The Pericardium: Point Functions and Indications

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The pericardium has no patterns of disharmony of its own.

Point Functions and Indications

The pericardium channel pathways, as well as the status of
the Pericardium as the protector of the Heart help explain
most of the actions and indications of the points of this
Treats disorders of the Heart such as pain, palpitations,
irregular rhythm, etc.
Treats disorders of the Spirit
Treats disorders of the chest in general, including
disharmony of the Lung
Treats disorders of the upper or middle jiao due to
stagnation of i of the li!er channel
Treats disorders of the middle jiao, especially the Stomach.
Treats disorders of the lateral costal region
Treats fe"rile diseases# the pericardium "elongs to $re and
ta%es the "runt of attac% "y exterior pathogens that might
otherwise injure the Heart& these points are especially
important for the nutriti!e and "lood le!els and when there
is a distur"ance of consciousness
Treats swelling and pain of the axilla
Page '() Pericardium
The Pericardium
The Main Pathway
'. The channel
originates in the
center of the chest,
connects with the
Pericardium, and
tra!els to *+ ',
and down the
median line. It
connects with *+
'- and *+ , .the
regions of the
Triple Heater0.
-. 1 lateral deep
"ranch tra!els from
the pericardium
across the chest
and emerges at P*
' where the
meridian "ecomes
2. It ascends to the axilla and follows the medial aspect of the arm
down to P* 3.
(. 4ne "ranch goes from P* 5 to the radial side of the middle $nger
and one pathway connects with T6 ' at the ulnar side of the ring
7. Some texts say that a deep "ranch rises from the pericardium
up through the throat to the ear, joining with T6 at T6 '8.
Divergent Channel
The di!ergent channel lea!es the primary meridian at a
point 2 1*I inferior to the axilla .some texts say 2 1*I
"elow 9: --0.
It then enters the chest and communicates with the T6.
1 "ranch ascends across the throat and emerges "ehind
the ear, where it meets with the T6 channel.
Page '(' Pericardium
The Pericardium Channel
Luo Channel
This channel "egins at P* 8 and spreads out "etween the
tendons, following the Pericardium meridian up to the
pericardium and then to the heart.
Muscle Channel
This "egins on the palmar aspect of the third digit .some
sources say the tip of the middle $nger0 and accompanies
the L; muscle channel upwards
It "inds at the medial aspect of the el"ow and again "elow
the axilla.
It then descends to spread o!er the ri"s, front and "ac%.
1 "ranch enters the "ody "elow the axilla and spreads o!er
the chest, "inding with the diaphragm.
Pericardium Page '(-
PC 1 Heavenly Pond
Entry point, Window o the !"y, #eunion
$ %& women' $()
Location ' 1*I lateral to the center of the
?eedling -) insertion posteriorly along the
intercostal space, .7@' cun
* With deep needling there is
a su+stantial ris" o Pneumothora, *

Window o the !"y - ./(/ Entry(E,it 0loc"
L1, D
o Physical and emotional symptoms are similar# >indow#
Person feels unsafe with intimacy. 6/6# Person has fear of
intimacy. Symptoms for "oth are triggered/exacer"ated "y
the threat of intimacy. Heart palpitations, chest pain,
$"rocystic "reast disease or "reast cancer, anxiety,
insomnia, and depression.
