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OCTOBER 19, 2014

Welcome! We are glad youre here! We invite you to

seek out the folks wearing the Ask Me badge.
Through them you will find information about the
ministries of alem !eights "hurch and how to
become involved. #lease fill out a $isitor "ard and dro%
it in one of the offering bo&es as you leave or scan this code to go
directly to our website and fill out a visitor card. We have an e&cellent
nursery and %rograms for children newborn through high school. Any
of the ushers will be ha%%y to direct you to the %ro%er classroom. 'f
you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during the
service( the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for %arents with
small children. There is a %rivate room for nursing mothers across the
hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair( changing table and
%ortable crib. )or your convenience( it also includes a monitor to
enable you to still hear and view the service.
Our Purpose...
To reach %eo%le with the love of *esus "hrist( %rovide a safe and
su%%ortive environment( %roclaim the standards of +ods truth(
du%licate the "hristian life in others( and celebrate the ma,esty
and works of -ur +reat +od.
New to Salem Heights?
Sunday Worship
Part 3

A Forotten Prayer Comes To L|fe"

Luke 1:525

Presented by
Pastor ]ust|n Greene


8ut the ane| sa|d to h|m, Do not be afra|d, Zachar|as, for your pet|t|on
has been heard, and your w|fe E||tabeth w||| bear you a son, and you w|||
|ve h|m the name ]ohn." Luke 1:13
Info & News
Club Rocksalt Need
There is still a great need for Club RockSalt leaders on
Tuesday evenings. If you love kids, are available and want to
make an eternal difference, call Russ Libby at 5!"5##"$!.
Trunk R Treat
%riday, &ct. !' at 5()m our )arking lot will be
transformed into a harvest e*travagan+a, There
will be games, candy, )ri+es and a fire truck for
your kids to e*)lore, Invite your friends and
neighbors to our first ever Trunk -R Treat. If you
are interested in hel)ing with this outreach event, fill out the form in the
bulletin and dro) it in the offering bo* on your way out this morning.
Welcome Luncheon
On November 2, after second service, Salem Heights will host our
Welcome Luncheon for all newcomers to the church. If you have
filled out a visitor card within the ast si! months, you will be
contacted with a ersonal invitation from one of our staff members.
However, we want all who are new to Salem Heights "hurch to
feel welcome to attend. Lunch will be rovided and a #uestion and
answer time with the astors, as well as a tour of the church
camus, will be on the agenda for the afternoon. $lease RSVP to
the church office % &'()&**)'+'( if you lan to attend.
Mothers of all
ages and stages
are welcome
to attend!
Childcare is
Special Speaker:
Sweet Moments for Moms
November 7
at 9:30 AM
Join us for brunch, a fall activity and
an encouraging word about

Contentment in our Circumstances
Angi Greene

Please RSVP by November 3
2014 Childrens Christmas Production
Todays rehearsal begins at 4:30pm. This
years production is open to children in 1st thru
8th grade. You are welcome to join the
production even if you missed the first
rehearsal! For more information or questions
contact !rin "ow#ee at erinrow#ee$
%ee&'ee choir will (e availa(le for those
children ages )&*indergarten. The first rehearsal for this group is
+ovem(er ,.
Greenskeeper Ministry
The Greenskeeper Ministry will meet November 1
from 9-12. Please contact Don hiteh!rst at
"#$.$91.%9&' or (cott )!nter at "#$.9$#.2*#* if
yo! have +!estions or wo!l, like to help with the
o!tsi,e maintenance of the ch!rch -ro!n,s.
./01 a.m. #rayer 2 3oom 451
6/55 7 00/55 a.m. Worshi% ervices
6/55 a.m. The "ross 3oad unday chool
8/95 %.m. "hildrens "hristmas #roduction 3ehearsal
:/55 %.m. ;ords u%%er

</55 %.m. The Most =&cellent Way
:/81 %.m. "lub 3ockalt
</55 %.m. Ministry >ight
6/95 a.m. Womens ?isci%leshi%
04/55 %.m. Womens and Mens >oon ?isci%leshi%
:/81 %.m. Ministry >ight
:/55 a.m. Mens ?isci%leshi%
:/81 %.m. The "ross 3oad "ollege +rou%
</55 %.m. The "areers +rou%
This Weeks !"ents
"hildrens Ministry Trunk @3 Treat =vent( -ctober 90
+reensAee%er Work ?ay( >ovember 0( 6/55 a.m. 2 04/55 %.m.
Welcome ;uncheon )or >ewcomers( >ovember 4( 0/55 %.m.
weet Moments )or Moms( >ovember <( 6/95 a.m.
)#>-( >ovember .( 8/55 %.m.
+irls >ight 'n( >ovember 05( </51 %.m.
;ords u%%er and Ba%tisms( >ovember 0:( :/55 %.m.

Important #p$oming !"ents
%i"ing #pdate
The ministry of alem !eights "hurch is funded entirely by the
generous giving of +ods %eo%le. Cou will notice that we do not
%ass the offering %lateD however( there are offering bo&es in the
back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out
of com%ulsion. We believe from the Word of +od that the %irit
of +od will lead %eo%le towards giving back to +od of their first
fruits. ...+od loves a cheerful giver E4 "or. 6/<F and we know
!e blesses those who take !is Word seriously in every regard.
Thank you for %rayerfully su%%orting alem !eights financially as
we desire to reach the lost and disci%le the aints.

