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Du Mo

The Sea of Yang

Governor Vessel
Areas of Body:
Back, Spine, Back of
head, Neck
Starts Source
CV 1 Nan Jing, Wang Shu
CV 1 Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao
BL 1 Su Wen
ST 30 Wang Shu He
V 1!"# Mo$% $ou&ce$
V 1" %o BL
1" %o V 13
Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
1* The +u Mai o&igina%e$ in %he
u%e&u$,-o.e& a/do0en, de$cend$ a$ a deep pa%h.a1 %o %he
geni%a-$ and pe&ineu0 %o 0ee% CV 1, %hen goe$ %o %he %ip of %he
"* The +u Mai $u&face$ a% %he %ip of %he cocc12 3V 14 and %&a5e-$
up %he $pine and o5e& %he head %o V "# on %he uppe& gu0*
3* 6% V 17, 3%he nape of %he neck4 a /&anch en%e&$ %he /&ain, %hen
e0e&ge$ a% %he 5e&%e2 3V "04 %o &e8oin %he 0ain pa%h.a1*
9* '&o0 V 1", deep /i-a%e&a- /&anche$ go %o BL 1" and %hen &e8oin
a% V 13*
So0e %e2%$ a%%&i/u%e o%he& pa%h.a1$ %o %he +u Mai:
1* 6 /&anch f&o0 %he cocc12 %o %he g-u%ea- &egion, 0ee%ing %he
B-adde& and Kidne1 0e&idian$ /efo&e &e%u&ning %o %he $pine and
%he kidne1$* 3+: o&igina%e$ in %he -o.e& a/do0en, de$cend$ %o
%he geni%a-$ and pe&ineu0, .ind$ a&ound %he anu$, a$cend$ %he
in%e&io& of %he $pina- co-u0n, and en%e&$ %he kidne1$4
"* T.o /i-a%e&a- /&anche$ fo&0 %he 0edia- can%hu$ of %he e1e 3BL
14, a$cending %he fo&ehead %o 0ee% a% %he 5e&%e2, %hen
de$cending %h&ough %he /&ain and %he neck %o &un pa&a--e- .i%h
%he $pine do.n %o %he kidne1$*
Du Mo
3* 6 /&anch f&o0 %he -o.e& a/do0en a$cending %h&ough %he
u0/i-icu$, hea&% and %&achea, %hen c&o$$ing %he cheek, enci&c-ing
%he 0ou%h, and ending 8u$% infe&io& %o %he cen%e& of %he e1e*
Du Mo
Master Po!nt: S; 3
"ou#le Po!nt: BL 7"
"oalescent #o!nts: BL 1", CV 1
"onnect!ng Mer!d!ans: ST, CV
Ma!n $rgans: Kidne1, Li5e&, Hea&%
<ni%e$ a-- )ang Me&idian$= ;% i$ a con$%an% $ou&ce of ene&g1
fo& %he 7 1ang 0e&idian$
Toni>e$ )ang 3K;, HT, S?4
+i$pe&$e$ ;n%e&io& Co-d and +a0p
Toni>e$ K;, B&ain and Spine 3Jing, $%&eng%hen$ 0ind and
@2pe-$ @2%e&io& Wind
Mo5e$ Qi $%agna%ion and /-ood in %he /ack, neck and head
+i$pe&$e$ H1pe&ac%i5e )ang and @2ce$$ 'i&e
Ca-0$ ;n%e&io& Wind
Ca-0$ Hea&% Spi&i% 3ood fo& ne&5ou$ $%a/i-i%1,in$%a/i-i%1
3ph1$ica- and e0o%iona-44
T&ea%$ di$ea$e$ of %he anu$, &ec%u0 and in%e$%ine$
T&ea%$ di$ea$e$ of %he geni%a-$, u&ina&1 $1$%e0 and u%e&u$
T&ea%$ di$o&de&$ of %he $en$e o&gan$
V i$ %he channe- %ha% 0edia%e$ /e%.een %he B&ain and %he
Back chak&a$:
Mu-adha&a: V 1, S.adhi$%hana: BL 31,3", Manipu&a: V
6naha%a: V 11, Vi$huddha: V 19!17, 68na V 1#,
Saha$&a&a: V "0
Pa!red w!th: Ben Mo, )ang Qiao Mo
Du Mo
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for S& '
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for B( )*
Bed e1e$ .i%h 5i$ion
'u-- condi%ion of %he che$%
Skin p&o/-e0 %ha% &e$u-%$
in ha&d $ca//1 $kin
Back and neck $%iC, %igh%
;na/i-i%1 %o %u&n head
Spa$0 and %igh%ne$$ of
%he e-/o. and a&0
Wind diDDine$$
Lu0/a& and -eg pain
Thigh$ .eak, canno%
$%and fo& -ong
Co0p-e%e-1 e2hau$%ed
Be/e--iou$ Ei, co-d Ei
Lu0/a& and i-iac co-d /i
+iFcu-%1 /ending,
$%&e%ching -eg$, knee$
B-ood, Ei pain,
g1neco-ogica- p&o/-e0$
+a1%i0e epi-ep$1
De+c!ency sy#tos of GV , Yang -!ao Mo !nclude:
Weakne$$ and de%e&io&a%ion of %he $pina- ne&5e$ and a&ea$
o& o&gan$ %he1 con%&o-
Weakne$$ of %he /one$, 8oin%$ and 0u$c-e$ of %he neck,
/ack and knee$
+e%e&io&a%ion of 5i$ion, hea&ing, 0e0o&1 and 0en%a- c-a&i%1
+e%e&io&a%ion of 0en%a-, ph1$ica- o& $e2ua- ene&g1
The /a$ic %&ea%0en% i$ %o %onif1 S; 3 G BL 7" .i%h 0o2a 3un-e$$
%he&e i$ a-$o de>cien% 1in4
Du Mo
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o S; 3 G BL 7"
Syndroe S& ' , B( )* / Po!nt
Def 0& 1!ng BL 11, BL "3, B 3H
Def2 (3
BL 1#, S? 7, B 39
Def2 4T -! BL 1I, HT A
Def 0& -! BL 1, BL 10= BL "3, BL 7A, V 9, V
Def2 0&
BL "3, CV 9, K; A
Def2 0& Y!n BL "3, K; 7
Def2 0& 1!ng
Def2 (3
BL 1, B 1, B "0= BL 1#, BL "3,
B 3A
Def2 0& ,
4eart Y!n
K; 7, HT 7
Def2 0& ,
(!ver y!n
K; 7, LB #
e (3 Yang
B "0, V "0Jdi$pe&$e
0& and (3
K; 1, LB "Jdi$pe&$e
0& , 4eart
K; 1, HT #, V 1, V 11Jdi$pe&$e
(3 w!nd
K; 1, V 17, V "0!!di$pe&$e
56cess sy#tos of GV , Yang -!ao Mo !nclude:
Wind!Co-d o& Wind!Hea% in5a$ion
@2ce$$ Hea% 3$e5e&e fe5e&$4
The /a$ic %&ea%0en% i$ %o di$pe&$e S; 3 G BL 7"
Du Mo
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o S; 3 G BL 7"
Syndroe Po!nt "o.!nat!on
7!nd8"old BL 1, BL ", BL 10, BL 11, BL 1", BL
S; H, S; 10, S; 11, S; 1", S; 13, S;
19, S; 1I
Mo2a and cupping a$ app&op&ia%e
7!nd84eat BL ", BL 10, V 19, L; "0
4eat ,
V 13, V 19, S; 1 3/-ed4
Stagnat!on sy#tos of GV , Yang -!ao Mo !nclude:
S%agna%ion of Ei and /-ood on %he pa%h.a1$ of V, BL and
uppe& S; due %o %&au0a, -ack of e2e&ci$e, co-d in5a$ion o&
de>cienc1 of Ei*
S%agna%ion a$$ocia%ed .i%h %he &igidi%1 and &e$%&ic%ion %ha%
co0e$ f&o0 %he /-ocking of ene&g1 due %o fea& of -o$$ of
