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Module Title: Business Law for Managers

Module Code: BB4!""!S Le#el: $
A%ade&i% 'ear: ("()* Se&ester: (
Module Leader: C+ristina M%Cart+,
Instru%tions: Answer all -uestions.
/ord Li&it: 40""" words
/ritten assign&ents &ust not e1%eed t+e s2e%ified &a1i&u& nu&3er of words. All
assign&ents w+i%+ do so will 3e 2enalised. T+e 2enalt, will 3e t+e dedu%tion of &ar4s at
t+e Mar4er5s 6udge&ent. Assign&ents will not 3e a%%e2ted wit+out a word %ount on t+e
%o#er s+eet.
Su3&ission 7ate: T+is assign&ent &ust 3e re%ei#ed no later t+an $:"" on !
("*. /or4 su3&itted after t+is date will re%ei#e a &ar4 of " unless an
e1tension +as 3een a22ro#ed in ad#an%e of t+is deadline.
Re-uests for s+ort8ter& e1tensions will onl, 3e %onsidered in t+e %ase of illness or ot+er
%ause %onsidered #alid 3, t+e Student Ad#iser. T+ese &ust nor&all, 3e re%ei#ed and
agreed 3, a Student Ad#iser in writing at least twent, four +ours 2rior to t+e deadline.
9lease refer to t+e A%ade&i% Regulations or ,our Student :and3oo4 for full details.
;urt+er details: T+is assign&ent &ust 3e %o&2leted indi#iduall,.
T+is assign&ent &ust 3e atta%+ed to a %o&2leted Uni#ersit,
Assign&ent Co#er S+eet and a%%o&2anied 3, a %o&2leted Uni#ersit,
Assign&ent Re%ei2t 3efore su3&ission.
An, atta%+&ents <su%+ as %o&2uter dis%s= &ust 3e &ar4ed wit+ ,our
SI7 nu&3er<s= and se%urel, atta%+ed to ,our assign&ent 3efore
Business Law for Managers
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Se2te&3er ("(
Coursewor4 assign&ent
Anal,sis of t+e 2rin%i2les underl,ing t+e law0 as well as %onsideration of
t+e 2ra%ti%al a22li%ation of legal regulations0 is essential.
All -uestions &ust 3e answered.

You are the manager of a Business Advisory firm. A client is seeking advice
on the following matter: he has decided to start u a !usiness with a former
colleague !ut is unsure of the legal constitution this !usiness should take. "he
client is seeking your advice as to the advantages and disadvantages of
various !usiness and cororate forms.
Ad#ise t+is %lient as to t+e legal regulation surrounding t+e %reation0
running and dissolution of t+e two following t,2es of enter2rise:
8a 2artners+i2
8a %o&2an,
#ite relevant statutory rovisions$ along with suorting case law references$
in suort of your advice

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>uestion (
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Both &udiciary and government favour a narrow interretation of e'clusion
clauses in signed contracts as well as in unsigned notices.
By so restricting the use and alication of e'clusion clauses$ the law aims to
v ensure that no unfair term may !e enforcea!le within a contract( articularly
where one arty deals as a consumer. "his conservative aroach further
maintains that contracting arties are aware of$ and assenting to$ all the terms
of their agreement rior to consent and legal !inding.
7is%uss and anal,se t+is state&ent wit+ referen%e to tests used to
deter&ine t+e #alidit, of e1%lusion %lauses under
i= t+e %o&&on law
ii= t+e Unfair Contra%t Ter&s A%t @$$ and t+e Unfair Ter&s in
Consu&er Contra%ts Regulations @@@
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>uestion *
"he "ort of Professional )egligence strives to ensure that the integrity of the
secial relationshi !etween a rofessional and client is maintained. As such$
common law reasoning aims to strike a reasona!le !alance !etween enforcing
high standards of rofessional conduct whilst maintaining a fair and realistic
understanding of the often innate risk in !usiness transactions.
E12lain and anal,se t+e a3o#e state&ent wit+ regard to %o&&on law
de%isions e12laining t+e tests and standards i&2osed w+en deter&ining
2rofessional negligen%e under t+e law of tort.
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*)+ ,- PAP*.
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