o *haotic and re"ellious i in the L;, head, sense organs and
nec% region
2n+inds the chest, transorms phlegm, descends re+ellion
o Aisperses stagnant i and phlegm in chest, lateral costal
region, axilla, and "reasts
o =egulates i and dissipates nodules
o :ene$ts the "reasts
#eunion3 PC, TE, 40, L# acc5 to D
?ame *elestial Pool
Tian# celestial, of the hea!ens& s%y&
?ature& hea!en
*hi# pool, pond
1lternate ?ame# *elestial *on!ergence
L< /irtue3 Empowers a memory o saety that is untouched
+y lie e,perience5
This is a >indow of the S%y point, and, as such, pro!ides the
deepest possi"le connection to spiritual le!els of intimacy. This
point may help restore oneBs memory of oneBs heart as a place
of ultimate safety "efore the heart "ecame "urdened "y lifeBs
sorrows. Further, this point may empower one to experience the
world as a safe place, helping to clear the eCects of past
4ther This point releases a terri$c amount of energy into the
meridian. ;sing it, you can
reach the soul and depth of a person "oth mentally and
1 pool or pond is a large expanse of water where deep
forces of life are gathered. This is the pond of a 9od, a holy
Page '(2 Pericardium
PC 6 Heavenly !pring
ri!er where we can maintain purity of the spirit. The patient
can "e "athed here, healed and cleansed in tranuil water
that "alances, restores and calms the Fire. ItDs a place you
can use to reorient the patient to the hea!enly lo!e he/she
may ha!e lost.
This point connects the person with something !ast,
"oundless, a majesty of life "eyond normal comprehension.
>ith this point there is a sense of !ast expansion, full of
warmth and light. ItDs hea!enly refreshment ta%ing you
"eyond time and space into a larger hea!enly relationship.
The point opens up the person to realiEe they are not
Fislands unto themsel!es.G :athing here will enrich the :ody
Hind Spirit and lift the patient out of depression.
This point renews the uality of Lo!e.
P* ' I - are good together .men only0. P* ' puts the
patient in touch with himself and - gi!es the mo!ement to
do something with it.
Pericardium Page '((
PC 1 Heavenly Pond
Entry point %W'

, Window o the !"y %W'
) $
Location 4n the anterior surface of the arm
:etween the heads of the "iceps
, 1*I proximal to the Jexure of the el"ow
To locate this meridian,
the arm must in the anatomical position
To expose the "iceps, Jex the arm against
resistance .with arm slightly "ent0
?eedling (7 insertion distally or proximally,
'@'.7 cun
Function 2n+inds the chest, invigorates +lood, and
alleviates pain
o Heart pain, disorders of the heart, pain of the chest, "ac%,
shoulder, shoulder "lade and arm, fullness of the chest and
lateral costal region, palpitations, cough, stone edema,
a!ersion to wind and cold, "lurred !ision, pain of the medial
upper arm.
Window o the !"y - ./(/ Entry(E,it 0loc" %women'
o Physical and emotional symptoms are similar# >indow#
Person feels unsafe with intimacy. 6/6# Person has fear of
intimacy. Symptoms for "oth are triggered/exacer"ated "y
the threat of intimacy. Heart palpitations, chest pain,
$"rocystic "reast disease or "reast cancer, anxiety,
insomnia, and depression.
o Fear of "ringing your light to the world .P* - in particular0.
?ame *elestial Spring
Tian# celestial, of the hea!ens& s%y&
Hea!en Kuan# source, spring
1lternate ?ames# *elestial >armth,
*elestial Aamp
L< /irtue3 Empowers eelings o saety untouched +y lie
e,perience5 Hea!enly spring suggests the initiation of mo!ement
and action. ;pon "ringing someone to hea!enDs pond we are
pro!iding the person the opportunity to "as% safely in the rays of
his own heart. This is reju!enati!e. Howe!er once rested, it is
important to mo!e "ac% into the world and use what one has
learned in an acti!e way. Hea!enly spring helps initiate action in
the world to Jow from the heart with strength and compassion.
:etrayal of intimacy is a major cause of chronic 6/6 "loc%s "etween
these two points. Hence, a hallmar% of this patternBs
symptomatology is that it usually increases when the threat of
intimacy is present. 4neBs fear of intimacy may continually
extinguish oneBs heart $re, resulting in an emotionally cold and
Page '(7 Pericardium
PC 6 Heavenly !pring
joyless presentation. Too, the percei!ed threat of intimacy may
disinhi"it the pericardium $re, which "laEes in its presence. In this
scenario, one is li%ely to e!idence tendencies toward mania and
o This point is the next "est thing to a >indow. 9ood for cleansing
at the spirit le!el.
o This point is a source of purity& use it to clear out deep le!els of
o This is a spring with a hea!enly characterLitDs the same spring
as Heart ' .;tmost Source0 and Midney ' .:u""ling Spring0.
o This spring accesses the pure "rightness of water& it in!igorates
and distri"utes the !ital energy .increases !itality I
o 9ood for nursing mothers without enough mil% or for fe!ers
without perspiration.