The /a$ic %&ea%0en% i$ %o 0o5e $%agna%ion %o &e-ie5e %he -oca-
o& gene&a- $%iCne$$ and pain and a-$o %o &egu-a%e %he K;, HT
and So-a& p-e2u$ chak&a*
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o S; 3 G BL 7" 3di$pe&$e4
Syndroe Po!nt
Strengthen 0& , 4T to
reduce fear and an6!ety
K; 3, HT A o& K; 7,
HT 7
%ear co.!ned w!th an!a9
hyster!a9 su!c!dal
tendenc!es9 de#ress!on9
BL H o& BL 10 and
V 1I o& V 17
S#!nal st!:ness or general
BL 1
3en Mo
The Sea of Y!n
"once#t!on Vessel
Areas of Body: 6/do0en,
Tho&a2, Lung$, Th&oa%, 'ace
&nd!cat!ons: Th&oa%, Che$%,
Starts Source
CV 1 Qi Jing Ba Mai
ST 30 Wang Shu He
CV 1!"9 Mo$% $ou&ce$
5nds Source
ST 1 Qi Jing Ba Mai
1* The channe- $%a&%$ a% a deep -e5e-
in %he u%e&u$ in .o0en ad in %he
-o.e& a/do0en 3CV 34 in 0en*
"* ;% e0e&ge$ in %he cen%e& of %he pe&ineu0 a% CV 1 and %&a5e-$
$upe&>cia--1 up %he an%e&io& 0edian -ine of %he %o&$o %o CV "9 in %he
0idd-e of %he chin, .he&e /i-a%e&a- deep /&anche$ %&a5e- a&ound %he
ang-e of %he 0ou%h %o %he gu0$ unde& %he uppe& -ip 3V "#4*
3* ;% %hen a$cend$ %he cheek$ %o %he op%ic fo&a0en .he&e %he1 0ee%
ST 1*
9* 6 $econd /&anch i$ $aid %o o&igina%e in %he pe-5ic ca5i%1, en%e& %he
$pine, and a$cend %he /ack*
Pa!red w!th: +u Mo, )in Qiao Mo
3en Mo
Master Po!nt: L< A
"ou#le Po!nt: K; 7
"oalescent #o!nts: ST 1, V "#
"onnect!ng Mer!d!ans: ST, V
<ni%e$ a-- )in Me&idian$= ;$ a con$%an% $ou&ce of ene&g1 fo&
%he 7 )in Me&idian$
Toni>e$ %he K; 3Jing, Qi, )in, )ang4
Be0o5e$ +a0p in %he Lo.e& Jiao
Mo5e$ S%agnan% Ei 3HT, L<, /&ea$%$, LB, S?, ST, -o.e&
a/do0en, u%e&u$4
Begu-a%e$ @0o%ion$ 3ca-0$ fea&, di$pe&$e$ g&ief, &e-ie5e$
Begu-a%e$ fe0a-e &ep&oduc%i5e c1c-e and a$$ocia%e$
p$1cho-ogica- change$
Spi&i%ua- &e$%,un&e$%
Moni%o&$ dige$%ion
'o$%e&ing and Be$pon$i/i-i%1
T&ea%$ di$o&de&$ of -oca- a&ea$
Wa&0$ and Nou&i$he$
6-a&0 poin%$
Mu-adha&a: CV 1, S.adhi$%hana CV 3!7, Manipu&a: CV 1"!19,
6naha%a: CV 1A, Vi$huddha: CV "", "3, 68na: )in Tang,
Saha$&a&a: V "0
3en Mo
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for (; <
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for 0& )
He0ip-egia, face
Hand and a&0 .i%hou% ene&g1
He0ip-egia of %he /od1
Hea% in %he pa-0$
;na/i-i%1 %o open 0ou%h
Vo0i%ing /u//-1 $a-i5a
;nce$$an% -aughing
Sp-i% -ip
B-ood in %he u&ine
?ain in peni$
<&ine fee-$ ho%
6/$ce$$ of %he face, e1e$ o&
fou& -i0/$
Shou-de& /i
Chi-- of che$% and /ack
Sho&%ne$$ of /&ea%h
Be/e--iou$ $10p%o0$, fa--$
do.n co&p$e!-ike, cau$ed /1
co-d o& hea%
Confu$ed, di$%&e$$ed, c-enching
hand$ o& unc-ea& 5i$ion
+&1 %h&oa%
Hea&% $ad, una/-e %o en8o1
'ou& -i0/$ .eak and %i&ed
Ch&onic nue
6cu%e pain in %e$%ic-e$ .i%h
$.e--ing 3cau$ed /1 co-d
con%&ac%ion in %he LB 0e&idian4
o& of %he -o.e& a/do0en o&
Nau$ea, 5o0i%ing
Wan%$ %o -ie do.n
K/ig .ind,L pain 0o5ing
Seeing $%a&$ 3$po%$ in e1e$4
Lo.e& a/do0ina- pain
Be/e--iou$ 0en$%&ua%ion
Canno% con%&o- fou& -i0/$
?eni$ a-.a1$ e&ec% o& i%ching
Tu&/id di$cha&ge f&o0 peni$
3and 5aginaM4
?ain on one $ide of %he -o.e&
a/do0en .i%h di$cha&ge
;&&egu-a& 0en$e$
Vagina- p&o-ap$e
Nigh%%i0e epi-ep$1 30o2a4
De+c!ency sy#tos of "V , Y!n -!ao Mo !nclude:
o 60eno&&hea
o ;nfe&%i-i%1
o ?o$%!na%a- e2hau$%ion
o ?MS
o Ha/i%ua- 0i$ca&&iage and -ack of $e2ua- in%e&e$%
o No%e: .hen %he$e p&o/-e0$ a&e a$$ocia%ed .i%h
e2hau$%ion and dep&e$$ion*
Wa%e& 0e%a/o-i$0
o @de0a
o <&ina&1 incon%inence
o The inco0p-e%e u&ina%ion a$$ocia%ed .i%h p&o$%a%i%i$
o No%e: if %he$e p&o/-e0$ a&e -inked %o ene&g1 de>cienc1*
o Sho&%ne$$ o of /&ea%h
o Weak cough
3en Mo
o 6$%h0a
o No%e: .hen %he$e p&o/-e0$ a&e -inked %o +e>cien% Lung$
.i%h +e>cien% Kidne1 and %he&e a&e o%he& $ign$ indica%ing
a CV G )in Qiao Mo pa%%e&n*
@0o%iona- /a-ance
o +ep&e$$ion
o Lo$$ of $e-f!e$%ee0
o 'ea&
The /a$ic %&ea%0en% i$ %o %onif1 L< A G K; 7
Thi$ channe- i$ no% of%en u$ed %o %&ea% pu&e e2ce$$* The&e 0a1
/e $i%ua%ion$ .he&e -oca- e2ce$$ i$ a$$ocia%ed .i%h a /a$ic
de>cienc1, $uch a$ in a$%h0a o& ede0a* He&e %onif1 %he
de>cienc1, $o %ha% %he e2ce$$ &e$o-5e$ .i%hou% fu&%he&
%&ea%0en%* Si0i-a&-1, -oca- e2ce$$ can /e a$$ocia%ed .i%h a
/a$ic $%agna%ion of Ei, a$ in d1$0eno&&hea, >/&oid$ and he&e
0o5e %he $%agna%ion a$ %he p&i0a&1 p&o/-e0*
Supp&e$$ed g&ief and ho-ding on %o ou%.o&n a%%ach0en%$
'ea& and &e$en%0en%
B&ea$%$ -u0p$
<%e&ine >/&oid$
Ca&cino0a$ of %he /&ea$%, u%e&u$ and ce&5i2
?ain in 0en$%&ua%ion o& p&egnanc1
Be/e--iou$ L< Ei 3cough, a$%h0a, d1$pnea, panic a%%ack$4
Hea&% $ign$
3en Mo
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o L< A G K; 7
Syndroe (; < , 0& ) / Po!nt
&nfert!l!ty CV 9, K; 13!%onif1
CV 9, CV H!%onif1 3.,0o2a
un-e$$ 1in def*4
CV 9, V 9, BL 31 3/a-ance of
1in G 1ang %2$ a&e &eEui&ed, $o
/e ca&efu-4!%onif1
Strengthen 0&
, (; together
CV 9, CV 1A!%onif1
Astha L;, 1, BL 13, CV 9, CV 1A!%onif1
CV 9, CV 1A, L< 3, 1in %ang!