T-TA; +'$'>+ G8:(.0.
-ctober Weekly >eed Actual +iving 3eceived
Week 0 G4:(<15 G4.(<.0
Week 4 G4:(<15 G0.(59.
Week 9 G4:(<15
Week 8 G4:(<15
)iscal Cear to ?ate IJ2 2G:5(1.<
"urrent Balance G5
Tuesday evening Club RockSalt grou)s are in
great need of volunteers, If this is an area in
which you would like to serve, )lease contact
Russ Libby at 5!"5##"$!.
&ur .ideo Team is looking for volunteers. If
this is an interest you have, )lease contact /0 /cker at 5!"5##"
$! for more information.
There is a great need for faithful, available and teachable
servants to minister to our C/1S2 students. &ur desire is for
students to be disci)led in their love of 3od, love for others and
heart to reach the world for Christ. If this is a )assion of yours,
contact Tim Saffeels at 5!"5##"$! for more information on
being involved.
can the coded icon below to view o%%ortunities to serve the
body of alem !eights "hurch.
How &an I Ser"e?
S!"e# He$%&t' C&(rc&
)*+ M!,ro-! A.e/ S/
S!"e#0 OR 1*)02

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Yo( c!- !"'o c&ec< t&e
=eb'$te 4or o(r 8o,c!'t/

?('t$- Gree-e
Senior Pastor/Elder
C!r" C&$c!
Pastor of Family Life/Elder
M!tt M!cCo""$-
Pastor of Mens/College/Elder

Lay Elders
C&(c< Moore
Te, Ferr7

)dministration and Staff
#lease see our Mission Boards in the foyer for
current active missionaries.
Ro- Gro.e'

R('' L$bb7
?irector of Ministries

Scott H(-ter
)acilities Manager

A? Ac<er
Music Ministry

T$# S!44ee"'
?irector of tudent
?!'o- Bro=-e""
!igh chool Ministries

E, Re$'ter
"ommunity "onnection

R$c< S#$t&
"ommunity "are

?!7 D(44('
Mens Biblical

L!(r! C&$c!
Womens Biblical
?("$e Ber-!r,
Womens Ministry

G$-! We$%!-,
-ffice taff

C&r$'t! K!&$"$
-ffice taff

Co--$e L$bb7
-ffice taff

?e-- E""$ott
-ffice taff
Part 3
Luke 1:5-25
A Forgotten Prayer Comes to Life

Presented by
Pastor ustin !reene
"#to$er 1%& 2'1(

Lukes writing includes both a touch of artistry and the
very evident influence of his medical background.
Herod, the king of Judea, he writes; then, alongside
that name of horror, he uts a certain riest named
!acharias, of the course of "bia. #ould the contrast
be greater $ the one a monster of ini%uity, the other a
man of integrity& 't is the skilled touch of the artist to
ut two such men in the same sentence. (ne of these
men was a vicious rince; the other man was a virtuous
riest. (ne was a man of e)traordinary talent, drive
and wickedness; the other was a retiring and godly old
man. (ne of them hated *od; the other loved Him.
(ne was a man who murdered his sons, his own
favorite wife, and countless other victims as well; the
other was a gentle minister of the sanctuary. (ne was
an 'dumean, a descendent of +sau; the other was a
Jew, a descendant of Jacob, +saus twin. (ne was a
foreign,born usurer; the other was a native,born
citi-en of 'srael. (ne was a member of an alien and
hostile race; the other was a Levite, the tribe that
furnished 'srael with its riests. (ne man gave 'srael a
scorions nest of sons to lague and torment them;
the other gave 'srael a son, set aart from birth to
become the *od,sent herald of the .essiah. (ne was
Herod, the king of Judea /thanks to the 0omans1; the
other was a certain man named !acharias, of the
course of "bia.

'n Luke, chater 2, *od reaches down and uts a divine
highlighter in the historians hand. 3he life filled with ower,
restige and ublic relations was set aside as *od brings to
our attention a life marked by rayer.


Luke starts by highlighting (ld 3estament romises

!acharias name 4 5ahweh has remem$ere- again.

+li-abeths name 4 .y *od is /my1 fortune, fullness.

./E L0FE "F A F"+!"..E1 P+A2E+

*od oerates in, and insires, a culture of 3rayer
/+)odus 67869,6:; Leviticus 2782,9; ;salm 2928<;
0evelation =8:; :86,91.

*od answers rayer at the rig4t time. *od met them

3heir youthful 3rayer had been forgotten.

3heir sense of anti#i3ation had been relaced
with -oing ,ife.

*ods answers go beyond what we ask or t4ink.

John would be great ... /megas1 /Luke >8<:1.

He would 3artia,,y fu,fi,, an (ld 3estament
romise /.alachi 98=,?1.

*ods answers are often met with -ou$t.

3his is #ommon.

@oubt has #onse5uen#es.

*od is fait4fu, even when we are fait4,ess.

Aote8 6u$missi7e si,en#e often builds anti#i3ation.

*od moves for the $enefit of all ... yet His activity is


Exploring the Gospel of Luke, The John Phillips Commentary Series, John ;hillis, #oyright <77= by
John ;hillis, Bregel ;ublications.

Phone # ## #:
Check a box to indicate which activities you
would like to help with!
October 31
5:00-6:30 PM

Open your trunk and pass out candy
Run games
Help set up
Help tear down
Donate candy
Pray that Christ would be gloriied through this e!ent

"nterested in helping make our irst
Trunk R Treat a smashing success#
$ign up below and drop this orm in a gi!ing bo%&
Trunk R Treat

Phone # ## #:
Check a box to indicate which activities you
would like to help with!
October 31
5:00-6:30 PM

Open your trunk and pass out candy
Run games
Help set up
Help tear down
Donate candy
Pray that Christ would be gloriied through this e!ent

"nterested in helping make our irst
Trunk R Treat a smashing success#
$ign up below and drop this orm in a gi!ing bo%&
Trunk R Treat

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