Pericardium Page '(8
PC $ Croo"ed Marsh
Water point, !ea point $ $()
Location 4n crease of the el"ow
In the depression which is medial to the tendon of the "iceps
4n some people this depression may "e lateral to the tendon
:ut only if HT 2 immediately medial to the tendon
On the medial side of the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle,
At the mid point of the transverse cubital crease

?eedling (7 insertion .7@' cun, or pric% to
* The +rachial artery and veins lie deeply,
7ust medial to this point *
Function Clears heat rom the 8i, +lood, ying levels
o High fe!er, thirst, agitation, restlessness, dry mouth,
hemorrhage @ L;, ST
o Late stages of fe"rile diseases with s%in eruptions and
o Heat in the P* during fe"rile diseases which can cause
Clears !ummer(Heat
o *lears summer@heat and stops !omiting and diarrhea
o Summer@heat stro%e, dysenteric disorder, sudden turmoil
9pens the Heart ori:ces
o =esuscitation from coma .from fe"rile disease0
Moves +lood stasis
o *hronic conditions of :lood heat that congeals o!er time,
i.e., excessi!e menstrual "leeding from :lood heat
stagnates o!er time causing $"roids.
Calms the Mind %Heart(;ire'
o 1nxiety caused "y Heart@Fire
Descends !T 8i
o ?ausea and !omiting
Treats pain o the entire arm
o Pain of the el"ow, arm, and hand, tremor of the head,
tremor of hand I arm
HP <in De:cient ;ire %rom Water under(controlling ;ire'
o ?er!ousness, anxiety, impulsi!eness .all relati!e to
HP <ang De:ciency %rom Water over(controlling ;ire'
o *hronic lac% of connection and joylessness from excess fear.
6mpowers self@expression of P* unlimited "y fear.
?ame Harsh at the :end
Ku# :end, cur!e croo%& "ent
Ne# Harsh
Page '(, Pericardium
PC = 4ate o >i #eserve
L< /irtues3 >uiets ear that limits intimacy5 Empowers the
virtues o water such as ortitude and contemplation within
the HP5
o This point can cool Fire, "ut "e careful.
o The "ene$cial fertility of water gathers here& thereDs a sense of
rich nourishment.
o >ater controls Fire, and therefore aCects the hot/cold "alance in
our lo!e li!es. ;se it to regain this "alance.
o ;se this for fear of water, meeting people, I imminent suicidal
o This point allows the el"ow to mo!e freely to stretch out and
em"race people.
o This is %ey in esta"lishing harmony "etween fear of intimacy in
Fire and >ater.
Pericardium Page '(5
PC $ Croo"ed Marsh
&i Clet = )
Location 4n the anterior surface of the arm
7 1*I proximal to + ,
:etween the two tendons
The point lies between the ulna and the radius,
on the line between PC 3 and PC 7
These tendons are not always palpable this far proximal;
To demonstrate these tendons, as the patient to
contract the muscles of the hand by main! a claw shape,
or to attempt to raise the forearm a!ainst resistance applied to
the palm of the hand, all while eepin! the wrist strai!ht"
?eedling 3) insertion .7@' cun, or (7
proximal insertion '@'.7 cun
Function Moderates ?cute Conditions
Ho!es :lood Stasis
o In the chest and Heart O chest pain
=egulates the HeartDs =hythm
o 1rrhythmia and palpitations .esp. acute0
Stops Pain
o 1cute pain radiating to the nec%, "ac% or left arm. *an
"e with !omiting
Stops :leeding
o Hemorrhage due to heat .nose"leed, cough, !omit0
*lears :lood and Ping Heat
o Fe"rile disease, s%in diseases
Calms the !pirit
o Treats emotional disorders such as agitation of the Heart,
insomnia, melancholy and fear and fright of people
?ame &i Clet 4ate
&i3 *left, cre!ice
Men3 Aoor, gate
L< /irtue3 Moves old pain and +itterness trapped in the heart5
1s the xi@cleft point, P* ( clears stagnation from the P* oQcial. It
clears the eCects of past "etrayal that o"struct the spontaneous
opening and closing of the P* gate. This is a chief point for
harmoniEing the function of the diaphragm and clearing the
stagnation that generates the inJated uality on the pulse
corresponding to the diaphragm position.
