'ision of so&l an. spirit, both Boints an.
marrow, an. able to B&.ge the reFections an.
tho&ghts of the heart. 0:eb G#12 L)B1

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