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Credits and License

Codes: reluc, coer, exhib, humil, Mf, mf, fant, oral, pett, teach, sch
Copyright John D 2012
John D has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this or! in accordance ith
the Copyright, Designs and "atents #ct 1$$%&
'his piece of or! is fiction and is adult entertainment, and therefore contains material of
an adult, explicit nature& (f you are under the age re)uired to *ie this legally in your
+urisdiction, or are easily offended by sexual explicit content or language do not continue
'he characters in this story are fictitious and any similarity to any persons, ali*e or dead,
places or situations is purely coincidental& 'he actions described in this story are not
endorsed or condoned by the author&
(t should be noted that the age of consent in the ,- is sixteen and therefore there are no
graphic descriptions of any sex act containing characters younger than this age& 'here
may be some characters under the age of sixteen in the boo!, but any sexual acti*ities
they may parta!e in, are not described in any detail so there are no underage participants
in my sex scenes& (t is on this basis, that this or! is released so that it complies ith all
rele*ant legislation, but may not be uploaded to certain ebsites due to more stringent
'his or! is released under the Creati*e Commons license #ttribution./onCommercial.
/oDeri*s 0&0 ,nported 1CC 23./C./D 0&04, the full text of hich can be obtained from the
Creati*e Commons ebsite& 'he story may be freely distributed unmodified and ith the
foreord and these credits attached& 'he story may not reproduced for commercial
purposes, or for profit, ithout explicit permission from the author&
'he front co*er for this boo! is by 5alf 5oletsche! and is released under the Creati*e
Commons CC.6# 0&0 license, but the rights holder does not endorse this or!& 'he lin! to
this image is at: http:77commons&i!imedia&org7i!i78ile:12.00.19.a!
'his story is the next instalment of the :;roing "ains< uni*erse and shos the fantasy of
the !ey character, #ndy, about 6arah& 'his is +ust a fantasy and is a pointless de*iation
from the main story&
'hese stories ere ritten by the characters in 6eptember 1$$%&
'he ideas for #ndy=s story came from 5ichard >ert?=s College Code of Conduct and -aren
@agner=s -aren /a!ed in 6chool&
( shall try and !eep to a regular posting schedule and will upload all stories to,, Feedbooks and my website. Completed stories ill also
be uploaded to #ma?on -indle, 6mashords and 8irsty8ish, here their internal policies
permit but some instalments may be absent here the content is not compliant ith their
"lease pro*ide feedbac! to me, either by e.mail, 'itter or ebsite re*ie, hether you
en+oyed it or notA ( li!e to be told and it is the only payment ( as! for&
-ind regards, John D
Email: +ohndstoriesBgmail&com
Web link: http:77&+ohndstories&co&u!
Twitter: B+ohndstories and C+ohndstories
Capter !
6arah leapt out of bed the moment her alarm bu??er detonated the calmness of the
Monday morning and she smac!ed her cloc! on the ay out of her room toards the
bathroom& 6he normally li!ed to snoo?e for tenty minutes and then drift off bac! to the
land of dreams before being ao!en forcefully by her mother and dragged into the car ten
minutes late, but today as different& 'oday as the start of a *ery experimental ee! for
her, her college and her country&
6arah 2ailey as the bastard lo*e child of 'igger from @innie.the."ooh and a "layboy
model& @hile this statement might not be factually true, it is as accurate a description as it
is possible to get& #s playful and ildly energetic as she is seducti*e and sexy, 6arah as
!non and admired by both sexes in all her classes and throughout the college& 2ut it
ould be the half of her class that ere male that ould en+oy the forthcoming ee! the
most as 6arah ould be na!ed&
6arah en+oyed the arm stream of ater from the shoer head, sopped her firm, youthful
breasts ith the soap and tea!ed her nipples in the steamy room& # shot of armth
spread throughout her body and she sighed, leaning against the shoer all& 6he ould
not need to masturbate today, she +ust needed to be patient&
6arah closed her eyes and used all of her self.restraint to +ust shoer and ash her a*y,
bouncy light.bron hair that tumbled don her attracti*e face, so often displaying a cute
smile and elcoming blue eyes& 6he chec!ed her mons and labia, they ere still hairless&
>er pussy needed to be alluring this ee! and stubble as most definitely not attracti*e&
6he )uic!ly dried herself and put on her hite blouse and short tartan s!irt, ithout bra
and !nic!ersA they ould be redundant the moment she got to school anyay& 6he put on
her blac! leather !nee.high boots and admired herself in the mirrorA she loo!ed sexy&
>er mother loo!ed at her daughter bounce into the room&
:3ou !no e are not happy about this& 3our father and ( had a chat and e are not sure
that this is a good idea,< her mother said, loo!ing at her concupiscent daughter ith her
teenage lustful eyes&
:Dh Mum,< her daughter moaned and pulled herself up to her Eft %in height& :(t=s fine& (t=s a
;o*ernment programme they are trialling& 6o ( might get a bit na!ed or fondled& (t=s not
that bad&<
>er mother sat don on her chair and shoo! her head at 6arah& :3es lo*e, but hy youF<
:Dh, e=*e been through this& 2ecause the ;o*ernment is forcing all schools and colleges
to try it and they need a pair from each sixth form year to try it& (f *olunteered they
ere going to pic! the person at random and e had a chat as a group& Guite a fe of the
girls are still untouched and didn=t fancy losing their cherry &&&< >er mum started at this and
6arah held out her hand aaiting the disappro*ing comment& @hile 6arah=s mother !ne
that her daughter as sexually acti*e, 6arah as certain that the prospect of her ha*ing
sex on the school lan in a lo*eless encounter atched by do?ens of her classmates
ould turn her green& :(t=s D- Mum& (t=s not li!ely, you !no ho sensationalist tabloid
reporting is& 2ut they didn=t ant to be touched or lose their dignity this ee! so e*eryone
ho has had sex got added to a dra and ( on&< >er mother scoled at her and 6arah
added, :or lost, ( suppose&<
'his asn=t true& 'he moment the program as announced 6arah anted to be the
*olunteer but as anger and then fury rippled to the surface in her year group she as not
prepared to be labelled as :the slut< ho anted to be part of the experiment and so she
proposed a ballot of all those girls ho had lost their *irginity&
6he as ama?ed by ho many of her classmates ho suddenly forgot that they had had a
pin! sausage inside them, but she alays expected this to happen& (nstead of ell o*er
100 names, +ust 1H girls admitted they ere no longer a *irgin and agreed to go into a
ballot that as organised by her close friend, (ngrid& (ngrid gleefully rigged the ballot 1as
she as in it as ell4 so 6arah ould in at her re)uest although her friend admitted she
didn=t understand hy&
'he anser as simple: hile 6arah as not a nymphomaniac, although to the leafy,
conser*ati*e corner of 2uc!inghamshire she li*ed in, her sex dri*e as certainly ell
abo*e a*erage, she as a rampant exhibitionist& 6he li!ed people seeing her in all of her
glory and adored being admired and faned o*er& 'his ee! ould as much bliss as it
ould be torture and she couldn=t ait& 6he had fantasised about this ee! all ee!end,
since she as told she had :on< the ballot&
6arah had butterflies in her stomach as her mother dro*e her to College& 'he reality of the
ee! as +ust daning on her and she suddenly ondered if this as such a good idea