o This is one of the strongest mental points@@it "rings peace and
serenity to the trou"led heart, mind and soul. This point helps
sta"iliEe and "ring warmth to the mind and then "ac% to the
heart& itDs a gate to a tremendous reser!e.
o In acute illness this point forti$es, nourishes and calms.
Page '(3 Pericardium
PC = 4ate o >i #eserve
o It strengthens the mind and gi!es mental courage.
o >hen the spirit i is insuQcient, this point ma%es you smile
o ;se this point for shoc%, especially for the longer term eCects.
o <9# This is a $lling point. If the SI .Rnot P*R0 is wea% or
insu"stantial, needing more juice to do its jo", this point gi!es it
the protection it needs.
Pericardium Page '7)
PC ) The .ntermediary
Metal point, #iver point, $ ?rm <in #eunion point $ )
Location 4n the anterior surface of the arm
2 1*I proximal to + ,,
"etween the two tendons
To demonstrate the tendons,
*ontract the hand muscles "y ma%ing a claw.
?eedling 3) insertion .7@' cun, or (7
proximal insertion '@'.7 cun
Function .nvisi+le Phlegm 9+structing Heart 9ri:ces
%misting the Heart-Mind'
o 1gitation, propensity to fright, poor memory, restlessness,
easily startled, mania, ra!ing, possession "y Fghost e!il,G
epilepsy, drooling after wind@stro%e, !omiting foam, goiter,
plumstone i
o *hronic# manic depression, incessant tal%ing, uncontrolled
acti!ity, rec%lessness
o 1cute# delirium, aphasia, coma .at the "lood le!el of fe"rile
o 4ther# epilepsy, losing consciousness, foaming at mouth
during $t .phlegm0
Descends #e+ellious !T 8i
D, M
o ?ausea, !omiting, epigastric pain
Moves >i !tagnation in the Chest
o *hest pain
Menstrual pro+lems
o Irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, menstrual clots, retention
of the lochia, leucorrhea
Treats Malaria
o 6mpirical point
Clears Heart(;ire
M, L1
o Insomnia, tongue ulcers, "itter taste, dry mouth, mental
o ?ot letting go of attachments and desires associated with
past lo!es constrains intimacy. 6xcess heat and pressure
stagnate as the mind attempts to control the opening and
closing of "oundaries in intimate relationships.
Toni:es Metal within ;ire
o AiQculty attracting uality relationships or holding on to the
precious relationships our hearts !alue. Longing for lo!e lost
or unattained.
Disperses Metal within ;ire
o *linging to relationships that ha!e lost their !alue to us.
Shutting an iron door on all new relationships "ecause of
past pain. Perfectionism "orn of self@righteousness @ $nding
Jaws in any new relationship.
Treats cotton pulse and wei 8i stagnation
4host Point
Page '7' Pericardium
PC @ .nner ;rontier 4ate
o Possession "y urges, longings, desires .im"alanced po0. In
the P* this shows up as lust. Let go of past lo!es that haunt
us and resol!e the heartDs longing.
