Answers and Explanations: (Moore, P 846)

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Answers and Explanations

1. (A) The bones of the neurocranium include the

frontal bone, paired parietal bones, paired tem-
poral bones, the occipital bone, the sphenoid
bone, and the ethmoid bone (Moore, p 832).
2. (C) The bones of the facial skeleton (viscerocra-
nium or splanchnocranium) include the vomer,
the mandible, inferior nasal conchae, the pala-
tine bones, the zygomatic bones, the maxillae,
the nasal bones, and the lacrimal bones (Moore,
p 832).
3. (A) When the frontal suture persists, it is
known as the metopic suture (Moore, p 834).
4. (B) The external occipital protuberance is also
known as the inion (Moore, p 839).
5. (A) Lambda is the point on the calvaria at the
junction of the sagittal and lambdoid sutures
(Moore, p 842).
6. (C) The vertex is the superior point of the neu-
rocranium in the midline (Moore, p 842).
7. (E) The foramen magnum is in the posterior
cranial fossa (Moore, p 846).
8. (A) The foramen cecum is located in the ante-
rior cranial fossa (Moore, p 846).
9. (E) The anterior and posterior ethmoidal fora-
mina transmit anterior and posterior ethmoidal
arteries and nerves, not emissary veins (Moore,
p 846).
10. (B) The superior orbital ssure transmits the
ophthalmic veins, ophthalmic division of the
trigeminal nerve, oculomotor nerve, trochlear
nerve, abducens nerve, and sympathetic bers
(Moore, p 846).
11. (B) The foramen ovale transmits the accessory
meningeal artery. The foramen spinosum trans-
mits the middle meningeal artery. The groove
of the greater petrosal nerve transmits the
petrosal branch of the middle meningeal artery.
The jugular foramen transmits the meningeal
branches of the ascending pharyngeal and oc-
cipital arteries. The mastoid foramen transmits
the meningeal branch of the occipital artery
(Moore, p 846).
12. (A) The foramina in the cribriform plate trans-
mit axons of olfactory cells in the olfactory epi-
thelium (Moore, p 846).
13. (D) The optic canals transmit the optic nerves
and the ophthalmic arteries (Moore, p 846).
14. (A) The foramen rotundum transmits the max-
illary division of the trigeminal nerve (Moore,
p 846).
15. (A) The foramen spinosum transmits the men-
ingeal branch of the mandibular division of the
trigeminal nerve (Moore, p 846).
16. (E) The foramen magnum transmits the me-
dulla and meninges, vertebral arteries, spinal
roots of the accessory nerve, dural veins, and the
anterior and posterior spinal arteries (Moore,
p 846).
17. (E) The jugular foramen transmits the glos-
sopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve, accessory
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