after all& 6he had a boyfriend, ho li*ed across Iondon and ho as a little upset about
the prospect of 6arah participating in :the initiati*e< but she as doing this to satisfy an itch
he couldn=t touch&
:'he initiati*e< or Curriculum for Iearning (ncreased 'olerance Df 5ecei*ing and (nitiating
6ex 1CI('D5(64 had been created by a crac!pot ,ni*ersity professor especially for the
2ritish youth& >e argued that unli!e other countries, the 2ritish ere notoriously uptight
and uncomfortable hen presented ith the concept of sex and sexuality& Dften seen as a
sub+ect for behind closed doors, the country had a global reputation for repressing their
sexuality& (t had to change&
"rofessor 6tephen Jen!ins and his pioneering research team spent decades examining all
aspects of the population=s unease on sex and finally traced the fear bac! to the teenage
years& 'hey argued that if they could manipulate those formati*e experiences and ma!e
them more plentiful then the 2ritish ould be as inhibited as an (talian nudist&
#t first, their or! as dismissed by all of the "olitical classes& :@e ill not sub+ect our
children to mindless sexual contact by o*er.aroused youngsters< thundered a ell.!non
M" hen it as first proposed but as the years passed and the 2ritish=s repressed
sexuality o*ertoo! the ;erman poor sense of humour, the #merican ar.mongering and
Mexican la?iness as the most repeated and, idely considered, accurate national
stereotype, the ;o*ernment anted to act& :(f e don=t act no, then e might be more
notorious than the 8rench military,< suggested a female bac! bench M" to hols of
derision from "arliament and thus the #ct of "arliament that enacted the CI('D5(6
programme as passed and named after her J the aptly named Mary 5ogers 2ill&
'hus the ;o*ernment decreed that all schools, colleges and uni*ersities must assess
hether the CI('D5(6 programme ould or! ithin their establishment and this
ine*itably meant that there had to be a feasibility study&
6arah did not definitely !no ho the other three people J one from her year and to from
the year abo*e J ho ere also part of the CI('D5(6 pro+ect and they had been expressly
told not to mention their participation to anyone at College&
(t had to be a guy and she !ne all of the guys had agreed that all of them ould go into a
ballot to be organised by (ngrid& Df course, she had some preferences but it didn=t matter
to her& 6he ould be na!ed and it didn=t matter hether she as ith someone she li!ed
or not, although she )uietly indicated her preference to her best friend and let their on
brand of randomness ta!e its true course&
Capter !!
'he "rincipal sat them don in his office& 'here ere four chairs in front of his des! and
he ga*e a raffish smile& 8or years he had dreamt and ondered about this day: he as an
early reader and supporter of "rofessor Jen!in=s or! although he doubted hether they
should enforce such rules on their pupils& >is college as a place for learning, but should
they restrict themsel*es to +ust academic endea*oursF >e asn=t completely sure, but had
decided the best ay to anser that )uestion as to co*er the initiati*e in his educational
"rofessional concerns aside, he as going to en+oy the female students selected& >e had
recently transferred from being a deputy head at the school to being a "rincipal at the
college so he !ne all the students ell, although as the to educational establishments
shared premises he ould probably ha*e !non of them e*en if he hadn=t or!ed at the
school& (t didn=t matter, he had taught all four of the students at some point in their
academic career, and he guessed ho the four ould handle their traumatic ee! ahead&
6tephanie had +ust turned eighteen, as ell as many heads, and her long, golden hair,
combined ith her innocence and shyness sent his pulse racing& 6tephanie ould
probably struggle to cope for the ee!, he rec!oned& >er timidness ould mean she ould
be too self.conscious and hate all fi*e days& #s for 6arah, ell, he simply couldn=t belie*e
the little minx had put herself forard for the ee!& 6he as as sexy as any girl he had
e*er seen in his college and there as no ay that girl had been a *irgin for years& 2ut he
also !ne that she ould be *ery epicentre of half of the boys all ee! and ould not get
any peace&
>e had been delighted that she had been selectedA he had as!ed his head of sixth form,
Mr >ollins, to !eep him abreast of hat as happening as his students and senior staff
de*ised a fair method to select the four guinea.pigs& >e had secretly hoped for #nne
5ieslingA she had fallen pregnant and had gi*en birth at the start of July& 6he still had her
pregnancy bump and enlarged breasts here her body as busily pro*iding for her ne
offspring& >e li!ed #nne, she as so circumspect and genteel, her pregnancy as a real
surprise to e*eryone, and secretly there as not a sight he li!ed more than a pregnant
teenager and he e*en contemplated hether he could get aay ith rigging the ballot&
Df course, there as nothing rong ith 6arah 2ailey, she as his second choice and he
had !non her brother hen he as at the college& "aul as gone through the ladies in
his year at an impressi*e speed and is, to this day, the only student to be gi*en a school
detention for ha*ing sex on the school premises&
Mr >ollins had con*eyed a rumour that 6arah had rigged the ballot, but he dismissed this
as fantasy& @hat sane girl ould ant to sub+ect themsel*es to the horrors of the next fi*e
daysF (t as a surprise certainly that she had been selected alongside one of her best
friends, but then statistical anomalies do happen, there as nothing more to it than that&
>is musings ere interrupted by the last student, a /icholas Kdards, entering the room&
>e smiled ner*ously& :3ou all !no hy you are here& 3ou all *olunteered, of sorts, so
than! youA it ma!es it easier for e*eryone&< >e cleared his throat and glanced at 6arah& >e
had to ad+ust his tie, it as arm in here and she as earing a short s!irtL :/o the
folloing scheme, curriculum, programme, hate*er you ant to call it, ill be underta!en
by e*eryone if appro*ed so hile it might be embarrassing or degrading, +ust go along ith
it& (t=ll be o*er )uic!ly and by the end of the year it should be a common experience
amongst e*eryone&<
6arah and #ndy traded loo!s and 6arah suppressed a smile& 6he li!ed embarrassing
situations and hi!ed her s!irt up a little further, the "rincipal as getting flustered and she
*ery much li!ed the thought of being admired by the middle.aged gentleman&
:/o the rules are different to hat e first thought but "rofessor Jen!ins has released an
updated CI('D5(6 and the Department for Kducation and 6toc!ings M< >e blushed as he
shoo! his ga?e from 6tephanie=s leg& :&&& sorry M 6!ills thin!s e should follo these& /o
this is being gi*en to all of the students in the classes so e*eryone ill !no hat is and
isn=t alloed&<
:6tudents on the CI('D5(6 programme ill be referred to as 6I,'s J that=s 6tudents
Iearning ,ninhibited 'hin!ing and shall remain na!ed all ee!, except shoes and sports
e)uipment, hile on campus& Dther students are permitted to touch the 6I,' anyhere
and the 6I,' should permit the non.participating students, #66ID5Ds 1#ides to 6I,'s
6ee!ing Iustful or 5elaxed Dispositions4 as much time as they need to complete their
touching pro*iding it does not impede the 6I,'s progression of the College day&
#ndy and 6arah nodded but the big.breasted 6tephanie raised her hand& :6o they can
touch us anyhere&<
'he "rincipal smiled but suppressed a titter& :3es& #nyone can touch and fondle you, and
you ha*e to let them help you& 'he #66ID5Ds ill, on the hole, not be unreasonable& (f