?ame Intermediary *ourier
<ian# 1mong, "etween& to separate
Shi# 1 messenger& to employ& to cause, to
1lternate ?ame# 9host =oad
L< /irtues3 cools grie stemming rom lost love and +etrayal5
Empowers the HP to let go5 Empowers the virtue o metal
within the heart protector5
Pericardium Page '7-
PC ) The .ntermediary
o ;se this point when there is a mar%ed diCerence "etween the
surface and deeper le!els of a person. The Intermediary listens
to "oth sides and "rings hope.
o This point is a go "etween, an en!oy mediating "etween the yin
arm meridians
o 1n image of this point is of "rilliance shining through the doors,
full of the power of Fire and the "rilliance of illuminationLitDs
awe inspiring. Imagine someone going into a space full of light
and power with the Pericardium, Heart and Lungs connected.
o If Hetal is not warm enough, the Stomach and Lungs will
o This is one of the '2 classic points for possession "y 9ui Spirits
.spirits of a person on the way to returning to Hea!en0. These
earthly spirits can "ecome male!olent and can ma%e a person
feel possessed.
o ;se after a possession treatment. It helps calm a possessed
spirit. It "rings peace and calm out of chaos, alle!iates pho"ias,
fears and terror.
Page '72 Pericardium
PC @ .nner ;rontier 4ate
Luo point, <in Wei Mo MP, Chong Mo CP $ )
;or+idden Months
Location 4n the anterior surface of the arm
- 1*I proximal to + ,, "etween the two tendons
To demonstrate tendons, ma%e a claw shape w/hands
?eedling .'0 3) insertion .7@' cun, or join to T6 7
.-0 (7 proximal insertion '@'.7 cun for chest diseases
.20 (7 distal insertion '@'.7 cun for num" $ngers
* The median nerve lies directly under this point5 9nce
de8i is elicited, urther manipulation may damage the nerve
Function Essential or all disorders o the chest and Heart
o Heart pain, stuCy chest, palpitations, disorders of Heart rate
and rhythm, pain of lateral costal region, asthma, cough
o Stagnant i and "lood in the chest# chest pain
/ents PC !tagnation and Heat .4ils the Inner Frontier 9ate0
#egulates spirit
o Insomnia, epilepsy, mania, poor memory, fright, sadness,
fear, apprehension
o 1nxiety from any Heart pattern
o *alms the heart, uiets the mind, releases past pain O
"etrayal of intimacy.
Essential or descending !T 8i through middle 7iao
A, H, L<
o 6ssential for nausea and !omiting
o 6pigastric pain, acid regurgitation, hiccup, "elching
o 4pens the area around the xiphoid process .HT I P* mu
points, MI -)@--0
Calms .rrita+ility rom Liver >i Constraint
o Particularly if thereDs also anxiety from a Heart pattern.
o Premenstrual depression and irritation.
Bec" and 9ccipital pain
Moves 0lood !tasis in the Wom+
o Painful or irregular periods
Inner Pass
?ei# Inner, inside
9uan# gate, passage& to shut, to close
o This point unites yin and yang, left and right. It is a messenger
of the emperor who has access to the interior. It ta%es things
further in when thereDs a discrepancy "etween the internal and
external. ItDs the "est point on the meridian for restoring
"alance "etween the "ody and mind, "ringing the physical
symptoms in line.
Pericardium Page '7(
PC C 4reat Mound
o There is a taoist expression F?ei 9uanG meaning to examine
oneself, in!est in a heartfelt searching of the inner world. >hen
the patient is out of touch with what they want out of life, this
point helps the person connect to him/her selfLit ta%es them
o Pou can use P* 8 with P* (, T6 7 or P* ,.
o This point is for anxiety and depression of the highest le!el.
o <9# This point is more a"out mo!ing than $lling. >hen juice is
congealed, cut oC, this point mo!es the emotions when the
person is feeling num". It mo!es things through oppression of
energy around the heart..