Stagnat!on !n
CV 7, CV 1A!di$pe&$e, un-e$$
%he&e i$ unde&-1ing de>cienc1*
;n %hi$ ca$e u$e e5en 0e%hod*
Ma1 add CV 3, K; #, K; 13!
w!th #ro.les
of res#!rat!on
or .reasts
L< 1, L< 3, L< 7, K; "9!"A, CV
, stagnat!on
!n lower
CV 3, CV 7, CV H, ST "#!
&#otence and
l!n>ed to fear
L< 1, CV ", CV 7, CV 19, CV 1A!
e5en 0e%hod, K; 1!0o2a
Pan!c attac>s
l!n>ed to (; ,
L< A, CV 19, CV 1A!di$pe&$e=
K; 7, CV 9!%onif1
6dd K; 1 30o2a4, L< 1 G L< 7!
di$pe&$e!if %he&e i$ an
accu0u-a%ion of ph-eg0 a$ .e--
3en Mo
"hong Mo
The Sea of Blood
Thoroughfare Vessel
Areas of Body: 6/do0en,
<%e&u$, Che$%, Hea&%
Starts Source
ST 30 Su Wen, Wang
Shu He
CV 1 Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
f&o0 K; 11!
K; "1
Su Wen, Nan
Jing, Qi Jing Ba
Mai Kao
3 1in foo%
Ling Shu
Lei Jing
1* N&igina%e$ in %he -o.e&
a/do0en 3in %he u%e&u$ in
.o0en4 and de$cend$ %o
e0e&ge a% CV 1
$ne .ranch
"* 6 /&anch e0e&ge$ a% ST 30 and a$cend$ 5ia CV A
%h&ough poin%$ K; 11!K; "1 and %hen di$pe&$e$ in %he
3* 6 /&anch a$cend$ a-ong$ide %he %h&oa%, cu&5e$ a&ound
%he -ip$ and %e&0ina%e$ /e-o. %he e1e
$ne .ranch
9* Nne /&anch a$cend$ in$ide %he $pina- co-u0n
$ne .ranch
I* 6 /&anch e0e&ge$ a% ST 30, de$cend$ %he 0edia- a$pec%
of %he -eg$ and %e&0ina%e$ on %he $o-e of %he foo%
7* 6 /&anch $epa&a%e$ a% %he hee- and %e&0ina%e$ a% %he
/ig %oe
"hong Mo
"hong Mo
Master Po!nt: S? 9
"ou#le Po!nt: ?C 7
"oalescent #o!nts: CV 1, CV A, ST 30, K; 11!"1
"onnect!ng Mer!d!ans: K;, ST
&nd!cat!ons: Hea&%, Che$%, S%o0ach
Ma!n $rgans: Kidne1, Sp-een, Hea&%
%lushes ?! and .lood Euick-1 %h&oughou% %he $1$%e0,
c-ea&ing e5e&1%hing ou% and %hen di$pe&$ing ene&g1 .he&e
Toni>e$ Ei of %he K;, S? and ST
Toni>e$ B-ood of Sp and HT
Mo5e$ $%agnan% Ei and /-ood 3HT, che$%, epiga$%&iu0,
u%e&u$, a&0 and -eg$4
Ca-0$ e0o%ion$ 3K; fea&, S? .o&&1, HT an2ie%14
N&igina%e$ in K; G $p&ead$ i%$ Ei a-- o5e& /od1 a% .ei Ei -e5e-
?a&en% of a-- o%he& e2%&ao&dina&1 0e&idian$
KSea of %he I )in G 7 )ang o&gan$L KSea of 1" channe-$L
Connec%$ ?&e G ?o$% Hea5en Ei
Pa!red w!th: +ai Mo, )in Wei Mo
"hong Mo
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for SP @
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for P" )
Co-d nue
No appe%i%e
?&e!epi-ep%ic condi%ion
Too 0uch nue and $.ea%ing
;f %he di$ea$e peak$, nau$ea
occu&$= if 5o0i%ing occu&$, %he
di$ea$e $u/$ide$
Head and face $.o--en
Hea&% an2iou$ and 0en%a--1
@2ce$$ a-coho-, B e0p%1
Be/e--iou$ Ei &i$ing, cau$ing
o5e& e2ci%e0en%
;f fu-- condi%ion: %he&e .i-- /e
$%a//ing pain in %he in%e$%ine$
Jdi$pe&$e %he poin%
;f e0p%1 condi%ion: %he
a/do0en .i-- /e $.o--en, %onif1
%he poin%
Wind head in hand
Lo$$ of .i--
Hea&% pain
Bed e1e$
@-/o. $pa$0
;f fu-- condi%ion: %he&e .i-- /e
5io-en% pain in %he hea&%J
di$pe&$e %he poin%
;f e0p%1 condi%ion: %he head
.i-- /e $%iC and %igh%J%onif1
%he poin%
De+c!ency sy#tos of "hong Mo and Y!n 7e! Mo !nclude:
o 60eno&&hea
o ;nfe&%i-i%1
o ?o$%na%a- p&o/-e0$
o @2hau$%ion
o +ep&e$$ion
o ?oo& ci&cu-a%ion
o No%e: a$$ocia%ed .i%h $ign$ of de>cien% /-ood
o Co-dne$$ of -o.e& a/do0en, /ack and e2%&e0i%ie$
o +e>cienc1 of S? G Hea&% con%&i/u%ing %o ci&cu-a%ion
o No%e: if %he$e p&o/-e0$ a&e -inked %o /-ood de>cienc1*
o @2hau$%ion a$$ocia%ed .i%h .eak con$%i%u%ion and
e$pecia--1 .eak dige$%ion
o @0acia%ion
o Mu$c-e a%&oph1, Mu$c-e .eakne$$, ?oo& 0u$c-e %one
o ene&a--1 ph1$ica--1 .eak, ea$i-1 %i&ed and ha$ diFcu-%1
a/$o&/ing nece$$a&1 nou&i$h0en% f&o0 food
Mu$c-e $%&eng%h
"hong Mo
o Mu$c-e a%&oph1, Mu$c-e .eakne$$, ?oo& 0u$c-e %one
o ene&a--1 ph1$ica--1 .eak, ea$i-1 %i&ed
@0o%iona- /a-ance
o Vu-ne&a/i-i%1, dep&e$$ion, in$ecu&i%1, fea&, .o&&1, an2ie%1
3a$$ocia%ed .i%h i&&egu-a&i%14
?a%%e&n$ of pu&e e2ce$$ a&e unco00on* Mi2ed pa%%e&n$ of
$%agna%ion and e2ce$$ can occu&*
S%agna%ion in %he che$%, epiga$%&iu0, -o.e& a/do0en, -eg$,
%h&oa%, a&0$
Qi and /-ood, a-%hough Chong 0o i$ 0o&e fo& $%agnan%
/-ood .he&e CV i$ 0o&e fo& $%agnan% Ei
'ea&, .o&&1 and $adne$$ and i%$ eCec% on %he hea&% and %he
Oo. of /-ood
;&&egu-a&i%1 and +e>cienc1
K; Ei o& 1angJfea&
Hea&% /ea%
Bai$e ene&g1 and &educe dep&e$$ion
Ca-0 .o&&1
"hong Mo
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o S? 9 G ?C 7
SP @ , P" )
/ Po!nt
De+c!ent .lood
a:ect!ng re#roduct!on
CV 9!%onif1 G 0o2a=
K; 13 if nece$$a&1
"old lower a.doen9
.ac> and e6tre!t!es
CV 9!%onif1!%onif1 G
"old feet
S? 1 G S? "!%onif1 G
"old +ngers
?C A, #, H!%onif1 G
Poor d!gest!on ,
uscle wea>ness
CV 9, CV 1", ST 37!