you are late for a lesson then you can refuse but unless you ha*e a pressing engagement,
+ust let =em en+oy you and maybe touch them bac!&<
6tephanie gasped in shoc!&
:/o, hen it comes to sexual contact, the school has a no genital contact rule but for you
luc!y four this has been relaxed& @e ha*e to encourage safe sex beteen the participants
so you ill find at the end of e*ery corridor condoms and lubricant in a small bol on the
all& (f an #66ID5D or e*en a 6I,' finds a 6I,' aroused and ready for sex then it is
ta!en as consent has been granted and intercourse should ta!e place&<
6arah and 6tephanie loo!ed at each other aghast& :'hey can rape usF< 6arah as!ed and
the "rincipal ga*e a ry smile&
:(t=s only rape if there is no consent& Don=t get aroused and there can be no consent&<
:2ut they can touch us& (=m only human&< ailed 6arah and the "rincipal ga*e a shrug&
:'hem the rules,< he said e*asi*ely and pic!ed up his paper& :'he only toilets you are
alloed to use are the ne open.plan ones at the bottom of the 'oer 2loc!& 3ou ill
notice that there are no cubicles and there is a glass screen pre*enting #66ID5Ds from
interfering ith you, but in order to ensure that you don=t get into trouble, the glass screen
loo!s out o*er the football pitches&<
K*eryone snorted and the "rincipal continued& :#s being na!ed and fondled is li!ely to
lead to some sort of sexual arousal at the start of e*ery lesson, the teacher should as! if
you re)uire any relief& 8eel free to do so, get it o*er ith and get an #66ID5D to help& (t=s
hat the programme is there for& #nd you ha*e to use the opposite sex changing room,
ma!e sure you sit on the toels pro*ided by your feet and ( thin! that is it& 'here are
pro*isions for punishments if anyone brea!s the rules& #ny )uestionsF< 6cared, orried
faces met the "rincipal and he shrugged& :-e!s off !ids, please&<
6tephanie burst into tears and /icholas put his arm around her& 'he "rincipal felt guilty for
a moment and loo!ed at 6arah happily remo*ing her tight blouse and short tartan s!irt and
put them on the side& 'he "rincipal stared at her 0HC breasts and longed to touch themA
they ere pert and 6arah ga*e him a elcoming smile& 6he adored the thought of
someone loo!ing&
:Kxhibitionist,< #ndy hispered to 6arah ho +ust shrugged her shoulders and stuc! her
tongue out at him&
:( can help you ith that,< 6arah said to #ndy and he tentati*ely and ner*ously slid don
his boxers to sho his erect coc!&
:'hat=s the spirit, 6arah& @hat did you ha*e in mindF # blo+ob, a hand+ob or full
intercourseF< 'he "rincipal stood a!imbo aaiting for 6arah to respond ith three pairs of
eyes ere fixed on the blushing girl& Df course she meant that she ould help #ndy get
out of his boxer shorts but the "rincipal had completely misunderstood&
:#hh ell it ould depend &&&< she deliberated and the "rincipal clapped his hands
:Depends on hate*er he ould ant& ( am not sure you are needed on this programme
6arah, you seem thoroughly comfortable ith sex& 2ut this is excellent&< 'he "rincipal
enthused and then sat bac! don behind his des! to hide his groing erection& :3ou are
the perfect champion for the programme 6arah& (f only e*eryone could be li!e you&<
'he young 6arah blushed and 6tephanie ho had only managed to strip to her bra and
!nic!ers loo!ed en*iably at the beautiful teenager& 'he "rincipal too! a deep breath& (n all
his years as a teacher he had rarely come across someone as sexy and attracti*e as
6arah, but he ne*er expected her to offer to go don on another student in his office& 6he
as, truly, ama?ing&
Capter !!!
:3our nine o= cloc! is Maths, isn=t itF< #ndy as!ed 6arah the moment the to na!ed
students entered the corridor& 'hey both too! a sharp inta!e of breath, although it as *ery
mild for 6eptember, it as still 6eptember and it as in 2ritain hich put the temperature
on the rong side of chilly& 'he "rincipal=s room as ell heated and they only realised
ho arm it as hen they stepped into the corridor& (t as still registration and the
college as eerily )uiet as they scampered don the hall toards the toer bloc!&
:3es& >a*e you done the CalculusF< #ndy as!ed and 6arah nodded, her breasts bouncing
slightly as she strode toards the giant four.storey toer bloc! that stood in the centre of
the college grounds&
#ndy tried to rap the toel around him but it did not hide his erection and 6arah turned,
sa hat he had done and hipped it from him& :Di,< he said indignantly& :@hat do you
that forF<
:(t=s against the rules,< 6arah replied, somehat irritated& (f she had to spend the ee!
na!ed then her friend, could do so too and it ould negate the point of her rigging the
ballot if he then chic!ened out&
:3ou=ll get punished& #nyay if you ere that against the idea hy did you put your name
:( didn=t& (t as decided that e ould all go in the ballot& #nd Mr >ollins didn=t tell me until
8riday J he forgot& 'he bastard&<
6arah smiled& 6he ob*iously had to bribe (ngrid to rig the ballot but (ngrid as taught
magic by her grandfather and she still possessed excellent sleight of hand& Despite there
being se*eral itnesses to the dra, she !ne ho to do it so she got the right result and
it as deemed impartial&
6arah grinned at her friend ho as lagging behind her and as staring up at her ass on
the stairs& :(f you stop loo!ing you might be able to al! )uic!er,< she chided and glanced
at his six inch coc!& :#nd then you can ha*e me before Mathematics&<
#ndy groaned& >e !ne she ould tease him the moment he found out it as 6arah he
as partnered ith an hour before classes started& 6arah alays teased him ith her short
s!irts and de*ilishly sexy demeanour, and ho he longed to date her, but she as
resolutely staying ith her boyfriend&
'hey reached the first floor of the toer bloc! and there as still +ust muffled sounds
coming from the classrooms& #ndy loo!ed at his atch, the bell ould go any minute M
noL 6arah and #ndy stood outside the classroom and the door opened&
:8uc!in= hell,< cried a tall stoc!y guy the moment he sa 6arah& #ndy put his arms around
6arah from behind her and pulled her toards him& >er ass crac! touched his coc! and
she iggled her hips& #ndy slid his hands don her flan!s and then around her stomach to
rest on her nipples& >e rubbed them gently and !issed her on the nec!&
6arah sighed in )uiet contentment& 6he anted this in the shoer that morning and
resisted& 6he could ha*e hipped out her red *ibrator, but resisted& 2ut she could resist no
longer and the delicate touch of her friend caused her to silently groan&
6arah closed her eyes as #ndy=s fingers sirled around her nipples and his touch pulled
her toards him& 6he felt his erect coc! in the crac! of her ass and sighed again& >e felt
good& Nery good&
'hey ere interrupted by their teacher, a Mrs 2uc!ingham ho coughed& :( presume you
to ill need some time at the start of the lesson,< she said ith a smile on her face& :(f
you ha*e done your homeor!&<
Mrs 2uc!ingham made #ndy and 6arah sit at the front of the class and opposite ends of
the room, and smiled as they laid out their toels on her rough ooden chairs& >er class
soon filled up and as amused hen their friends +o!ed at their predicament&
2ella, a slightly podgy and normally grumpy girl sat directly next to #ndy and the teacher
sa her hands slide o*er to his aist& 6he smiled and then consulted the handboo!& 6he
couldn=t ha*e #ndy being distracted all lesson and found the rele*ant chapter& 3es, if an
#66ID5D touched a 6I,' in lesson ithout being instructed to, then they had to
complete the ee! na!ed&
6he ondered if she should con*ey this information to 2ella before the start of the lesson
and decided that dependent on hether she had done her homeor! ould depend on
