Pokemon Learning League Finding Distance

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Pokemon Learning League

Finding Distance
Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Bonnie, Dedenne, Cilan,

Dawn, Piplup, Clemont, Iris and Axew arriving in
Viridian City on a clear night with the stars visible
in the sky and a half moon shining. Dawn looks up
at them.)
Dawn: (sighs.) The stars are really beautiful, arent
Piplup: Piplup.
Clemont: They sure are, and so is the moon
(They continue on down the street.)
Cilan: This is a really nice city.
Bonnie: Yeah, it is.
Dedenne: Dede.
(Bonnies stomach grumbles. Dedennes does the
Clemont: You two getting hungry?
Bonnie: Yeah.
Dedenne: Dede.
Clemont: Come on, lets get to the Pokemon
(They head down the street, arrive at the Pokemon
Center, and head inside.)

Nurse Joy: Hello, there.

Dawn: Hi, Nurse Joy.
Nurse Joy: How can I help you tonight?
Clemont: Wed like to rest up our Pokemon and get
something to eat.
Nurse Joy: Of course. The foods right over there.
(They hand her their Pokemon and head over to
the waiting area. They each grab a plate and head
up to the food stand. Minutes later, they go over
to the table with their food, sit down and start
All (satisfied): Mmm.
Dawn: That was really good.
Clemont: Yeah. You know, this is a pretty nice city.
Bonnie: Hey, guys. Do you think we should check
out more of it?
(Nurse Joy comes over with their Poke Balls, Piplup,
Dedenne and Axew.)
Nurse Joy: Guys, Im happy to say that your
Pokemon are doing much better.
Piplup: Piplup.
Axew: Axew.
Dedenne: Dede.

(They go back to their respective trainers.)

Iris: Thanks a lot, Nurse Joy.
Nurse Joy: No problem.
(She walks away.)
Iris: So, where do you think we should head to
Clemont: Well, right now, its getting late. How
about we decide tomorrow morning?
Dawn: All right. Ill go get a map.
(She gets up from the table, goes over to a corner
and gets a map. She returns to the group.)
Dawn: Here it is
(They finish up their food head over to the
bathroom. Cilan and Clemont go inside, change
into their pajama and bush their teeth. They come
out and Bonnie, Dawn and Iris go in and do the
same thing. Then, they get to their room and get
into their beds.)
Bonnie: So, do you think therell be some good
places to see here?
Iris: Who knows, Bonnie? There might be.
Bonnie: Oh, okay.
Clemont: Well, good night, guys.

(They lay down and fall asleep. Hours later, we cut

an outside shot of the Pokemon Center with the
Sun slowing rising and a golden-yellow color falls
over the Center Then, we dissolve inside where we
see the gang still sleeping and the sunlight slowly
lights up the room. Clemont wakes up, yawns and
stretches his arms. The others do the same.)
Clemont: Morning, guys.
Bonnie: Good morning, Clemont.
Clemont: Did you sleep well, Bonnie?
Bonnie: Yes, I did.
Dedenne: Dede.
Clemont: Well, thats good.
(They get up, stretch out a bit, and fix up the beds.
They then head over to the bathroom to change
into their regular clothing and freshen up. Minutes
later, they head up to the front lobby.)
Nurse Joy: Good morning, everyone.
All: Morning.
Nurse Joy: Did you all sleep well?
Dawn: Yes, we did.
Piplup: Piplup.
(They head over to the food stand and get some
steamed rice, miso soup, grilled fish, tamagoyaki,

natto and nori. Now, they head over to the table,

sit down and start eating.)
All: Ahh.
Piplup (satisfied): Piplup.
Axew (satisfied): Axew
Dedenne (satisfied): Dede.
Iris: Ahh that hit the spot.
Axew: Axew.
Clemont: You said it.
(They finish up their breakfast. Dawn takes out the
map and they all look over it. The map accurately
shows where the cities, forests, caves and
mountains are and the size of them.)
Cilan: Okay, where do you think is a good place?
(They all think for a minute.)
Dawn: How about here?
(She points to Lavender Town.)
Clemont (intrigued): Oh, Lavender Town sounds
good. What do you guys say?
(They all nod their heads.)
Clemont: Okay, its settled then.
Bonnie (thinking): Hmm.

Iris: What is it, Bonnie?

Bonnie: Could we stop to check Pewter and
Cerulean City along the way?
Cilan: Of course we can.
Bonnie: Great. (Curiously.) Oh and how far do we
need to go?
Dawn: Hmm, I dont know. Maybe Ada will know
something about this. (She pulls out the Pokepilot
and calls Ada, who is making some special
breakfast food.)
Ada: Good morning, guys. How are you doing?
Iris: Were doing well, Ada. Uh, what are you
making there?
Ada: Im making some hot congee, har gao, some
cheong fan & cha leung and dim sum.
Iris: Oh, that sounds good.
Ada: Yeah. So, what are you doing?
Cilan: Were going to go to Lavender Town after we
look around the rest of Viridian City.
Ada: Oh, thats interesting.
Dawn: Oh, it will be, but we first need to know how
far we have to go to get there, so do you know how
we can find that out?