%onif1 and 0o2a
V 9, V 7, BL "0, BL
"3, ST 37, L; 9
a-%e&na%ing .i%h
7orry due to def2 SP ?!
, .lood
CV 9!%onif1
De#ress!on and an6!ety
due to Def2 4T ?! and
CV 1A!%onif1
BL 1I, BL "0, BL "3,
BL 99, BL 9H, BL I"
a-%e&na%ing .i%h
Ton!fy 0& ?! or yang9 to
cal fear and sta.!l!Ae
CV 9J%onif1
3egulate SP and cal
CV 1"!e5en
"al fear9 an6!ety and
CV 19!di$pe&$e
"al heart .eat and
CV 1A!e5en
"al fear and an6!ety CV "9!e5en
Ton!fy SP ?!9 to ra!se
energy and reduce
V "0!0o2a
"al worry and clear
the M!nd
)in %ang
"hong Mo
Ton!fy ?! and .lood to
sta.!l!Ae the eot!ons
ST 37
Da! Mo
The 5?ual!Aer of 5nergy !n the Trun>
Belt Vessel
Areas of Body: eni%a-$, Wai$%,
Starts Source
Bi/ cage Nan Jing
L@ 13 Wang Shu He, Qi
Jing Ba Mai Kao
B "7 Qi Jing Ba Mai
Kao, (hen Jiu Ju
B "A Qi Jing Ba Mai
B "# Qi Jing Ba Mai
Kao, (hen Jiu Ju
1* N&igina%e$ in %he &egion of LB 13
"* @nci&c-e$ %he .ai$% -ike a /e-%,
pa$$ing %h&ough B "7, "A, "#
Da! Mo
Master Po!nt: B 91
"ou#le Po!nt: T@ I
"oalescent #o!nts: B "7, "A, "# 3K; "3!
"onnect!ng Mer!d!ans: a-- B-adde&
@Eua-iDe$ ene&g1 in %he %&unk
Ha&0oniDe LB G B
Ca-0$ h1pe&ac%i5e Li5e& )ang
+i$pe&$e$ LB and B 'i&e
Mo5e$ $%agnan% LB Qi
+i$pe&$e$ LB and B +a0p Hea%
Begu-a%e$ %he 0en$%&ua- c1c-e
+i$pe&$e +a0p Hea% in geni%a-$
'&ee$ ci&cu-a%ion of Ei in -eg channe-$
Toni>e$ ST G S?
;nOuence$ Hip
'eed$ %he 1" 0e&idian$
ood fo& .hen -eg$ fee- cu% oC, hea51, a $en$a%ion of
$i%%ing in .a%e& 3c-a$$ic$4
Pa!red w!th: Chong Mo, )ang Wei Mo
Da! Mo
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for GB @B
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for T5 C
'u--ne$$ in che$%
La&ge a/$ce$$ f&o0 ST 1" %o
Bi%e$ cheek$ ea$i-1
S.e--ing a&ound T@ 17
Wan%on $e2ua- de$i&e
Thigh$ .eak .i%h no ene&g1
@1e diDDine$$
Nccipi%a- /one pain
Co-d and chi--
Hea&% pain
Wande&ing /i $10p%o0$
Be/e--iou$ Ei and pan%ing
;&&egu-a& 0en$e$
Bi/cage fu-- and painfu-
6/$ce$$ on /&ea$%
?ain in >5e >nge&$, una/-e %o
g&a$p %hing$
;f fu-- condi%ion: %he e-/o. .i--
$pa$0Jdi$pe&$e %he poin%
;f e0p%1 condi%ion: %he e-/o.
.i-- /e -oo$eJ%onif1 %he poin%
Thi$ channe- i$ 0o&e a$$ocia%ed .i%h e2ce$$ LB!B 1ang and >&e and
.i%h LB!B +a0p Hea%,$%agna%ion %han i% i$ .i%h de>cienc1* The 1in
$ide of %he$e condi%ion$ i$ de>cienc1 in K; Ei o& 1in* <$e o%he& poin%$
%o co&&ec% %he K; de>cienc1, $uch a$ K; 3 G CV 9*
Li5e&,a-- B-adde& 'i&e
Li5e& Ei o& a-- B-adde& Ei $%agna%ion
S%agna%ion of +a0p hea% in %he Li5e& and B channe-$
'&u$%&a%ion, dep&e$$ion, $upp&e$$ed ange&
6/o5e P da0p hea% Q /i%%e&ne$$ and -inge&ing ha%&ed$ and
H1pe&ac%i5e Li5e& )ang .i%h $10p%o0$ of diDDine$$,
headache o& 0o5ing $en$a%ion in %he head= i&&i%a/i-i%1,
h1pe&$en$i%i5i%1, confu$ion and di$o&ien%a%ion* )ou 0a1 $ee
%hi$ pa%%e&n$ .i%h de>cienc1, e2ce$$ of $%agna%ion
Da! Mo
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o B 91 G T@ I
GB @B , T5 C
/ Po!nt
(3=GB %!re and
stagnat!on #atterns
K; 1, V "0!di$pe&$e G
/-eed %ai 1ang
Da# heat eye
B 1, T@ "3
Da# heat ear
B ", T@ 1A
Da# heat a:ect!ng
LB 13, B "
Da# heat leucorrhea CV 9, B "7
Da# heat vag!n!t!s CV 3, LB I
Da# heat ecAea B "0, B 31
4eadaches and
B "0, B 19
4eadaches and
tra#eA!us uscle
s#ass fro
su##ressed anger
B "0, B "1
%rustrat!on w!th tense
nec> and Daw
T@ 17, T@ 1A
st!:ness and #a!n
B "", B "9
4!# #ro.les B "H, B 30
(eg #ro.les B 31, B 3I
4y#eract!ve (3 yang
, Def2 0& ?!