hether she ould allo the plump girl to molest #ndy unpunished&
:6o go on, hat=s it li!eF< Ooe as!ed 6arah ho nodded&
:Cold& @ell colder than ( as expecting& My nipples ere li!e diamonds in the corridor&<
:@ell that as because you had #ndy touching them, my dear,< Mrs 2uc!ingham said and
6arah blushed as the class burst into giggles& :/o ould you to li!e to finish doing hat
you ere doing before the classF<
:;et her off,< yelled a *oice from the bac! and Mrs 2uc!ingham ga*e an annoyed glance&
:(f you ish to participate Jason then please do&< Jason, an immature boy leapt to his feet
and Mrs 2uc!ingham smiled& :( am sure #ndy ould lo*e a blo.+ob, if you ouldn=t
mindF< 'he air filled ith hols of laughter as Jason sat bac! don again and shoo! his
head& :#ny more interruptions li!e that and you can go don and suc! his coc!,< she
thundered and Jason nodded, burying his face in his hands& 6he called 6arah and #ndy to
the front of the class and told them they had three minutes and then the lesson ould
6arah and #ndy embraced, !issing passionately and 6arah slid her hand beteen to touch
#ndy=s coc!& >e pushed a finger onto her crac! and she sighed& 6he needed a release,
and bit her lip, grunting nasally&
:Dh go on,< she s)uealed and the class tittered& 'his as one hundred times more
entertaining than atching the nerdy !id play 2ritish 2ulldog in the playground and the
class piled forard to get a better *ie& 6arah turned so #ndy could !iss her nec! and her
gi*ing a better *ie as his finger or!ed its= ay along her clitoris and into her hole&
:Dh fuc! yes,< she shrie!ed and Mrs 2uc!ingham ga*e a ry smile& 6he scanned the
class for signs of any touching J another certain ay for an #66ID5D to become a 6I,'
J but there as nothing ob*ious, much to her dismay&
6arah=s hand, reaching behind her, as busily stro!ing #ndy=s coc! and 6arah increased
her pace& #ndy felt his body tense and his hips start to buc! ith 6arah=s increasing
rhythm& 6he as lo*ing this J about to orgasm in front of her class& 6he had dreamt of this
day for months, fantasised about it& Masturbated to it& 6he anted e*eryone to see #ndy
bring this slut to orgasm&
6arah cried open.mouthed as #ndy=s fingers pressed against her slippery pearl& :Dh god
M oh yes,< she screamed and there as laughter from next door& 6arah did not hear and
she rode a*es of climatic pleasure, #ndy spurted se*eral streams of semen onto her
Mrs 2uc!ingham let them en+oy the afterglo for a fe moments and then passed them
some tissues& #ndy iped 6arah=s bac! hile the class descended into hushed hispers&
:'hat as fuc!in= mental,< Jason said a little loudly and the teacher shot him a loo!&
#round a third of the class passed their homeor! to the front, including #ndy and 6arah,
but the aforementioned Jason and 2ella had not done their assignments and Mrs
2uc!ingham sighed exasperatedly& >o could they expect to pass if they didn=t do
homeor!F (f only there as a nudity and span!ing rule for not doing Maths assignments&
6he ould certainly mention it to the "rincipal&
6he rote up the ansers on the board and turned around to see 2ella stro!ing #ndy=s
thigh& :2ella& /a!ed please&<
:@hatF< 'he girl as!ed&
Mrs 2uc!ingham smiled seetly and pic!ed up the handboo!& :3ou heard J for the ee!
Capter !"
6arah as still horny by the time the lesson finished and she dashed out ith #ndy& 'hey
both had an hour=s brea! and then ;eneral 6tudies before lunch&
:@here shall e goF< 6arah as!ed and #ndy loo!ed at the herd of lo*ed up students
spilling out onto the landing and eyeing 6arah&
:6omehere arm,< #ndy suggested and they ran don the stairs and made it to the
corridor at the bottom before being cornered by a couple of guys&
:3ou got a free nextF< 'he taller of the to, around Eft $in and ith deep set eyes as!ed&
6arah silently nodded and clenched her pussy& 6he !ne she as et, the thought of
being ta!en in full *ie of e*eryone had her excited and aroused&
8or 2ruce and ;rant J the best of friends J this represented a onderful opportunity& 'hey
ere both *irgins but they ne*er thought their first time ould be ith the onderful and
delightful 6arah 2ailey& 6he as a coc!.tease and e*ery guy=s dream, and normally she
ouldn=t be seen dead ith those to&
2ut they ere rong, 6arah may ha*e been sexy and attracti*e but she as ne*er
unapproachable& Currently, hoe*er, 6arah as *ery approachable and *ulnerable& ;rant,
the short guy ith Mediterranean features and a ic!ed smile stepped forard and guided
6arah=s hands aay from her slit&
:8uc!, it=s *ery et,< he announced and the small congregation of the onloo!ers multiplied
instantly& >e un?ipped his trousers and pulled them don to free a coc!,
de*oid of any pubic hair&
:(f you ant me,< 6arah uttered staring at the erect coc! and bit her lip& :'hen put a
condom on and lubricant&<
:3ou don=t need lube lo*e,< ;rant replied and 6arah shoo! her head&
:"lease& (=ll be sore otherise& ( got a lot of guys ho ant something&<
2ruce reached up and passed his friend a condom and small pac!et of lubricant hich
6arah sensing his ner*ousness, too! from him and slid o*er his coc!& 6he sensed he as
not used to, or e*en ready to ha*e sex ith an audience but as she poured the small
pac!et of lubricant o*er his sheathed coc! she smiled at #ndy and then ;rant&
2ruce had mo*ed the small table from the corner of the corridor to the centre and ;rant
roughly bent 6arah o*er it& >e as used to seeing that in his father=s porn collection and
!ne it to be right& 6he should be meing no and ready to orgasm&
#las 6arah as not going to fa!e any orgasms or excitement to preser*e the ego of the
to students but lo*ed the humiliation of the experience& 6he loo!ed up from the table, her
breasts pushed into its cold, hard surface and sending shi*ers up her spine, and sa her
classmates atching her&
6ome ere shouting abuse, calling her a :dirty slut< or a :hore,< but others ere sending
compliments . :she is fuc!ing sexy,< Jason shouted from behind her&
;rant as sha!ing li!e a leaf and 6arah reached don to guide him into her hole& 6he as
ready for this the moment she o!e up and closed her eyes as ;rant buried his coc! into
her& >e as not thrusting gently but rammed it in and it as a shoc! for her& >o did his
girlfriend copeF
6arah as eternally grateful she had made him use lubricant and his fingers ere hurting
her as they ere digging into the tops of her thighs& 6arah groaned, he as D- but she
had had much better&
6he screed up her face and tightened her internal muscles, he needed to be gentler but
;rant grunted and she felt his coc! titch and then pulse a fe times&
>e had to be +o!ing, that as fifteen seconds& 6he glared at him, annoyed at his
premature e+aculationL 'here as a titter from the assembled girls: they !ne hat ;rant
had done and she rolled her eyes as she sa ;rant ithdra& 2ruce arri*ed behind herA
his coc! as bigger and he too had used lubricant& 6arah guided it in, she as *ery horny
but also incredibly unsatisfied&
#s she turned around she sa #ndy getting a blo +ob from a student in their ;eneral
6tudies class& 6he as hot and she ondered if lesbian sex as alloed& 2ruce thrusted
forard softly and 6arah groaned& :Dh that=s nice,< she murmured&
2ruce caressed her buttoc!s and the bac!s of her thighs hile she roc!ed bac! and forth
on his member& >e as hitting her ;.6pot in this position and her muscles ere )ui*ering&
(t felt *ery good&
(t as e*erything that 2ruce hoped it ould be and meed gently& 6arah as as sexy as
they came and her muscles ere clamping on his coc!& #ll the masturbation he normally
did, he had resisted for to ee!s sa*ing himself this moment& 'o ee!s of his coc!
