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Call = Home; I/O = open/close jaws; If locked (Abort all), Go to function (fctn) Abort all.

If still not
working hit (shift) & (Res) same time.

To enter in password type: ROSSI
F1 keys control bottom control menu (How to log in)
Set up
Log in: twice
Fault 27 function will (abort all) Clears programs (How to start program)
Menu -6 set up carries you to password.
Hit F2 again & put in password. Put in password in all CAPS.
Write program hit (select) hit F2 (create).
Choose upper & lower caps.
Shift F1 makes point (The position of Robot).
Select takes you to the screen where you pick programs or create/delete old programs.
Start with these steps to enter in Points: (How to do things in a program).
1. Make sure at top the step is in yellow.
2. Press dead man switch.
3. Make sure it is at point and press enter.
4. \Move to next point. Try and put claw 1 inch above object and press enter for a point.
5. Pickup and make point/to make point shift & point.
6. Point mode (next) bring to (inst) & click F1 pick (2).
7. Enter pick 3 for claw to open and 4 for claw to close.
8. Enter 1 to put in on command.
9. Enter back to point.
To run the program
Hold shift key
Hit forward. This will don one step at a time/Only if in step mode
Step mode has to be activated to do this. Holding shift key & hit backward key (BWD) will run
program backwards.
Note: The first time you run a program do it in step mode. Run at lower speeds.
Step mode needs to be highlighted yellow.

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