V "0, B 1, B 19!
CV 9, K; 3!%onif1
4y#eract!ve (3 Yang
, (3=GB %!re
V "0, B 1, B 19, K;
LB 1J/-eed
4y#eract!ve (3 Yang
, Stagnant (3 ?!
V "0, B 1, B 19, B
"1, S? 7!di$pe&$e
Y!n -!ao Mo
The Great Br!dge
Y!n 4eel Vessel
Areas of Body: ;nne& -eg$,
6/do0en, @1e$
K; " Qi Jing Ba Mai
K; 7 (hen Jiu Ju )ing
Qi Jing Ba Mai
K; # Shi$i Jing '6 Hui
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
Qi Jing Ba Mai
'&on% of ST
H, a/o5e
ST 1"
Ling Shu
Qi Jing Ba Mai
ST H Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
ST 1" Ling Shu
Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
Qi Jing Ba Mai
BL 1 Ling Shu
Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
Qi Jing Ba Mai
Ma Shi
1* S%a&%$ f&o0 K; 7 and a$cend$ %o K; #*
"* 6$cend$ a-ong %he po$%e&o!0edia- $u&face of %he -o.e& -eg
and %high %o %he e2%e&na- geni%a-ia*
3* 6$cend$ %he a/do0en and che$% %o %he $up&ac-a5icu-a&
9* 6$cend$ %h&ough %he %h&oa% and e0e&ge$ an%e&io& %o ST H*
I* 6$cend$ /e$ide %he 0ou%h and no$e %o %he inne& can%hu$
.he&e i% 0ee%$ .i%h )ang Qiao Mo and BL a% BL 1*
7* 6$cend$ %o en%e&$ %he /&ain*
Y!n -!ao Mo
Master Po!nt: K; 7
"ou#le Po!nt: L< A
E! "left Po!nt: K; #
&nd!cat!ons: Th&oa%, Che$%, Lung
"oalescent #o!nts: K; 7, K; #, BL 1
"onnect!ng Mer!d!ans: K;, BL
Moni%o&$ %he Quan%i%1 of ene&g1 3a-ong .i%h )ang Qiao Mo4=
Becei5e$ &e$e&5e ene&g1 f&o0 %he K; 0e&idian
;n pa%ho-og1, %hi$ $ea i$ de>cien% 3)ang Eiao 0o i$ e2ce$$4
When de>cien%: -e%ha&g1, %i&edne$$, /ack p&o/-e0$, -o.
Begu-a%e$ %he u%e&u$ 3e$p* e2ce$$ -o.e& /u&ne& pa%%e&n$ in
S%&eng%hen$ %he -eg$ 3good fo& a%&oph1 $1nd&o0e4
Begu-a%e$ $-eep
Wi%h 1ang Eiao 0o can ha&0oniDe -ef% and &igh%
Pa!red w!th: )ang Qiao Mo, Ben Mo
Y!n -!ao Mo
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for (; <
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for 0& )
He0ip-egia, face
Hand and a&0 .i%hou% ene&g1
He0ip-egia of %he /od1
Hea% in %he pa-0$
;na/i-i%1 %o open 0ou%h
Vo0i%ing /u//-1 $a-i5a
;nce$$an% -aughing
Sp-i% -ip
B-ood in %he u&ine
?ain in peni$
<&ine fee-$ ho%
6/$ce$$ of %he face, e1e$ o&
fou& -i0/$
Shou-de& /i
Chi-- of che$% and /ack
Sho&%ne$$ of /&ea%h
Be/e--iou$ $10p%o0$, fa--$
do.n co&p$e!-ike, cau$ed /1
co-d o& hea%
Confu$ed, di$%&e$$ed, c-enching
hand$ o& unc-ea& 5i$ion
+&1 %h&oa%
Hea&% $ad, una/-e %o en8o1
'ou& -i0/$ .eak and %i&ed
Ch&onic nue
6cu%e pain in %e$%ic-e$ .i%h
$.e--ing 3cau$ed /1 co-d
con%&ac%ion in %he LB 0e&idian4
o& of %he -o.e& a/do0en o&
Nau$ea, 5o0i%ing
Wan%$ %o -ie do.n
K/ig .ind,L pain 0o5ing
Seeing $%a&$ 3$po%$ in e1e$4
Lo.e& a/do0ina- pain
Be/e--iou$ 0en$%&ua%ion
Canno% con%&o- fou& -i0/$
?eni$ a-.a1$ e&ec% o& i%ching
Tu&/id di$cha&ge f&o0 peni$
3and 5aginaM4
?ain on one $ide of %he -o.e&
a/do0en .i%h di$cha&ge
;&&egu-a& 0en$e$
Vagina- p&o-ap$e
Nigh%%i0e epi-ep$1 30o2a4
De+c!ency sy#tos of "V , Y!n -!ao Mo !nclude:
o 60eno&&hea
o ;nfe&%i-i%1
o ?o$%!na%a- e2hau$%ion
o ?MS
o Ha/i%ua- 0i$ca&&iage and -ack of $e2ua- in%e&e$%
o No%e: .hen %he$e p&o/-e0$ a&e a$$ocia%ed .i%h
e2hau$%ion and dep&e$$ion*
7ater eta.ol!s
o @de0a
o <&ina&1 incon%inence
o The inco0p-e%e u&ina%ion a$$ocia%ed .i%h p&o$%a%i%i$
o No%e: if %he$e p&o/-e0$ a&e -inked %o ene&g1 de>cienc1*
o Sho&%ne$$ o of /&ea%h
o Weak cough
Y!n -!ao Mo
o 6$%h0a
o No%e: .hen %he$e p&o/-e0$ a&e -inked %o +e>cien% Lung$
.i%h +e>cien% Kidne1 and %he&e a&e o%he& $ign$ indica%ing
a CV G )in Qiao Mo pa%%e&n*
5ot!onal .alance
o +ep&e$$ion
o Lo$$ of $e-f!e$%ee0
o 'ea&
The /a$ic %&ea%0en% i$ %o %onif1 L< A G K; 7
Thi$ channe- i$ no% of%en u$ed %o %&ea% pu&e e2ce$$* The&e 0a1
/e $i%ua%ion$ .he&e -oca- e2ce$$ i$ a$$ocia%ed .i%h a /a$ic
de>cienc1, $uch a$ in a$%h0a o& ede0a* He&e %onif1 %he
de>cienc1, $o %ha% %he e2ce$$ &e$o-5e$ .i%hou% fu&%he&
%&ea%0en%* Si0i-a&-1, -oca- e2ce$$ can /e a$$ocia%ed .i%h a
/a$ic $%agna%ion of Ei, a$ in d1$0eno&&hea, >/&oid$ and he&e
0o5e %he $%agna%ion a$ %he p&i0a&1 p&o/-e0*
Supp&e$$ed g&ief and ho-ding on %o ou%.o&n a%%ach0en%$
'ea& and &e$en%0en%
B&ea$%$ -u0p$
<%e&ine >/&oid$
Ca&cino0a$ of %he /&ea$%, u%e&u$ and ce&5i2
?ain in 0en$%&ua%ion o& p&egnanc1
Be/e--iou$ L< Ei 3cough, a$%h0a, d1$pnea, panic a%%ack$4
Hea&% $ign$
Y!n -!ao Mo
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o K; 7 G L< A
Syndroe 0& ) , (; < / Po!nt
&nfert!l!ty CV 9, K; 13!%onif1
CV 9, CV H!%onif1 3.,0o2a
un-e$$ 1in def*4
CV 9, V 9, BL 31 3/a-ance of
1in G 1ang %2$ a&e &eEui&ed, $o
/e ca&efu-4!%onif1
Strengthen 0&
, (; together
CV 9, CV 1A!%onif1
Astha L;, 1, BL 13, CV 9, CV 1A!%onif1
CV 9, CV 1A, L< 3, 1in %ang!