Ada: Of course. To do that, you first have to find

the values for the speed and the time. Theyll tend
to vary depending on how fast youre going or how
long itll take you to get somewhere.
Clemont: All right, what else?
Ada: Once youve found those values, now you
multiply them together and you get you answer.
Keep in mind that if the units of time in the speed
value are different from the ones in your time
value, youll have to covert one or the other so
theyre compatible. Like, if the time is in days,
covert them in into the number of hours that make
them up.
Dawn: So, doing that can help out?
Ada: Yes, it can. However, its important to know
that this formula is meant to give a simplistic view
of how youre moving along. It doesnt accurately
reflect your actual movements.
Dawn: Oh, all right.
Ada: So, how about I show you guys something?
Iris: Sure thing.
Axew: Axew.
(Pan right to a side panel.)
Ada: Well, you guys up for it?

Clemont: Yep.
Ada: Okay, then. Here, this boy in Veilstone City is
going to Celestic on his bike at 13 M.P.H. How
many miles will he travel in 7 and a half hours?
Cilan: Hell go 97.5 miles.
Ada: All right, Cilan. This girl is going to Azalea
Town from Violet City on foot. How many miles will
she travel in 4 days?
Bonnie: 288 miles.
Ada: Very good, Bonnie. Finally, this guy is going
16 M.P.H. on his bike from Undella Town to Castelia
City. How many miles will he travel in 3 days?
Dawn: Hell go 1152 miles.
Ada: You got it, Dawn. You guys did very well.
Dawn: Thanks, Ada.
Piplup: Piplup.
Ada: No problem, Dawn. Well, I better get back to
this breakfast. See you guys later.
Bonnie: See you.
Dedenne: Dede
(Clemont puts the Pokepilot away.)
Cilan: So, guys, what do you say we do something
before we get going?

Clemont: All right, Cilan. Lets see if the viewers

want to do it before we start.
Iris: Okay. (She glances over to the viewers.) Hey,
you guys want to do it? (She casually waits for an
answer from the viewers for one second.) Oh,
Axew: Axew.
(Cut to a map of the Kanto region and images of
the gang traveling at certain points.)
Clemont: All right, lets do it. Right now, were
going go from here to Pewter City. How many
miles will we go in 28 hours? (He casually waits for
an answer from the viewers for one second.) 84
miles. All right, then.
Iris: Here, were leaving Pewter and heading to
Cerulean City. How many miles would we go in a
day and a half? (She casually waits for an answer
from the viewers for one second.) 108 miles.
Dawn: Now, here were leaving Cerulean City and
arriving in Lavender Town. How many miles would
we go 2 days? (She casually waits for an answer
from the viewers for one second.) 144 miles. You
got it.
Cilan: Lastly, how many miles would we go in those
four days together? (He casually waits for an

answer from the viewers for one second.) 336

miles. Okay, then.
(Cut back to them and Bonnie casually speaks.)
Bonnie: You guys did great.
Dedenne: Dedenne.
Cilan: Well, lets get going.
(They get up from their table, get their bags and
leave the Center. They head down the street and
come to the Viridian City gym. The big badge
symbol of the gym is carved above the entrance.)
Cilan: This is a pretty impressive-looking gym.
Dawn: Yeah. Whoevers the gym leader here must
be a tough one.
Piplup (agreeing): Piplup, Piplup.
(They continue on down the street. A few minutes
later, they come to a uniquely designed building
with a slanted roof. Iris looks up at it)
Iris: Hey, look at this place.
Axew: Axew.
Clemont: What do you think it is?
Dawn: I dont know.
(As they ponder about it, Bonnie spots a man
walking by. He has short, dark blue hair, brown

eyes, a light green short-sleeved shirt, brown

shorts and white sneakers. She goes up to him.)
Bonnie: Excuse me, sir. What kind of place is that?
(She points to the building.)
Man: Oh, thats the Trainer House. Its where many
tough trainers come to battle each other.
Bonnie: All right, thanks.
(She returns to the others.)
Bonnie: This place is where a lot of tough trainers
come to battle.
Dawn: Thats cool.
(They resume looking around. As they do, they
see various places, from restaurants and cafes to
many Pokemon and food stores.)
Iris: Man, Viridian has a lot of really great places to
eat here.
Axew: Axew, Axew.
Dawn: Yeah, not to mention the stores they have.
Piplup: Pip-Piplup.
Cilan: Speaking of which, we better stop at one and
get some supplies.
Clemont: All right, Cilan.
(They all turn to the audience.)

All: Thank you, guys.

Piplup: Piplup.
Dedenne: Dede.
Axew: Axew.
(Cut to them outside a Poke Market.)
Clemont: That was an interesting episode. Did you
like it? (He casually waits for an answer from the
viewers for one second.) Oh, okay. Then, well see
you next time.
(They all wave goodbye to the viewers and go
inside the market. Then, we iris out to black,
ending the episode.)

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