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Christine Pietz

Pris Hagen
Acting for the Camera

1. Identify the environment for each change of scene:
a. Place: What is the geographic location? Include country, city, and specific place.
What surrounds you? What is the psychological and/or emotional significance of
this place to you?
I am in Downtown LA, California, United States. Im in the waiting room of The
Mayan, the brand new hit club that was reinvented from the failing, kitschy Surfs
Up that used to stand here in its place. The reopened club has spared no expense,
but the entrance room for business matters is pretty bleak. Fluorescent lights, no
windows, dark carpet, with a chair next to the door. Im nervous for this important
audition, but not to the point where it will impede my performance- I know Im
the most qualified person for the job. This waiting is driving me a little crazy
b. Temp/weather: Is it hot, cold, windy, dark, etc?
Its warm inside, and as balmy as ever from the outside. Thank goodness Im not
much of a sweater, or this waiting combined with the heat would make me sweat
out my gorgeous dress. Occasionally, I think one of the lights is flickering, but its
out of the corner of my eye so I cant really tell.
c. Time: What is the year/season/month/day/time? What is the psychological and/or
emotional significance of this juncture in time to you?
It is June 17th, 2013 at 3:00 pm. Ive never been one for Mondays, but if this big
break pull though, Ill be so grateful become one of those weird people who
relishes the end of the weekend.
2. What is the moment before? What action has preceded this scene? Where are you coming
I just drove here in my Corolla from my one bedroom apartment, thats over a corner
store, and traffic was surprisingly decent, so I got to my audition early. Not that it
mattered, because its already a half hour past my audition time. However, the attendant
just leaned out his head and told me Id be in next after ten minutes, so Im warming back
up again to make sure that I rock this.
3. Is there a sensory reality present in the scene? (heat, cold, smells, sounds, etc.) What is
your physical condition? (dizzy, nauseous, cold, hot, headache, pain etc.)
The warmth is present, but its not overwhelming. My facial bones have been vibrating,
as Ive been doing some quick lip buzzes and trills to make sure Im still warmed up (I
am). My throat is ready to go, and my allergies arent bothering me in the slightest. Im
ready to do this.
4. Answer these questions as they relate to your characters role within each scene.
a. Goal: What do I want? What do I want to make my scene partner do? Use a
positive, bold, goal.
I want to secure the job at this firm, but when I see the attractive man next to me,
I decide to get him to ask me out as well.
b. Obstacle: What is my obstacle? What is standing in the way of the achievement of
my goal?
My obstacle for the job would be my lack of actual singing experience. I have the
talent; I just never got a chance. As to getting this handsome man to ask me out, I
dont know how much time I have, and I dont know if hed even be interested. I
need to find out more about him, to see if hes even worth my time.
c. Tactics: What strategies am I using to get what I want? Am I threatening or
inducing anyone? Am I using other tactics? Discuss three or more tactics.
To get my job- Ive practiced this song till Ive started humming it in my sleep,
Ive avoided any food that could ruin my voice, and I quit my day job as a
secretary, so Id have no conflicts with starting immediately. To get this man, Im
laughing at his jokes (to make him feel clever). Im being seductive at moments-
bringing him close, touching him. But Im throwing in a nice dash of tease and
play so the flirtation stays upbeat, and is therefore more enticing.
d. Expectation: Describe the wonderful results that will occur if you reach your goal.
What will you gain? What will your life be like? Why will it be exciting to win?
If I get this job, I might get discovered, and finally get my big chance as a singer.
If I get him to ask me out, and hes a good guy, Ill finally be ready to give love a
chance again after my last fianc got caught cheating with my best friend. Im
ready to get back out there.
5. What is your characters super objective or spine (chief motivation action) for the entire
To prove shes a force to be reckoned with, and to become a famous singer. Thats why I
want this job so bad. The man who owns this club, Adam Chandler, brings a lot of music
bigwigs here, and the last two singers to work here have gotten a record contract out of it.

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