being untouched J that as o*er forty times he normally an!ed hen he didn=t&
,nfortunately this meant 2ruce as a coiled spring, and tenty seconds after this coc!
touched 6arah=s pussy, he filled the rubber sac!&
:3ou better be +o!ing,< 6arah said out loud and the entire audience laughed at 2ruce& :8or
fuc!s sa!e, both of you& ;et out of my sight&< 6arah pulled herself up on her arms and
scanned the assembled group of laughing students& :3ou,< she said pointing to Jason&
:Can you fuc!F<
:@ell yeah,< came the response and she told him to get a condom, and not orry about
the lubricant as she as already et enough no& 2ruce and ;rant melted into the crod
and Jason s!ilfully pumped his dic! into 6arah J not too fast, or too slo J but ith strong,
poerful thrusts that tic!led her pussy all and glanced against her ;.6pot&
6arah sighed and meed, shrie!ed, screamed, cried and spluttered& Jason as steadily
ta!ing her to a massi*e climax, the public nature of her poerful orgasm, heightening the
intensity of the explosion aiting to happen in her loins&
6arah gripped the edge of the table and grunted as her pubic muscles con*ulsed& 6he
screed up her face and s)uealed, the noise of her exhibitionism echoing around the
corridor& Jason=s coc! )ui*ered and pumped his seed into the rubber, and they stayed
+oined for a moment, sa*ouring the spar!s of pleasure as their muscles ga*e little
contractions and then Jason ithdre&
:'han! you,< she said to him and he grinned&
:3ou done noF< #ndy as!ed and 6arah nodded ith a huge smile on her face&
:@ell ( ill be hen ( ha*e dealt ith teedle.dee and teedle.dum, hat the fuc! ere
they doingF<
'he throng of interested per*erts dissipated the moment 6arah had finished clearing up
and dumped the fruits of her endea*ours in the bin& :@as that girl any goodF< 6arah as!ed
as they left the corridor toards the library, loo!ing out for the ex.*irgins ho had left her
unsatisfied: she anted ords ith them&
:3ou !no me, ( don=t !iss and tell&<
:2astard& ( ant to !no& ( ant a go on her later if she=s any good&<
#ndy smir!ed& :'hen ( ill let you find it out for yourself&<
Capter "
'heir free period passed relati*ely peacefully and the to na!ed students ere not
disturbed& 6arah thought briefly she might confess that she helped rig the ballots but
#ndy=s rant about his decency and dignity being stripped from him halfay through their
or! changed her mind& >e might not appreciate it, and he as a close friend&
'heir ;eneral 6tudies class as in the ad+acent room to the library, being in the Knglish
bloc! and they al!ed into an empty room& Mr Clar!e, a nely )ualified teacher as
ob*iously still teaching his pre*ious class and they stretched out their large toels on the
cold hard chairs near the bac! of the room&
'he bell sounded and ithin a minute, to do?en people ere pouring into the room&
:>ey 6arah, ( li!e your ne top,< Ieon called as he sauntered passed her& 6arah li!ed
IeonA he as alays crac!ing +o!es and ne*er too! life too seriously& (f she as in a
confessional mood, she ould admit that she sometimes fantasised about his thic! blac!
coc! parting her pale pussy and ramming into her, but she had ne*er seen him na!ed and
until a couple of ee!s ago thought she ne*er ould&
:Dh you do,< 6arah replied cheerily and stood up& :(t comes ith a matching bottom&<
:>ey 6arah, is it true that you ha*e to sha*e your pubic hairF< Iouise, a small gee!y red.
haired girl at the front as!ed and 6arah loo!ed seriously at her&
:Dh yeah& @hy don=t youF ( thought all the boys li!ed the sha*en ha*enF<
'he girl=s chee!s matched her hair amid a gaggle of ner*ous laughter and 6arah grinned&
:@hat do you thin! 5ob, bush or bareF<
5ob laughed and stuc! his tongue out& :3ou !no babe, ( +ust don=t mind&< 6arah=s mind
hirred ith mischief and she stood up, al!ing o*er to the bespectacled guy on the front
ro& 6he too! his hand and rubbed it o*er her smooth mons&
:>ey Iouise, come here, let 5ob compare&<
Iouise shoo! her head but the class goaded her and she buried her face in her hands&
:@hat=s going onF< Mr Clar!e as!ed as he closed the open door behind him&
:@e are as!ing the guys hether they prefer my sha*en crotch to Iouise=s bush but she
doesn=t ant to sho them to compare& 2it mean, as she started it,< 6arah gushed and the
teacher smiled&
:@ell e do need to co*er comparisons and statistics, so hy not& Iouise, please
6arah smiled& 6he !ne Iouise had had sex ith her boyfriend at the 3ear 10 school field
trip, as she shared a room ith her and o*erheard them tal!ing post.action, but she had
strenuously denied this and demanded that she be excluded from the girl=s ballot& 6arah
as not amusedA Iouise might not ha*e anted to be na!ed in front of her peers but as
happy for someone else to ha*e to do it, ho e)ually might not ant to do it& 6he had
been selfish and 6arah as getting re*enge&
Iouise spluttered but a fe choice ords from Mr Clar!e, and a passage from the
:handboo!< meant that she soon disrobed&
'here as no reason, other than embarrassment for her not to undress& 6he as not
podgy or had misshapen breasts, eird birthmar!s or anything out of the ordinary, she had
a smooth, lo*ely body ith great tufts of red pubic hair&
6he stood a!ardly and Mr Clar!e iped the board& :5ight, no Iouise, go to 5ob and
do hat 6arah did&< Iouise al!ed around the class and alloed 5ob to run his hands
through her scraggly pubic hair& >e smiled and bec!oned 6arah o*er, deliberately sliding
his fingers alongside her slit&
:Iouise& ( thin! pubic hair feels nicer, although 6arah=s is sluttier and it loo!s nicer&<
6arah too! a deep breath in moc! anger and 5ob flashed her a smile&
:2ut (=ll go ith the bush& (t feels cool to rub your hand through it&<
:;areth, hat do you thin!F< # tall iry boy made no secret of feeling up Iouise ho as
clearly feeling flushed by the attention and of ;areth=s attention on her slit&
:6arah,< he e*entually said after he had reduced both girls to meing& #dam ent one
better, and brought Iouise to a shuddering orgasm hile he deliberated hether the sight
of pubic hair impro*ed the *ie as a girl as fingered, although 6arah bra*ely held out
until she reached #ndy&
:'he problem is, is that pubic hair detracts from oral sex, ( thin!& Can ( put this to the testF<
#ndy as!ed and the teacher nodded, ad+usting his trousers& #ndy bec!oned Iouise to get
on the des!, gently spread her legs and buried his face in her snatch&
6he suc!ed in a deep breath as #ndy=s tongue darted along her cre*ice and tasted her
mus!y, poerful +uices& 6he s)uealed and shrie!ed in surprise& / had e*er done that
to her& #ndy tic!led her little button and then suc!ed it hile his fingers curled into her ell.