Stagnat!on !n
CV 7, CV 1A!di$pe&$e, un-e$$
%he&e i$ unde&-1ing de>cienc1*
;n %hi$ ca$e u$e e5en 0e%hod*
Ma1 add CV 3, K; #, K; 13!
w!th #ro.les
of res#!rat!on
or .reasts
L< 1, L< 3, L< 7, K; "9!"A, CV
, stagnat!on
!n lower
CV 3, CV 7, CV H, ST "#!
&#otence and
l!n>ed to fear
L< 1, CV ", CV 7, CV 19, CV 1A!
e5en 0e%hod, K; 1!0o2a
Pan!c attac>s
l!n>ed to (; ,
L< A, CV 19, CV 1A!di$pe&$e=
K; 7, CV 9!%onif1
6dd K; 1 30o2a4, L< 1 G L< 7!
di$pe&$e!if %he&e i$ an
accu0u-a%ion of ph-eg0 a$ .e--
Yang -!ao Mo
The Great Br!dge
Yang 4eel Vessel
Areas of Body: Nu%e& Leg$, Back,
Neck, Head, @1e$
BL 1 Ma Shi
Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
B "0 Nan Jing
Qi Jing Ba Mai
BL 7" Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
BL 71 Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
BL IH Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
S; 10 Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
L; 17 Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
L; 1I Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
ST H Qi Jing Ba Mai
ST 9 Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
ST 3 Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
ST 1 Qi Jing Ba Mai
(hen Jiu Ju )ing
B "H (hen Jiu Ju )ing
Yang -!ao Mo
1* N&igina%e$ a% BL 7", de$cend$ %o BL 71 and a$cend$ %o BL IH
"* 6$cend$ a-ong %he po$%e&io& /o&de& of %he >/u-a
3* 6$cend$ %he -a%e&a- $ide of %he %high %o %he hip a% B "H
9* C&o$$e$ %he $hou-de&, pa$$ing %h&ough S; 10, L; 1I, L; 17
I* 6$cend$ a-ong %he neck %o %he face, 0ee%ing .i%h ST 9, ST 3, ST
1 and BL 1 .he&e i% 0ee%$ )in Qiao Mo*
7* Cu&5e$ ac&o$$ %he $ide of %he head %o B "0 and en%e&$ %he
Master Po!nt: BL 7"
"ou#le Po!nt: S; 3
E! "left Po!nt: BL IH
&nd!cat!ons: Neck, Shou-de&, Back, ;nne& Can%hu$
"oalescent #o!nts: BL 7", BL 71, BL IH, B "H,
S; 10, L; 1I, L; 17, ST 9, ST 3, ST 1, BL 1, B "0
"onnect!ng Mer!d!ans: BL, S;, ST, L;, B
Moni%o&$ %he Quan%i%1 of ene&g1 3a-ong .i%h )in Qiao Mo4=
+i$%&i/u%e$ &e$e&5e ene&g1 3a$ o/%ained /1 %he )in Qiao Mo4
;n pa%ho-og1, %hi$ $ea i$ e2ce$$ 3)in Eiao 0o i$ de>cien%4
S10p%o0$ of e2ce$$: h1pe&ac%i5i%1, in$o0nia, 8oin% p&o/-e0$,
/ack p&o/-e0$, K;,BL p&o/-e0$, -o.e& /ack ache .i%h pain
@2pe-$ @2%e&io& Wind G &e-ea$e$ e2%e&io&
6/$o&/$ e2ce$$ 1ang f&o0 head
Mo5e$ $%agnan% Ei in BL channe- fo& /ack, hip and -eg pain
ood fo& e2%&e0e ne&5ou$ %en$ion
Pa!red w!th: )in Qiao Mo, +u Mo
Yang -!ao Mo
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for S& '
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for B( )*
Bed e1e$ .i%h 5i$ion
'u-- condi%ion of %he che$%
Skin p&o/-e0 %ha% &e$u-%$
in ha&d $ca//1 $kin
Back and neck $%iC, %igh%
;na/i-i%1 %o %u&n head
Spa$0 and %igh%ne$$ of
%he e-/o. and a&0
Wind diDDine$$
Lu0/a& and -eg pain
Thigh$ .eak, canno%
$%and fo& -ong
Co0p-e%e-1 e2hau$%ed
Be/e--iou$ Ei, co-d Ei
Lu0/a& and i-iac co-d /i
+iFcu-%1 /ending,
$%&e%ching -eg$, knee$
B-ood, Ei pain,
g1neco-ogica- p&o/-e0$
+a1%i0e epi-ep$1
De+c!ency sy#tos of Yang -!ao Mo and Du Mo
Weakne$$ and de%e&io&a%ion of %he $pina- ne&5e$ and a&ea$
o& o&gan$ %he1 con%&o-
Weakne$$ of %he /one$, 8oin%$ and 0u$c-e$ of %he neck,
/ack and knee$
+e%e&io&a%ion of 5i$ion, hea&ing, 0e0o&1 and 0en%a- c-a&i%1
+e%e&io&a%ion of 0en%a-, ph1$ica- o& $e2ua- ene&g1
The /a$ic %&ea%0en% i$ %o %onif1 BL 7" G S; 3 .i%h 0o2a 3un-e$$
%he&e i$ a-$o de>cien% 1in4
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o BL 7" G S; 3
Syndroe B( )* , S& ' / Po!nt
Def 0& 1!ng BL 11, BL "3, B 3H
Def2 (3
BL 1#, S? 7, B 39
Def2 4T -! BL 1I, HT A
Def 0& -! BL 1, BL 10= BL "3, BL 7A, V 9, V
Yang -!ao Mo
Def2 0&
BL "3, CV 9, K; A
Def2 0& Y!n BL "3, K; 7
Def2 0& 1!ng
Def2 (3
BL 1, B 1, B "0= BL 1#, BL "3,
B 3A
Yang -!ao Mo
56cess sy#tos of GV , Yang -!ao Mo !nclude:
Wind!Co-d o& Wind!Hea% in5a$ion
@2ce$$ Hea% 3$e5e&e fe5e&$4
The /a$ic %&ea%0en% i$ %o di$pe&$e S; 3 G BL 7"
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o S; 3 G BL 7"
Syndroe B( )* , S& ' / Po!nt
7!nd8"old BL 1, BL ", BL 10, BL 11, BL 1", BL
S; H, S; 10, S; 11, S; 1", S; 13, S;
19, S; 1I
Mo2a and cupping a$ app&op&ia%e
7!nd84eat BL ", BL 10, V 19, L; "0
4eat ,
V 13, V 19, S; 1 3/-ed4
Stagnat!on sy#tos of GV , Yang -!ao Mo !nclude:
S%agna%ion of Ei and /-ood on %he pa%h.a1$ of V, BL and
uppe& S; due %o %&au0a, -ack of e2e&ci$e, co-d in5a$ion o&
de>cienc1 of Ei*
S%agna%ion a$$ocia%ed .i%h %he &igidi%1 and &e$%&ic%ion %ha%
co0e$ f&o0 %he /-ocking of ene&g1 due %o fea& of -o$$ of