Page '77 Pericardium
PC @ .nner ;rontier 4ate
!ource, Earth, !edation, !tream, 4host point $ &
Location In the middle area of the anterior
wrist crease
<ust proximal to the fullness "etween the two tendons
1t the center of the Jexure of the wrist
:etween the tendons of the palmaris longus
and Jexor carpi radialis muscles
4n the proximal ulnar corner of the scaphoid
To locate the Jexure, Jex and extend the hand
to $nd the hinge of the joint
?eedling .'0 3) insertion .2@.7 cun
.-0 (7 distal insertion along the meridian for carpal tunnel, .7@'
* The median nerve lies directly under this point5 9nce de8i
is elicited urther manipulation may damage the nerve *
Function 4host point ( clears Heart(;ire or Heart
Empty ;ire and Calms the !pirit
A, H
o Palpitations, agitation, epilepsy, mania, manic ra!ing,
restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, ceaseless laughter,
sadness, weeping with grief
A, H
o Possessed and exhausted "y lust.
Cools Heart(;ire entering the 0ladder via the !.
o Painful, diQcult or "loody urination
Cools the 0lood
o Fe!er with agitation, ecEema, wind rash, car"uncles and
Cools and Descends !T 8i
o :ad "reath, epigastric pain, !omiting, !omiting of "lood
2n+inds the Chest
o Fullness of pain of chest, "reast or lateral costal region,
shortness of "reath, sighing
Treats carpal tunnel syndrome
!edates Earth within ;ire
o Heart is always hungry for intimacy. 1ddicted to pursuit of
earthly pleasures and desires. Insatia"le.
Toni:es Earth within ;ire
o =elationships pursued are ungrounded and/or unful$lling.
Ari!en "y !ain desire .ego0. >ea% and weary heart @
exhausted and unnourished "y intimate relationships.
?ame 9reat Hound
Aa# 9reat, large, "ig
Ling# Hound, small hill
1lternate# Heart 9o!ernor, 9host Heart, Hand
Heart 9o!ernor
L< /irtues3 Empowers the HP to +e nourished through intimate
connection5 Helps 8uiet a hungry heart5
Pericardium Page '78
PC C 4reat Mound
1ll of the source points on the yin meridians ha!e some
sense of power or FgreatnessG in their name .supreme, !ery
great, or greater0. This point is a great reser!e to "e called
upon. It will ground Fire, calming and nurturing. It "rings a
strong sense of security.
This point is a mound from which the confused indi!idual
may see clearly. ItDs useful when a person is exhi"iting
excess Fire, esp. as wea% ner!es, insta"ility, excess laughter.
It transforms the excess Fire, gi!ing it 6arth and uelling
insecurity and ner!ousness.
Page '7, Pericardium
PC D Palace o Weariness
;ire, Horary, !pring, E,it, 4host, E to #eturn <ang 6($
;or+idden Months $A
Location 4n the palmar surface of the hand
:etween the 2
and (
metacarpal "ones
4n the proximal trans!erse crease
:etween the -
and 2
metacarpal "ones .closer to 2
Proximal to the head of the 2
The location of P* 5 "etween the 2
I (

metacarpals appears in "oo%s "y 9. Soulie de
Horant, Ar. <. La!ier I A. Lawson@>ood.
?eedling 3) insertion .7 cun
Function Clears PC and HT Heat
D, M
o Fe!er, coma, loss of consciousness, epilepsy, mania@
depression, fright, sadness, propensity to anger,
apprehension, restless Eang disorder .HT (0, ceaseless
o Treats ulceration or erosion of the mouth and tongue
Clears !T heat
o Foul "reath, !omiting, diQcult ingestion
Clears Heat in the 0lood
o +omiting "lood, nose"leed, "lood in stool, ecEema, tinea and
scaling of the palm
?ame Palace of Toil
Lao# Toil, la"or, taxation, weariness
9ong# Palace
1lternate ?ames# *onstruction palace, *enter
the palm, Fi!e Li, 9host *a!e, 9host =oad
L< /irtues3 #esurrects a heart unul:lled and weary rom
loving5 >uiets mania and addiction to 7oy5 HP $re de$ciency
can result in lac% of joy, and the heart "ecomes so weary from the
pain of past heart"rea%s that not strength can "e gathered to
engage in intimate relationships. 1s the horary point, P* 5 may
re%indle the $res of a weary heart. This point that can induce a
state of "liss, which may restore oneBs memory of safety and joy
"uried in the depths of self. This is one of the most profound points
for reawa%ening the heartBs $re and capacity for joy.