lubricated hole and probed her ;.6pot&
'he red.haired minx thre her head bac! and her thighs )ui*ered& 6he meed, panted
and then her body shoo! as she had an orgasm, the li!e she had ne*er had before&
:3ou see, that as nice, but (=*e got a pube in my teeth,< #ndy complained& :6arah, if you
ouldn=t mind&< >e gestured for her to sit on the table and she did ith a dirty smile&
6arah had been playing ith herself hile Iouise had got off, and as incredibly etA she
fidgeted and buc!ed her hips the moment #ndy=s mouth touched her slippery, slic!
:Dh ;od,< she meed& 6he had experienced #ndy=s tongue many times before,
sometimes on its= on, sometimes ith fingers in her and a couple of times ith her red
*ibrator, but ne*er ith a rapt audience li!e this&
6he panted the moment #ndy slid his to middle fingers into her slimy hole& 6he still had
some lubricant in her, along ith her +uices, and her pussy gratefully accepted #ndy=s
fingers& >e made a< motion and 6arah ga*e a piercing hol&
#ndy sirled her clitoris ith his tongue and then suc!ed on her button& 6he buc!ed her
hips as fast as she could, desperately trying to impale herself on his fingers harder and
6he cursed and sore again, her body building up to a giant crescendo& (t ould be her
best orgasm of the day, the most poerful, the most explicit& 6he cried out, her body
tingling all o*er& >er loins ere on fire, #ndy suc!ed her clitoris and 6arah thre her head
bac!, s)uealing&
@a*e after a*e of intense electricity flooded her body and her muscles )ui*ered and
con*ulsed frantically& 6arah cried out and then rested for a fe moments&
:Definitely sha*ed, Mr Clar!e& 3ou don=t get pubes in your teeth&< 6arah grinned at #ndy
and he helped her don from the des!&
'rent, a good.natured tra*elling gypsy, tic!led both of the girls before opting for Iouise J
red headed girls ere his :thing< and "aul agreed after fingering both of the students&
Mr Clar!e opened the discussion up the girls in the class as ell and after -aren ate out
both of the girls to orgasms, the class as tied at 9.9& 6arah glanced o*er at Mr Clar!e&
:'hat means 6ir, you get the casting *ote,< she said alluringly and the to girls descended
on their teacher&
:@ell, (=m not sure,< he muttered and pic!ed up the handboo!, frantically searching for
teacher.pupil relations& #h, page eighteen&
6arah un?ipped his fly and he let out a *oluntary s)ueal& "age eighteen, teachers must try
to a*oid interfering ith M
6arah rapped her lips around his impressi*e member, already fully erect and suc!ed it
gently& Iouise stood behind her and massaged 6arah=s shoulder and 6arah intimated for
Iouise to !neel don beside her&
M 6I,'s and #66ID5Ds as they go about their learning programme as part of
CI('D5(6, but occasionally the *oice of experience M
6arah as the *oice of experience as she passed the coc! to Iouise and told ho to
pleasure their teacher& 6he put a hand on his bare ass and flic!ed his shirt tails aay&
:/o rub his head ith your tongue,< she hispered and Mr Clar!e too! a sharp inta!e of
breath and steadied himself on his table&
M maybe re)uired and it is en*isaged that in some circumstances teachers may need to
become #66ID5Ds for a short period for the 6I,'s to get the most out of the
:3esL< Mr Clar!e cried triumphantly, and 6arah caressed his testicles as Iouise suc!ed the
tips& 6arah mo*ed her hand to the base of Mr Clar!e=s member and she pumped him,
stro!ing his *eined coc!&
Mr Clar!e sighed out of satisfaction& >e couldn=t get his girlfriend to go don on him, so
ho come to nubile beauties ere doing itF >e sighed and shuddered& :(=m gonna &&&< he
arned and 6arah hispered to Iouise&
:Just stay ith the spurt& (t=ll be fine,< she arned and she felt his coc! titch& 6e*eral
spurts of semen flooded Iouise=s mouth and the teacher loo!ed don to see Iouise suc!
him dry&
:'hat as all you, asn=t itF< Mr Clar!e as!ed Iouise ho nodded& :"ubic hair ins&<
Capter "!
6arah and #ndy sat don ith trays each& 'hey had orn their toels around their aists
hile carrying the hot food, neither of them fancied spilling their dinner o*er them and then
finding they had burns to their genitals& 6arah didn=t e*en ha*e pubic hair to
protect her, hich she as still moaning about&
:( mean, ( get the toad a blo +ob and he chooses her& Disgraceful,< she hinged and
loo!ed across at the na!ed Iouise& #s the bell struc!, Iouise as still na!ed and the
pro*ision in the notorious handboo! as that the #66ID5D in )uestion became a 6I,'
until the end of the day&
Mr Clar!e therefore had ta!en Iouise=s clothes to the "rincipal and she as told to obtain
a school toel from the 5eception until three thirty, much to her disgust& 6arah atched as
she didn=t ma!e it, ;rant and 2ruce deciding on a second attempt to pro*e their sexual
proess, and 6arah, still disgusted at them, ga*e them a small hec!le and ran off for
lunch& Clearly 2ruce and ;rant had not impro*ed as ten minutes after she sa the podgy
girl, she as in the canteen ith a toel and not loo!ing too happy&
'heir mutual friend, Ooe, +oined them at the table and grinned& 6he had been in the Maths
class and atched her get off then but as shoc!ed hen 6arah recalled the pre*ious
lesson and the incident in the corridor&
Ooe as sexually repressed& 6he as beautiful, ith deep blue eyes and shoulder.length
blonde hair, but as also religious and exceptionally conser*ati*e& :( can=t belie*e they are
ma!ing you do this,< Ooe moaned and shoo! her head& :( mean, ( ould +ust die&<
#ndy put his hand on Ooe=s& :2ut you might ha*e to& (f all goes ell ith us&<
Ooe bit her lip& :( couldn=t& ( +ust couldn=t&<
:'o be fair, this is mostly 6arah& 'he 6I,' is being a slut,< #ndy +o!ed and 6arah flic!ed
mashed potato at him& (t stuc! on his chest and he pic!ed up the remains of his chocolate
mil!sha!e and co*ered 6arah=s breasts& 6he gasped in shoc! at its coldness&
6arah ble and pic!ed up some ba!ed beans and thre them at #ndy ho as retreating&
# fe of them hit the person behind him ho turned to see 6arah sha!ing off thic!,
chocolate drin! from her breasts&
:>ey food fight,< someone yelled and 6arah turned around to see someone thro a full
cups orth of straberry mil!sha!e at her, and then a plate of custard hit her rump&
:'hat=s enough,< shouted the "rincipal& 'he excited shouting died to a murmur of
discontent and he made his ay through the crod to the na!ed teenagers& :3ou might
ant to get ashed in the toilets,< he announced& :#nd next time you fancy a food fight, do
it outside&<
#ndy and 6arah nodded and pic!ed up their items and left&
'he open.plan toilets really ere open plan& 'he all had been replaced by a giant
indo and refitted& # shoer as in the corner and 6arah, as the dirtiest, !ic!ed off her
shoes and al!ed in& #ndy smiled as the hot ater hit her dirty body and ashed aay the
bron, yello and pin! mess&
:(t=s your fault,< she moaned and #ndy remo*ed his shoes and al!ed in alongside her&
:6sshhhh,< he said and from behind her and rapped his arms around her et body& 6he
groaned and felt his erect coc! touch her& :3ou lo*e it really,< he hispered and she
nodded& >e as right& :@hat are you this ee!F<
:( am a 6I,',< she hispered as his hands glided o*er her et, soft s!in&
:@hat are you going to be next ee!F<
:# slut,< 6arah hispered in return and #ndy smiled& >e as !issing the bac! of her nec!