The /a$ic %&ea%0en% i$ %o 0o5e $%agna%ion %o &e-ie5e %he -oca-
o& gene&a- $%iCne$$ and pain and a-$o %o &egu-a%e %he K;, HT
and So-a& p-e2u$ chak&a*
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o S; 3 G BL 7" 3di$pe&$e4
Syndroe Po!nt
Strengthen 0& , 4T to
reduce fear and an6!ety
K; 3, HT A o& K; 7,
HT 7
Yang -!ao Mo
%ear co.!ned w!th an!a9
hyster!a9 su!c!dal
tendenc!es9 de#ress!on9
BL H o& BL 10 and
V 1I o& V 17
S#!nal st!:ness or general
BL 1
Y!n 7e! Mo
The Great 3egulator
Y!n (!n>!ng Vessel
Areas of Body: Che$%, Hea&%
K; H (hen Jiu Ju )ing
Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
Qi Jing Ba Mai
S? 13 (hen Jiu Ju )ing
Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
Qi Jing Ba Mai
S? 1I (hen Jiu Ju )ing
Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
Qi Jing Ba Mai
S? 17 (hen Jiu Ju )ing
Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
Qi Jing Ba Mai
LB 19 (hen Jiu Ju )ing
Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
Qi Jing Ba Mai
CV "" (hen Jiu Ju )ing
Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
Qi Jing Ba Mai
CV "3 (hen Jiu Ju )ing
Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
Qi Jing Ba Mai
1* N&igina%e$ a% K; H and a$cend$ a-ong %he 0edia- $ide of %he
-eg %o %he a/do0en*
"* Mee%$ .i%h S? 1", S? 13, S? 1I, S? 17 and LB 19*
3* 6$cend$ %o %he %h&oa% %o 0ee% CV a% CV "", CV "3*
Y!n 7e! Mo
Master Po!nt: ?C 7
"ou#le Po!nt: S? 9
E! "left Po!nt: K; H
&nd!cat!ons: Hea&%, Che$%, S%o0ach
"oalescent #o!nts: K; H, S? 13, S? 1I, S? 17, LB
19, CV "", CV "3
"onnect!ng Mer!d!ans: K;, S?, LB, CV
He-p$ /a-ance )in and )ang /ecau$e i% connec%$ a-- of %he
1in channe-$
Moni%o&$ %he Qua-i%1 of @ne&g1
Mo5e$ $%agnan% Ei and /-ood in %he %h&oa%, HT, che$% and
Begu-a%e$ %he /a-ance of HT and K; and ca-0$ %he 0ind
Nou&i$he$ Ei, he-p$ dige$%ion, ci&cu-a%ion, and &e$pi&a%ion
Ba-ance$ Wei Ei G )ing Ei 3in pa&%icu-a&4
He-p$ /-ood de>cienc1 G,o& 1in de>cienc1
T&ea%$ B-ood de>cien% headache$
Pa!red w!th: )ang Wei Mo, Chong Mo
Y!n 7e! Mo
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for SP @
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for P" )
Co-d nue
No appe%i%e
?&e!epi-ep%ic condi%ion
Too 0uch nue and $.ea%ing
;f %he di$ea$e peak$, nau$ea
occu&$= if 5o0i%ing occu&$, %he
di$ea$e $u/$ide$
Head and face $.o--en
Hea&% an2iou$ and 0en%a--1
@2ce$$ a-coho-, B e0p%1
Be/e--iou$ Ei &i$ing, cau$ing
o5e& e2ci%e0en%
;f fu-- condi%ion: %he&e .i-- /e
$%a//ing pain in %he in%e$%ine$
Jdi$pe&$e %he poin%
;f e0p%1 condi%ion: %he
a/do0en .i-- /e $.o--en, %onif1
%he poin%
Wind head in hand
Lo$$ of .i--
Hea&% pain
Bed e1e$
@-/o. $pa$0
;f fu-- condi%ion: %he&e .i-- /e
5io-en% pain in %he hea&%J
di$pe&$e %he poin%
;f e0p%1 condi%ion: %he head
.i-- /e $%iC and %igh%J%onif1
%he poin%
De+c!ency sy#tos of Y!n 7e! Mo and "hong Mo !nclude:
o 60eno&&hea
o ;nfe&%i-i%1
o ?o$%na%a- p&o/-e0$
o @2hau$%ion
o +ep&e$$ion
o ?oo& ci&cu-a%ion
o No%e: a$$ocia%ed .i%h $ign$ of de>cien% /-ood
o Co-dne$$ of -o.e& a/do0en, /ack and e2%&e0i%ie$
o +e>cienc1 of S? G Hea&% con%&i/u%ing %o ci&cu-a%ion
o No%e: if %he$e p&o/-e0$ a&e -inked %o /-ood de>cienc1*
o @2hau$%ion a$$ocia%ed .i%h .eak con$%i%u%ion and
e$pecia--1 .eak dige$%ion
o @0acia%ion
o Mu$c-e a%&oph1, Mu$c-e .eakne$$, ?oo& 0u$c-e %one
o ene&a--1 ph1$ica--1 .eak, ea$i-1 %i&ed and ha$ diFcu-%1
a/$o&/ing nece$$a&1 nou&i$h0en% f&o0 food
Y!n 7e! Mo
Mu$c-e $%&eng%h
o Mu$c-e a%&oph1, Mu$c-e .eakne$$, ?oo& 0u$c-e %one
o ene&a--1 ph1$ica--1 .eak, ea$i-1 %i&ed
@0o%iona- /a-ance
o Vu-ne&a/i-i%1, dep&e$$ion, in$ecu&i%1, fea&, .o&&1, an2ie%1
3a$$ocia%ed .i%h i&&egu-a&i%14
?a%%e&n$ of pu&e e2ce$$ a&e unco00on* Mi2ed pa%%e&n$ of
$%agna%ion and e2ce$$ can occu&*
S%agna%ion in %he che$%, epiga$%&iu0, -o.e& a/do0en, -eg$,
%h&oa%, a&0$
Qi and /-ood, a-%hough Chong 0o i$ 0o&e fo& $%agnan%
/-ood .he&e CV i$ 0o&e fo& $%agnan% Ei
'ea&, .o&&1 and $adne$$ and i%$ eCec% on %he hea&% and %he
Oo. of /-ood
;&&egu-a&i%1 and +e>cienc1
K; Ei o& 1angJfea&
Hea&% /ea%
Bai$e ene&g1 and &educe dep&e$$ion
Ca-0 .o&&1
Y!n 7e! Mo
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o ?C 7 G S? 9
P" ) , SP @
/ Po!nt
De+c!ent .lood
a:ect!ng re#roduct!on
CV 9!%onif1 G 0o2a=
K; 13 if nece$$a&1
"old lower a.doen9
.ac> and e6tre!t!es
CV 9!%onif1!%onif1 G
"old feet
S? 1 G S? "!%onif1 G
"old +ngers
?C A, #, H!%onif1 G
Poor d!gest!on ,
uscle wea>ness
CV 9, CV 1", ST 37!
%onif1 and 0o2a
V 9, V 7, BL "0, BL
"3, ST 37, L; 9
a-%e&na%ing .i%h
7orry due to def2 SP ?!
