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In an unknown world.

Chapter 1 A Journey to knowledge

Alex opens his eyes and moves his head towards his alarm clock to check
the time.
"I'm Late!!!!" he screamed .
Alex hurried towards the bathroom and started brushing his teeth.He then
changed his clothes with the speed of lightning ,put the lunch box in his bag
and ran downstairs and then CRASH!.
"Watch TV late till night again."mom said in anger"I told you to go to
bed,but why will you listen to me"
"Okay,there's still time and I can catch the bus if I can reach the bus stop in
10 minutes"said Alex as he calmed down.
"The fact is that,it is not possible"mom said , but Alex was already gone.
Alex was running with a speed of approximately 50 km/h , but in the busiest
city of the whole Europe even this speed is not enough."If I go through the
park then it will be a shortcut"thought Alex.So he decided to go through the
park and rather than turning left ,which was the Victory Road he went
straight into the 'Noshi City Central Park".
Alex reached the bus stop on time and caught the bus.He reached school
on time but the start of the morning was not very good.
"Oh yeah,today we will start magical studies"he said to himself.
"Oh look some little boy has come to the senior section"said a boy having a
round bald face and long legs as he came towards Alex with his two
The bald-headed boy pointed his fingers towards Alex's pocket and said in
a scary way"What's there in your pocket"
"n-n-nothing"said Alex ,frozen because of fear
"Hey,Quid is going on????"
"Sir,These boys were trying to steal my money"said Alex pointing his
fingers towards the bald-headed boy and his two cronies.

"Oh ,so you've started troubling juniors again,meet me in my office."said sir
"No, I don't want to hear anything"sir said as he walked away.
The bald-headed boy also walked with sir."I was so scared,but now its
okay"Alex said in a releif and started walking towards his class-"Level 0
A".He reached the class when 5 minutes were still left ,it was his luck
because he was certain that he would be late.He sat down in his place and
started waiting for the class to start.Alex was very excited and he could not
wait for even 300 seconds because he had to face a lot of obstacles to
reach the place where he was.

Chapter 2 Charlie Johnson
"I hope we get Charlie sir."said James
"JIMMY!!!"said Alex in surprise"I told you not to do all these things,by the
way quid is 'Charlie sir'"
"ALEX!!!,Don't tell me you don't know Charlie Sir"said James
"Seriously,I don't know quid is Charlie Si-.."
"Ding!!Ding!!Ding!!!"the bell rang and the class started.The same teacher
that had rescued Alex from that bald-headed boy entered the class and
said"Good Morning,my name is Charlie Johnson,and I am your class
teacher and I will be teaching you magic".
"Now,I will tell you about the basics of magical arts as well as the layout
you will study about them"
The whole class got excited,but to a nerd like James magical arts were not
the study of magic"Hey,we never had art class in the 1st period"he said.
"I thought that you are not a jerk anymore."said Alex.
"Now listen everybody,the school year is divide into 2 semesters of 6
months each.In the first semester there will be 6 tests every month on 6
different topics.I call this time period 'hexachrono'.This term means 'the
time of 6'.In the hexachrono you will be taught about one topic for the
whole month and then at the end ,there will be a test.The six topics are the
the basic or basicus,fire or flamoria,water or hedrox,grass
or leffuce,thunder orendine and psychic or kernesis. If you pass in all the
tests then you can make yourself more powerful by training and search for
the level 0 stones.Are there any questions???
"Sir,what are level 0 stones????"Alex asked.
"Oh I totally forgot.Well,magical stones have a great amount of magical
energy in them and so they increase the moules of the person who's
holding them.Everybody can have a maximum of 15,000 moules in each
type of magic.In a total,there are 18 types of magic.Each of them has a
power stone but so far, only 16 have been discovered.According to the
amount of energy they give they are divided into 15 levels."
"Thank you very much sir"
"Okay now,everything is clear so I can start teaching you
some basicus spells.The first spell that you will learn is Jinka Manco.Well
'nka' means objects , but we don't say nka manco because that does'nt
make any sense without the pointer word Ji,in fact,nobasicus spell makes
any sense without Ja,Ji,Ju,Je,Jo.We put different pointers according to
second word whis is the verb.So,quid does Jinka Manco means?In this as I
told you,the pointer Ji is important and nka is a noun and means
object,now Manco means push.So it's simple that Jinka Manco is a spell
that pushes the objects.Now,I will give each of you a 1kg stone and you will
try to push it"
"Jinka Phui"sir said and all the stones started flying towards the students
and each of them landed on the tables.
"Jinka Manco"Alex said but the stone did'nt even move an
inch.Well,nobody's stone moved at all.
"Don't worry,it always takes concentration and imagination to do
magic.So,remove all thoughts from your mind and only think about the
stone moving forward."
"Jinka Manco"Alex said but the stone did'nt moved again."Ah,this is not
happening"said Alex,totally irritated ."Magic always requires a lot of
patience,don't just say the spell ,imagine it's effect while saying it"
"Yes sir"
"Jinka Manco"Alex said and this time actually imagined that the stone was
moving.The stone actually moved."So this the trick,just imagine the task of
the spell while saying it.Okay,so magic is simple"