and she reached bac! to s)uee?e his buttoc!s& 'he ater thundered o*er them and the
room as becoming humid and steamyA the indos ere closed& 6arah=s sighs became
more audible as #ndy=s hand stopped tra*elling and concentrated on her erect nipples&
:@hat do sluts needF<
:'hey need big, thic!, roc!.hard coc!s,< she breathlessly hispered in return& #ndy
glanced o*er in the corner of the room and sa a little changing bench& >e !issed her
again and then guided her toards it&
6he lay don and opened her arms, gratefully recei*ing #ndy onto her& >is coc! as
aligned ith her hole at slid in, neither of them caring that there as no protection& 6arah
felt a armness she had not experienced for ahile J sex ith someone she lo*ed&
#ndy grunted as he penetrated her and she meed& >e felt goodA he as bigger than her
boyfriend and his gentle thrusts sent shi*ers of armth from her loins&
#ndy reached o*er and !issed her& /ot a gentle pec! or a slobbering monster, but a
lo*ing, passionate !iss that made her glo inside& 6he groaned a soft, gentle cry and
loo!ed at him ith affectionate eyes& 6he adored him&
#ndy as probing her in a slo rhythm as he sa*oured e*ery last touch of her ex)uisite
sex gripping his roc!ing member& 6he s)uee?ed her pussy and !issed him again& 6he as
the best scre he had e*er had, made better by the deep connection&
6arah groaned again and sighed& #ndy as not increasing the pace of his thrusts and she
anted him to& 6he as getting perilously close to a climax and needed #ndy to propel her
toards it& #ndy noticed the lustful sounds and passionate, pleading eyes of his lo*er& >e
noticed the panting, the deep s)uee?ing of her muscles, the gripping of his buttoc!s by her
fingertips& >e noticed e*erything and sloly increased his pace&
6arah sore and groaned loudly&
6he gripped #ndy ith reneed force, digging her nails in as far as they ould go& 6he
moaned and cried, :Dh ;od, fuc! yesL<
6arah thre her head bac! and s)uealed louder than before&
#ndy continued thrusting his bare coc! into her, and 6arah as still shrie!ing& >er muscles
clamped don on his coc! but #ndy didn=t relent, plunging his rod deep inside her&
6arah ga*e an in*oluntary spasm, and then again& #ndy as sighing and panting& >e as
near his release and had the familiar tightness, incredible armth and excitement at the
base of his testicles& >e tightened his prostate muscles, hanging on for as long as he
'hen ith one last thrust, he remo*ed his coc! and spurted o*er her mons& 6arah as too
busy shrie!ing and shouting to notice the splattering of semen co*ering her&
'hey !issed again and she felt content& 6he could stay here all day&
'he bell rang as 6arah as iping the remnants of #ndy from her sha*ed mons and they
!issed& / had noticed them in the toilets and the shoers and they ere undisturbed
ith their little tryst&
:(=ll see you at the end of college,< #ndy promised and 6arah nodded&
6arah=s next class as 2iology, a part of the day she had been dreading& 'he teacher, Dr
5ichard 6tatham, as a lecherous oaf at the best of times, and the sight of her na!ed as
an opportunity that he ould not miss, although her time in the shoer had left her
satisfied and there ould be no need for her to see! :relief&<
Dr 6tatham stood by his des! as the class filled into the room& >e as !non for being an
excellent teacher, but also a bit slea?y& 5umours of his younger days persisted but he
rarely did anything that as the rong side of professional misconduct&
:Charming outfit, Iucy,< he said to a short big.breasted girl& :Colour suits you& #nd -elly,
can that s!irt get any higherF<
-elly stopped and flic!ed the bac! of her s!irt up ith a chee!y grin and the teacher
grinned& :'he main attraction, 6arah& ( heard you put on )uite a performance in the
6arah groaned& 6he couldn=t ta!e an hour of this but Dr 6tatham al!ed o*er and closed
the door& :/o settle don,< he shouted& :5ight, 6arah& Do you need to ha*e some reliefF<
6arah shoo! her head and replied that she didn=t& Dr 6tatham=s face fell and there ere
some boos from behind her& 6he turned in her seat& :(=*e +ust had some, but correct me if (
am rong, but if a student is coerced into sex in the classroom doesn=t the perpetrator
ha*e to undress as ellF<
Dr 6tatham nodded and smiled& >is shaggy blac! beard and piercing bespectacled eyes
agreed& :3es, -elly, Iucy, 6ally, 5ebecca, Dli*ia and Niolet& ,ndress please&<
'he girls groaned& >e had demanded all of the six girls get undressed e*en though the
boos came from the three boys sat at the bac!& Dr 6tatham ga*e a gentle nod toards
them and the girls complained that they ere being unfairly targeted&
'he o*ereight teacher pulled the handboo! from his poc!et and leafed through it,
choosing to read out the punishment council and the six girls complied&
:(=ll get you for this,< -elly threatened 6arah ho +ust shrugged&
:Dh come on& @e all !no you sleep ith anyone at parties& 2eing fuc!ed in the college
corridor ould hardly a step don for you,< 6arah snapped and Dr 6tatham stopped the
:6ally, you appear to be co*ering yourself up&<
# thin girl ith *oluptuous breasts and long blac! hair ga*e a ner*ous loo! to her teacher&
6he as not only *ery attracti*e but also *ery shy, and her normal e*eryday, boring
clothes hid a sexy body underneath& 6he as not comfortable being na!ed at all&
:( am alloed to, 6ir,< she replied mee!ly and Dr 6tatham nodded&
:Iiam, you came top didn=t you in the test last ee!F<
# iry boy nodded and Dr 6tatham smiled& :#nd you 6ally& 3ou came bottom&<
:3es 6ir&<
:Kxcellent, come to the front please&< 6ally ner*ously pic!ed her ay to the front of the
class& 6he glanced at her tormentor and he positioned her at the *ery front&
:'en )uestions& (f you get more than to rong, Iiam ill ta!e you to the deserted
classroom next door and ha*e his ic!ed ay& #s he is alloed to do as an #66ID5D&
6ally gasped and her face ent bright red& 6he ga*e a tentati*e nod and closed her eyes&
6arah grinned, she li!ed the idea of someone else getting the attentionA of course she as
en+oying the day immensely but this as one lesson she as apprehensi*e about& 6he
didn=t need to be&
:Dn hat type of cells do you find lysosomesF< Dr 6tatham as!ed and 6ally a*ed her
hands, and then buried her head&
:(t=s um M the plant and animal cells M it=s called the Kure!aroytic&&&<
Dr 6tatham laughed& :Iiam, enlighten her please&<
:Ku!aryotic, 6ir&<
:Kxcellent& 6ally, hat are the phases of bacterial groth&<
6ally a*ed her hands again and shoo! her head& :Iog, lag, decline and &&&<
:6tationary, 6ir&<
:(ndeed& Iiam, ta!e 6ally and gi*e her a damn good lesson&<
#fter the to students left, the lesson proceeded perfectly normally& 6ally and Iiam
returned shortly afterards, her breasts glistening ith pearly hite li)uid and the se*en
na!ed students 1and three clothed ones4 listened to the teacher tal! about bacterial
(t as ith some relief that the bell ent and 6arah could lea*e unmolested to go to her
Chemistry class&
#ndy as e)ually as luc!y, his Kconomics lecture ith Mr 2ar!er ent perfectly normally&
# fe comments ere made at the start of the lesson, but they soon hit macroeconomics
and #ndy forgot he as na!ed& (t as +ust normality, as as his "hysics class directly
Capter "!!