o The palace is the house of 9od. 1"o!e all it has lo!e, caring,
aCection and warmth. If the patient is sic% of struggling or in a
rut ta%e them to the palace, the house of god. It is full of
opulence, a"undance, warmth lo!e, etc.
o This point "rings the person to the palace and he/she is rested,
"athed, fed and lo!ed. The person will ha!e the strength to go
Pericardium Page '75
PC E Middle #ushing
on with renewed !igor. It totally recharges the person and
"athes them in sunshine.
o 1 person may loo% for lo!e with sexual promiscuity or their Fire
may ha!e gone out. Pou may see weariness and Jatness, cold,
no energy.
o Hoxa is !ery eCecti!e on this point, "ut "e carefulLyou can
o!erheat people with this point. If their Fire is !olatile you can
ma%e things worse.
o <9# This point stimulates $re. It gi!es the person a !acation and
ena"les them to reco!er a sense of joy that he/she hasnDt had
for a long time.
Page '73 Pericardium
PC D Palace o Weariness
Wood, Toni:cation, Well, ;irst ?id
1 $
Location =adial nail point of the middle
The radial nail point of the third digit
1"out .' cun proximal to the corner of the nail
<ust distal to the Jare of the distal phalanx
Bote3 an alternati!e location for P* 3
at the center of the tip of the third digit is
featured on the :ronEe Han and is widely accepted nowadays.
This location has historically "een one of the ') Shixuan points.
?eedling 3) or (7 insertion directed
proximally .'@.- cun, or pric% to "leed
Function 1ing(Well F Heat in the Pericardium
A, H
o restores consciousness, especially in fe"rile disease
Clears Heart(;ire and +ene:ts the tongue
A, H
o Treats pain at the root of the tongue, stiCness of the tongue,
ina"ility to spea%, night@time crying in children
E,pels .nterior Wind
o 1cute wind@stro%e, restores consciousness
Treats !ummer(Heat
o Fe!er, agitation, !omiting, diarrhea and collapse
;irst ?id3 ;ear, ?n,iety
Wood not ;eeding ;ire
o HP i too wea% to engage in relationship. >ood una"le to
rein!igorate a HP that is "urned out from heart"rea%
Wood overeeding ;ire
o 6ngaging in relationships from a mental le!el without desire
for true intimacy. *an "e aggressi!e and try to wor% out
unresol!ed anger through sex.
?ame *entral Hu"
Nhong# *entral, center, middle
*hong# a hu", thoroughfare
1lternate ?ame# *entral Surge
L< /irtues3 Empowers vision and sel(esteem within the
conte,t o relationships5 Directs the mind towards the
Heart5 1s the wood point, P* 3 may "ring !ision to the hearts of
those who feel lost in relation to intimacy. If wood within HP is
de$cient, we can feel lost in relationship to intimacy .lac% of
perspecti!e0. If wood within P* is wea%, the HP may not ha!e
enough i to engage in relationship at all .then sadness0. If wood
within $re is excess, we can engage in relationships from a mental
le!el without any desire for intimacy. Such contact can "e
aggressi!e as the mind attempts to express its unresol!ed anger
through sexuality. This point empowers the resilience and self
esteem of wood to a despairing heart that has suCered many
Pericardium Page '8)
PC E Middle #ushing
!iolations. I often needle this point in conjunction with L= ' in order
to integrate the functions of discernment and self esteem .wood0
with intuition .$re0.
This point will access a strength that will march on and
re!italiEe the patient.
It will re!italiEe the middle of the person. It "rings heat,
warmth and light to the "lood, re%indles and awa%ens the
Fire as more >ood is fed to it.
Ha%e sure thereDs enough wood and that you want a "igger
Sometimes putting fuel on a $re puts it outS It may "e
necessary to po%e the $re with P* , or 5 "eforehand.
Page '8' Pericardium
PC E #ushing into the Middle

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