Chapter 3 The Duelers' Edge

"No,Magic is not simple at all.Even though you might find that magic in
level 0 and 1 might be simple but from level 2 it is a disaster."
"Is it so sir?"asked Alex
"Yes,in fact, once your tests and studies will be done and you will be -"
"Ding!!!Ding!!!!Ding!!!!"The bell rang.
"Okay boys, day after tomorrow I will take your test of Jinka Manco."sir said
as he walked outside the class.
"Quid??"asked Jimmy.
"Quid??"asked Alex
"Ah,I mean,quid is this happening?"asked Jimmy
"What are you talking about?"asked Alex,irritated.
"The Dueler's Edge,I'm talking about the Dueler's Edge."James declared.
"James,do you want to be a doofus for your whole life?"asked Alex.
"Look at the whiteboard"said James.
"On the whiteboard!"Alex exclaimed.Here is what it said on the
On the 1st of September,all students need to report at
6:30 at the Duelers' Edge on the
tenth floor.Participating in the Duel Club
is compulsory for all students.Students
reporting late will not be allowed.

"Wow,that's great!!!"Alex exclaimed."I know"said James.
"Hey,wait a sec,the first of September is day after tomorrow."
"What I think is that the students who will pass the test will be allowed to
join the Duel Club"said Alex.
"But,it says compulsory"said James.
"Let's see what happens"said Alex.
Alex was really very excited,he was eager to know what is gonna happen
at the Dueler's Edge,because the message on the whiteboard was not
enough.He had to wait for only 48 hours,but to him ,1 hour was equal to
1 year.
At last,the day arrived for Alex thought it never would.
"Okay,Okay,Kuru-ni"said Alex in a Please-be-calm tone."Je suis calme,Je
suis calme"he continued."Okay,so today should be the first of September
and today should be the day when we will have the test.Kuru-ni"
Alex took off at 5:30am,30 mins before his regular time of departure.The
reason being that it takes 30 mins if you have to go to the 10th floor by
stairs and Alex had already predicted that the elevator will be out of
order.Well,Alex's prediction was totally correct.A whole lot of students were
standing in front of the elevators,and on it there was a board saying"The
elevator is out of order because of some technical problem,please use the
stairs,they are good for health"The students standing in front of the elevator
soon walked away towards the stairs.After some time another student
came,and then another,and then another and it went on like that till these
students went away,but by six it was a total chaos because most of the
students come by six am.Alex had passed the first test,of reporting on time
because when he saw the clock at the tenth floor it was 5:55am,tired,Alex
opened the door of the Duelers' edge,walked in and saw James sitting in
the third row.He went towards James and sat down and asked"Hey,I know
you can run fast,but how come you are here without being late???",James
replied"Well,I saw you running like a cheetah on Victory Road,I knew
something was up,so I took off and went through the Central Park.",then it
hit Alex"Oh yeah,I could have come from the central park.Ah,what a dork I
am."said Alex with an Oh-No expression.
"Leave it,we are about to have the test......................................................."

Chapter 4 At the Duelers' Edge

"Okay,so in 5 minutes,sir should com-"
"Ding!!!Dong!!!!Ding!!!!"the bell rang before Alex could complete his
"Gooood Moooorniiiiiiiiiiiiing Classssss"Charlie sir said in a drowsy
way,Charlie sir was shocked when he opened his eyes fully,surely he
should because there were only 10 students in the room."Still there are 4
mins and 54,53,52,5-ah leave it,there are 4 minutes left.So,by the time the
other students come you all can rest."
Time went by and when sir could not wait anymore he comanded"Anyone
of you please go through the elevators and see what's up down there."
"But sir,the elevators are out of order."said Alex."No,they are not,just
cast Jinka Mancoon them they will open up.It was just a trick.Plus,you can
have a little practice."said sir,making the children astonished,but Alex just
kept on walking towards the elevator zone and did some editing on the
The elevators are out not out of order .Just cast Jinka
Manco on them.
Please go through the stairs,Its good for health.
All the boards on all the floors changed into Alex's edited
version."Wow!"Alex exclaimed.Then he went back to the Dueler's Edge and
told sir what happened.In 16.41secs students started to enter the dueler's
edge,but at 6:10am sir closed the door and said"That door you can see
over there is the way to the duelers' edge.
"But,sir, we thought this is the duelers' edge"
"No,its over there,just follow me"
Sir opened the door and every body saw a flight of stairs going
down.Everybody went down,and down,and down,and down and at last,they
were on the ground and saw a garden.
"Right side please,that garden is for dueling,and you need to pass
the basicus and some other tests to go there."said sir.
Everybody turned right and kept walking,and walking,and walking and
reached another room,which was very long and the ceiling was very
high,there were about a hundred tables and in front of the tables there was
a hole,on the surface of the table a big stone was kept.