:>o as ChemistryF< #ndy as!ed as he +oined his na!ed partner in the corridor& 6he
ga*e him a brief !iss and touched his rear gently&
:8ine& ( had to ear a lab o*ercoat so no problems& "hysicsF<
:Just boring sort of magnetic stuff& "retty easy really&<
'hey loo!ed out o*er the school grounds from the dooray and sighed& 'he eather, that
as reasonably arm, had turned chilly and rain had started falling& :@eather=s got
grumpy,< 6arah moaned and they atched a fe students leap o*er forming puddles& 'he
door opened and a chilly blast sept through the corridor causing them both to shudder&
:'his CI('D5(6 programme& @ould be D- if e li*ed in the Caribbean,< 6arah moaned
and #ndy put his arm around her to pull her closer&
:>ey, 6arah,< 'rent, the gypsy from their ;eneral 6tudies class called her as he
approached them& >e ran up to them both and ga*e a ic!ed smile to 6arah& :3ou=re not
going anyhereF<
6arah eyed him suspiciously& :3eah, home& Just aiting for the rain to stop&<
>is hands touched her flan!s and he grinned& :'hen e can play hile e ait =cos ( ain=t
stoppin= yaF<
6arah groaned& 'rent as a good.natured nice lad, and she didn=t disli!e him but he as
not hat she anted in a partner or a friend& 6he loo!ed at his dirty trac!suit and trainersA
he as the only lad in the school ho got aay ith earing such casual clothes&
>is hands deftly touched her soft s!in and she closed her eyes as it darted o*er her
breasts and then her hairless mound& :6pread =em, lo*e,< he told her crudely and she
mo*ed her thighs slightly apart& >e +abbed his fingers alongside her labia and then ran
them up and don her slit&
:3ou=re all et, horny little slut,< he announced loudly and 6arah sighed& 6he asn=t but
she !ne she as going to be ta!en irrespecti*e of hether she anted to or not&
# fe people stopped to atch as 'rent slid his hand directly beteen 6arah=s legs and
pushed his fingers up and don her cre*ice& 6he as simply not ready for it, but closed
her eyes and began thin!ing& 6he needed to get aroused, and )uic!ly&
# soft, arm body snuggled up behind her and started !issing her on the nec!& 6he sighed
as its armth en*eloped around her and the oner=s coc! nestled in her ass crac!& >ands
andered o*er her and touched her breasts&
6he suc!ed in deeply and aited for the hands behind her to start playing ith her nipples&
6arah moaned and meed, her body starting to lubricate her folds nicely&
'rent shouted to the aiting crod& :Ioo! at this, she is gushing&<
:Dh yeah,< she murmured as the hands tea!ed her nipples& :Dh ;od &&&<
6he opened her eyes to see 'rent pull don his trac!suit bottoms& >e as not earing
any underear and smiled at his large member, erect and aiting for her&
:"ass us a condom, lo*e,< 'rent shouted to a girl ho dipped her hand in the ad+acent
bol and thre it to the (rish tra*eller& (t rolled don his shaft nicely and 6arah bent o*er
the bag rac!, guiding 'rent=s coc! to her aiting pussy&
6arah ga*e an in*oluntary groan as the solid rod slid into her pussy& >e grabbed hold of
her hips and sloly roc!ed bac! and forth pushing the full length of his dic! into her and
then sliding out in strong, purposeful stro!es&
:#hh, excellent& 'hat=s hat e li!e to see,< the "rincipal said from behind 'rent& /either
6arah nor her partner ere aare of his presence but there as a small titter from
e*eryone, including #ndy, as the teacher atched& :@as she getting aroused, 'rentF<
:3eah,< 'rent grunted and the "rincipal smiled&
:@ell that=s to be expected for a little minx li!e her& ( mean, being na!ed all day ill ma!e
her damn horny& #re you learning much 6arahF<
:Dh ;od M oh yeah M oh fuc!,< 6arah muttered as 'rent pushed into her strongly&
'he "rincipal laughed& :(=ll ta!e that as a yes& #hh, the delightful Iouise, hat are you
doing na!edF<
Iouise told him but #ndy as too busy atching 'rent and his 6arah& 6he came as he
gradually increased his rhythm and the "rincipal left them& 'here as a small gasp as
6arah s)uealed loudly and a teacher loo!ed out of an empty classroom&
6arah as )ui*ering and her muscles pulsing and contracting as her body spiralled into
another orgasm& 6he clamped her pussy onto 'rent=s sheathed coc! and he )uic!ened his
>e anted to come as ell and he grunted and filled the rubber sac! ith his seed&
'hey stayed motionless for a moment and then disengaged& 6arah smiled at him and
genuinely than!ed him& >is foreplay might ha*e been lousy but he filled her up nicely and
ga*e her to massi*e orgasms&
:( li!e that blo!e,< she hispered to #ndy as they *entured out into the pouring rain to the
school secretary, to retrie*e their clothes& :>e has style&<
:(t=s all those female cousins he has& >e=s had practice,< #ndy +o!ed and 6arah grinned&
:'hat=s *ery racist,< she told him ith a smir!& :6urely you can do better than thatF<
6arah pushed open the door to her house and too! a deep breath& (t as good to be bac!
into the sanctuary of her home& 6he !ic!ed off her s!irt, shoes and top at the base of the
stairs& 6he had been na!ed all day and earing clothes as suddenly uncomfortable&
:>o as your dayF< >er mother called and she pushed open the lounge door and as
met ith the sight of a young lad&
:6arahL< >er mother shouted as 6arah bounced into the room and then co*ered up ith
her hands& :@hat are you doingF<
:6orry& @ho is thisF<
:Michael& >e is going to be or!ing at the bar and is getting a lift to and from or! ith me&
@hy are you na!edF<
:( am supposed to be na!ed at home& (t=s part of the programme,< 6arah lied and smiled a
raffish grin at the 1%.year.old frantically ad+usting his trousers& 6he ould ha*e him,
e*entually, but right no she needed her red *ibrator& 6he had been horny on the train
+ourney and the na!edness as getting her too et&
6arah thought for a moment, she had another four days of thisL

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