One Plus 2nd Sem Syllabus 0

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MBA (1+1) Part-I (Semester-II)

Course Overview
The objective of this course is to have a general understanding of
Research Methodology and Statistics as applicable to Business Management
and its use and relevance in areas of Management Research. While
mathematical material will be covered, the major goal is for the students to
develop a set of sills and tools which will be important in their management
careers. !t the conclusion of the course students should be able to"
#$% develop the sills to identify the appropriate statistical techni&ues for the
analysis of data' and #(% learn how to collect, analy)e, present and interpret
research data.
Course Syllabus
Group I:
Research Methodology" *bjectives, Role + Scope in Management
Research, ,rocess of Research' Research -esigns" ./ploratory,
-escriptive + ./perimental Research -esigns and their !pplications'
Sampling -esign" 0oncepts, types and their applicability' Scaling
Techni&ues including 1iert, Thurston, Semantic -i2erential Scaling
techni&ues, etc. Tools + Techni&ues of -ata 0ollection" ,rimary +
Secondary' 0lassi3cation + Tabulation of -ata.
Group II:
4ntroduction to Statistics, Statistics + Business Research, Measures of
0entral Tendency" Mean, Median and Mode' Measures of -ispersion,
0oe5cient of 6ariance' Sewness + 7urtosis" 0oncept and Measures'
0orrelation !nalysis" Simple, ,artial + Multiple #.lementary%'
Regression !nalysis" 0oncept + Measures, 1inear Regression.
.lementary ,robability Theory" 0oncepts, -e3nitions and ,roblems.
Group III:
,robability -istributions" Binomial, ,oisson and 8ormal -istributions'
Testing of 9ypothesis" 0oncepts lie types of hypothesis, signi3cance
level, degrees of freedom, .rrors in hypothesis testing, ,rocedure of
testing hypothesis etc.' Statistical Tests" 0hi:s&uare test, t:test, !8*6!
; $ way and ( way' S,SS and Report ,resentation" <se of Statistical
,acage for Social Sciences, Report Writing : Mechanics of Report
Writing, ,reliminary pages, Main body and !ppendices including
Bibliography, -iagrammatic and =raphical presentation of -ata.
e!omme"#e# $e%ts
!lan Bryman + .mma Bell, Business Research Methods, */ford
<niversity ,ress, 8ew -elhi, (nd

