Amisom-Bula Gadud Capture

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INTRO: Somali forces and AMISOM have captured the town of Bula Gadud
from extremist group Al-Shabaab.

The strategic town is 29 kilometers north of the port city of Kismayo and
connects to areas still under Al-Shabaab occupation, like Jamame, Kamsuma
and Jilib. The well-known Jubba River flows through the town, which is mostly
inhabited by the minority Somali Bantu and Biyamaal ethnic communities.

1. Wide shot, AMISOM / Kenya Defence Force (KDF) soldiers preparing to set
off in a convoy
2. Medium shot, AMISOM lining up to be briefed
3. Medium shot, AMISOM saluting
4. Close shot, AMISOM soldiers listening to debrief
5. Wide shot, Truck with AMISOM soldiers driving into Bula Gadud
6. Wide shot, AMISOM soldiers walking along the road with convoy
7. Medium shot, AMISOM soldiers patrolling
8. Medium shot, AMISOM soldiers searching houses
9. Wide shot, AMISOM soldiers patrolling inside Bula Gadud village
10. Wide shot, Somali National Army Forces (SNA) patrolling in Bula Gadud
11. Wide shot, Bula Gadud civilians in front of a coffee shop
12. (SOUNDBITE) (Somali) Abdullahi Abdi Samad, Bula Gadud Resident:
We are very happy that AMISOM and the Somali National Forces (SNA)
have freed us from our enemies Al-Shabaab, who had taken our farms and
property. We are very happy and grateful.
13. Wide shot, fruit traders in Bulgadud
14. Medium shot, fruit traders
15. Medium shot, Bulgadud women walk past carrying grass
16. (SOUNDBITE) (Somali): Maryam Mohamed Aden, Bula Gadud Resident:
We thank God for bringing safety and security here to Bula Gadud. We can
now live and work in peace, and recover from the evil of Al-Shabaab.
17. Medium shot, AMISOM troops and Somali National Forces (SNA) walking
along road
18. (SOUNDBITE) (Somali) Major Moris Nganga, AMISOM:
The situation in Bula Gadud is stabilising. We captured this town on the 6th
October, 2014 and we intend to pacify it, stabilise it and gradually return
things to normal as part of the bigger Operation Indian ocean.
19. Wide shot, Donkey cart crosses the road
20. Wide shot, AMISOM soldiers and Somali National Forces (SNA) patrolling

AMISOM and Somali forces have captured the village of Bula Gadud from
extremist group Al-Shabaab.

The strategic town is 29 kilometers north of the port city of Kismayo and
connects to areas still under Al-Shabaab occupation, like Jamame, Kamsuma
and Jilib. The well-known Jubba River flows through the town, which is mostly
inhabited by the minority Somali Bantu and Biyamaal ethnic communities.

AMISOM and the Somali troops it supports, easily overwhelmed the militants
and liberated the town.

We are very happy that AMISOM and the Somali forces have freed us from
our enemies who had taken over our farms and property. We are very happy
and grateful, said Abdullahi Abdi Samad, who lives in Bal Gadud.

The joint forces quickly set about dismantling the illegal checkpoints Al-
Shabaab used to exhort money from the local population.

We thank God for bringing safety and security here to Bula Gadud. We can
now live and work in peace, and recover from the evil of Al-Shabaab, added
Maryam Mohamed Aden, another resident of Bal Gadud.

The capture of Bal Gadud is the latest in a string of victories under AMISOMs
Operation Indian Ocean, which is meant to drive the Al-Qaeda linked group
out of its strategic bases along the countrys coastline.

The situation in Bula Gadud is stabilising. We captured this town on the 6th
October, 2014 and we intend to pacify it, stabilise it and gradually return
things to normal as part of the bigger Operation Indian ocean, said Major
Moris Nganga who serves with AMISOMs Kenyan contingent.

Since liberating the town, the joint forces have been conducting regular
patrols in and around the town.

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