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Stages of team development and the effectiveness of


Work group is a group that interacts primaraliy to share information and make decisions to help each
member perform within his areas of responsibility.

Work team on the other hand generates positive synergy through coordinated effort. Individual efforts
result in a level of performance greater than the sum of the inputs.

Work groups Work teams
Goal Share information Collective performance
Synergy Neutral (sometimes negative) Positive
Accountability Individual Individual and mutual
Skills Random and varied Complementary

Stages of team development (Tuckman)

Forming: This is a period of orientation and getting acquainted. Members break the Ice and test one
another for friendship. Uncertainty is high during this stage and members usually accept whatever
power or authority is offered by either formal or informal leaders. Concerns; what is expected of me?,
what behavior is acceptable?, Will I fit in?
Leader should facilitate social interchanges.

Storming: This stage is marked by conflict and disagreement. Members may jockey for position and
coaliations , sub groups based on common interests may form. Team will not be able to achieve high
performance unless they pass this stage.
Leader should encourage participation by each team member.

Norming: During this stage, conflict is resolved and team harmony and unity emerge. Consensus
develops on who has power, who are the leaders and members roles. Members come to accept and
understand one another.
Leader should emphasise unity within the team and help to clarify team norms and values.

Performing: This stage, major emphasis is on problem solving and accomplishing the assigned task.
Members are committed to team mission. They are coordinated with one another and handle
disagreements in mature way. They interact frequently and direct their discussion and influence
toward achieving team goals. Both socioemotional and task specialist roles contribute to teams

Leader should concentrate on managing high performance.

Adjourning: This stage occurs in committees and teams that have limited task to perform and
disbanded afterwards. Emphasis is on wrapping up and gearing down. Task performance is no longer
a top priority. Members may feel heightened emotionally, strong cohesiveness and depression over
the teams disbandment.
Leader should bring closure with a ritual or ceremony and signify closure and completeness.

Effectiveness of teams

Factor influence team effectiveness begin with the organisational context. Selection of team type,
Team characteristics and team composition will have a greater influence on Team effectiveness.

Organizational context
Reward, Control systems
Team Type: Formal,
Team Characteristics:
Team Composition:
Knowledge and skills,
Benefits and costs
Team Processes
Stages of

Work team
Capacity to
adapt and

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