!mir -. !c)el + >ayavel Sounderpandian, Business Statistics, Tata
Mc=raw:9ill ,ublishing 0o. 1td., 8ew -elhi, ?
-onald R. 0ooper + ,amela S. Schindler, Business Research Methods,
Tata Mc=raw:9ill ,ublishing 0o. 1td., 8ew -elhi, @
The ,aper is of AB mars which consist of three sections and there shall
be three &uestions in each section.
4n each section, the 3rst &uestion #short answer type% carrying $C
mars is compulsory and it shall have si/ &uestions out of which four
&uestions have to be attempted by the student and there shall be
internal choice amongst second and third &uestion #long answer type%
carrying $B mars.
School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala
&1' Busi"ess esear!( )esi*" a"#
MBA (1+1) Part-I (Semester-II)
The candidate has to attempt not more than two &uestions from each
section out of which the 3rst &uestion #short answer type% carrying $C
mars is compulsory and it shall have si/ &uestions out of which four
&uestions have to be attempted.
There shall be internal choice amongst second and third &uestion #long
answer type% in each section carrying $B mars.
School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala
MBA (1+1) Part-I (Semester-II)
Course Overview
The objective of this course is to ac&uaint the students of management
with the basic nowledge of 3nance function in a corporate enterprise. This
course also highlights the emerging issues of corporate restructuring,
mergers and ac&uisition decisions.
Course Syllabus
Group I:
Dinancial Management" !n *verview, =oals and Dunctions of Dinance,
Dinancial System" !ssets, Marets, 4ntermediaries and Regulatory
Dramewor. 0apital Maret and Money Maret, 0oncepts in 6aluation"
Time value of money, ,resent 6alues, 4RR, Bond returns, Return from
Stoc Maret 4nvestments.
Group II:
0apital 4nvestment -ecision maing" ,rinciples of 0ash Dlows,
-iscounted and 8on:-iscounted 0ash Dlow Techni&ues for appraising
capital investments, Ris !nalysis in 0apital Budgeting. Woring
0apital Management" !n *verview, -eterminants, Woring 0apital
0ycle, Management of 0ash, Receivables and 4nventories. Dinancing
Woring 0apital needs.
Group III:
1everage" *perating 1everage and Dinancial 1everage. 0ost of 0apital.
0apital Structure and 3rmEs value" Theories, MM 9ypothesis,
*ptimi)ation of 0apital Structure, 0apital Structure ,lanning. -ividend
,olicy and 3rmEs value, -ividend ,olicy in practice. 0orporate
Restructuring" Mergers and !c&uisitions, motives, considerations and
e!omme"#e# $e%ts
>.>. 9amton, Financial Decision Making: Concepts, Problems and
Cases, ,rentice:9all of 4ndia, 8ew -elhi, F
7han and >ain, Financial Management, Tata Mc=raw:9ill
,ublishing 0o. 1td., 8ew -elhi, F
Stephan !. Ross, Randolph W. Water3eld and >e2ery >a2e,
Corporate Finance, Tata Mc=raw:9ill ,ublishing 0o. 1td., 8ew
-elhi, A
The ,aper is of AB mars which consist of three sections and there shall
be three &uestions in each section.
4n each section, the 3rst &uestion #short answer type% carrying $C
mars is compulsory and it shall have si/ &uestions out of which four
&uestions have to be attempted by the student and there shall be
internal choice amongst second and third &uestion #long answer type%
carrying $B mars.
The candidate has to attempt not more than two &uestions from each
section out of which the 3rst &uestion #short answer type% carrying $C
mars is compulsory and it shall have si/ &uestions out of which four
&uestions have to be attempted.
School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala
&+, -i"a"!ial Ma"a*eme"t
MBA (1+1) Part-I (Semester-II)
There shall be internal choice amongst second and third &uestion #long
answer type% in each section carrying $B mars.
School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala
MBA (1+1) Part-I (Semester-II)
Course Syllabus
Group I:
4nternational Business" 4ntroduction, 8ature, why 4nternational Trade,
Theories of 4nternational Business, 4nternational Business !pproaches,
0ompetitive advantage of =lobal Business, ,roblems of international
Business, Modes of .ntering international Business. 0hanging
environment of 4nternational Business.
Group II:
Strategy and Structure of 4nternational Business" =lobal strategic
planning, *rgani)ation of 4nternational Business, ,roduction Strategy,
4nternational Mareting, 4nternational 9uman Resource Management,
,olitical Ris and 8egotiation Strategies.
Group III:
4nternational Monetary system" 4nternational Monetary Dund#4MD%,
4nternational 1i&uidity and S-Rs, 4nternational Ban for Reconstruction
and -evelopment#4BR-%, 4nternational -evelopment !ssociation#4-!%,
4nternational Dinance 0orporation#4D0%, The Multinational 4nvestment
=uarantee !gency#M4=!%.
e!omme"#e# $e%ts
4nternational Business ; environment and operations by >ohn -.
-aniels and 1ee 9. Radebaug,. ,earson .ducation, $(
edition (C$C.
4nternational Business by !ndrew 9arrison, .rtugrul -aliran, .na
.lsey, */ford ,ublication, 8ov. (CCC.
4nternational Business by Roger Bennett, ,earson .ducation, (
edition (CC(.
4nternational Business by ,. Subba Rao, 9imalaya ,ublisher, (
edition, (CCG.
4nternational Business by 0harles W. 9. 1 9ill, 9imalaya ,ublisher,
edition ,(CCG
4nternational Business" ! strategic Management !pproach by !lan
M. Rugman, Richard M. 9odgetts, Mc:=raw 9ill ,ublisher,
4nternational edition.
The ,aper is of AB mars which consist of three sections and there shall
be three &uestions in each section.
4n each section, the 3rst &uestion #short answer type% carrying $C
mars is compulsory and it shall have si/ &uestions out of which four
&uestions have to be attempted by the student and there shall be
internal choice amongst second and third &uestion #long answer type%
carrying $B mars.
The candidate has to attempt not more than two &uestions from each
section out of which the 3rst &uestion #short answer type% carrying $C
mars is compulsory and it shall have si/ &uestions out of which four
&uestions have to be attempted.
There shall be internal choice amongst second and third &uestion #long
answer type% in each section carrying $B mars.
School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala
&./ A#va"!e# $opi!s i" I"ter"atio"al
MBA (1+1) Part-I (Semester-II)
School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala

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