, .lood
CV 9!%onif1
De#ress!on and an6!ety
due to Def2 4T ?! and
CV 1A!%onif1
BL 1I, BL "0, BL "3,
BL 99, BL 9H, BL I"
a-%e&na%ing .i%h
Ton!fy 0& ?! or yang9 to
cal fear and sta.!l!Ae
CV 9J%onif1
3egulate SP and cal
CV 1"!e5en
"al fear9 an6!ety and
CV 19!di$pe&$e
"al heart .eat and
CV 1A!e5en
"al fear and an6!ety CV "9!e5en
Ton!fy SP ?!9 to ra!se
energy and reduce
V "0!0o2a
"al worry and clear
the M!nd
)in %ang
Y!n 7e! Mo
Ton!fy ?! and .lood to
sta.!l!Ae the eot!ons
ST 37
Yang 7e! Mo
The Great 3egulator
Yang (!n>!ng Vessel
Areas of Body: La%e&a- -eg, Side$ of
La%e&a- Neck G Head, @a&$
BL IA Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao
BL 73 Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui, (hen
Jiu Ju )ing
B 3I Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui, (hen
Jiu Ju )ing
B "H Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao
L; 19 Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
T@ 13 Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
T@ 1I Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui, (hen
Jiu Ju )ing
B "1 Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, (hen Jiu Ju )ing, Shi$i
Jing 'a Hui
S; 10 Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui, (hen
Jiu Ju )ing
B "0 Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui, (hen
Jiu Ju )ing
B 1H Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui, (hen
Jiu Ju )ing
B 1# Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui
B 1A Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, (hen Jiu Ju )ing, Shi$i
Jing 'a Hui
B 17 Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui, (hen
Jiu Ju )ing
B 1I Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, (hen Jiu Ju )ing
B 19 Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, (hen Jiu Ju )ing, Shi$i
Jing 'a Hui
B 13 Qi Jing Ba Mai Kao, Shi$i Jing 'a Hui, (hen
Jiu Ju )ing
V 1I Shi$i Jing 'a Hui, (hen Jiu Ju )ing
V 17 Shi$i Jing 'a Hui, (hen Jiu Ju )ing
1* N&igina%e$ a% BL 73 and a$cend$ %h&ough B 3I
"* 6$cend$ a-ong %he -a%e&a- a$pec% of %he -eg and pa$$e$ %h&ough
%he hip &egion
Yang 7e! Mo
3* 6$cend$ %o S; 10, c&o$$e$ %he $hou-de& 5ia T@ 1I and B "1
9* 6$cend$ a-ong %he neck and 8a. and pa$$e$ an%e&io& %o %he ea&
I* 6$cend$ %o ST # and c&o$$e$ %he pa&ie%a- &egion f&o0 poin%$ B
13!B "0
7* Connec%$ .i%h V a% V 1I, V 17
Yang 7e! Mo
Master Po!nt: T@ I
"ou#le Po!nt: B 91
E! "left Po!nt: B 3I
"oalescent #o!nts: BL 73, B 3I, S; 10, T@ 1I,
B "1,
B 13!B "0, V 17, V 1I
"onnect!ng Mer!d!ans: BL, S;, V, B, T@, ST
&nd!cat!ons: Be%&oau&ic-e, Cheek, Nu%e& Can%hu$
He-p$ /a-ance )in and )ang /ecau$e i% connec%$ a-- of %he 1ang
Moni%o&$ %he Qua-i%1 of @ne&g1
Begu-a%e$ %he $ide$ of %he /od1, ea&$ and head
Ca-0$ h1pe&ac%i5e LB )ang
+i$pe&$e$ LB and B +a0p Hea%
Ba-ance$ Wei Ei 3in pa&%icu-a&4 G )ing Ei
H1pochond&iac pain on $ide$, $cia%ica
@a& p&o/-e0$ f&o0 &i$ing Li5e& >&e
Neck G Shou-de&$
Pa!red w!th: )in Wei Mo, +ai Mo
Yang 7e! Mo
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for GB @B
"lass!cal !nd!cat!ons
for T5 C
'u--ne$$ in che$%
La&ge a/$ce$$ f&o0 ST 1" %o
Bi%e$ cheek$ ea$i-1
S.e--ing a&ound T@ 17
Wan%on $e2ua- de$i&e
Thigh$ .eak .i%h no ene&g1
@1e diDDine$$
Nccipi%a- /one pain
Co-d and chi--
Hea&% pain
Wande&ing /i $10p%o0$
Be/e--iou$ Ei and pan%ing
;&&egu-a& 0en$e$
Bi/cage fu-- and painfu-
6/$ce$$ on /&ea$%
?ain in >5e >nge&$, una/-e %o
g&a$p %hing$
;f fu-- condi%ion: %he e-/o. .i--
$pa$0Jdi$pe&$e %he poin%
;f e0p%1 condi%ion: %he e-/o.
.i-- /e -oo$eJ%onif1 %he poin%
Thi$ channe- i$ 0o&e a$$ocia%ed .i%h e2ce$$ LB!B 1ang and >&e and
.i%h LB!B +a0p Hea%,$%agna%ion %han i% i$ .i%h de>cienc1* The 1in
$ide of %he$e condi%ion$ i$ de>cienc1 in K; Ei o& 1in* <$e o%he& poin%$
%o co&&ec% %he K; de>cienc1, $uch a$ K; 3 G CV 9*
Li5e&,a-- B-adde& 'i&e
Li5e& Ei o& a-- B-adde& Ei $%agna%ion
S%agna%ion of +a0p hea% in %he Li5e& and B channe-$
'&u$%&a%ion, dep&e$$ion, $upp&e$$ed ange&
6/o5e P da0p hea% Q /i%%e&ne$$ and -inge&ing ha%&ed$ and
H1pe&ac%i5e Li5e& )ang .i%h $10p%o0$ of diDDine$$,
headache o& 0o5ing $en$a%ion in %he head= i&&i%a/i-i%1,
h1pe&$en$i%i5i%1, confu$ion and di$o&ien%a%ion* )ou 0a1 $ee
%hi$ pa%%e&n$ .i%h de>cienc1, e2ce$$ of $%agna%ion
Yang 7e! Mo
"o.!nat!on Treatents
6dd %he fo--o.ing co0/ina%ion$ %o B 91 G T@ I
T5 C , GB @B
/ Po!nt "o.!nat!on
(3=GB %!re and stagnat!on
K; 1, V "0!di$pe&$e G
/-eed %ai 1ang
Da# heat eye #ro.les B 1, T@ "3
Da# heat ear #ro.les B ", T@ 1A
Da# heat a:ect!ng GB ,
LB 13, B "
Da# heat leucorrhea CV 9, B "7
Da# heat vag!n!t!s CV 3, LB I
Da# heat ecAea B "0, B 31
4eadaches and de#ress!on B "0, B 19
4eadaches and tra#eA!us
uscle s#ass fro
su##ressed anger
B "0, B "1
%rustrat!on w!th tense
nec> and Daw
T@ 17, T@ 1A
4y#ochondr!ac st!:ness
and #a!n
B "", B "9
4!# #ro.les B "H, B 30
(eg #ro.les B 31, B 3I
4y#eract!ve (3 yang ,
Def2 0& ?!
V "0, B 1, B 19!
CV 9, K; 3!%onif1
4y#eract!ve (3 Yang ,
(3=GB %!re
V "0, B 1, B 19, K; 1J
di$pe&$e , LB 1J/-eed
4y#eract!ve (3 Yang ,
Stagnant (3 ?!
V "0, B 1, B 19, B "1,
S? 7!di$pe&$e

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