"Now,you all need to push this stone,your marks will depend on how many
times you had to push it and the speed.1,2,3........GO!!!"
Alex closed his eyes,and started thinking that the stone is moving very fast
on the oaken surface of the table and said"Jinka Manco",the stone zoomed
on the table and straight into the hole.
"10 out of 10,very good."said sir while scribbling something on his mark
sheet."Thank you sir"said Alex."basicus is very easy and simple so,it is
easy to get good marks in it."
"Jinka Manco"said James and his stone broke into pieces,"Hmmm,7 out of
10,your spell was correct,but you added unnecessary power,you must have
thought that the stone is moving very very fast,so a lot of energy came out
of you so that the stone can move with that speed,but when all the energy
went together the stone broke out."
"OK Sir"said James,confused,but by this time a lot of students had
completed their course.
"Whoever has completed please go to that room."said sir pointing towards
a door that nobody had noticed.

Chapter 5 Jinka phui c Jinka Phenko

So,everybody who had completed went to the room,it had a very high
ceiling,big windows on the right and left side,a beautiful yellow wall and
pink floor,and had bigger stones,but no tables.
"I wonder what place is this?"asked Alex.
"Look at this,a book."said Jimmy.
"Where did you get this book from?"asked Alex.
"It just came out of nowhere!!!but how???"James exclaimed.
"Give it to me."said Alex.
" Mri d lir
Lir s un ar d ll.s et vous?
a s un ar d ll.
a s un livr d lir.
Be Caef."
"What was this?"asked Alex
"Probably,a poem.Read further."
"Yeah"and then Alex continued-
"Lo Un- J inka Phui
Jinka Phui s un spl hat mks nka practi
Lo Tw- J inka Phenko
Jinka Phenko an pl somme,c mk un practi
Lo Tri-Emberus
Un spl hat product Emberus d Flamoria. Practi c
vire rqired.
"Wow,it is a good book,you should keep it with you,James."said Alex.
"Yeah but,quid is this?"he asked.
"Let me see,"said Alex when he noticed a piece of paper."Ok,it says-
"L livr d lir" s un livr du teah lir,
La scond parte s en i'lnd nerea Tsuni,
Ls livrs yugther s superio.
"Keep all these things with you,James,they might come in handy later
on."said Alex."Okay,here comes sir."
"Okay boys,now that everybody has completed,we shall move on,the
second spell isJinka Phui,or Jinka Fui is a spell to make objects
fly,like Jinka Manco you just need to cast.Now,try to cast Jinka
Phui or Fui on these stones,and if you are able to do so,you will be
allowed to enter the monthly test and if you pass the
overall basicus test,you can move on to fire and then you will also be
allowed to get into the Duels and let me tell you,it is loads of fun.Now,lets
"Okay,this stone is flying at a speed of 900km/h,that's not
possible,ummmmm......,100km/h,yeah,this stone is flying at a very high
speed of 100km/h,and then JINKA PHUI"Alex thought to himself,and when
he opened his eyes he saw that the stone was flying!It went up and up and
up and THUD!!it knocked the beautiful ceiling.
"Good Alex,very good,now,just cast Jinka Phenko,and a purple rope will
come out of your wrist."
"Yes sir,Jinka Phenko."said Alex,and the rope did not come out of his
wrist,but shoulder and rather than going where Alex wanted it go,it went
here and there irritating the others.

Chapter 6 Before La Basicus Test
"Strange,but it happens."said sir.
"Now,c'mon everybody,continue.Alex,go back to class,tomorrow,we will
practice Jinka Phenko again,and now take that rope back in yourself."
"How,sir,and suddenly,I am feeling very tired."said Alex.
"Don't worry.Dfgio"said sir,and suddenly the rope vanished."James,take
Alex to the class,"
"Yeah."said James and took Alex with him,towards the classroom.
"Jim,give me that book."said Alex.
"Yeah take it,I don't need it."
"Thanks,let's read further."said Alex "I want to know this mystery."he
continued."Okay,so here we go-
Lo Fur-Flamoria Inscripta
Un spl hat products flmus fremu ls hndus.Practi c
vir rqired.
"James,can I take this book with me?"
",Off course."said Jim/James/Jimmy.
"Merci."said Alex,and then he fall off.
"Je suis bien.I'm alright,just tired."said Alex.
"Yeah,I think you have fever."said Jim,"You should go to the hospital
is on the 21st floor "
"Yeah"Just then,sir came,"What happened????"he asked.
"Sir,I pense that Alex should go home,he is having fever."
"OH,let me see........."he continued"Yeas,y're correct"
"Take him to the hospital unit."said sir.
"Please listen everybody,tomorrow is level-0 basicus test.test.Please be
ready."Alex heard an announcement.
"Oh NO!!!!,that is injustice,I don't even know how to cast Jinka
Phenko/Fenko;"said Alex.
Though Jim was standing just near Alex,he could see him,thus,when
James said"I hope you are fine Alex",Alex got a shock of 420 volts.
"What did I do??"interrogated Jimmy.
"After giving a 'heart attack',you are asking me quid did you
do???",backfired Alex.
"Well,tomorrow is la test and I dunno whether you will pass."
"Me too."
"That book might give us some tips,if it has a 'tips corner'or something like
"I dunno whether 'hat' is a word."
"So do I."
"Ah leave it,what will happen in the test??"
"W're you asking me?"

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